The Speedster and the Telekin...

By mabaronlovesbts

11.8K 154 2

After the events of the black hole in Central City, the Flash was considered the hero of the city. But over t... More

Book 3!!!


166 2 0
By mabaronlovesbts

I shoot up and look around for Savage, but I don't see anyone around other than Oliver, Barry, and Malcom. The three men look at me on the ground of the warehouse where we had met Savage. "Barry, what's going on?" I ask him as he kneels in front of me cupping his hand on my cheek. "I'll tell you later." he says to me and I nod. He scoops me off the ground and we go through Malcom's threat again. When we get back to the farmhouse, Barry puts me down and I look up at him. "We need to brief the team. Come up with some type of counter attack." Oliver says and suddenly memory flashes flash in my brain seeing Kendra and Carter being killed and me and Oliver fighting Savage. "It's not gonna work." Barry says and I snap out of my thoughts  and look up at my boyfriend as I take my mask off and he does the same. "What?" Oliver asks him and I know what Barry meant by that. The last thing I remembered was Kendra and Carter being killed, then everything was pretty much muffled and blurry barely being able to hear a word or see anything. "Nothing, alright. Never mind. I shouldn't have said anything." Barry says as we walk up to Oliver.

"What's going on?" Oliver asks Barry.

"Ok, look. This isn't going to make any sense to you, but I..." he sighs and I look at him.

"You time traveled. That's why we're back here." I say and he nods.

"What?" Oliver asks confused.

"Alright, so I traveled back in time with Tori from when we tried to take out Savage. I mean, later, when we try to take him down, in the future, and it doesn't work." Barry tells Oliver and I nod.

"You're right. That doesn't make sense to me." Oliver says.

"Our world is stranger than yours. To us, this is normal, kind of." I say to him.

"Well, maybe we'll use that to our advantage. You say that whatever we do against Savage doesn't work?"

Barry and I nod.

"Then we come up with a new plan."

"No. No, no, no. Ok, look, you can't. When I mess with time, I just... It doesn't end well." Barry says.

"But what you're telling me is that it already doesn't end well. Barry, people in our line of work, we don't get second chances. We need to take this one." Oliver says.

"Alright, I hope you're right." Barry says.

"Alright. Let's start with what went wrong." Oliver says as we walk over to the house

"You did. When we go up against Savage, your head's not in the game." I say to him.

"You're not yourself." Barry tells him.

"Why not?" Oliver asks us and I look over to Barry with a frown.

"Oliver, we--"

"Tori, why not?"

"Ok, are you planning on giving me a hair sample to run forensics on in the near future?" Barry asks Oliver.

"Yeah." Oliver responds.

"Well, Barry did run forensics on the hair sample, and you found out that the little boy that we bumped into at Jitters is your son, Ollie." I say and he looks at me with wide eyes.

"Then Felicity found out. And then you guys had a pretty big fight, and it sounded like it was over between you two." Barry says and I nod. "So, when we go up against Savage, you're not focused. And then Tori gets knocked out by Savage and Kendra can't access her powers and then the tech they're developing to counteract Savage's staff does not work. Everyone dies, Oliver."

Oliver turns to us with furrowed brows and I just bite my lip as I stare at him. "This time they won't. This time we do things differently." Oliver tells us and I nod. Once Oliver leaves I take a deep breath and run a hand through my hair. "Tori, what's wrong?" Barry asks turning me to face him. "What if things go wrong again? I don't want our friends to die again, Barry." I say with a frown as I cross my arms. Barry wraps his arms around my waist and I lay my hands on his chest. "We'll beat him this time. I know it." he says and I nod. He kisses me and we walk into the house hand in hand. We both change out of our suits, then we go home and get rest.


Barry and I were at the farmhouse with the others trying to think of a plan. We were in the dining room and Barry was leaning on the doorway and his arms wrapped around me. Suddenly, Cisco and Kendra walk in, "Oliver, you were right. I don't know how you knew, but you were right. The gauntlets won't work. They're missing a critical element." Cisco says to Oliver and I furrow my brows in wonder. "How do you know?" Diggle asks Cisco and I wanted to know myself. "Because I remembered." Kendra says and I turn to her. "I remembered how Savage killed us the first time. Back in Egypt." she says looking at Carter and Carter just looks at her in confusion. "I've never been able to remember our first death." he says to her. "Well, these sky rocks, meteors, they fell and they completely destroyed the royal palace." Kendra says. "During the Middle Kingdom, Egypt experienced a high level of meteorite activity." Felicity says and Oliver and Diggle look at her in confusion. "I know stuff." she says to them making me smirk. "Which is one of the many reasons we love you so much, but also doesn't seem to help us stop Savage." Laurel says and I nod in agreement.

"It's the calamity Professor Boardman was referencing. The meteors, they had a glow about them. And Savage's staff had two gemstones with the exact same glow." Kendra says.

"Yeah, the gemstones might be made up of the same element as the meteorite." Barry says and I look at him.

"The Egyptians would use meteorite in their craftsmanship." Felicity says.

"And the minerals glow in proximity to each other." Caitlin says as Felicity goes to her laptop to search for a meteorite.

"Like Sankara Stones." Cisco says.

"Oh, wait, the Indiana Jones reference is the only thing I understood." Thea says and I nod.

"Welcome to my world, which is surrounded by scientists." I say and she nods.

"Two pieces of the same meteorite, like an Nth metal. That is the key to counteracting the staff." Cisco explains.

"Believe it or not, this isn't actually the craziest thing I've ever heard today." Oliver says and I bite my lip as I look at Barry.

"There's a sample of the meteorite from the Middle Kingdom at the Keystone City Museum of Natural History." Felicity says.

Suddenly, Barry speeds out and speeds back in with the meteorite. "Hopefully, I got the right one." he says and I walk over to him and smack his chest. "I could synthesize a compatible isotope out of this, and coat the gauntlets with it." Cisco says. "Ok, do it. Savage doesn't know Kendra's gained access to all of her abilities. That makes you our ace in the hole." Oliver says and I feel a sense of deja vu, being because I've already lived this. "Where do you need us?" Diggle asks Oliver about him, Thea, and Laurel. "Suit up." Oliver says and they nod. We all walk away and change into our suits and as I walk out, I look over to Barry and he looks at me. "You think it'll work this time?" I ask him. "I'm hoping it does." he says and I inhale deeply then exhale in a bit of worry. Then we all head out of the farmhouse.

When we get to the Jurgens Industrial, Barry and I walk over to Oliver and I hear him inhale. "Ollie. Everyone's in position." Barry tells him and I nod. "Are you sure about this?" I ask him putting a hand on his arm. "About changing the future?" he asks me and I look over to Barry and chuckle. "What can happen here that is already worse than what already did?" Oliver asks and I look over to Barry again. "If I knew that, I wouldn't be so worried." Barry says and I nod. "Is anyone else's heart racing, or is it just me?" I ask putting a hand over my heart and Barry rubs my back gently to calm me down. "Let's do it." Oliver says and I nod taking one last deep breath and Barry and I walk. We were positioned like last time with me in between Oliver and Barry and we stared at Savage. "It's wonderful to see you again, my love." Savage says to Kendra and I get the feeling of deja vu again. "I will never be your love." Kendra says to him. "I know." Savage says with a scoff and he pulls out the knife from his belt like last time. "That always makes this easier." he says and he walks over to Kendra with a deadly stare. "Chay-Ara, parting is such sweet sorrow." Savage says and Oliver shoots an arrow at Kendra and Carter's chains breaking them free and I push Savage back with my telekinesis. Carter runs up to Savage who gets back up, but he shoots him down.

"Now, Kendra!" Oliver says to her.

Suddenly her wings appear, unlike last time, and she rams into Savage knocking him down. I hear the tires of the van screeching and I flip out of the way of Savage shooting his energy at me, Barry, or Oliver. The back of the van opens revealing Laurel in her Black Canary suit, Thea in her Speedy suit, and Diggle in his suit. Laurel screeches her Canary cry, Diggle shoots at Savage, and Thea fires arrows at him, but Savage shoots energy at them. I dash over to help Laurel, Thea, and Diggle only to get hit by the staff. Oliver shoots an arrow and I stand up take out my electric batons. I dash over to him and swing my baton, but he blocks me and kicks my stomach making me stumble back and he smacks me on the head with his staff making me fall to the ground. I feel a gust of wind blow past me and I look up to see Barry with the staff. "Stand clear!" Barry yells and I stand up and dash out of the way as a stream of energy shoots at Savage. Barry yells out that the gauntlets are working and I watch from a far distance as Oliver runs over to him and helps. They both fire the energy and I see Savage struggle to contain the power, but it soon evaporates him. I see the staff disappear and I sigh in relief. I dash over to Barry and wrap my arms around him. "We did it." I say with a pant and he smiles and nods as he leans his forehead on mine. "We did it." he says and I smile at him. "Did we do it? Is he gone?" Kendra asks as she and the others come running over to see the pile of ash.

"Yeah, looks like." Diggle says and I nod.

"I knew you could do it." Carter says to Kendra.

"I'm having the strangest deja vu." Laurel says and I smile as I look at her.

"You're not the only one." Oliver says and he picks up his bow.


In the mid-afternoon of the next day was the day Oliver and the others were heading back to Star City. Cisco, Barry, and I were walking with Kendra, Carter, and Oliver to tell them our goodbyes. "So, how do you feel now that Savage is pushing daisies? Does this mean you guys are the immortal ones now, and he's the one who gets reincarnated? 'Cause that would suck." Cisco says to Kendra and Carter and I smile and shake my head at him as Barry swings our interlocked hands. "I just sprouted wings a few days ago, and I'm just trying to wrap my head around that." Kendra says. "You know, he does raise a good point, though." Barry says and I nod in agreement. "Savage is gone for good now, right?" I ask Kendra and Carter as Barry and I face them. "I don't know. We never defeated him before. But we're free." Carter says and both Kendra and Carter hug making me smile. "Ugh, get a room." Cisco says and I frown at him realizing that he's losing Kendra. "Finally have the rest of your lives in front of you. Have you thought what you're gonna do?" Oliver asks them. "Carter says in our past lives we used to help people. After everything you guys have done for me, I think I should give that a try." Kendra says and I smile at her.

"You make it sound like this try is happening somewhere else." Barry says and I nod.

"In our prior incarnation, we used to live in Saint Wilkin. You really liked it there." Carter tells Kendra, and she just looks at Cisco apologetically.

"Could Cisco and I have a moment?" Kendra asks and the four of us nod and walk away.

When we were out of range of the two, Oliver, Barry, and I walk away from Carter and to another space. "Well, you guys did it. Everyone's alive. Our guardian angels." Oliver says and I smile at him. "That's what you told me I could be when I told you about my powers." Barry says and I raise a brow at Oliver. "Meant it then, and I know it now." Oliver responds and I smile at him. "Ok, almighty advice giver. What advice would you give me?" I ask and Oliver looks at me with a smile. "You don't need advice, Tori. You're amazing just the way you are." Oliver says and my smile grows wider. "I couldn't agree more." Barry says and I look at him with a blush and he kisses my cheek. "Hey, Ollie, um, we need to have a difficult conversation, I think." I tell him as we walk down the steps. "About my son? God, it feels weird to say that." Oliver says and I bite my lip. "Well, less about your son and more about whether or not you're gonna tell Felicity about him." I say to him and he looks at me. "I don't think that's any of your business." Oliver says and I shake my head. "You know, yeah, you're right. It's not really our business." Barry says and I look at Oliver with furrowed brows. "Except we told you, when Barry messes with time, time messes back. And we've already changed how things turned out with Savage." I say to him. "And I'm worried about a temporal backlash." Barry says and I nod.

"Wait, you think that the timeline cares about what I tell my girlfriend?" Oliver asks as we stop walking and he faces us.

"Pretty much. Yeah." I say with a nod.

"What are you gonna tell her?" Barry asks.

"Well, you're right when you say that the rules keep changing and that the lives that we lead, they make us feel powerless. And it makes me wonder if William wouldn't be better off with my world kept separate from his." Oliver says and I frown at him.

"Look, Oliver, take it from someone who didn't get to grow up with his father. I think the best thing for William is for you to be a part of your life." Barry says and I nod.

"And take it from someone who kept her powers a secret from her boyfriend and the team. Keeping this from Felicity will damage your relationship with her, and she may never be able to forgive you for keeping a big secret. But it's your choice on whether to tell Felicity, or not. I hope you pick the right choice." I say to him and he nods.

"Thanks." he says to us and I give him a smile.

"You're welcome, man." Barry says as he tries to give Oliver a hug, but he laughs.

"I'm not really a hugger." Oliver says.

"But you never say no to my hugs." I say with a smirk and a raised brow.

"That's because you, Tori Gomez, won't let me hear the end of it, and you're too sweet to say no to." he says and I laugh as I hug him tightly.

"That's my Ollie. Tell me everything when you propose to Felicity." I tell him and he pulls away and nods.

"But I am fast enough to hug you without knowing, so you might as well let me." Barry says and Oliver laughs.

"Literally a group hug moment." I say hugging both men and Oliver laughs.

He starts to walk away from us and Barry grabs my hand as we watch Oliver walk off. "Thanks. That wasn't so bad, right?" Barry says to Oliver and I hear Oliver chuckle as I smack Barry playfully and laugh. "What would you like to do today, Tori Gomez?" he asks me as we swing our interlocked hands as we walk away. "I don't know, Barry Allen. You tell me. These past days with Vandal Savage, and time travel, and reincarnations just got me wanting a date night." I say as I look at him. "Oh, yeah? And what should we do?" Barry asks and I turn my body to face him as I wrap my arms around his neck and his arms wrap around my waist. "You tell me. I'd like it to be a surprise." I say and he laughs. "Ok. How about we go out to dinner in your favorite restaurant," he asks and I nod. "Go to a movie," he says starting to lean in closer to my lips. "Then we end the night back at the house in your room?" he finishes and I laugh. "I'd like that very much." I say with a giggle and he kisses me passionately.

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