The Werewolf CEO 1 of The CEO...

By embermarina

431K 15K 1.3K

"You can't go out now. The werewolf is roaming the forests." ........ Alexia Summer had no clue what she was... More

Writing in Progress
Official Trailer
Prologue - The Moon Goddess
Car Crash
Meeting the Monster
Sickening Attitudes
Secret Wonder Abouts
Sharp Servants
Rays of Rage
The Funeral
The Golden Shirt
Falty Confessions
Bro Code Promise
The Little Things
Walk The Line
Missing Memories
Arrogant Apologies
Please Don't Go
Too Soon
Complicated Human Love
I Don't Wanna Live Forever
The Vampyr Party - Part 1
The Vampyr Party - Part 2
The Lost Child
Don't Let the Drunkies In
The Forest Wolf
Hello Brother
What Really Happened
Ambrogoi & Selene
Promises Are Never Broken
Deadly Lies at a Reasonable Price
Epilogue - Until Dawn
The Dark Ceo
The Werewolf Ceo Playlist

Mr and Mrs Dark

7.8K 282 36
By embermarina

Follow me on Instagram! I post updates on the story there! @ emberia_

Alexia's POV

When my non-existent dream ended I opened my eyes. Slightly shocked to not recognize my surroundings I jump from the bed I've been sleeping on.

That's when I register the couch and the black blanket that was the softest thing I have ever felt.

Suddenly a little girl pops into my field of view.
"Good Morning, Lexi Luna!" Nadia jumps into my arms while I groan.

"I still don't understand why you call me Luna." I point out while rubbing my eyes.

Had Alec just left me here? All alone?

But then what did I expect?

For him to carry me bridal style up into his room? Off course...not!

"Why is your face all red, Lexi?" Nadia tugs my arms and just then I notice the burning sensation in my cheeks.

Oh god.

"I think we should get breakfast. What time is it?" I say quickly before stretching lazily.

"It's 10 a.m. But Mrs Garvin has left to pick up my uncle's parents from the airport so we have to cook food ourselves." Nadia says and I freeze on the spot. I think all blood leaves my body because its suddenly so cold, I feel goose bumps prickle at my skin.

"Alec's parents are coming over?!" I rush out, really breathless. Why the hell was I nervous though?

"Yes. Haven't you met them before?" Nadia wonders out loud her light eyes examining my face.

"Um. No actually." I sit down on the bed, while rearranging the messy bun on my head.

"Well. They're really good people especially Mrs Dark. She would always bring me these delicious cookies!" Nadia tells me with a bright smile which I automatically return.

"Are they chocolate chip?" I grin as her face breaks out in shock.

"How did you know?!" Nadia yells out her eyes wide open. She looks at me as if I have discovered Atlantica.

"Lucky guess?" I say, while my thoughts drift to protective habits of Alec and his chocolate cookies.

"I think we should get ready. They should arrive soon." Nadia grabs my hand and brings me downstairs.

I also grab the black blanket with me, it was chilly in the house.

"What do you usually eat for breakfast?" Nadia asks while roaming through cupboards.

"Um. Depends on the day." I say while tucking my hands under the softest blanket.

"Okay. We're having the depends on the day then." She mumbles and continue to roams through the cupboards.

"What would you like to eat?" I ask her and get out two mugs for our hot drinks.

"I prefer meat but I eat anything." She tells me and I mumble an okay.

"How about we-" I shut down my sentence when Caleb enters the room.

His light brown hair is messy in a cute way and his white shirt hugs his body like a glove. "Uncle Caleb!" Nadia yells out and hugs the freak out him.

"Hey, Alexia." Caleb smiles gently my way and looks down at my leg.

I really need a shower.

"Hey." I mumble back still staring. I had no idea what to say actually.

"Nadia why don't you go watch TV and we will call you when breakfast is ready?" Caleb says and the little girl nods and leaves the room quietly.

"I don't know if I'm angry at you or just too emotionally wrecked to think anything else." I tell him, his eyebrows shot up.

"I tried to help you. I couldn't just leave Connor and go after you." Caleb stares his eyes hard.

I get out eggs and other ingredients to make pancakes.
"Why it is so important for you and Alec to catch Connor?" I don't look up to him but I know he is watching my every movement.

"I really would like to know what is going on between all of you, because it seems like I'm the only one hiding in the dark." I glance up to meet his indecisive eyes.

"You don't understand -" I cut him off.

"Don't start with this bullshit. All I heard from Alec is that I wouldn't understand. Don't feed me the same shit!" I exclaim while mixing all ingredients together.

I hear him sigh loudly before he responds. "Connor is a dangerous person. He manipulates, hates and doesn't stop until he reaches what is it he wishes. He is Alec's enemy. Hell, he is mine too!" I look up to see him breathing hard as if lost of what to do.

"Why is he like that?" I ask gently, while leaning against the counter.

"I'm so sorry Alexia. But it's just I can't tell you. Alec probably will but I really don't want you jumping to conclusions." I roll my eyes in annoyance. Off course.

"Okay. I will ask Alec. But if he won't tell me anything. I'm leaving." I don't intend to be rough. But since they want me locked away from the world, I will do completely the opposite.

"Alexia. Stop being difficult about this." Caleb groans and I continue to cook the pancakes, ignoring his comments.

"I think Nadia needs to see a therapist." I tell him.

"Why?" Caleb moves closer to me and I frown.

"She says things that don't make sense. I don't know if it's her parents disappearance that affected her but she is not okay." I feel concerned for the little girl. She was a ray of sunshine, too good for the world.

Caleb as if waits for me to continue so I do. "She calls Alec Alpha. I'm apparently a Luna. I found her in the forest she said she ate a rabbit. A living rabbit not cooked or fried but a freaking living rabbit! She needs proper medical attention." I look at him, noting his jaw hardens I feel bad but I'm only trying to help.

"I don't think so." Caleb turns to leave but I shove him back.

"You don't think so?! Eating raw wild animal meat, hiding in the forest, talking unacknowledged​ things is not normal! She needs to see a therapist!" I call out, why was he failing to see what I was seeing?

"Alec is her guardian. He will deal with it." Caleb leaves the room and this time I don't stop him.

"Off course he will." I mutter into the empty kitchen.

After a minute he returns with a coat on. "I'm gonna go to work, tell Alec's parents I said hi." He leaves when I nod a goodbye.

I won't leave this alone.

Plastering a smile on my face I call Nadia to eat.

The girl comes into the room, her face misses any emotion.
"Pancakes!" I hand her the plate and nutella.

"I don't feel like eating." Nadia mumbles and pushes the plate away.

With a frown I take a bite of the pancake. I'm still alive. So nothing poisonous. In fact they're not that bad.

"Is everything okay?" I place my hand on her shoulder in a comforting manner.

"Why do you want me to see a therapist?" Nadia whispers, her head slightly bowed in almost shame.

"I.." Pausing I finish my sentence. "Who told you?" I will kill Caleb.

"No one. I was listening to your conversation." She says quietly and I wonder why I haven't heard her at the door.

"Um. Seeing a therapist is not a bad thing. In fact everyone needs to talk to someone like that every now and then." I tell her with a weak smile.
The last thing I wanted to do is ruin her mood and mentality even further.

Nadia nods her head but I feel concerned. "I'm not crazy just so you know." She mumbles and I freeze in the position.

"I know you're not." I tell her with a gentle smile which she refuses to see.

"Then I'm not seeing a therapist." She commands and I feel a frown smash me in the face.

"At least for one session, you don't-" She cuts me off by smashing the plate too the floor.

I release yell just as plate breaks into tiny pieces.

"Are you hurt anywhere?!" I rush out quickly to grab her hand but she rips it out of my hold.

"YOU'RE NOT MY MOTHER! STOP ACTING LIKE YOU ARE!" Nadia shrieks out with anger and runs off.

"Nadia!" I yell after her but she never returns. What have I done!?

Quickly brushing the remains of the plate I storm to look for the outrageous child.

"Nadia!" I call her name but she either doesn't hear me or ignores me.

The door suddenly swings open to reveal Alec and Mrs Garvin entering.

Just after them enters a posh looking couple. They were mature but you wouldn't say they're old.
Maybe in their early 50s.

"So it's her?" The mature female speaks while the man emotionlessly stares at me.

"Yes." Alec nods and I whip my head in his direction. Meeting his eyes I gulp.

"It's good to meet you, Mr and Mrs Dark."

I look between the two unfamiliar to me personas not knowing what to say or do.

"Alec follow me." The man with an intimidating agenda waves his head like he is the boss of the world and Alec nods before they take off to the room next door.

I'm left with Mrs Garvin and the mysterious mature lady. "Well I think I'm going to make some dinner, Alexia you can join me if you want to." Mrs Garvin says and leaves.

God almighty.

The elegant lady smiles while taking off her coat. "Let me help you with that!" I exclaim loudly and the female moves so quickly I actually feel like a snail.

"Let's get something straight. You don't leash out on me like an assassin. Got it?" Her voice is sharp and I feel embarrassment in my head.

"I'm sorry. I just wanted to make you feel welcomed." I rush out with wide eyes. Her glare made me gulp down the burning saliva in my throat. I take a decent step back.

"This is my son's house. What makes you think that I'm not welcomed here!" She yells out loudly and I flinch. Was this woman okay!?

"All I tried to do was help!" I yell out back. She was a total bitch, that's for sure.

"What's going on?" I catch Alec's eyes as he practically runs into the room. His stare is evidently angry.

"Family bonding." She says with a smile my face creasing with rage.

"I can see that." The man with a thick English accent says, I could already tell that Alec's father was a very patient man, by the look on his wrinkled face it was obvious he was expecting something like this to occur.

"My wife and me are very pleased to see someone finally catch our son's eyes." The man says so quickly I want to release a breather.

"Um. It's nothing like that! I'm..we're not together." I say while my face turns into blushing mess.

"But you said she's your m-" Alec cuts off his father. I watch the two glare at each other. "Silly, Alexia! Always joking!" Alec grins while wrapping an around my waist bringing me closer to his chest. I think my eyes were about to pop out.

"Well. Alec told me so little about you that we only found out, two hours ago." The lady says and brushes her long blonde locks to the side.

"Um. There's nothing about me to tell." I try to avoid the topic of discussion but find it hard to keep a neutral face under Alec's penetrative dark eyes.

"I do see that." The rich lady mumbles and I catch her dark eyes that glisten with evil plans and secrets.

"Excuse me?" Not a typical behaviour for me but I did have some dignity in me. Even in the end I will be the one bursting from embarrassment.

"You look cheap." She deadpans in my face making my jaw fall to the floor.

"That's so nice of you to say. Mrs Dark. Do  all rich women act this or rudeness is just in your nature?" I point my head to the side, while tapping my chin.

She inhales loudly and looks at both struck men in the room. "Henry! Do something about it!" She yells to her husband who's face turns red from holding in the laughter.

When her partner does nothing to cover her shame she turns to her son who doesn't have any significantly different expression.

"Who do you think you are?!" She yells straight at me, her eyes wide eyes. Mrs Dark then storms out of the room away from sight. "Unbelievable!" I hear her shout in disgust.

"She's really mad." Henry says with a smile on his face. "I'm sorry but I do have self respect. So I won't just let her walk over me." I say to both of them at which Alec nods.

"I apologize for my wife." Henry stares at me in an uncomfortable way and I simply nod. "I apologize for my actions."

Henry excuses himself to go to the bathroom which leaves me with Alec. Alone.

"What was that all about!?" I whisper yell glaring with wide light eyes.

"Okay don't get angry but I've told my parents that we're tog-" I clamp my palm over his mouth. "If you going to say what I think you are, I will punch you." I stare seriously until his face breaks into a smile. "Together." Alec finishes and I groan out.

"Why the hell did you say that!?" I cannot believe this asshole. He looks around the room before grabbing my hand in his and leads me up to his room.

"They found out about me breaking up with Gabbie." He tells me and I frown, somehow the way he says Gabbie makes me want to throw up right onto his expensive sneakers.

"What does that have anything to do with me?" I demand cocking an eyebrow up. Alec rushes out a breath, looking agitated and annoyed. There was  brief silence, "My parents cannot find out about my sister's disappearance, which is why I thought this would be just the right thing to distract their focus elsewhere." Alec finishes and stares at me expectedly. I shake my head, "O-k-a-y.  And you didn't even ask me what I think of this?"  The brown-head looks at me blankly, as if he was surprised I would object to this in the first place.

"Well I don't know about you but I'm not getting involved in your family business. You can do whatever you want, lock me, kidnap me heck even threaten me I'm not taking part." I force out the breath I didn't know I was holding.

"How much?" He asks sharply and I frown.

"How much what?"

"Money. How much do you want?" Alec whispers and anger takes over me.

"I am not a fucking prostitute!" I shout, putting my hand up to slap him. He catches my hand with ease.

"Don't do that again." He growls out and I abruptly rip my hand away. My palm connects in a loud smack against his cheek. His face freezes for a moment.

"Get out." He whispers but my ears still catch the phrase.

"What do you-"

"GET LOST FROM MY FUCKING SIGHT!" He yells out so loud I think my eardrums have already dug out their graves.

"Alec..." I feel remorse towards my action. The case of his missing sister claws at me and  oh God I felt awful. His body is visibly shaking. Gasping for air and I flinch when he flips over a table in his room.

"Alec." I repeat his name. Slowly he turns to face me. His skin is red from anger. His eyes are colder than they have been before.

"Why the fuck are you still here?" He puts emphasis on every single word. Daring to step closer and closer to me.

"I know you hate that feeling. But you can't hide it, no matter how hard you try. I'm sure you will find them, safe and sound." I watch him clench his jaw.

"Yout know nothing about me or what I feel." He growls out and I smile weakly. "I don't. But in this way we are really alike. I lost my mum. Your sister is missing. We are more alike than you know". I smile gently. It was unbelievable how such unpredictable event could crush a person into nothing but a violent beast.

"We are nothing alike. I am a billionaire. I have women at my feet. I got everything you don't and will never have." He turns his head, at that moment I feel like it's not Alec standing near me.

"If you are purposely trying to hurt me. It is definitely working but I won't let you hurt yourself. I know it's hard but life is all about getting through the hard times, with the people you love." I step closer to him, something flashes in those eyes and for a moment I think Alec is back.

"You clearly know nothing of life." He grits out and I release a sigh. Touching his arm he inhales sharply.

"I don't now why the heck I'm doing this, but alright I will help you to distract your parents. But please don't let your mother kill me." I watch his expression soften for a second.

"Why are you helping me?" He whispers, his lips slightly pouting.

Good question.

"Everyone needs a friend, right?" I whisper but his eyes don't buy my answer.

"Weren't you just hating me like yesterday?" He raises his perfect soft eyebrow and I grin.

"I hate you 24 / 7, so don't you worry." I smirk when his eyes dazzle over my face and he returns a gentle smile.

"Am I that hot?" He smirks when I my mouth falls open. "Arrogant as ever." I mutter and cannot help hold the smile off my lips.

"So what's the plan? We're going to lie to your parents?" I change the subject and Alec grows serious. His face tenses as he thinks for our action strategy.

"I'll say you are my girlfriend and we're testing things out. When my personal agent arrives with valuable information we can drop the facade." Alec suggests and I nod understanding his plan. 

"Let's go down before they get suspicious." I rush out and he already moves for the door.

"How is your leg by the way?" Alec asks me while we sprint downstairs.

"'s actually completely fine, I don't even feel like I've been thrown off the second floor." I tell him.

We make it to the kitchen and I find everyone gathered together at a table.

"There they are!" Henry exclaims with a smile and I have to remind myself that the man is pure evil.

Alec and I sit on the empty chairs.
That means I sit next to Nadia who continues to ignore me and Alec next to his mother.

"Why didn't you sit next to Alec?" Mrs Dark asks bringing my attention.

"Um-" I stutter for a response but Alec speaks before I can ruin everything.

"She sits where she wants, mother." He looks really angry and I feel grateful for his protectiveness.

"I was just saying that because-" Alec bursts once again.

"What is it gonna be next? If we had s-" I cut him off before he can embarrass me.

"Mrs Dark. I have good intentions for your son. You might dislike me now but that doesn't give you a good enough reason to treat me like I'm a trash bag without knowing me." I let the seriousness roll of my tongue.

She smiles before twisting her fork around the spaghetti on her plate.
Then she releases a laugh which is sickening to my ears.

"Don't get me wrong but all of the women Alec has dated were hopeless whores that wanted his money. So in return shut your mouth because I know better what to think when I come face to face with a slut." I freeze on my spot, smiling gently I look up at her.

"Mrs Dark I think you got everything wrong here. If I was a slut, one I wouldn't be even here. Two, I mind my language having enough manners not to fully express how much I'm pleased to meet you. And three, I may not come from a wealthy family but I am not searching for money. I couldn't care less how much Alec earns, because after all money is not the most valuable thing in the world." There is a silence from the table as Mrs Garvin walks in passing dessert which was the Strawberry cheesecake.

"And what is your parents occupation?" Henry asks me gently, trying to ease the tension in the room which was slowly getting to choke me. "My father is the town's Sheriff." I say and receive a nod in response.

"And what about your mother?" Henry once again vocalises a question which I would rather stay away from. "Can we talk about something else please?" Alec replies looking round the table, for the first time I am grateful.

"Why avoiding such simple question? Who is your mother a criminal? Or drug addict? An alcoholic?" Mrs Dark presses on demanding more and more of me. "Mother." Alec growls out roughly, the table shakes violently and I just sit there staring at the tanned hands on my lap.

"She's dead." I whisper but somehow the whole table hears it. Then a piercing laugh echoes in the air, Mrs Dark wipes away imaginary tear. "Oh is this not a joke?" Her voice states. I feel my tears glisten and I don't dare look up knowing everyone was staring at me.

No, no, no! Why are you crying for!?

"Excuse me." I stand from my chair and storm out of the room.
God this was embarrassing! 

I get up to my room and pull out my earphones. I try not to sob as the repeated words ring out in my head. How could she say things like that?! What kind of devil lived within her?
Putting on an army green hoodie I quickly step into black leather boots.

The door is opened and I watch Alec step into the room. "Before you say anything I'm not running off!" I exclaim loudly while zipping up the shoes but also hiding my face so he doesn't see how much it has affected me.

"I'm sorry for my mother." Alec steps closer to me and I feel tears escape my eyes. There was no freaking way I would let them fall.

"She should be apologizing, not you." Without looking up I shove my phone into the pocket of my black jeggings.

"I doubt you would get out an apology out of her...where are you going?" He asks calmly and I pause thinking for a moment.

Where was I going?

"To Sophie's. I will stay the night there." I tell him and he quickly nods his head.

"Why did you come upstairs?" I was sort of fuzzy with his warm caring behavior towards me. 

"It would be suspicious if I didn't come running after you." Alec says and I re-state my thoughts.


"Will I ever be seeing you again?" Alec asks after a while. I step from one foot to the other.

"I think you would find me even if I wasn't willing to come back." I watch him roll his eyes and then he replies.

"I'm relying on you, you know. It takes two people to handle a fake relationship." Alec says like a child and I stare back at him. "And it takes one mother to ruin it." Once again Alec smiles vivid and I shake my head. We seemed to get along well,unlike a few days back. Now he was surprisingly nice and kind; he was even smiling.

"Alex." I hear my name and turn my head to catch his gaze. "Yes?"

"Thank you." This brings a wide smile to my face and I wave it off. Quickly rushing downstairs I watch Mrs Dark smirks from the corner of my eye. "Leaving so soon?" She asks and I feel my heart beat rapidly in my chest. Don't you dare let her hurt you. You are better than her.

Ignoring her, I turn to Henry. "It was nice meeting you, Mr Dark." I smile at Henry who returns a smile. "Likewise."

"Call me." Alec wraps his arms around my waist and brings me towards his hard muscular​ chest. Oh wow.

"Why?" I cannot help but whisper. His eyes are strained on me. "Because I want to make sure you get safe to your friend's." I force a smile and wrap my arms around his torso.

"Okay, I will call you." I close my eyes as he leans in to plant a kiss on my cheek. I think my whole face begun to twist into a red color when Mrs Dark cleared her throat.

"Oh cmon, Katherine! They're so sweet together!" I hear Mrs Garvin save us while she grinned.

Is she involved in our plan too?

I find Alec staring intensively at me and say quickly. "I will see you tomorrow!" I watch him break into a smile and whisper as he leans closer, "Can't wait." My whole face burns first of all from the place on my cheek where Alec has pressed his lips to and second of all I had multiple thoughts on what the phrase actually meant.

"Nadia aren't you going to say goodbye to Alexia?" I hear Mrs Garvin say loudly and I watch the little girl stare at me with confused look on her face.

"She doesn't have to." I try to smile but the fact that I ruined our friendship upset me badly.

I would make sure to talk to her tomorrow.

Saying another set of goodbyes, I walk out of the building.
Off course I was met with Henry. I found it pretty hilarious that Alec's father was Henry and his driver was Henry too.

"Where to?" Henry asks and I smile. "Sophie's house." I give him directions and he follows the correct roads until I see her flat house show up outside my window. I get out of the expensive car. "Thank you for the ride!" I smile and wave him a goodbye just when he drives off.

I look around and notice once again the sun was setting down. I swear I only recently woke up!

Jogging up the steps I knock on the door with number 5.

It squeaks open to reveal a monster.

"Wow. Damn have I rang the wrong flat? I don't recognise his beautiful chick ." I whistle with a giggle. The girl with blonde nest hair and ghostly pale skin stared at me. Her eyes are confused for a moment before a small smile covers her mouth. The purple pyjama bottoms and and black tank top hug her skinny body like she was a model designed for them.

"Hello, to you too!" She exclaims and rubs her sleepy eyes. The blue eyes close for a brief second when she yawns loudly, making a whale sound.

"Did I wake you up?" I step into the flat. Getting my shoes off I follow her to the kitchen.

"Not really, no." She mumbles and I sit my ass on a purple chair. The kitchen looks like a mess, as if it was never cleaned before. That sent off the Warning alarm. Because Sophie was a clean freak she would soak everything in bacterial sanitiser even you could see it was clean and polished.  Narrowing my eyes I secretly flick around hoping to see anything else.

"Is everything okay? You haven't answered any of my calls. We barely talk anymore." I suppress my demanding tone. Sophie looks down at the mug in her palms. "I was busy." She replies and takes a sip of whatever she was drinking.

"Busy doing what?" I prop my eyebrow. Why was she avoiding the subject?

"You I've been doing late night shifts." She shrugs of the matter. The look on her face is lost and tired. The might have been work or it might have been something else.

I frown, " Why? I thought your money was okay. " Sophie glares at the mug in her hands not once looking down at me. "I just want to save up. You know emergencies and all that."

"Alright, I will ask once and only once. What is freaking going on?" I freeze when she stares straight at me. "Nothing." Her eyes are slightly wide. What a fucking liar.

"Just tell me, please." I notice her hands are trembling slightly.

She takes in a rough breath before releasing it. "My brother got into jail."

"WHAT?!" I yell out. No. Seth would never do a crime.

"What did he do?" I whisper. My heart was racing. Sophie leans against her stool. A couple of tears threatening to drop out of her sky blue eyes. "I told him not to get involved but he did! Someone called the police said they had weed and they did!" She gasps out with a sob.

I rush to her and embrace into a tight hug. "It's okay." I almost cry with her.
Seth was like a brother to me.

"No. It won't. I took a loan from the bank. I fucking paid lawyers to do their job but they couldn't do anything!" She screams and I close my eyes. Oh god.

"How much did you take?" I ask and she sniffles while wiping her eyes with a sleeve.

"$70,000" My jaw falls to the floor and seeing my expression Sophie continues to bawl her eyes out.

"It was stupid of me really. What did I expect?! There was no hope for him." She breathes heavily and I sit back down on the chair. My eyes wide with emotion.

"How are you going to pay the loan?" I question her and she looks up at me.

"I'm trying. That's why I don't talk to you much. I work most of the day." She looks down sadly and I continue to listen to her silently.

"I'm so whipped, Lexi. Please don't tell my mum about this. She will never forgive Seth." She cries.

"How long is his sentence?" I decide to ask, it was sad to think that I wouldn't be seeing Seth for however long.

"5 years." She mumbles, then her eyes struck wide, she as probably coming with terms that she wouldn't be seeing her brother for such long time.

"What did you tell your mum?" I ask and she rubs her eyes once again.

"I said, he got a contract in France so he wouldn't be back anytime soon." Sophie looks down at her hands.

"She must be really upset." I comment and Sophie glares at me. "What so you wanted to me to tell her that her own freaking son got arrested for having weed on him!?" She yells out, the white mug almost flying from her hands.

"Well that's the truth." I fuddle with my hands. "She will have a heart attack if she finds out." My best friend whispers, her eyes budging twice their size.

"I won't tell her, don't worry." I smile trying to comfort her. Sophie sighs, "So what it's like to be in the hands of the rich?"

"I met his parents."

"WHAT!?" Sophie shouts falling from her stool, then sits back on it.

"Tell me freaking every single detail!"



You will be seeing more of Sophie's character now! 

Until we meet again!

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