Secrets - Niam {LiamPayne&Nia...

By LoveLikeWOEx33

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Niall’s pretty. There’s no denying it. Baby blue eyes framed by thick lashes, full pouty lips, porcelain skin... More

Prologue & Part 1
After The Night
The Drunken Moment...
Heartache Devil
Shhh... Dont Tell Them
Harry, Harry-Harry.
Tea Burns
A Jar Of Broken Hearts
If I Tell My Secrets Or Expose My Weakness...
Cry Me A River
Mistakes Part 1
Mistakes Part 2
Getting Together
Without You
Dirty Little Secret
Awkward Romance
Home Sweet Home
Welcome Tiegan
My Secret Book
I Miss You
Pouring Out On The Pages
i Dabble
All Nighter?
I Wanna Stay Up All Night, And Do It ALL With You...
Two Different Worlds Collide
Drunk Truth
Harsh Crowd
Last Night
Why her
Bittersweet Love
Angels Fall
Jam Packed Feelings
fresh eyes, opening heart
Author's Note
Building Confidence [BOOK 2 OF SECRETS]

Vanilla Twilight

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By LoveLikeWOEx33

Part 14

Liam’s P.O.V

Danielle’s hunger got the best of her and she started to grind on me, while she was still up on the wall, I’ll take that as a yes then. She was grinding onto my stomach then she slid down lower on the wall… Oh god help me now. I should have stopped it, I was holding her after all but I didn’t. This should be the right thing... Right? She started to grind a bit harder making me take deep breaths in as she did, I could feel my erection through my jeans and I bit my lip hard, oh what am I doing? This isn’t right… I still love Niall… Yes love… Then what am I doing here with Danielle. I was awoken from my day dream when I felt Danielle bite my ear lobe, god this girl… How does she know all my sweet spots? I let out a small moan, not thinking about what I was doing. This only sent her hungry for more. “Liam” she seductively whispered into my ear which made me bite my lip harder. She removed herself from my waist and got onto her tiptoes and kissed me roughly, eagerly.

Stop it Liam, just stop it now. Apologise for everything and make it up to her everyday but buying her sorry cards and stuffed animals… Say sorry for using her… Stop using her Liam, you love Niall. You’re better than that Liam, just stop it now. You’re using her.

“NO” I growled and pushed Danielle over to the dinner table, I laid her down flat on the table and got on top of her, Liam Payne does not use people. She was a bit gobsmacked about my quick reactions but suddenly got over it. I slowly started to trail kisses down her jaw line, then to her neck then her collar bone and then just the peak of her cleavage. I looked up to her and she just bit her lip and nodded. My breathing wasn’t right, it wasn’t deep and hard due to lust or passion, and it was like this because I was scared… And I knew I was doing the wrong thing… But I didn’t know how to stop. I can’t touch her like that… Not now… Not here… Not when I don’t have my head in the right place. I closed my eyes and sighed and removed myself from her, she got up off of the table and was right by my side while I slid down the wall to the cold floor. I’m not sure whether she was pissed, angry or what I just couldn’t look at her now… “Liam” she said full on worried, you could tell in her voice, I saw a head reach for my hair as she scuffed it back into place and she smiled warmly at me.

“I’m scared…” I admitted, I hugged my knees close to my chest and rested my head on them, I just wanted to sob into my knees and think about Niall, but a) that was pretty impossible at this time and place and b) I’m not letting her see me cry. No, you have been too weak for too long Liam. This boy his messing with you head. I felt her lean over me, to hug me. “I-I’m sorry Liam… I took it a bit too far… please forgive me?” she asked desperately. Obviously not wanting to lose me, and I didn’t want to lose her either. I sniffed hard and looked up at her; she was so pretty, just so right for me. Yet I’m here half breaking down because of Niall. His caused me so much pain and heartache… I pushed my knees down and pulled her closer to me, her face closer to mine and kissed her lips softly.

Before we completely finished the kiss I mumbled against her lips “can we take it in baby steps?” I smiled at her, she smiled back and nodded. She kissed my lips once again before there was a knock at the door. I pulled myself up and helped Danielle up to, she signalled me to wait there and I did as I was told while she went to answer the door, I smiled to myself. She could be the one.

Niall’s P.O.V

I sniffed into Harrys shoulder once more and pulled away; I smiled and kissed his cheek. “I love you Haz, I’m so sorry” I managed to croak out he smiled and rubbed my cheek “Love you to Nialler” his strong voice came back at me, I smiled once more and hugged him again. I’ve been such a jerk to him, all I’ve been thinking about it Liam, Liam and Liam. Also myself, I’ve been just so selfish, not thinking about how I affected Harry. You’re such a selfish bastard Niall. “Haz…” I pulled away and looked him in the eyes “I love you so much, I am so sorry I hurt you so badly… I feel like a prick and-” he put his finger to my lips and put on a childish anger face “don’t swear!” he warned me which made me smiled like a 4year old hyped up on candy. He winked at me and we both broke out in laugher, I’m glad this is all okay now. Now, it’s just Liam I need to deal with.

My phone started to vibrate and sang me a song, I pulled it out of my jean pocket and saw a text from Louis, it read:-

Nialler, I have a date for you tonight. I’m making sure Liam gets his girl, {Danielle} if you haven’t already heard of her, pretty sure you have though as you’re his best mate. I think he loves her I mean she’s his ideal girl. But yeah on my way to hers now and hopefully Liam will be there to, so I’ll tell the two of them that were all going out but we’ll send them to a different table and as for you get a date bro, I’m taking Curly ;) Let him know okay? Bye sexy monster.

What? Who’s this Danielle, I looked over to Harry who still had a smiled spread across his adorable face. But his faced changed a few seconds after mine dropped; I dropped my phone on the look and looked at Harry. Danielle? “Harry?...”I questioned him, ready to break down in tears again. He ran over to hug me, he held me there tight. “Niall what is it? What’s the matter?” he questioned me, I started to sniff again, no don’t cry you fucking pussy Niall. “Wh-Whos D-D-Danielle?” His body didn’t stiffen or anything, he must not know the girl. “She’s probably one of our dancers for the tour why Nialler?” he pulled away from me and looked into my eyes, “She’s going out with Liam.” I choked out then broke into a river stream. None of this, I repeat none of this would have happened if I wasn’t such a dickhead and didn’t tell Liam I didn’t love him in the first place, when I really do. I screw up all of the time and I hate it. Harry now went a tad stiff, he knew I loved Liam. He knew how this affected me but yet he still did the unthinkable. “Niall… Please go out with me?” His head hung low… Just like mine did with Liam. This boy seriously loved me… And… And if Liam’s with Danielle then… Then why not? I do love him, I love Harry but I never thought about him in that way.

I mean, his smile makes girls drop down like flies and his accent, oh god his accent is so deep. I bit my lower lip and actually studied Harry, his curls were placed perfectly over his face and his piercing green eyes glistened with tears as he looked down on the floor. I took in a deep breath which made him flinch… Did he think I was going to hit him? My heart pounded… “Haz… You thought I was going to hit you?” I asked in disbelief… Is this what I’ve come to? Do I scare him that much? “Haz, you have nothing to be scared about” I smiled at him, I reached my hand out over to his face and pulled it closer to mine, I pushed my lips softly onto his and our lips began to mash together in passion. Somehow I don’t think Louis will be taking Harry on that ‘date’ tonight.

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