Babe House

By Ice_Tsorf_7

376 4 1

Cute musicians Skrillex, Deadmau5, Endigo, Seike, Kitcha, and Isen all live in the same house. Very gay thing... More

Skrillmau5 NANDA?! Fanfic
The Phirst Phresh Paragraph
What was Written the Next day (Or whenever...)
Breakfast at Skriffany's (It finally becomes a real story now)
Leaving Love
Ravers Don't Share (Apparently)
Much Rejoicing
And I'm not the Only One who Turned out Like That
Episode 420 with the Dogg ft. Pr0n
Those Dang Gay People
The Flashback and The Name
The Concert
Isolation of the Tour
Word Limit: 1K, I'm Sorry, It's 1 AM
Return of The Skrek
Someone is Still Alone/Doesn't it Bring You Back 2the Beginning
Sonny Mora
Kenfer Enters Where Deadmau5 Left Off
Qnfr From Tumblr
"The kid is basically a f--kin' louse. Are you sure you'd call that love?"
Confliqte, Basikkli
Femboys are Awesome
Endigo Goes Nuts Part II
To Bang Or Not To Bang/The Dance
Chapter 27: Overhaul [2021]

Darkness of the Forests of Thought

33 0 0
By Ice_Tsorf_7


Endigo ran outside to calm down. He wiped the mixture of tears and eyeliner from his eyes and walked in the direction of a usually deserted park. The wind blew through his dark hair and he sighed as he walked up the hill. This day had started out with a nice outfit and the thought of him winning against his Mau5head-wearing rival, but now everything seemed to be crashing down around him. It was just a bad day. The half-cosplaying guy looked down at his feet. He wasn't even wearing shoes. Going back inside would make him look dumb, and he was already past a few blocks. He shook a large spider out of his hair and just kept going.

////\//\/ ///\///\/\/\/\\/\//\\\\/ /////// / //\//\\\\/\/ /) /)\\\\/\\\\\/\\

They had the music video plan completely set up. Everyone was hungry after all of it, so the work of art of a human being who goes by "Skrillex" began cooking some freaking noodles for the other guys.

"We should get Endigo's opinion on his part of the MV, just to make sure he isn't going to be mad about it," Deadmau5 said after taking a sip of watered-down fruit juice. "By the way, what the f**k is this stuff?? Skril just handed me this from the fridge..."

Kitcha looked at the strangely-coloured drink. "Oh yeah, that's probably from when Ice was here. Ze always drinks weird stuff, LOL."

"Ze?" Deadmau5 asked.

"Yeah," Kitcha said casually, brushing a small knot out of his hair.

"If you don't like hir pronouns, you can get out! (・ω・)ノ" the gorgeous shawty with the greasy, dark hair said as he gave the 2 dudes their noodles and set Endigo's bowl down.

Skrillex was about to eat his noodles when he heard the old crackhead next door scream something dumb. "Those f**king transgenders!!!!!!!!! Them and their damn pronouns!!! Tell Ice that he or she is a f**king idiot!!"

I showed up from out of nowhere. "Get off my property, you stupid drug addict!" I threw a large pop can at the moron, knocking him out, and I called the cops. "And use my pronouns... Flipwad," I muttered. I placed the phone back on the counter.

"Good job Babe," Skrillex said as he hugged me. I hugged back and smelled his rave-and-grease-scented hair. It was cute when he called me that, especially since we weren't 100% dating all the time, and I wasn't his only babe. I looked back to his beautiful eyes. I let my hand drift slowly down his back. I knew I was 15, but this dude was babe AF. What other chance would I get to touch the butt of the fabulous Skrillex, right??

"Kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss!" Kitcha chanted silently from the dining room. He covered his mouth with his hand so it wouldn't look like he said it, LOL.

I smirked and stared at Skrillex's thin lips. They parted to probably tell me not to, but I kissed him anyways. He tried to push me away, but I knew how much he loved it when I kissed him. In only a second, I made him relax.

I made out with the dude and touched his epic butt. "I-Iceyyy..." He moaned a little, trying weakly to push me away again. He secretly didn't want to, I could see it in his eyes.

Deadmau5's jealous eyes shot daggers at me. I didn't really care, because I had my (or his) pretty babe in my arms and that was all that mattered.

"Get off him, you poop butt!!!!" Teh Maw-5 growled as he grabbed Skrillex's swaggy arm that was covered in his famous long-sleeved gray shirt with the light thread sewn in an "X" around the middle of the neckline.

I ran my hand through his smooth, beautiful mess of hair before the other music producer completely pulled him away.

"And don't come back to steal him from me again today, okay?!" The tattooed guy yelled, losing his cool and showing some insecurity.

"Oh, I'll be back," I said with confidence and a laugh. "It's not like I could find anything pretty like that anywhere else, eh?" I took a few steps back towards the door. "I do write this crap, so don't flip out around me, aight?"

"-_- Eh!!" Deadmau5 responded in a slightly racist Canadian accent, even though he was also Canadian. XD

I held out a peace sign as I walked out of the house and went back to my regular place, real life. This fanfiction needs to get written by someone. :P I closed the door.

"That guy..." Kitcha laughed.

"Demiguy," Skrillex said.

"Demiboy, whatever," Kitcha rolled his eyes a little. "Still uses the label 'guy'. :P" He was close with Ice as well. Not like make-out close, but they hung out.

Deadmau5 glared at Skrillex. That dude was a lot more close with Ice than anyone else. Well, when ze came around... Mau5 knew the Youtuber liked to keep some distance from them so they could still have their own relationships, but he didn't like the idea of Skril being Ice's babe instead of his. The age difference between them was creepy, anyways... (LOL) Ice was a weird kid, and ze mainly had the advantage from being the author.

The progressive house producer was snapped back to reality like a SnapBack on Spodermen's Microsoft-Paint-drawn head when Kitcha pointed out Endigo's bowl of noodles hadn't been eaten.

"Where could he be?" Kitcha said, referencing the "Bob the Builder, Can We Fix It?" game my little bro has. He shook his lovely, purple hair in slow motion. It made him kind of look like a Scene kid, but in a cute way instead of the neon-grown-out-Justin-Bieber-haircut way that many actual Scene guys do.

Kitcha took out his phone and texted Endigo.

"Wh3r3 u @ man??!¡¡!!"

He got a reply after a few minutes. "F**kin' lost."

"U b3ing 3m0 0r actually l0st? :/"

"I walked too far! XP Did u lose some keys on ur phone?"

"Y3ah, I spill3d curry 0n it wh3n I was drunk, it wr3ck3d a f3w. XD U n33d m3 t0 find y0u, th0ugh??"

"Yeah, I have no idea which way to go. :/"

"K. U pr0bably tri3d t0 g0 t0 th3 park, right?"

"Yep. U been stalking me? ;D"

"L0L." Kitcha closed his phone and took a house key. He interrupted the Skrillmau5 make out session to tell Deadmau5 he was going to find Endigo and headed out.


Deadmau5 touched Skrillex's hair as he kissed the shorter guy. He decided to talk to him about his feeeelings.

"*sigh* Do you like Ice more than me?" He was embarrassed he even asked the question, and couldn't look at his cute boyfriend.

The magnificent Skril looked him lovingly in the eye.

"Babe, ze's 15. You're a music producer. I have way more in common with you anyways, and Ice hardly even has a life. :P" He didn't want to insult his younger babe, and he only said it to make Deadmau5 feel better or some stuff.

I appeared in front of the long-haired guy. "I know it's true, but don't be a hoe, babe, -_-" I slapped him lightly. He whined a little and put a hand over his cheek. Mau5 was ready to guard his babe from any more of the emo kid's attacks, but I pushed the shawty's hand away from his face and kissed the spot he was covering.

"Come on, Maw-5. As if I'd really hurt this kawaii dude. <3"

I disappeared.


Kitcha walked through the dark forest. There was no sign of Endigo anywhere yet, and some idiot kept doing a bad wolf impression. The sky was darker than the Blue Violet colour of Kitcha's hair.

Endigo had been walking for a few hours, and it didn't help that he had no shoes on. At least his striped socks didn't break... He was starving and so tired he thought he was probably going to faint or even die if Kitcha didn't find him soon... Endigo looked around in the dark and saw a bush of something that looked like blueberries. He ate half of them all and continued to shiver as he walked in the dark, in the night.

Kitcha was getting kinda pissed off because it was late and dark as frick, but he continued to search through the forest for his friend who was totes BFF AF. He would be really cold if it wasn't for his sweater. He was wearing that one with the checkered pattern on the hood. #emolife

The swaggy dude paused when he heard a burp in the distance, and then a groan.

"Those berries were awful!1 AaaaaaAaghH! >_<"

It was totally Endigo, and he sounded tired or drunk, messed in some kind of way.

"Endigo?" Kitcha called out to the fabulously dressed figure.

"Kitcha!" Endigo ran over to him, shouting desperately. The shorter guy leaned in for a hug to warm his sweaterless friend, but Endigo staggered and crashed his lips onto Kitcha's. He wasn't seeing and moving as well because of the random berries he ate, and he was basically desperate for Kitcha to find him. His mind was warped from the cold.

Kitcha was startled and blushed intensely in the dark. "E-Endigo!!~? (0////~////0) What are you..."

The non-warped part of Endigo's mind was like, "oh crap, dude. Did I really just fricking do that?! >~<" but the warped part was like, "well, at least he didn't hit me or anything. :P"

Endigo continued and deepened the kiss. He refused to make it look like an accident. He didn't feel like it.

Kitcha let out a small noise. He liked it. He couldn't help that Endigo was a good kisser.

Yeah, Endigo had secretly wished for a long time that he could do this. This was all that he wanted, but he was just scared to admit it.

Kitcha didn't know what to think, but he continued to kiss Endigo back. He didn't care how he would feel about it later, all that mattered was right now.

They continued on for a few minutes, stopping because it was going to be hard to find their way home in the dark, and Endigo's shivering was making the kiss really awkward.

Kitcha took Endigo's hand to keep him warm as he lead him back towards the entrance of the forest.


Soon they were back at home, welcomed by a sleepy Skrillex in pajama pants and a From First to Last shirt. Deadmau5 was apparently asleep, and Ice was brushing Skril's hair before they went to bed. The EDM producer could obviously do that himself, but Ice just liked being close to him.

Endigo and Kitcha had finished changing into their pajamas, so Skrillex got up quickly from the couch to show them the little braids Ice did on the not-shaved side of his wavy, dark hair. He bounced down onto one of the beds in the room, accidentally knocking over a plate of expired yogurt with a fake moustache on it.

":((((," said Skrillex.

Ice came in. "Aw shizzle!!1 I was gonna use that for a stop-motion video..." Ze went to get a vacuum cleaner or a towel or whatever the frick someone would use to clean runny, bad yogurt off of a bed.

"See? Braids... Heheh," Skril said to the dudes.

"That's very nice, Skrilly," Endigo said jokingly as if he was talking to a kid.

The long-haired guy laughed and sat on the other bed in the room.

Ice returned to the scene of the yogurt spill and cleaned what ze could of it.

"Ay Skril, why aren't you cleaning it up?" Endigo asked. "Making the trans kid do all the work, LOL?"

Ice answered instead. "Nah, we have a pretty equal relationship, heh. He just looked tired and I didn't want to see him get yogurt in the braids I did. ^_^" The hair-dyed teen paused and looked at the bed after it was as clean as it could get. "You guys are going to have to sleep in one bed or something because this yogurt smells really bad and kinda went into the bed. :P Sry. :("

"Oh gosh dang, holy floop noodle. >_< Endigo already kissed me today and now we have to sleep together?? ('・/////_///・')" Kitcha thought.

"K, LOL," Endigo said as Skrillex and Ice left the room, shutting the door to theirs.

Silence filled Endigo and Kitcha's room.

Endigo looked over at Kitcha. His face was hidden mostly by purple hair. He looked sad, but almost scared. Endigo spoke up. "D-dude, you've been quiet all night, is there something wrong?"

Kitcha looked at Endigo, seeing his friend was concerned. He looked down to the floor. "I don't know how to feel about this."

Endigo shifted on the bed. "Why?" He questioned.

There was a pause in the conversation. Kitcha was nervous and didn't want to say the whole thing because he didn't know exactly how to, and he wasn't sure how he felt.

Endigo looked out the window, then back at Kitcha. He was reminded of the time they had just spent out there. "Is it because of the kiss?"

"Yes." Kitcha closed his eyes. He opened them and looked at a bad painting of Pewdiepie on the wall. "Why did you do it?"

"Um... *LOL* It was actually an accident, but I continued with it."

"Yeah, you continued...?"

"Because I like you," Endigo said genuinely, but casual enough to not be intimidating. He smiled at Kitcha.

"O shet. Endig00p teh f*k rong wit u???????"" Kitcha squeaked like a robot.

Nah, that isn't what he said. XD

Kitcha looked down at his cool Converse shoes (because he was pretending to be in America, where everyone keeps their shoes on inside, or maybe the people on Family Guy just thought it would be easier to draw... I have only been to America once, to go to Disneyland).

He was blushing and tried to hide his face with a $22.5 bill he got out of his tight scene kid shirt from Hot Topic.

"Babe... I know you like me too," Endigo took the money from Kitcha's hand. "Wanna see what I can do for $22.50?" He smiled all creepy and inappropriate, suggestively raising an eyebrow.

Kitcha grabbed it back. "#Hooker," he laughed.

"Your loss..." Endigo LOLed. He was glad he could make Kitcha laugh when he seemed sad and stressed.

"Anyway, speaking of loss, it's better to have loved than lost, so are you ready to admit you like me?" The fancy dude in pajama pants with a pattern of his own face printed on them asked with a smirk. "You did kiss me back, and you were basically holding my hand half the way home."

"It was dark..," the purple-haired swag creature mumbled.

Endigo knew Kitcha obviously wasn't going to admit out loud that he liked him because the green-eyed musician was currently being a silly, dramatic hashtag, so he had to try something odd and wheeled.

"How about we pretend it's dark again?"

Kitcha laughed nervously at Endigo's request. Endigo picked up Kitcha's hand and ran his fingers over it. He put an arm around the dude, getting closer to him. Kitcha was blushing totes legit AF. It was a nice moment, but Endigo realized he was way ready to sleep, so he leaned on Kitcha enough to make him fall onto the bed with him. Kitcha was tired as well, so they slept.

He was alright with Endigo's arms around him, since they were warm and comforting.

Endigo fell asleep to the sound of Kitcha snoring.

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