The Werewolf CEO 1 of The CEO...

By embermarina

441K 15.3K 1.3K

"You can't go out now. The werewolf is roaming the forests." ........ Alexia Summer had no clue what she was... More

Writing in Progress
Official Trailer
Prologue - The Moon Goddess
Car Crash
Meeting the Monster
Sickening Attitudes
Secret Wonder Abouts
Sharp Servants
The Funeral
The Golden Shirt
Falty Confessions
Bro Code Promise
The Little Things
Walk The Line
Missing Memories
Arrogant Apologies
Please Don't Go
Too Soon
Complicated Human Love
I Don't Wanna Live Forever
The Vampyr Party - Part 1
The Vampyr Party - Part 2
The Lost Child
Mr and Mrs Dark
Don't Let the Drunkies In
The Forest Wolf
Hello Brother
What Really Happened
Ambrogoi & Selene
Promises Are Never Broken
Deadly Lies at a Reasonable Price
Epilogue - Until Dawn
The Dark Ceo
The Werewolf Ceo Playlist

Rays of Rage

11.1K 503 42
By embermarina

Follow me on Instagram! I post updates on the story there! @ emberia_

"Not all evil is always bad."

I arrive at the Hardson Hospital in 15 minutes. The driver didn't try to make a conversation again so I anticipated to enjoy this little quiet moment to myself. I thought about my mum, would they let me see her body? I still haven't said goodbye to her.

Neither I could find the answer to the question that I was dreading for two days now. Why was I so damn fascinated by this new guy in my life.

Actually, I had to spin my head around the fact that me would be the last person Alec would notice. It was clear that he only kept me at his mansion for his own selfish reasons.

Yes, I like the way he looks with those dark shimmery eyes that were always angry and displeased but that was nothing to his arrogant personality.

Something completely foreign made me form this unclear connection with him. Maybe I haven't ever met such a cold being before, maybe the change of challenge or latest events made me want to step out of my comfort zone that was buried deep down underground.

Paying the driver I walk into the office.

"Hi. I'm here to see Rachel Summer." I whisper to the office lady who tapped away on the keyboard without looking up at the visitor.

"Let me see. Rachel...Rachel. Um. It says she was taken to the morgue." She adjusts her little glasses on the bridge of her nose as if the conversation was butterflies and fairies.

"But she only passed away yesterday." My breath hitches and I gasp in chunks. I wouldn't be able to see her anymore.

"I believe we send people to morgue in the duration of 12 hours." She speaks apologetically and I restrain my tears from spilling. Some visitors on the plastic blue chairs pass me a curious glance while others never look up from their phone screens.

"Oh." I whisper and I think the sorrow is clearly visible on my face because she adds.

"It says someone named John Summer has requested a funeral service if that helps." She glances at me with utmost sympathy.

"Okay thank you." I mutter out and leave the hospital with shuddering hands.

Getting out my cheap smartphone I call just the person the office lady mentioned.

John Summer.

"Alexia?" I recognise my father's devastated voice. It is weak of emotions and I cannot help but feel my heart throb.

"Hey dad." I whisper. My eyes on reflex well up with tears.

"Have you heard the news?" He asks with a slurred voice. Did he have something to drink?

"Yes. She was a...." I cannot even finish the sentence, it doesn't feel real that she is actually gone. Lonely tears mask my pale face.

"It was all your fault she died, you little b****!" My father yells into the phone. A loud gasp of shock escapes my mouth and I stop in my tracks.

He sounds drunk but it did not add up. My dad never drank.

"Are you drunk?" I ask through my tears. Alcohol and him were enemies a way back before he met mum. It appeared as if the old habits never die just like they say.

"Where were you yesterday you little w****?!" He shouts into the phone completely vanishing my implies.

"I was-i got into a car accident." I shudder out, wiping at my eyes with the corner of the brown sleeve.

"Why didn't you die then?!" He screams. I release a sob and hang up.

My father hated me.

I sob into the back of my hand. Looking through my contact list.
I call Sophie.

"The person you are trying to reach is currently unavailable."

I scroll through the list and decide to call my ex.

Sadly he was the only other person on my contact list. Apart from Mr Alec Dark that is. As much as I wanted to talk to him, he probably was busy in discussion about something business related.

"Hi Jake." I say when the guy picks up.

"Lexi? Oh hey?" He greets me as if not expecting me to ever ring him.

"I-i know we broke up. But-but I just need someone to talk to." I sob into the phone. I sounded pathetic, not even going to deny that.

"Sh**, Lexi. What's wrong? Did someone die?" Jake laughs loudly while I stroll down the empty roads.

"You're the same jerk I used to date." I grit out at last in no mood at all.

"I'm only trying to help. Besides what's actually wrong?" This time he is being serious. Usual behavior for Jake.

"My mum. She died yesterday." I feel my bottom lip tremble. Jake and I, go way back to high school years. We used to best friends for a while but then Sophie came into my life and the saying 'sisters before misters' took action.

We decided to drown the relationship which was going nowhere at the bottom of the sea.

"Oh." Jake pauses for a moment. He knew both of my parents quite well since our parents used to be great friends and so that's how we got to know each other in the first place.

"I'm sorry to hear that. She was a great woman." He speaks loudly while I close my eyes briefly to let the cool winter air flood into my lungs.

"Yes." With light sniff I spring my eyes open when a by passing old truck decides to horn at me.

"Um. Lexi. If you need anything...and I mean anything. Give me a call. Alright?" Jake sounds troubled and I stiffle a laugh that was about to jump out of my lips.

"Okay." I breathe and walk further down the long twisted road.

"Um, can I help you with anything?" Jake questions and I release a small smile. Kicking a pebble lying on its side I finally reply without sounding like a crying mess.

"Can you please find out when is my mum's funeral dad..he- I don't think he wants to see me anymore. But I want to attend it still." I mumble quite hoarsely.

"Off course. I will ring you later. Okay?" Jake says and waits for my reply.

"Okay." I rush out.



A group of fashionably dressed teenagers walks past me, a red head girl in the middle stares at my outfit before squeaking out a laugh.

Oh bullcrap.

I was dressed in manly sweats. A brown coat and black leather boots.

I looked like a trump.

No, not Donald Trump but a homeless person.

I look through my pockets and find no lose change.
So I couldn't go back home, what would my neighbors think if they saw me dressed like this.

But I still needed to go somewhere.

I decided to walk.

5 miles roughly wasn't that much of a distance anyway.


By the time I got to the Alec's house my legs were literally going to fall off.

I press the call button.

"Yes?" It is Henry. His voice was hard to misplace since it was quite deep even for a man.

"It's me, Alexia." I grunt leaning against the cold gates.

"Miss Summer? I thought Mr Dark has informed you-" I cut him off.

"Yes. Please let me in already." I quickly mutter glancing around the street. The last thing I wanted is those dudes coming back for more.

The gates open and I slowly walk in.

I step onto the porch and Mrs Garvin opens the door.

"Oh here she is." She mutters with a glare. Her small hands are clenches into fists while resting on her hips.

"Here I am!" I reply back while my feet scream out in pain.

I walk up stairs to where my room was and decide to change the sweaty clothes. Having no clothes to change I make my way to the room where I can get some.

Storming into Alec's room I use the magic machine again.

This time I choose a red flannel and another pair of black sweatpants.

I walk around the house and find Mrs Garvin cooking in the kitchen.

"Can I help?" I ask her. Might as well make myself useful. I could use some distraction.

She glares at me. "Okay."

"What do you want me to do?" I ask her quietly. I was quite expecting her to yell at me with some nasty curses of how I should die but she doesn't say quite that.

"Broccoli and cheese soup. This is Mr Dark's favourite." She speaks tenderly.

"Okay." I say and get on with the cooking.

"Do you know how to cook it?" She raises an eyebrow as if I was an immature human being that didn't know the difference between an apple and a strawberry.

"Off course. That was my mum's favourite." I inform her before cutting broccoli into little pieces. Maybe it was my luck that I actually knew how to make it.

"Tell me about your mother." She roughly commands. For a second I hesitate, this woman was anything but nice to me why should I share my life with her. But then I decided to just roll with it.

"She was definitely someone special beyond words. She would smile through everything. She was so caring. Always so loving towards everyone." I tell her, my eyes welling up with tears.

"She sounds like a wonderful woman." She tells me smoothly.

"She was." I smile, while letting the brunette strands cover my snow pale face.

"What happened to her?" Mrs Garvin asks.

"Cystic fibrosis. They didn't find a lung donor. She passed away yesterday." I tell Her while strictly focusing on the cutting. If I once think about her again I will break down.

"I'm really sorry." I look at her and notice her wrinkled face filled with tears.

"It's fine." I continue my procedure.

"No I am genuinely sorry. I didn't know what you were going through and here I was judging you." She takes a hold of my arm. My eyes widened for a second.

"Can I ask you a favour?" I mumble out. Maybe she could help me.

"Off course." The old woman smiles weakly.

"I need to go to her funeral sometime soon. But please don't tell Mr Dark I've left the house." I beg her with my pleading blue eyes that just seemed to work on everyone.

"I'm afraid I can't do that Miss Summer." She wipes her tears with a wrinkled hand before returning back to the cooking.

"Please..I need to attend her funeral." I release a sob. There was no chance now.

"You don't understand. Mr Dark knows you left. He is on his way back." She whispers and my blue eyes enlarge twice their size.

"Oh crap." I curse without realisation. Mrs Garvin frowns for a second before her features over taken with fear.

Just as if on que. The door doesn't just regularly open, it freaking shutters sending the whole house into a vibrant earthquake.

I notice his gorgeous face. He is pissed. Really pissed.

Alec doesn't say a word just swiftly holds up a newspaper.

'Mr Alec Dark has been caught seeing a new woman! Alert even the poor can get a chance at rich men now! Does that mean even the richest can reach for the cheap?! Let's find out!'

And right on the front page there is a picture of me in his sweatpants and my phone in hand.

"I can explain-" I begin.

"What is the meaning of this?!" The Ceo shouts and storms in front of me.

"I needed to see my mum. I had no other choice." I shake while talking. It's not that big of a deal anyways!

"I told you that your identity will affect my reputation! Do you ever listen?! Do you ever?!" He shouts at me and I notice Mrs Garvin is no longer in the room. If only she could save me from the wrath of this angry man.

"I didn't know they were right at the gates!" I shout back, breathing hard. My feelings are scattered all over the place.

"Because of you I'm seen as cheap! Do you understand what that means?! Or are you too stupid to understand simple things like that?!" He continues to yell at Me, while my legs shake underneath the black pair of sweatpants.

"It's better for you to judge me when you are rich, wealthy and can afford everything in life! Have you thought about what they see me as?! Cheap prostitute?!" I tell him my voice breaking off. Alec stares into my blue eyes for a moment before continuing the argument.

"Aren't you one?!" He yells out so loudly, I take a fearful step back.

I gasp in chunks. Tears fall from my eyes.

"My mother died. My own mother. I just wanted to see her for one last time." I poke him in the shirt, proving my point while sobbing.

Alec stares at me without saying a thing.

I cannot stand there any longer so I storm out of the kitchen.

I ran back up the stairs and into the room where I lock myself.

"Why is life so unfair??!" I scream into the pillow. Letting my heart out lasts a while.

I lay on the bed for what feels like hours when my phone rings.

"Hey Jake." I answer the phone straight away.

"Lexi. Hey, I found out your mum's funeral is tomorrow at 10 a.m." He informs me.

"Okay thank you." I whisper and hang up.

How am I going to attend a funeral if I'm not even allowed to go anywhere?

I hear a knock on the door.

"Who's there?"
I ask. Panic settles at the pit of my stomach that it could be Alec.

"It's me." I hear Mrs Garvin's voice. Letting out a breath of relief I spring to my feet and quickly plant the dark door open.

"I thought you might be hungry." She puts a plate of food on the desk.

"Thank you." I release even if eating was definitely out of question right now.

"I think you should ask Mr Dark to let you go to the funeral tomorrow." She begins and I look up into her dark eyes.

"How do you know-." I start but she gently cuts me off.

"I have the bad habit of eavesdropping." The old woman laughs while stepping on her feet.

"I doubt he will let me go. After all the mess I have done." I whisper while rubbing my eyes in exhaustion. I barely had any sleep.

"If I was in your place.I would have done the same thing." Mrs Garvin smiles weakly and leaves me with that.

I remain in the room for another hour before I decide to take action. Mrs Garvin was right.

I walk up to the Alec's door.

Pausing my hand traces the smooth wood when the door opens and reveals the god.

"You wanted something?" Alec asks as if he already knew I was standing there. Again, another indicator that he might be planting cameras around here!

"Can I talk to you?" I mumble looking into his puppy brown eyes.

"Come in." Alec waves me inside and I enter graciously my feet flopping against the cool floor.

I sit at the edge of his gigantic bed before I spill out why I came in the first place.

"I want to attend my mother's funeral. Its tomorrow at 10 a.m." I say without once looking at him. Something inside of me already knows that he will complain.

"No." Alec answers with a hard stare on his clean shaved face.

"Why?" I lift my face. He might as well give me a good reason why the heck not.

"You have already corrupted part of my reputation." He puts it like its the most important matter in the world.

"Please..I...want to see her for one last time." Without realising, tears fall down my face. I was tired of crying so much. It had to freaking stop.

"No." He turns his head away from me and walks up to the window.

I follow him.

Without thinking twice my arms circle around his strong back and plush my face against his spine.

"Please Alec." My voice is so tiny I'm afraid he didn't even hear me.

Alec stands still, yet I somehow feel his racing heart.

I continue to cry into his shirt. Maybe I look pathetic but that is the least of my worries.

"Fine!" He yells out, while turning himself around to face me.

"Really?!" I smile wiping at my tears.

"Yes. But let's get something straight. I'm coming with you." Alec roughly turns to look at me in the eyes.

"Okay." I smile weakly.

I hug him again but he just stands there without reaction.

"Thank you." I mumble into his soft shirt.

When I look at him, his face shows something unreadable. But as soon as it appears it's gone.


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