Who Is She?*On Hold*

By yourtruehighness

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IMPORTANT: I've made a new account brokeloser and that's probably where I'll rewrite 'Who is she?'-so sorry t... More



96 7 1
By yourtruehighness

Dedicated to PinkMoon17!



Bored, I looked down at the context below me. I love literature but the woman speaking in front of me made me dislike it. I stared at Mrs. Trooper as she continued to explain the current scene we were reading.

Sighing, I looked at the boy sitting next to me, who looked just as bored as me.

After crumbling a piece of paper into a ball, I threw it at him to catch his attention. I might get rid of my boredom by talking to him.

The ball of paper landed on his lap and he looked over at the source of that ball aka me.

James opened the ball then looked at me questioningly. He showed me the blank, crumbled page, his eyes asking questions from me.

I smiled slightly at him. "Want to talk?" I asked. He sat on the desk beside my one so it wasn't really hard to talk and not get caught by the teacher.

He smiled back before nodding his head, yes.

"So, what do you want to talk about, yo?" He asked me to which I shrugged back. What should I talk about with my crush's best friend? How I have a crush that wouldn't go away on his best friend? Or how I think he should stop adding 'yo' in every sentence he speaks? Or maybe I should tell him to make another move after the dare date on my best friend, who might I add has had a huge crush on him since he called her 'cupcake'?

Yep, the most latter one is the most sensible.

"So, I was wondering-"

"What are you guys talking about?" Drew whispered from behind, interrupting the beginning of my conversation with James.

"Nothing since you very nicely decided to interfere." I said, a little annoyed at the interruption. Being my crush doesn't give him the exception to make it difficult for me to help my best friend.

"Sorry." He apologized grinning very broadly. He should at least pretend to be sorry when he says it.

I visibly sighed, thinking about the sincerity he had shown to me on Friday when he thought that Dave was about to kill me. I miss that Drew. Plus, he looks much hotter when he's sincere.

"Come on, I said sorry." He apologized again, much more sincerely. I think he took my silence for anger.

I smiled at the thought. He cares about me. He fudging cares about me! I did a crazy mental dance as I think about it.

I was about to turn around to show him my really, really broad smile and tell him I was never offended when a cold voice echoed around the room.

"Mr. Drew, please sit properly." She said, glaring at Drew.

I turned around and got startled when I saw him leaning on his desk and it looked like a mermaid posing on a rock. He quickly sat back the normal way as the whole class turned to stare at him.

"Sorry." He muttered quietly.

I think it was the first time he had apologized to Mrs. Trooper and not argued back that made her turn again to explanation with a satisfied look on her face.

I turned around, after making sure that Mrs. Trooper's attention was diverted elsewhere.

"Are you okay?" I asked, concern lacing my voice.

"Yeah, just sad that I won't be able to hear your beautiful voice." He grinned causing me to roll my eyes.

So cheesy.

I turned back around before Mrs. Trooper could catch me and that would definitely earn me a detention.

"So where were we?" James asked after clearing his throat.

"Yeah, so how are you and Alicia? Did you enjoy the date?"

"I enjoyed the date. A lot. But I don't know about Alicia. And we never talked about another date so I don't know." He answered shyly, rubbing his back of the neck.

"Oh, she enjoyed it a lot. She's expecting another." I smiled slyly.

"Really?" He asked, surprised. "What did she tell you?"

"You ask her yourself." I couldn't just tell him all the things she told me. He should ask her. She'll tell him much better and it will make their bond stronger. And it would also be a little weird to explain Alicia's 'undying love' for James.

A big smile replaced his small one. Oh boy, he was just as whipped as Alicia.

"Okay. All I need to do is impress her." He said, running his hand through his hair. "How do I do that?"

"You don't need to im-" I began but he interrupted me.

"How about a British accent?" He looked at me. "I heard girls like British accents."

I shrugged.

Then he rubbed his hand over his face. "How am I going to get a British accent?" He whisper-yelled frustratingly.

"I'll help you." I heard Drew whisper from behind, this time he was slightly leaning on the desk.

"Make a pout and try to speak." He instructed James while I looked at him confused. Speaking while pouting? That was really weird.

James made a pout and he nailed it. Like I have to try so many times to make a perfect pout and this guy just did it in seconds.

"Doo aw sound goood?" He said with his mouth formed in the shape of a pout.

I hate to admit it but it sounded nowhere near a British accent but the guy was trying really hard. Like who tries this hard?

I was about to tell him to stop trying so hard and just be himself when he shook his disappointed. "This isn't working."

"Wait!" An excited glimmer passed his eyes. "I can pull the bad boy shit on her. You know ignore her, be rude but you don't do that with someone you like." His voice became small at the end and his shoulders slumped in failure.

"You don't need to do so much. Alicia already really likes you. Just be your usual self and you both will be fine." I said and both of them looked at me stunned.

"She really does?"

"Did you have to interrupt? I was trying to have some fun here?"

Both of them asked at the same time.

"Yes and that's a really stupid way to have fun." I sternly stated the answer to Drew's question. I opened my mouth to lecture him more on how mean it was of him to make his friend worry over how to impress a girl he really likes.

Before I could utter another word, a loud shout was heard from the one and only Mrs.Trooper.
"Miss.Alexa, are you done talking?!"

"I wasn't talking." I lied through my teeth. I wasn't getting any detention today.

"Stand up when you talk to a teacher!" She yelled again then muttered loudly through gritted teeth. "A liar with no respect for her teacher."

I slowly stood up. Ugh, I can smell a detention coming. Dread filled me as I looked at her pissed off face.

"Why was your mouth moving if you weren't talking?" She asked, a sickly sweet smile forming on her lips.

"Uh... I was singing?" I lied again but this time not sounding as confident as I was before.

"Singing? Really?"

"Yes." I confirmed more confidentially this time. I should actually act like I mean it when I'm lying otherwise what's the use?

"Then sing." She ordered, stunning me.

My mouth hung open. Me and sing? Was she serious? And is she really going to allow singing in her class.

"What?" I asked, my mind still not being able to process that she asked me to sing.

"You heard me. Sing." She smirked at me, her eyes challenging me. I sighed, then nodded, accepting her unsaid challenge.

Maybe this is it. I'll sing then like in the cliche fanfiction, a students going to record me, upload it on YouTube then I'll become an instant hit. Then one directions going to find me and maybe I'll make one or two of them fall in love with me. I mentally fangirled at the thought.

"What are you waiting for, then?" Mrs. Trooper asked me, breaking my chain of thoughts.

I nodded again. What should I sing? It seemed as if my mind had run out of songs. I racked my brain and still couldn't find any.

After a few moments I started singing the only song that came to my mind.

You think I'm pretty without any makeup on

I started singing in a really small voice. Mrs. Trooper gestured me to sing more loudly. Following her instructions, I started singing really loudly but to my dismay, I also started singing off tune.

You think I'm funny when I tell the punch line wrong
Before you met me I was a wreck
Now every-

"Okay! That's enough!" Mrs. Trooper interrupted with a yell, making me stop singing. She had covered her ears with her hands like some of the other students.

I wasn't that bad at singing. I frowned as they finally removed their hands, happy that I wasn't going to sing anymore.

"You're a really bad singer. Why make your ears suffer?" She insulted me making me feel more embarrassed than I already felt.

I could feel my cheeks heat up as all eyes were on me, everyone silently judging my singing. God, I'm not Rihanna or something, people do sing horrible. Stop giving me the stare! I mentally screamed at all the people who were staring at me.

"And that's why no detention for you." Mrs. Trooper announced, causing a smile to break on my face.

Something good actually did come from my bad singing.


I wrapped my arms tightly around me, my white hoodie not strong enough to protect me from the fast wind. October had already started and even though Halloween was still a few days away, people were already excited for it, including her brothers.

I had literally begged them for a ride today but they had clearly refused stating that it was really important to go shopping for halloween. Additionally, they told me that James and Drew were also going with them and then they were going to come to our house. Nowadays, both of them were spending a lot of time in our house. Not that I'm complaining or anything.

I loved halloween. I don't know why they didn't take me with them.

I increased my walking speed so that I could reach my home earlier and just as I did it, the sound of footsteps of someone walking behind me also increased.

I stopped to turn around and look at the other pedistrian other than me but to my surprise, no one was there.

Suspiciously, I looked around the block. No one could be seen except for the old granny screaming at someone. But her house was at the other end of the block, there was no way she was pulling ninja crap on me. Then who was walking behind me?

Nervous a bit this time, I started walking ahead towards my intended direction. Again, I started hearing the sound of footsteps following me. Who is following me?

Without further contemplation, I started running and as suspected, the speed of the steps behind me also accelerated. No! No! I'm most probably going to die.

Please Alexa, die with honour. Don't dumb way like they do in movies.

As if on cue, I fell. Thank god, the fall wasn't really fatal. I tried getting up but fell again from the invisible obstacle.

I could hear karma laughing somewhere. I started regretting all the times I used to make fun of all those stupid horror movies.

As I stood up straighter, I could see really muscular legs come into my view. My eyes checked him out, bottom to top and with all the courage I had, I finally looked at the face of my future murderer. To my surprise, he was looking down at me with concern.

"Are you alright?" After catching my breaths, I looked at his face, this time with more concentration and holy...he was the epitome of beauty.

Bright blue eyes, sharp jaw, high cheek-bones, his brown hair making my hands itch to just start running them through it. God! What's happening to me? I mentally slapped my self, waking myself from the daze.

"Who are you?" I whispered, still effected from his beauty.

"That I can't tell." He laughed a deep, muscular laugh. "But I can tell you one thing."

"What?" Breaking out of the beauty daze, I asked with more caution. Who knew how dangerous this man was?

"Come here tonight at midnight." He passed me a card. "Boss has requested to see you. He was really impressed by what you did on Friday."

Looking at the card, I looked at him, still confused. By what the card said, I had to go to a club tonight.

"See you tonight." He winked then left me standing there alone, still confused.

Was it safe to go?


From what I've concluded, the only impressive thing I did on Friday was punch Dave. I still had the bruises on my knuckles from that punch. So the boss must have seen it and judging from the things that I was informed that were done there, I don't think he's a good man. I know I shouldn't go but my mind is still curious to know why they want me. And things could go against me there. I won't be able to fight many people alone.

That's why I've asked Drew to help me. I didn't ask for his help just because he is my crush. He has a fake Id that I gave to him on our date which will make it easier for him to enter the club and he's a football player, even though he's bad at dodging small things, he can seriously knock a person out and he promised to tell no one.

He did ask me questions but didn't push me when I told him I was invited and didn't know the reason why. He was against it at first but then curiosity got the best of him and he finally agreed.

That's why we are here now. Me climbing down the tree next to my room and him waiting for me on his bike, looking around to make sure nobody sees us.

Climbing down really easily, I ran towards his motorbike.

"You climbed down like a professional." He commented, starting his motorbike in the process.

"Practice." I took one glance at the tree then smiled at him.

After about 20 minutes, we had reached the desired destination. Drew was aware of the club and it was just as fancy as he had told me it was.

Even though I was never one to be conscious about my clothing, I suddenly felt underdressed as I looked down at my white hoodie, blue pants and black converse.

"Come on, let's stand in the line before it gets too long." Drew pulled me along with him after parking his car.

The line wasn't too long since it was Monday. After showing our ID's, we were allowed to enter the club.

Soon, we were roaming the club like lost puppies. Where was I supposed to meet 'the boss' when I don't even know what he looks like?

Drew wanted to try a few things in the club and wanted to look around by which he meant taste different drinks but I told him he can enjoy a little bit after my meeting.

Looking around a bit, I soon found Mr. Attractive. I walked over to him with Drew and asked very angrily how was I supposed to find his boss.

He looked at me like I was stupid. Then asked, "Did you show the card I gave you at the entrance?"

I shook my head.

"Did you bother to read the card? The instructions were clear on the back. They would have led you right away to the boss if you had shown it at the entrance. That card was a VVIP card." He explained making my mouth fall open. How many times had my mouth fell open today?

"Anyways, I'll lead you. And who is he?" He asked, noticing Drew for the first time.

"A friend." I answered.

"I should have made it clear earlier that no one besides you is allowed." He groaned, rubbing his face.

"But you didn't so lead us on now." I said. I was proud of myself. I didn't get dazed because of his beauty anymore. My eyes did find him appealing but the butterflies in my stomach didn't.

He lead us to the elevator that was at the far corner and hidden behind a movable wall. I guess the place we were going was top secret. I could feel excitement bubble in my stomach, it felt as if I was some secret agent. So cool.

As he pressed a button, the elevator started moving backwards, catching me and Drew by surprise. Four seconds into the elevator, Mr. Attractive broke the silence.
"From what I know, you guys are 17. How did you enter the club?"

"Fake IDs." I answered and he grinned and muttered 'teenagers' under his breath.

After exiting the elevator, I was shook by the beauty of the place. The club for the locals was nothing compared to what lay ahead of me.

"Move." Mr. Attractive pushed me from the back, making me move against my wishes. He lead us to a room at the end, punched a password and we entered a black room with a glass table in the center surrounded by white couches. The room was lit by few lights which illuminated the man with two girls in his arm, playing cards with another man sitting in front of him. There were four body guards surrounding them.

"Boss, the girl is here."

The man with girls surrounding him got alert and ordered the other man, the girls and Mr. Attractive, who I now know is called Felix, to leave the room.

"Sit, sit!" He happily said, gesturing me and Drew to sit down.

"Who are you?" He politely asked Drew.

"I'm Drew Anderson. Her friend." Drew formally introduced himself.

"And you are," He looked at me.

Before I started to introduce myself. He himself answered.

"Alexandra Juan."

I stared in surprise at the man in front of me. His watery eyes stared back at me, amusement glinting in them.

"How do you know that?" I whispered.

His laughter filled the room. "Do you think I'll allow you in this place without any background check?"

"Why did you invite me here?" I asked, not wanting to remain in the dark anymore.

"So straightforward." He chuckled loudly. "You see, I was really impressed by your punch. Dave was a really strong worker and you knocked him out without much effort. I need more people like you."

"What do you mean?" I asked. I hope he's not asking what I think he's asking.

"Join my gang, the Dark-dragon gang."


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