Cyan in Avalon

By Chickiecheeks15

578 30 0

"Please help me." At the echo of her words, the portal shot open. Cyan felt the cold shock hit her wet face... More

Prologue: The Blue Night ch.0
Closed Minds ch.1
A Heart to Thud in Weakness ch.2
Run Black Rabbit, Run ch.3
Strange Place Called "Avalon" ch.4
Signum ch.6
The Key to Avalon ch.7
Black Iris ch.8
The Land of Spring Lovers ch.9
Uncrying Mourners ch.10
Mark ch.11
People Like Her ch.12
Wings of Volt ch.13
The Need of Whisphering Waters ch.14
Feeding Ghosts ch.15
Behind A Pretty Face ch.16
In Wild Place ch.17
Avalonic Fault ch.18
The Dragon, Lion, Wolf...and Rabbit ch.19
One of Who Ch. 20
Losing Cyan Ch.21
The Silver Beast ch.22
Lava Tears Ch.23
Like A Cursed Treasure Ch.24
With Soft Cries and Teary Eyes Ch.25
Avalon Ch.26
Cyan's Bloom Ch.27
The Tower of Lava Ch.28
Nothing More Terribly Beautiful... Ch.29

Cyan Eyes ch.5

17 1 0
By Chickiecheeks15


They crashed onto the ground with a hard thud. Zethan was swinging himself up but was crushed by Nel's body. He angrily flung him off, Nel rolling and screaming as he landed on a fuzzy pizza.

Zethan shot up to his knees, watching the portal disappear and looking for Cyan in the dark.

She was laying beside them, her body curled up and writhing. She groaned and screamed as she held her forehead. It was burning her and she was crying out in pain. Zethan took her up into his arms, placing his hand on the burn and keeping her still. He brought her close, rocking them back and forth and shushing her as she cried.

As she began to calm Zethan looked around at what Nel had already started to complain about.

They were in a dark small room, with the ground covered in stains, dishes, food, and other unidentifiable things. The windows were blocked, blankets having been nailed to the wall. Zethan turned to a mountain of clothes which was supposedly a bed, although he wasn't sure one was actually there. It smelled deeply of Cyan, deeply enough to convince Zethan she had spent the majority of her life in them.

Nel was tiptoeing to the door, his arms drawn closer to his body in disgust. He drew open the door, and it creaked and groaned. Little light was let in, but it seemed like more than this room was used to. Roaches and spiders scurried around, alarmed at the light.

Zethan stood, with Cyan in his arms. He stared down at the girl. Her hair was back to its dark blue, her skin pale, her body thin and pathetic, giving her a sickly and strange appearance.

She fits right in, he thought.

He groaned tiredly, looking back and walking out of the room with Nel.

Nel was screaming in disgust as he washed his shirt in a sink. Again the surroundings caught Zethan's eye.

It was a brightly lit and elegant place, clean and organized. Polar opposite to that of Cyan's room.

Zethan grew irritated.

"Uh! She should clean--no, no, 'clean' is an understatement! She should fucking burn that room! Spray it with holy water, call a priest, a doctor--a fucking exorcist to take that room apart!" Nel spat as he scrubbed himself with soap.

Zethan leaned against the doorway, thinking of what he had seen.

She had looked so different then.

He stared down at the pathetic shriveled girl in his arms.

A shuffling sounded, and the men froze. It came from another room. Somebody was awake.

The men hurriedly ran inside Cyan's room, Zethan having to shove Nel back inside. Zethan shut the door, and Nel turned the lock.

Just outside the door the floorboards creaked. Then the doorknob shook violently.


The men froze, staring, baffled. Cyan woke with a start, scrambling down to the ground. She glanced to the men, then around her room. She hurriedly pointed to under her bed, and Nel caught on. He pushed Zethan under the bed, squeezing in beside him.

Once they were hidden Cyan unlocked the door. It swung open, and Eris's hand slapped Cyan harshly across the face. Zethan froze and expected Cyan to fall to the ground, but she took the slap silently.

"Don't you ever lock the door in my face again. You hear?" Eris snapped.

Cyan was silent, and she nodded. Zethan could see her shrink.

Eris's hand came to her hair, inspecting it.

"What is this!? Why is it lighter Cyan!? Don't tell me you've gone and dyed it! Don't you fucking understand anything!!?"

Eris shoved Cyan back, and Cyan stumbled onto the mucky floor. Zethan could see her hair darken, her skin grow paler, her eyes more hollow.

As she continued screaming Zethan's fingers wrapped around the metal links that held Cyan's bed up. They bent under his force. He grinded his teeth at every insult, his eyes glowing a fiery orange.

Nel grew nervous beside the trembling beast.

"Who was in here!?" Eris yelled. "I heard them, Cyan! Don't you fucking try to lie to me!"

Eris began to look around the room. She eventually turned to the bed, and lifted the bedskirt.

Nel stared at her. He faced his palms at her, staring at her wide blue eyes. His palms glowed a yellow green, matching his eyes. She froze, entranced. Then her eyes looked up and down the underside of the bed. She stood back up, angrily turning to Cyan.

"If it turns out you brought anyone here I swear I'll make it so you live in a fucking doghouse."

Eris left.

Nel and Zethan exited underneath the bed, and stood. Cyan had stood as well, dusting herself off and not looking at the two. Her eyes were already watery, deeply black and empty. Zethan took one sorry glance at her before growing furious.

"Why do you let her treat you that way?" He spat in a hushed voice.

Cyan turned up to him. A tear streamed down her face, but her face itself was blank and serious.

"Because I killed her sister and mother."

Zethan's eyes shot up to her.

The room had gone tensely silent. Nel stood, completely dumbfounded and confused. Zethan eyed Cyan in a suspicious manner.

"Why do you think that?" He asked carefully.

"Because she's told me. And why not? I was probably such a freak I lit that fire."

Her eyes were back to being holes in her pale face. Her hair as dark as if it were black. She walked around the men, laying on her bed and shutting her eyes.

"You guys can leave now."

Zethan grinded his teeth in fury. He turned to the door and swung it open. The door slammed into the wall, cracking under his force.

Cyan turned and jumped out of bed as she realized what he was doing. She ran to him as he marched down the hall. She clutched and grabbed at him, trying to pull him back but only being dragged.

"Stop Zethan--No! No please!!" She quietly screamed.

Although Nel began to help, he was unstoppable. He flung open the door to Eris's room, Eris jumping from her bed in alarm. He marched to her, grabbing her shirt and pinning her up on the wall with one hand. He glowered up at her with his furious glowing orange eyes.

"Don't you ever come one step towards Cyan ever again!! Don't lay a hand on her--don't even look at her!!" Zethan growled up at her.

Eris choked in fear, her wide blue eyes locked on Zethan's.

"You only make her depressed--how could you expect her to answer you if you keep beating her down!!? So you listen to me--you're lucky this is her home because otherwise I would take her away and never let her return. But you would probably enjoy that wouldn't you!?"

He grinned at her fear, finding it ironic.

"You'll never be like your sister was."

He finally released her, Cyan hurrying to her crumpled sister's side. Zethan took hold of Cyan's shirt and dragged her away. Cyan turned to Nel, pleading with her eyes.

Nel nodded at her and shut Eris's room door behind him as his hands glowed a light green again.

Zethan took Cyan back into her room and sat her down on her bed.

"--And you. You. You fucking stole some of my power. And--" Zethan stopped, his lips going tight.

Cyan watched as he sighed angrily and laid his head on her mattress, sitting before her.

"Stop looking so damn scared and pathetic all the time." He sighed. "I thought that was just how you were...but now I know that you aren't."

Cyan jumped as Zethan's orange serious eyes turned up to her. He looked directly at her, a slight frown on his face. He took her face in his hands and stared at her.

He tried to imagine her eyes glowing like they had before, her hair luminescent, a smile on her lips, and maybe a confident frown.

Cyan began to struggle, her cheeks flushing as she recalled how she had let him wipe away her tears on the night they met.

Zethan grinned at the squirming red faced girl.

"I will get that look out of you. I will." He grinned.

Cyan was terribly confused. She stared up at Zethan until he let her go. He then threw himself on her bed beside her, a grin on his face.

Nel entered shortly after, looking to Cyan.

"She won't remember it, don't worry."

Cyan nodded, holding her arms closer to herself as she turned back to Zethan. Nel noticed and scoffed.

"So indecent! Sleeping on a lady's bed. But sorry, we're all sleeping in this room tonight. I don't want that girl finding us sleeping on the couch and call the cops." He stared at Cyan. "And Cyan..." His voice cut off.

Cyan turned up to him. He smiled.

"...You should really clean your room."

Cyan watched him as he cleared a spot beside the door and laid down. She sat silently for a while, wondering whether she should give up her bed to Zethan or not. It had been a while since she slept on her bed, and she craved to be within its warmth.

She glanced back at Zethan, who had fallen asleep with his face to the wall. She carefully laid next to him, keeping close to the edge.

But her usual habit kept her from sleep. She wanted something to bury her face in.

She searched her memories of what was in the room besides the pillow and blanket that Zethan was laying on. All her other clothes were in her closet, but Cyan didn't dare get up and risk waking the two men in her room.

Something brushed by her back, and Zethan's arm swung over her.

Cyan went as still as if she were a statue. She dared not breathe, or even shut her eyes.

Zethan's slow breathing continued.
She glanced to his sleeping face above her. He was fast asleep.

He's probably never had a proper bed.

She then turned down to look at Zethan's exposed chest. He had his arm over her and the other beneath the pillow. Cyan was in the perfect position to inch closer and snuggle into his chest.

She thought of it and her face went hot. Her heart sped.

She stared back up at him, his sleeping face still sleeping.

Then she carefully stretched, as if she were just shifting in her sleep. She turned to Zethan, sinking into the section of the mattress he was sinking, and was pressed against his warmth.

She could smell his earthy scent.

She breathed slow, sighing.

But he tensed.

Cyan jumped and turned up to Zethan. His wide orange eyes stared back at her.

There was a thick silence.

His arms shoved her off the bed, causing her to fall on her face and roll onto the ground. She turned back at him, her face red. He glared at her, his own face red as well, and turned back to the wall.

Cyan stayed on the ground.


The next morning Cyan woke with Nel above her. He was about to lift her off the ground, but froze when he saw her eyes flit open.

He covered her mouth quickly, bringing her up and turning to something bright.

Cyan froze at the portal.

It was diamond shaped, with light green currents flowing quickly inside of it. Its borders were a thick black wood, and elegantly decorated with carvings of lions. Nel brought her closer, his lips tight.

She kicked and thrashed, placing her feet on either side of the portal and pushing herself away.

Nel wrestled with her, glancing worriedly at Zethan, who was still sleeping. But when Cyan bit down on Nel's thumb, he yelled out in pain. Cyan lunged in Zethan's direction.

"Zethan!! Zethan--Zethan!!"

Zethan woke immediately, and swung up just as Nel threw Cyan in the portal and drew the portal closed. He caught the dark wooden key, a small coin-sized sculpture of a lion's face with the back side flattened.

He met Zethan's eyes and laughed nervously.


Cyan stumbled up to her feet.

She was in a room.

Considerably large, but still just a room.

She tiptoed around it.

She found screens on one wall, with multiple video games set on pause. Controllers were everywhere, wireless. She found multiple electronic devices, some recognizable, others unlike anything she had ever seen. She even found a room which was circular, like a giant cylinder, and had a ground which moved with her movements. When she took a step, she stayed in the same spot, with only the ground beneath her moving.

She stepped out and poked around more.

Rock music blasted, the whole room changing colors. Robots were brought to life by the music, making them dance around the room joyfully. Cyan watched in amusement as one robot picked up a bunch of bolts and offered it to the other. The other yelled in delight, and they began to dance.


"What do you mean 'her friend is chasing me'!? What did I tell you about including others!?" Amyth groaned.

"Amyth--just send them!! I don't have time to deal with your naggin--"

The tree Nel had been hiding behind was uprooted, Nel gawked up at Zethan. His eyes were furious.

Nel scrambled up to his feet, sprinting fast.

"Send them, Send them, Send them!!" Nel quickly hung up and ducked into a café.

He straightened himself and sighed, walking casually to the cashier.

"May I get just a cup of chamomile tea, and a croissant madam?"

Maybe...just maybe.

The girl behind the counter was short and cute. Her brown short hair hung around her shoulders, a pin holding back her bangs. She wore her uniform, a black t-shirt with the light brown apron hung over her. She smiled at him with rosy lips and deep brown eyes.

"Yes sir. Right away."

Nel smiled at her, leaning casually on the counter as she served him.

"How has your day been?" She asked cheerfully.

"Oh it's been just wonderful. I woke up, got ready, and headed to work as usual."

"Oh? You work?"

"Yes yes, at a bookstore not far from here."

"Oh really? I like to read books. I like the adventures they can trap me into, you know?"

"Yeah, I know all about it." He chuckled.

The door opened. Nel smiled to himself. There was a table of old ladies playing bingo games before the door. Zethan would have to be civiliz---

Zethan stepped ontop of the table. His dirty heavy boots broke the plates as he sprinted across. He dropped down and swung a quick fist at Nel's smiling face.

Nel skid across the ground as the girl screamed.

Zethan stomped up to Nel and clutched his shirt, swinging two more punches at his face.

"You fucking ass!!! Where is she!!!? Bring her back before I snap your neck!!!" He yelled, furious and trembling with rage.

Nel brought his own fist up to Zethan, striking him successfully. Nel punched at him until he had gained the advantage, only to lose it two seconds later. They flung each other around the café floor, their faces bloodied.

The whole building was empty, everyone having left at the brutal fight going on. Now the café was in ruins, with the two men still grunting and punching.

An elegant pale foot, wearing a pale golden brown heel, clicked as she stepped in. A matching flowing dress, extravagant yet simple, swayed behind her. Her body moved confidently, stern and daunting. She stepped up to the pair, who both froze.

They turned up to look at her.

Her eyes glowered down at them. They were a beautiful violet, edged in long lashes, and decorated with golden eyeshadow which glittered beautifully with the rest of her. Her golden hair was held in large swoops across her head, forming a thick ponytail which fell across her shoulders like a waterfall. Her rosy familiar lips sneered down at them with a haughty smile.

Nel sat there, his lips spreading into a dumb smile. He ran his fingers through his hair, stumbling up to his feet and wrapping his arms around her waist.

"Amyth! I didn't think you were going to come!"

He leaned in closer to attempt to kiss her but she grabbed his face and pushed him away. She cleared her throat as two other people appeared behind her.

One was a tall and broad man. He wore a wide stupid grin edged in red stubble. His red hair was stuck into various spikes. His eyes were a deep green, apparently majorly amused.

The other was very strange.

He was more of an alien than anything. His skin was a rough sort of white smooth rock, only becoming softer around his joints. He had no eyes, but only a straight stern nose and tightly frowning lips. It was as if he had been born without them. His arms were thicker than a normal human's would be, with giant spikes protruding from his skin as if they were clubs. He had thick black chains wrapped round his neck and across his bare chest.

The tall red-haired man elbowed the alien at the sight of Zethan.

"Woo! Would you look at that ponytail Kodal! It's a scorpion's tail!"

Zethan stared.

So the alien is called Kodal.

Kodal said nothing, but turned to Zethan as if he had eyes. It was beginning to creep Zethan out.

Amyth stood before Zethan as he stood as well.

"Sir, you are to come with us--"

"Zethan." He corrected.

"--to The Twelve Headquarters. Do not interrupt me while I speak." Amyth hissed.

"I'm not going anywhere until I get Cyan back."

Zethan grabbed Nel's shirt.

"And neither is he."

"Well I apologize, sir. But it is not up for negotiations." Amyth grinned. "Five. Kodal."

Zethan turned to find Kodal's spiked fist an inch from his face. Zethan was struck down, but came up with his own fist. He struck Kodal hard and fast, but yelled in pain as his knuckles cracked. Kodal didn't budge.

Zethan jumped back, bringing out his dagger. Kodal now seemed to back off as well.

"He's strong." Kodal said in a robotic cold voice.

"Oh?" Five said with a smile.

"That punch should've broken his arm. It cut his knuckles."

"Let me have a try at him! Oh please! Please!" Five yelled excitedly.

Five was jumping up and down like a child. His deep green eyes on Zethan. Kodal turned to him.


Five yelled and grinned. Zethan watched as black chains formed from his wrists, coiling up his  muscular arms. They stacked upon each other, until they became like boxing gloves made of chains that extended up the arms.

Five stepped up to Zethan, and Zethan glowered at him, which Five seemed to enjoy.

Before Five could do anything Zethan swung a swift punch at his cheek. He came back with one to Zethan's stomach, but Zethan had jumped up and kicked Five's face. Five was flung back, and Kodal caught him.

"You are much too slow, Five." Kodal said.

But Five was howling in laughter.

"That's enough rough-housing gentlemen! Truly you people make me sick!" Amyth scolded.

Then Zethan turned to find Kodal punching at him again. This time his fist was harder, and Zethan stumbled in pain. Before he could recover Kodal kicked his face, and Zethan stumbled into the portal.


When the portal had opened Cyan had come running to it, hoping to rush back. But when she lunged for it, Zethan's giant back blocked her path.

He fell upon her as she squealed and gasped. He shot up and lunged for the portal, but it had gone.

He shouted angrily, grinding his teeth.

As Cyan sighed he turned down to look at her.

"So they sent me where you were..."

"'They'?" Cyan coughed.

"The Twelve."

Cyan sat up and sighed.

"I thought you were going to help me get out, not come in here yourself..." Cyan muttered under her breath.

"Fuck you! There were a lot of them okay!?"

Cyan jumped when he responded, her cheeks flushing.

"I-I'm sorry! I didn't think--"

Zethan glared at her, and she closed her mouth.

"Where are we?" Zethan asked after an awkward silence.

"I think we're in Nel's Avalon."

Zethan turned to her.

"You his own world. But...smaller." Cyan said, looking around.

Zethan also looked around, wondering if there was also a guardian of this other Avalon. Someone like him.


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