Queen of the Beastsâś…

By b00klover09

2.3M 99.6K 13.9K

đź‘‘1 in Queen Seriesđź‘‘ (Warning: Dark themes & sexual assault) I will have you...all of you, Esmerleda," he s... More

Attention/ Authors Note
NEW Announcement
Queen of the Fangs!


58.3K 2.3K 293
By b00klover09

"Eddie," I sighed, as he pulled me down the corridor. He was insistent that we go down to the garden today. Sarah had supposedly found some blue birds under a bush and held one. Or so the story goes.

"Come on Esme! You are very slow," he frowned as I in turn frowned down at him. Well I was still in pain. It was hard for me to move my back...it was still tender. Plus, I have had heavy bleeding for the past few days. Thank god it ceased earlier.

Sirus would be happy. He had said that the scent of my blood was driving his beast insane. In thinking I was in danger...but actually not in any grave danger. He would wake up out of his sleep, waking me up and asking to sniff around me.

Which would entail me going on my back and him sniffing over every inch of my body. Making sure I was not bleeding out of any other place than my womanhood.

"Eddie, remember I am still in pain. You have to go slow," I reminded him as he sighed, and then stood tall. Taking extra slow steps, while holding my hand tightly. As if I was elderly and would topple over any moment.

I began to laugh. "I am no cripple, Eddie," I sighed as I saw a flash on blonde hair down the hall. I knew it was Chelsea. It had to be.

"Chelsea!" I shouted.

She began to run. "Dammit," I swore as I tried to go as fast as I could.

Eddie suddenly let go of my hand. "Do not worry!" He said as he raced down the hall, going to run after her.

I heard a loud crash. A sigh left my lips as my poor legs began to work faster than they possibly could. What I saw when I rounded the corner. Made me burst into laughter.

A maid with a cart full of food over turned. Food all over Eddie and Chelsea. "What...what happened?" I laughed as Eddie began to lick some sort of sauce from his hand.

"He crashed into me and I crashed into the cart," Chelsea said a bit winded as I helped her up. "Thank you, your highness," she siaid softly as she looked towards the floor. Confusion clouded me.

"Eddie...please do not lick Chelsea's dress," I warned as I looked over her gorgeous dress. It was divine. I wanted it! How did she afford such a thing? Where had she been for the past few days? She had bruises on her face. One rather large one on her neck. Sort of resembling when Sirus had so kindly bit me...

"I will get him cleaned up your majesty," the maid offered.

"Thank you," I said while Eddie kissed my hand then began to run off down the hall. The poor maid running after him.

Chelsea and I were left alone. "I am sorry...I-I am so sorry," she whispered as I watched her eyes began to tear. "How are you? I heard you were bleeding from your womanhood. Did Fiona cause that?" She asked, trying to hold back tears.

I laughed lightly. "I am completely fine...and well no. That is what happens to us human women every so often. It is natural. You do not have such a thing? Since you are a halfbreed?" She shook her head. Bless her soul.

"I...I must go...I have to change my dress. Rowan will be upset. I-I already messed up the dress he just had gotten tailored to fit me," she sighed loudly, as I stared at her in confusion.

Something was going on with her and Rowan. I had no idea what. Throughout the few  times that I was drugged by that herbal mixture, I faded in and out of consciousness. Most of the time Sirus would be speaking to me. I hardly remembered what he had said. But I picked up their names every now and then.

"Why would Rowan buy you a dress?" I questioned. I did not know they were that close for him to buy her dresses. She looked down again. "Well first we should get this dress cleaned up," I said with a smile. "We can go to my bedroom...and change you into something not covered in food. Even though you smell like a well cooked ham," I said as she laughed a bit.

"Well...I have a room here now....with um Rowan...I will explain everything when we get there."


"But I just do understand," I said while tying up her new dress. "Rowan is a good man," I explained to Chelsea as she pulled away from me, sighing and pacing their large room. Not as large as Sirus and I's...but large.

"He is a royal," she stated, as she dropped her dress in front of me. Exposing herself. I could not look away. She was beautiful. Her body was amazing...compared to mine. Not to mention her hair. I felt like an ugly rodent compared to her. If Sirus was to see her naked...I bet you Rowan and him would be fighting. "Royals are evil." My eyes lingered on her hips that had dark blue bruises on them. As mine did...when Sirus had taken me on our wedding night...

"Has he forced you? I am sure it runs in their beastality to treat women like such," I said, thinking that maybe that was why she did not like him. That was on the niche on the long belt of reasons why I did not care for Sirus.

"No," she said hotly. "Rowan is nothing compared to Sirus and I would appreciate if you not mention that. Rowan and Sirus are very different men. Nothing like each other actually," she snapped as I watched her shimmy into her dress. "Just because you have had a bad experience with a beast does not mean you can categorize them all as bad."

I could not believe her. "You just grouped all royals into a category of evil, Chelsea. You aren't being fare. I am a royal, am I evil?" I think taking her lashings for her is more than kind enough. Even though I would never say that to her.

Chelsea sighed, rubbing her face with her hands. "I just do not know what to do! I do not want this. Rowan is kind, but-"

"-Have you two had intercourse?" I asked before she looked at me with rising eyebrows. I felt my cheeks redden.

"I-I'm sorry...I-"

"It is fine...your highness. Um...well yes. We have it was...it kind of just happened and now well I do not know. He always stares at me as if he wants to....-"

"-Rip your clothes off?" I asked as she laughed and nodded her head. How could she find this funny? Maybe....she enjoyed being with Rowan. Some people enjoyed being with their....spouses. I did not.

"Yes...but I need to go out...to my village. Rowan vowed to kill the witch who helped me keep my scent a secret. She is a good woman, Esmerelda. I cannot have her killed," she explained. "But Rowan is constantly having guards surround me."

I could not relate. Guards have always been apart of my life. But she seemed very concerned. "Maybe...you could talk to King Sirus. He is sure to get in your good graces...you could ask him if I could take you on a tour of the kingdom-"

"-We could run from the guards and find your friend," I interrupted her as she nodded her head enthusiastically. "But...how am I supposed to get him to...say yes?"

Chelsea gave me a wary look. "Convince him...Intercourse is not an option?"

I gave her a horrified look. "No, that is out of the question. I will never do that again with him," I said firmly as Chelsea sighed, and began to pace.

"Does he touch you at all? Just little small touches. I hear a lot from the maids. They disrobe easily for the guards," she whispered as my eyes widened. I think the maids at my....old kingdom and new kingdom...have the same things in common. "Distract him with your body while you ask questions. That seems to work with men." 

"Well...he waits for me to finish bathing and for the maid to help me dress before coming in to sleep."

She stared at me as if I was insane. "King Sirus....King Sirus does that?" I nodded.

"Well...I do not know. Do something that will entice him. Distract him so that he will agree to let us go. I would not ask for this unless it was dire. They really want to kill her."

They were vicious. I did not blame her. I did not want Chelsea to have to go through what I went through. Losing her loved one through the vicious attack of a beast. "I will think of something..."


I took a deep breath....as I stared down at my shriveled pruned up fingers. I was in this bath for far to long. The water was becoming cold. I had to get out.

I had a plan. Was it an idiotic one? Maybe so. Might I regret it? Yes.

"Sirus!" I yelped. I could hear the door to our room being slammed open. In less than a few seconds...the door to the washroom opened. He stood in the threshold, looking around the washroom as if someone was going to have my head on a platter.

"What is wrong, Esmerelda?" He questioned as he looked over me quickly, before looking around the room again.

The hand that was protecting his view from my breasts reluctantly lifted. "I...am still sore. That maid is to rough with me...can you please help me out of this?"

He nodded his head. I took a deep breath before standing slowly. My cheeks burning as he grabbed the towel, and his eyes soaked in my nakedness. Why was I doing this?

He wrapped the towel around me quickly, and drew my wet body close to his chest. I could hear odd rumbles from his chest as he carried me into our bedroom.

He sat me on mg vanity gently before standing up glaring down at me. I saw his eyes trailing over my bare thighs. This was a dangerous game I was playing. "Can you please grab my nightgown?" I said as I pointed to where it was. He turned away, walking towards where it lay.!

"So...Chelsea is a princess now," I announced. "Rowan makes her sad," I told him as he walked back over to me. With my gown. He was not speaking to me. At all. He quickly pulled the towel from me, and managed to get the gown over my head in seconds. "What is wrong with you?" I asked, flustered as I grabbed my towel back, beginning to dry the rest of my body off.

"I helped you, yes? Is that not what you were expecting, Esmerelda? If you try to deceive me know this...you will not live to see sunrise."

That angered me. Did he know what I was trying to do? What was wrong with him? "Again, what have I done to warrant this? Nothing. You wanted me to treat you as my husband and I do. Asking for help on a simple task and you lash out on me. I have nothing to hide," I said quickly watching him look at me warily. "What is wrong with you?"

He sighed, his eyes switching colors quickly. "I spoke with Fiona today. We did not leave on good terms."

That peeked my interest. No one gave me a clear answer on where the evil witch was. I wanted to know. "What happened to her?"

"She is in the cells," was his curt response.

"How long will she be in their?"

"Till every scar fades from your back."

I let lose a laugh. He knew nothing about humans.!He was truly mad. "Sirus I am a human. It will take forever for me to heal. When I was six I scraped my knee and I still have a feint scar."

"Well she will be in prison forever then."

I felt a lump in my throat. Eddie was my brother. If he were older and committed horrid act against Sirus...I do not think I would punish him... but Sirus was willing to punish his sister for eternity for me? It made no sense.


"You are my Queen. No one harms you and gets away with it."

Tears gathered in my eyes. Those words brought back an onslaught of memories. My parents... "Would you cut off your own hand rather than to hit me?" I asked, recalling my father's words to my mother one time...when they were arguing. Or rather having a rather loud disagreement.

He stared at me for a second, looking at my probably flushed and upset appearance. "Yes...I would Esmerelda. Why is this making you cry?"

I sighed shakily. "M-my parents. They were very protective of each other. What you have just said sounds so similar to what my father said about my mother," I whispered, trying to stop the onslaught of tears that began to overcome me.

I heard him chuckling. My heart dropped. He was laughing at my grief? How could someone be so cruel? "My parents were the same way. They quarreled often but if anyone attempted to come against them, the other would be ready to have the opposers head," he chuckled as I looked up at him. He had a...genuine smile on his face. It was...odd.

He had never spoken about his parents. I have not met them...are they still alive? "What has happened to them?" I questioned walking his eyes glow dangerously.

"Same as yours, Esmerelda. They were murdered. Your parents died with honor, mines did not. That is the only difference." After saying that he helped me up...and tied the back of my nightgown.

I cleared my throat. "Chelsea wanted to take me on a tour of the kingdom...are we allowed that?"

"You would like to go?" He asked, the sound of astonishment in his voice. "I thought you wanted nothing to do with my kingdom." His lips were close to my neck. His warm breath fanning over my cold skin. I found my self unconsciously leaning into him.

"I have partially accepted my role as Queen," I lied to him as I felt his lips skim my neck. Where the bite was. I felt uncomfortable. It was Incredibly to sensitive for him to touch.

"And as my wife?" He asked...I suppose in a gentle manner. Even though I don't ever think a man like him can be capable of being gentle.

Should I tell him no. That I would never be the wife that he wanted nor needed? Or should I lie to the beast? Get in his good graces? "I do not know," I told him truthfully. Or well half truth. Because the chances of me accepting him....were slim. Extremely slim.

"There will come a day, Esmerelda. That you will crave for me like I crave for you."

"Of course you talk about sexual cravings," I said as I pulled away from him. Anger bubbling up in me. It was being suppressed. Greatly. But this....no. I would never crave his body.

"Yes I do mean sexually but my presence. I enjoy your presence, you being close puts both my beast and I at ease. You will crave my presence," he claimed as I watched him pull at his shirt.

I ignored his...nakedness. He was never one to shy away. Always disrobing when we spoke. Probably in hopes that my eyes would wander over his...'impressive stature.' But they never did.

"Well, the day that happens Sirus will be the day I will fully become your Queen, wife. Whatever you want me to be."

"I look forward to that day."

Hey guys! I haven't updated in a while because I was having mild writers block. I knew the ideas in my head I just couldn't get them on to 'paper' lol

And it's DECEMBER! I'm a Christmas fanatic and in the honor of giving I'm going to be posting a chapter every week of December!

Tell me what you guys think! Please vote and comment! Till next time;)

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