The Bluenettes of Sabertooth:...

By sopeismymelanin

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Levy and Juvia are being ignored by Fairy Tail, ever since the GMG .The only people who pay attention to the... More

Chapter 1 : The Rundown
Chapter 2 : Village of Rose
Chapter 3 : The Cebalia
Chapter 4: Unexpected Events
Chapter 5: Enchanted Luck
Chapter 6: New awakenings
Chapter 7 : True Introductions
Chapter 8: The Ball
Chapter 9: Training
Chapter 10 : Leaving Home
Chapter 11: Earthland
Chapter 12: Sabertooth
Chapter 13: Mission?
Chapter 14 : Lazy Days Are Here To Stay
Chapter 15: A Train or a Tour?
Chapter 16 : Kaylanie
Chapter 17: Persephone's Back
Chapter 18 : A Broken Man's Story
Chapter 19 : The Training Grounds
Chapter 20: Crocus
Chapter 21: Where have you been?
Chapter 22: A Second Day Away
Chapter 23: People Don't Know Anything
Chapter 25: Double The Trouble
Chapter 26: Did we win...or lose?

Chapter 24: Ryutzu Land

502 14 1
By sopeismymelanin

Rogue was sleeping soundly in his bed, Frosch curled up with him snoring. Rogue went to sleep late because Levy wouldn't leave him alone to talk about books. He didn't mind her company at all, he was just exhausted when she left. So there he was sleeping in for once.

He's door slammed open but Rogue didn't budge. "Get the hell up man!"

Rogue groaned as he rolled over. His blood red eyes met the electric blue of his brother Sting."What?"

"Nothing, I'm just bored" Sting admitted laying down on his bed. Lector flew in lazily, most likely still half asleep and passed out next to Frosch.

"Get out Sting" Rogue ordered falling back on his face. Sting didn't listen to him though.

"Bookworm wear you out huh?" Sting teased him with his hands behind his head. Rogue didn't answer which confirmed Sting's question. "Should have let her sleep here. I found her sleeping downstairs last night"

"Just leave me alone" Sting laughed at him and kept on teasing him. "What about you and Rainwoman?"

Sting stopped laughing and stared back at his brother who sat up like himself."What about her?" Sting felt weirdly nervous at the mention of the girl.

"You were with her last night right? With Zayn and her sisters too?" Rogue asked again raising an eyebrow at him and his behavior.

"Oh oh huh...yeah about that were going to that waterpark later" Sting informed him about the news Juvia had passed on.

"Ugh fine, now leave" Rogue fell back down. Sting still didn't budge.

"No. I need to ask you about something. What are we going to do with Fairy Tail?"Sting asked getting serious. Rogue opened his eyes and sighed. "I don't doubt they're strong now but those Fairies only get stronger"

"Sting, I have absolutely no idea. Let Juvia and Levy handle what they want at the games and if we need to step in then... we will," Rogue said not sure himself of what was going to happen.

"These girls are going to kill us. I swear" Sting grunted smiling a little as he stared into the darkness.

"No kidding," Rogue said sitting up. He rubbed his eyes and got out of bed. "Let's eat"

"Sure thing" Sting followed him out leaving the exceeds alone to sleep. They might not know what to do about those mysterious girls but eating couldn't hurt in the process of revelation.

Juvia left her room with Ski behind her. She was woken up by the sound of a door loudly slamming open. She tried falling asleep but didn't even have the energy to close her eyes. She walked down the halls in her pyjamas --baggy pants and tank top--.

Juvia was on her way to the kitchen when she passed a window and noticed Serena outside. Ski kept walking ahead of her while Juvia went into the hotel garden.

Serena was doing push ups when Juvia had entered the area. Juvia thought she didn't notice her at first until she whipped a branch at her making Juvia shriek.

"Oh hello Juvia" Serena greeted her once she turned around and got a look at her target.

"Eh h-hello. What was Serena doing?" Juvia asked cautiously watching out for any other flying object that might come her way.

"Just doing some small warm ups. Care to join me?" Serena suggested to Juvia who looked down at her attire, knowing it wasn't up to par.

"Huh Juvia isn't dressed to workout," Juvia mumbled fiddling with her hair.
"None sense! You can work out just fine," Serena grabbed Juvia's arm and forced her to the ground."Now start with some pushups!"

"B-but but--" "No buts now go!" Juvia immediately got to work in fear of Serena. She felt a weight on her back amd noticed Serena was now sitting peacefully counting her sets. Juvia was oddly reminded of Igneel's training and felt a wave nostalgia creep up on her.

"That's the spirit! Now start crawling! " Juvia sweat dropped at her but complied and did just as she ordered.

Levy skipped her way down the stairs with Persephone walking silently behind her. They were both still in pyjamas and Persephone seemed to be in a fooler mood.

"Would you lighten up!" Levy pouted to Persephone who turned away.

"If you hadn't come into my room screaming, I would still be asleep and happy" Persephone grumbled irritated, she was having a great dream about her beloved and Levy just had to come and ruin it.

"Oh are you still on that" Levy giggled then went up to her ear with a cheeky smile "At least now you can see Zayn face to face instead of in your dreams"
Persephone blushed begrudgingly at her comment and speed walked farther away from her while Levy laughed out loud as she caught up.

"What's so funny?" Sierra asked as they entered the kitchen. Calum was next to her , both eating a bowl of cereal.

"Oh Persephone just mad because she can't dre--" Levy stopped as a staff pushed her back

"I will burn your house down" Persephone pushed her staff into Levy's neck. Levy smiled at her and made a motion of zipping her mouth.

"Where'd her staff come from?" Calum asked bewildered. Sierra shrugged and went back to eating.

"Shouldn't you guys wait? I though we were all going to eat together" Levy sat down on the island.

"Yeah, the cooks already got the food ready" Sierra stated through a full mouth.

"Oh alright but then why..."

"Could you not speak with a full mouth it's disgusting and unlady like" Persephone scolded her.

"Unlady like...unlady like...huh. Like this" Sierra gulped, down more cereal and chewed in Persephone's face

"You know your darling Calum boy isn't going to notice you like that" Persephone smirked as Sierra gave her confused look. Calum blushed slightly and turned his head to his bowl. "See"

"Lay off Persephone, she's just being herself" Sting came into the room and glared at Persephone who shrunk back to the side once she remembered what he said when she came back home. Rogue eyed her as well but with a different look that made her feel at the same.

"Whatever I'll be in the dining room" Persephone swiftly left the kitchen, not wanting to talk confront her siblings.

Rogue sat down next to Calum and looked around "Where are the others?"

"Probably still sleeping. What a lazy ass guild" Sierra snorted at her own comment making Levy roll her eyes playfully

"You're one of them Sierra" she pointed out making the others in the room nod in agreement.

Sierra pouted at Levy and was about to say something back, but felt to tired to and simply waved her off "My point exactly"

Levy giggled as Sierra glared down at the table in embarrassment. She was an easy target for the bookworm.

The door slammed open as a sweaty Juvia and Serena came jogging into the kitchen then stopped to catch their breath.

"Nice work Juvia, you can really keep up with me. I even had a little difficulty in that race " Serena praised as she wiped sweat from her forehead.

"Juvia has always been very determinated at keeping herself in shape" Juvia answered rubbing her toned stomach through her tank top.

Sting and the others were more than confused at the sight. A sweaty Juvia in pyjamas with an equally as sweaty Serena running into the kitchen didn't seem as strange as what they were usually like back when they trained but was pretty much up there.

"Hey Juvia and... Serena" Levy greeted ignoring the scene. Said girls finally noticed the people in surrounding them.

"Oh hello Levy when did you get here? " Serena asked oblivious as always. The girl was a genius and an airhead, all together.

"I err... just got here" Levy sweat dropped at the girl.

"Us too" Juvia said heading towards the fridge. Sting followed her movement with his eyes seemingly studying her. Rogue noticed him and raised an eyebrow.

"Did Ski not come through here yet?" Juvia asked looking around. She was also heading to the kitchen in the first place but Serena had stopped her.

"She might be in the dining room with Persephone" Calum said to Juvia pushing away his now empty bowl.

Juvia nodded and walked out the room with Serena.

"Looks like we should follow" Levy said.

The others followed them out and headed to the dining room. The found the others, it seemed as though they were the late ones to breakfast.

Juvia sat down next to Ski and Levy was on her other side with Autumn next to her. Serena sat in front of Juvia in between Persephone and the sleeping Zayn. Aqua sat down with Momo and Kona at her sides and Elie and Jin further down. Mist, Zazie and Asi faced them. Sting and Rogue occupied the places at each end of the table with Calum and Sierra sitting next to one of them. Minerva also made her way in and say down next to Sierra on the ever growing table.

"Where's the food!?" Sting growled banging his hands on the table. He was lucky Juvia was at the other end so she couldn't stop him but Minerva was and put him back in his place.

"Be patient Eucliff!" Minerva scolded him with the back of her hand. Sting shrunk back in his seat in fear.

"Don't let her touch me" Sting whispered to Juvia. Juvia looked back at his now empty seat and blinked. When did he even run to her? She would never know.

"Aww come on dragon boy, Minerva ain't gonna hurt ya'. Grow a pair " Aqua slurred pouring liquid in her coffee.

"Yes she is!" Sting argued as Juvia tried pushing him off her seat."Would you stop that nymph! "

"Juvia would like you to leave so NO!" Juvia punched him the face and finally let go and fell to the ground.

From some way of nature Sting was already back at his seat clutching his face. "How does he keep on doing that?" Ski asked leaning for Rogue to answer.

"Stupidity has a way with him" Rogue answered with uninterested eyes.

"Even you Juvia! I thought--Food!!" Sting stopped whining --to everybody's joy-- and drooled as the food made it's way to the table.

"See he just can't help himself" Rogue said shaking his head at his brother.

"Some brother you are!" Sting yelled over the table. Rogue ignored him and turned away.

"Speaking of brothers" Sierra said grabbing a fork "Where's ours ?"

"Sting and Rogue are already here" Mist said thinking she was helping.

"No kidding idiot. They mean the little brat Naty or something" Momo said rolling her eyes at Mist who 'ooehd' in response.

"Then I don't know" she shrugged and went to stuff her face. Aqua laughed her ass off at Momo's annoyed expression.

"He's most likely still sleeping in" Rogue answered his sister's question.

"Good the less of that little brat the better" Minerva groaned cutting into her omelet. She didn't like the little Ravey --like most of the guild-- since he had a poor attitude and almost no respect for his elders.

Juvia frowned at that but kept to herself. She was growing fond of the boy ever since she met him. He just seemed a little misunderstood in her opinion.

"Urrrhhh Serena..." Zayn's voice grumbled throughout the area as he woke up. Serena had kicked him from under the table in attempt to wake him up.

"Good morning Zayn. Eat" She pushed a plate of food to him and went back to her own plate. He leaned up and started devouring his plate of food.

"What kept you up last night? I didn't see you in your-- I mean I didn't notice you going back to your room" Persephone corrected herself. She didn't want anyone to know about her small spying --observing-- she did last night.

"That goddamn Serena almost killed me with her anime movies" Zayn groaned making Serena smirk widely at the memory. Persephone gripped her fork tightly and put on a forced smile.

"Oh I see" Persephone spat. She wanted nothing more then to be the one who watched movies all night with her beloved. The thought alone made her swoon silently.

"Finish eating people. We'll be heading to the water bus," Minerva said the last part silently so the dragon slayers wouldn't here. Sting and Rogue paled.

'What!?Can't we just walk!?" Sting pleaded hopefully.

"No it's completely on the other side of the city and little farther from where we are this year. It'll take hours if we walk idiot" Minerva informed him as she stoop up. "It's only going to be an hour and a half ride you can do it"

Sting fell over crying in defeat. Rogue was much calmer then him but anyone could tell he didn't want to get on as much as Sting.

"Oh get up and go get dressed" Minerva ordered as she headed out the dining room. The others soon left as well to get ready themselves.

Levy was currently changing in her room. Kona, Mist, Autumn and Persephone were with her as well. They were already dressed and ready to leave but waited for Levy to come out.

"So Per', how's you and Zayn been going?" Levy asked from the closet. Persephone blushed.

"Levy! They don't know!!" Persephone panicked trying to salvage the situation.

"Almost everybody knows about it. Not to mention Levy told me like last week" Autumn added as she flopped down onto the orange bed.

"Yeah I heard some guild members gossiping about it before we left. No biggy" Mist said making Persephone somehow pale and blush at the same time."Now answer how's it going?"

Persephone sighed and regained her normal color "Nothing really... we've been talking so I don't know..but I'm not losing hope," she left her enormous jealously and envy for Serena out. She was never going to admit to that .

"That's the spirit. Maybe you can stick to him at the park," Kona suggested shaking her eyebrows mischievously.

Persephone thought about it and it seemed like a good idea. "I suppose it could work"

Levy walked out in a sheer black shirt and orange shorts. Her beach bag over her shoulder "Be careful you have some comp--"

"Oi! You guys ready or what?!" Calum banged at the door repeatedly, interrupting Levy mid sentence.

"We're coming!Looks like we'll need talk about this later. Come on" Levy said opening the door to find Calum with his hand held up. "Hello"

She passed him and headed down the stairs. Kona pushed him out the way -- accidentally-- and walked down with the others leaving Calum by himself. " Hey wait up!"

They met up with the rest of the group outside. The sun was up and shining brightly down on them. The whole group that being --The Wicked sisters, The Ravey family plus exceeds, The Lorez duo, The Orlando cousins, Serena, Jordie, Yukino, Orga and Rufus-- gathered in front of the large bus.

Sting was shaking as he looked up at death trap. He looked around cautiously then tried to make a run for it. He turned around to find Minerva staring back at him with a raised eyebrow in a dark purpel cover up dress.

"Going somewhere? " she asked

"N-no just wanted to check out that tree. The one behind you" Sting stuttered then attempted to run past her. She punched his stomach, knocking him out cold.

"Was that really necessary?" Juvia asked walking up to them in a blue high-low skirt and white turtleneck shirt tucked into it.

"Maybe not but couldn't hurt can it" Minerva answered then looked back down at Sting and chuckled at her work.

Juvia shook her head and motioned for Rogue to come and bring him inside the bus. At least they wouldn't have to deal with his moaning the whole way there.

They were all hurried into the bus by Minerva. Rogue threw Sting down next to him in a seat. The bus was designed in a way that four people would face each other. Sierra faced Rogue and Calum faced Sting.

Juvia, Aqua, Mist and Levy were on the other side of them facing each other. Everyone was settled into their seats. Minerva stood up from next to Yukino. "Alright people Sting is down so no need to worry. Enjoy the trip and don't piss me off. Get it moving driver!!"

The bus driver honked on the horn and got straight on the road. The Sabertooth guild bus drove onto a nearby highway to save time.

Levy was already nose deep in a book while the others talked with themselves. Juvia watched the people of Crocus pass them by.

"Juvia still can't believe that we're on a bus," Juvia said to anyone that would listen.

"Who knew Jiemma would pay for this bitch, never been in one myself until now" Aqua slurred taking a gulp out of her flasque.

To answer any questions, the concept of the bus is fairly new to the land of Fiore. Most people have never heard or even seen one for many reasons but mostly because of the youth of their release and they caust a pretty penny. Being in one is a privilege.

"It's so big in here!But where's the food!?" Mist whined searching her bag for any form of food. She groaned in disappointed once she found nothing but clothes.

"Oh who needs food just get me a drink!" Aqua cheered putting up her drink in the air. Mist leaned back, defeated and didn't respond to her drunk sister.

Levy looked up for a moment lost at their conversation and went back to her book having nothing to say.

"Oi! Sting!" Sierra tried shaking the man awake. They arrived at the parking lot and were all leaving the bus. Sting was yet to wake up and Sierra was given the duty to wake her brother up which proved to be no easy task.

Juvia peeked her head back in and saw Sierra's difficulty. Blinking she spoke up "Sting, just get up already"

In an instant he sprung up and ran out the bus. Sierra was wide eyed at the calm Juvia who simply nodded and left her view. Sierra hurried out before she was locked in by the driver.

The Sabertooth guild walked into Ryutzu land with awe. All of them besides Juvia and Levy had never been to the giant waterpark. All of the guilds were already there wreaking havoc across the place. Everyone had gone to change and were clad in swimsuits.

"Wow! This place looks so shiny!Isn't it just great?" Elie said in a brown and pink one piece swimsuit. "Guys? Guys ..."

Elie was surrounded by her guild members one second then was left alone with no one but her and Autumn who was left behind by Levy.
"Wanna go eat?" Elie shrugged and headed off with her in the vast park.

Persephone was left with Serena --with no one else around-- ,Zayn was long gone and Persephone was following Serena thinking she would be with him. She peeked over to Serena who was walking peacefully next to her in a gold string bikini.

Persephone herself was in a pale pink strapless bikini, her staff was held firmly in her left land. She smirked knowing how great she looked in the piece. She was lost in her own world as thought about Zayn's reaction once he would see her in it.

"So this is where you've been huh. Nice" Serena snorted stopping at a pool. She watched a blond man flip her the bird in response. Persephone snapped back to reality once she took notice to his presence. "Strange match don't ou think?"

She was indeed speaking to Zayn who was in dark green swim trunks. Under his usual clothes was --a silver native like tattoo-- it took over almost half of his chest. Persephone didn't waste any time staring at his bear chest. He was with an excited Minerva who would not stop splashing him even as he spoke now.

"Why is she so...unMinerva?" Serena asked noticing her behavior.

"She took some pill thinking she was taking an asprin" Zayn grunted wiping the water from his face. "She got it from Orga so no surprise there"

Serena nodded laughing internally at the situation. Persephone was lost in Zayn's physic to speak as Serena took a seat at the end of the pool, her feet in the water. Persephone would eventually wake up and realise where she was.

Levy, Mist and Kona wandered around the park. Levy was in an orange and black bikini --Juvia, the rest of the Wicked sisters and herself made sure to hide their other tattos--, Mist and Kona matched in bright green strapless bikinis. They hadn't run into any members of the other guilds but they definitely saw them walking in the distance.

"Didn't you say this place got burned down or something? " Kona asked eyeing the place suspiciously.

"Oh it did by huh... Fairy Tail but it got built back up while we were away" Levy explained with quotation marks at the word away. Kona nodded dumly looking in a different direction with wide eyes.

Levy and Mist eyes drifted to where she was looking. Levy stiffened she saw Gajeel with Lisanna in the distance. She felt her heart race immediately. They seemed so...happy especially him. It wasn't like he was smiling or anything but he didnt have his usual scowl either.

Mist grabbed Levy and headed into another direction with Kona following protectively. They were able to move far from the direction the Fairies were heading in. Levy leaned against a wall. She looked down at her hands they were shaking.

Kona pulled her in a hug. She didn't need to say anything, she knew how she felt and right now she only needed to calm down. Levy took a deep breath. Kona pulled away as Levy's heartbeat went back to its proper rhythm. "I'm good now"

Mist and Kona nodded and continued to make to walk. They knew better not to talk about it and so they didn't. They rounded a corner and found yet another strange sight.

Aqua was leaning against a pool bar, bottle in hand in what they could only assume was lingerie. That wasn't the strange thing that caught their eyes. It was Rogue who was actually in a pair of black swimshorts with Frosch flotting in the water behind him. Aqua was relentlessly trying to give him a drink.

"Huh....." they all stuttered at the sight. Aqua looked their way, her wet green hair swayed behind her.

"Ooh looky here Rogue . Lev~Lev is here!" Aqua slurred laughing as she did so. Rogue turned his head to the side and saw her standing their. Her face was beyond confused but she shaked it off and dove into the pool.

Mist and Kona got in as well, they grabbed flotties and lied peacefully. Levy swam over to Rogue and Aqua with a raised eyebrow. "So how'd she get you here?"

Rogue turned away and with an emotionless voice, he answered " I was trying to find the idiot and out she came. Now I'm here and she's been trying to get me drunk"

Levy snickered at the odd pair. Aqua laughed carelessly at him and tried to get a hold of his plain old water. She was fortunately gently pushed back by him. "No"

"Oh come on~ Leeeeev get your dragon in check" Aqua whined throwing away her now empty bottle. She was bored of the same old taster and grabbed another from the bar.

"Let him be Aqua, he already has enough to deal with Sting and the stress of the games on him" Levy sympathized with him. Her stress was eating her alive but she kept a brave face. She could tell how much he was worried about tomorrow.

Aqua pouted and pulled Levy into her arms" But come ooooon...!!"

Rogue turned his head to peel over at Levy and Aqua. He stared at them for a moment. His eyes crossed paths of Levy's for what seemed like only a split-second. He couldn't help this feeling in him. In any case he brushed it off as nothing and went back to staring ahead.

Juvia and Sierra were together after the whole guild separated. Juvia was in a conservative white and purpel bikini while Sierra wore a strapless dark blue piece.

"Well look who we have here. Is it love?"  Juvia and Sierra crossed paths with Sherry of Lamia Scale and Milliana of Mermaid Heel. "Seems like forever since I've seen you Juvia. How lovely"

"Sherry it has only been a year since the last Games and Juvia saw you yesterday" Juvia sweat dropped at pink haired woman.

"Enough of that. Why are you two together? " Sierra bluntly asked popping her hip to the side.

"Me and Sherry might not be from the same guild but we can be friends! " the chiper Milliana said. She reminded Juvia of a certain friend from back home.

"Yes, I mean don't we look just darling" Sherry and Milliana then posed seductively for them. Juvia and Sierra raised an eyebrow as the two ran away happily

"They're fucking weird" Sierra commented as they started walking again.

"Just ignore it Sierra. Let's go find a ride" Juvia grabbed her wrist and tugged her in a random direction.

"Hey Juvia look at!!--" Sting tried calling "brrruuggffsjdf" but forgot he was on a water train. He dove face first into the water to avoid death.

Juvia glanced back momentarily when she heard her name but no one was there. She turned back and kept dragging Sierra

"What an idiot" Calum remarked walking past him. He was alone as he walked through the park. He didn't actually want to go but Sierra dragged him along then left him.

Sting resurfaced with a large grin. He hopped out the pool and ran into the direction of the closest food bar.

Kaylanie had been dragging Jordie the moment they made their way inside. Unfortunately for him Kaylanie decided to push herself against his arm, making him blush instantly.

"Isn't this nice Jordie, taking a stroll with no one to bother us" Kaylanie sighed happily tightening her grip on him.

Jordie was forced to make an awkward nod and grunt. He knew if he said anything, it would come out in a small whine.

Kaylanie looked to her side. She saw what she remembered Levy called and to quote --lolicon- no kids--. The sky sisters --Wendy and Chelia-- played around in a pool both of them purched on a pool raft.

"Take this Wendy!" Chelia splashed her with water --making what Kaylanie could only assume was a sexual position--.

"Aaah! Here!" Wendy did just as Chelia acted in the exact same position. Kaylanie only thought of one word as they played --such sexual kids but cute-- maybe it was more then one but that didn't matter.

She walked passed them and looked around. Her eyes fixed a sign 'Love Love slide!' "Come on Jordie let's go there!!"

Before he could even process the situation Kaylanie was already walking up. He sighed and caught up to her.

Levy was chatting with a slammed Aqua and quiet Rogue. She glanced back to her side and saw Frosch sleeping on his flooty. Lector had flown to them and was sleeping as well. Mist and Kona were doing fine themselves in the water.

Yukino and Sorano walked by the pool. Yukino smiled warmly at her sister as they conversed. Levy smiled herself, she was so happy for them. She knew just how amazing it felt to reunite with a lost family member --she should know from experience--.

Her eyes drifted slowly to the people around the park. It was as full as ever since the grand reopening and people swarmed all over. She spotted Mirajane a couple pools away from them with Erza and Evergreen.

Her heart raced but not as much as when she saw the iron dragon slayer. That feeling was a thousand times worse. She turned back quickly before she was caught and took a deep breath. As long as we don't meet with Fairy Tail I'll be good was what she thought.

"Hum now where did Sierra run off to" Juvia pondered she was separated from her not to long ago. The park was even bigger then last time so it meant more difficulty for her.

Juvia wasn't watching as she bumped into someone. She fell to the floor with the mystery person. She opened her eyes and immediately froze. Lucy Heartfillia had just bumped into her.

"Oww sorry abo--Juvia..." Lucy finally looked ahead and visibly started to shake. "Juvia oh my god...I don't know what to say"

Juvia had took control of herself and got to her feet. On the outside she was calm and cold but on the inside she felt like a gyzer ready to explode with rage. Without a word Juvia walked past the girl still on the floor.

"Ju--Juvia..." Lucy blinked then tried to find her again but she had already gone to far for Lucy to recognize with her eyes. Sighing sadly she got to her feet and went back to Natsu. "It was nice to see you again..."

Juvia ran once she was out of the way. She headed to her closest guild friend which happened to be Serena. She leaped into her arms."Sere!!"

"Oh hello Juvia" Serena greeted calmy unfazed by her sudden arrival. "Is there something wrong?"

"Huh no... Juvia is perfectly...She just...wanted to see you!" Juvia made up. She didn't want to relive the moment so soon so she lied to her friend.

"Good..." Serena leaned down and whispered in Juvia's ear "It'll be okay whatever it is"

Juvia nodded sheepishly. Of course Serena would notice how strange she was acting. She pulled away and put on a brave face for her. Serena nodded approvingly and pulled her in the pool. Persephone had already found the perfect spot to tan and get a good view of Zayn's abs.

Sting stuffed his face with what was placed near him. He wasn't alone though the small and disgusting Ichiya joined him in all his speedo wearing glory. Sting didn't mind thought --at least not as much-- and kept going at it.

"Ah you remind me of an old friend" Ichyia stated with a flamboyant pose.

"Whfddgo?" It came out muffled do to his full mouth. Ichiya leaned over the table.

"By that Natsu boy!" He  exclaimed happily but on the contrary Sting's expression hardened
" You could even be brothers! The parfum of sibling love"

Sting slammed his hand down on the counter top. His breathing picked up and Ichiya flinched at the sudden movement. "Well we're not. Okay? Great"

"The parfum of anger it seems. Very well I shall no longer speak of it" Ichiya remarked cautiously, lucky for him Sting started eating to listen to his statement.

"Aaaah now that was good!" Sting yelled having finished his large meal "Time to burn it off"

Ichiya admired the young man stretch and got to his feet himself. "I might as well go with you. I'm not old!"

Sting stared at him weirdly then shrugged it off . "Come on then!" Sting ran off into the distance. Ichiya ran after him just as enthusiastic.

"This is youth!" He chanted running after Sting

"Sure I guess!" Sting shrugged chuckling a litte at the little dude.

"Oh come on Rogue!" Aqua threw her bottle behind her. Sting running around carelessly stepped on the shards. He grunted and was pulled down to the pool from the pain.

"Ewww no blood in the pool" Mist kicked him in the air and sent him flying. Ichiya was also sent away by a disgusted Kona.

"Nice kick" Mist praised squinting her eyes to get a good luck of Ichiya's fleeting body.

"Thanks, it's all in the back" she answered nodding smugly.

"What do you think you're doing here!?" Calum yelled protecting his sister. Jordie stood in front of Calum with his hands up in a motion of surrender.

"I didn't d--do an-ny-thing! She dragged me here!" He defended himself not wanting to have an even worse image in the eyes of Calum.

"And you decide to come here! You just want to touch my sister! You perv'" Calum growled angrily pushing Jordie slightly. Kaylanie decided to interfere and shoved Calum's back. Coincidentally he fell smack into Jordie as he tried to keep up his footing.

They both fell into the ride, screaming and to top it off Sting hit the large circle surrounding the ride. His face turned green as it started to move.

"The hell! Let go prick!" Calum yelled as he tried to let go. Jordie held on tight and pointed in a direction.

Calum turned his head and paled as he saw the large curve that would throw him off, if he didn't keep close to Jordie. They grabbed onto each other for dear life.

"Huh..." Kaylanie then ran back down in fear of getting caught in the situation. She bumped into Juvia who was coming up to check up on them."Juvia!!"

"Ye--" Sting caught them as his first victims "What!? Juvia is on this.... again!?"

"Better get comfy Juv!" Kaylanie exclaimed holding onto her partner tightly. Juvia cried out for help.

"I wonder if Juvia found Kaylanie" Serena said, she was gone for a while and Serena wanted to go to the aquarium together.

"She must be chatting up a storm" Zayn grunted with a light chuckle to himself. Serena playfully glared his way and rolled her eyes.

"If she doesn't co-- what's that coming over here?" Serena stopped suddenly and squinted her eyes to get a good look.

"Get down!" Zayn's instincts kicked in and he lunged at her pulling her to the water.

Serena resurfaced with closed eyes. She felt a hand grope her backside. Opening her eyes she saw Zayn looking to side with curious eyes. Seems he hadn't noticed the position yet. "Huh Zayn, hands?"

He looked down and jumped back rapidly, "Yeah huh sorry I guess..."

"No worries. Not the first time" Serena grinned cutely. Zayn pushed his wet hair back and attempted to answer but was stopped by a force that pulled him from the water with Serena.

Suddenly he was in the same situation as Juvia and Kaylanie. Serena sat in his lap facing away from him. He wrapped his arms around her and growled. Serena looked around the ride and looked up excited "Sting!!I call next!"

"Grrrr!" Zayn growled at Sting who paled at the look. He was far from amused. He just wanted to hang out by the pool but now he has to deal with this for the next hour from what he could see.

Sting took victim after victim in the park. Surprising him and everyone else that had been on it for more then thirty minutes.

"Seriously Minerva and Orga got caught here too" Juvia said with a sigh. She still had faith that that Levy could get her down.

"Quick question is this yuri?" Kaylanie kept asking her strange questions without hesitance but Juvia didn't stop her. She answered them all even. She had nothing else to do.

Rogue and Levy were left alone. Aqua ran off to get Zazie but didn't seem to find her. Mist and Kona decided to take a nap in a cabana with the excceds, so she she was alone with Rogue.

"You know this might seem weird but I haven't heard your brother scream in--" Levy started but never finished.

She herself was caught in Sting's ring. "Igihzhsjrt!!" Sting gurgled. His face a dark green color. Levy sighed it didn't feel new to her.

She didn't even have time to be shocked and Rogue was no better. His face was nothing but a picture of disinterest to everyone and anyone.

"Again..." she said quietly to herself. The last time this happened, the park was destroyed. Hopefully it wouldn't happen again.

She sighed "Hold on" Rogue interrupted her thoughts and pulled her closer to him so his chest was touching hers. She unconsciously blushed and held onto him. No words were said as they held each other.

"Don't they look cute!" Aqua slurred pointing them out to Momo. She just wished she brought her camera with her.

"This is gold" Momo smirked, making sure to keep a mental picture. They were both sitting comfortably on some beach chairs, watching the spectacle unfold.

"Let's hope Suki doesn't find out" Aqua pushed her hair away, and snickered without end.

Momo thought about what would happen if she found out and smirked "Maybe she should"

"Where did Zayn go? Or Serena even?" Persephone mumbled to herself as she walked around in search of them. She was tanning with her eyes closed one second and when she opened them they were all gone. "Some friends..."

"Zayn this is getting boring!!" Serena could be hear flying from above. Holding onto to Zayn with a pout.

"Ugggh just hold on tight. I think it's almost over" Zayn grunted eyeing Sting with hate.

Persephone paled at the sight. She fell
to her knees and cursed the sky. "How dare you Gods! Couldn't you have taken me instead?!"

"Huh Ski shouldn't we do something?" Jin asked walking past the somber Persephone.

"Don't look at her. Just keep walking" Ski grabbed her arm and skipped further away from Persephone. Jin didn't look back and ran with Ski.

Persephone didn't even hear them as she looked down at the ground with a gloomy aura around her.

Sierra passed her and payed no mind to the scene. She was more concentrated on the ride where her guild mates were stuck. She made her way to the end of the ride.

"Arh just let me go!" Calum struggled against Jordie who silently started weeping but kept a strong hold of Calum. "I'll kill you after this..."

"I'll gladly accept it" Jordie sighed as they took another turn on the endlessly going ride. Calum got more and more irritated and started to give off a cold fog. "Huh"

Calum stopped struggling and kept putting out the cold fog. Jordie looked around nervously. He felt the water freeze around him.

"Looks like brother is tired of this too" Kaylanie said looking at him. Juvia's eyes widened as the ice started to creep over them " Kyaaaaaa!!!"

"Ritgjfjdd!!" Sting tried speaking, but his mouth filled with vomit instead.

"Eeeeeh!!!!" Levy screeched in Rogue's ears as the ice got them as well. Rogue pushed her head into his chest as they froze over.

"How dare you guys have fun without me!!" Sierra jumped up in the sky with a fiery fist. "Especially you Calum!!!"

"No Sierra!!" Levy warned as Sierra flipped in the sky crashing down with her fist. The fire clashed with the ice exploding the whole ride.

People looked up as fire and ice rained down --not to mention a number of debris--.

All of the people on the ride landed in a heap of meat on the ground. Serena was the first to open her eyes. She met Zayn's chest and pulled away. Looking around she saw Levy with her stomach over Rogue's face. Kaylanie and Juvia with stars in their eyes as they layed on the floor and a passed out Jordie near them. Sting was currently drowning in nearby pool.

She felt movement under her and noticed she was alone and in nothing but her bikini bottem. She covered her chest and stood up.

Zayn grabbed Sting from the pool and pulled him to the ground. He grabbed Sierra and Calum by their neck and glared. "So you three were behind this..."

The trio paled and gulped nervously.
Serena shook her head at the them. At least they didn't break down the whole park. They got lucky but Minerva was definitely not going to let this go.

Serena looked over at Minerva and Momo who were currently being yelled at by the owner. "What a great day for Sabertooth"

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