It's a Love Story, Baby Just...

By oliviasbaker

16.1K 390 18

This is the story of Lucas Crawford and Maya Winters. They weren't really friends when they first met each ot... More

How it all Started
Meet the Teacher
The First Few Weeks of School
November: The Month I Found Out
November: I Think She Found Out
Basketball Game #1
Pep Assembly
New Year, New Memories
Let's Have a Party
The Good Ole Days
"Non-official thing?"
What time is it? Summertime!
You Haven't Changed At All
What Happened Next
Goodbye Summer, You Were Great
First Day Back
Friendship Problems
Best Weekend Ever! Part 1
Best Weekend Ever!...Almost Part 2
Emotional and Wild Day!
Spring Break! Part 1
Spring Break! Part 2
I Miss You.
Chill Day and Date Night
Talk To Me
Dinner With The Family
Let's Go Talk To Them
Stay Out Of My Life
Nine Months?! That's It?!
Time To Dance!
Are You Ready For This?

Best Boyfriend Ever!

355 10 0
By oliviasbaker

Maya's POV

So today is the first day that I am going to school as Lucas's girlfriend but no one knows that...yet! Today at lunch I'm gonna tell my friends about Lucas and I and they probably won't believe me but it will work out. Right now my mom and I are picking up Lucas because some days we take him to school. I did tell my mom that Lucas asked me out and she was very happy and she also said that taking him to school wouldn't be awkward.

"Hi Lucas" my mom said as Lucas got into the car

"Hello. Thank you for taking me to school my mom really appreciates it!" Lucas thanked us.
"No problem honey" my mom says
"Yea  you better be thankful" i say sarcastically
"Maya! Don't be rude to the boy!" My mom scolds me
"It's okay I know that she's kidding" Lucas defends me
I mouth a thank you to him and my mom continues to drive us to school.


It's now lunch time and I'm waiting for all my friends to sit down at the lunch table and when they do I'm going to tell them that we are dating.
"Okay guys I have to tell you something." I say
"What?" They ask anxious
"So you know how last year in seventh grade you guys all kind of sensed something was going on between Lucas and I?" They all nod in response
"Well we are dating!" I said excited
"Yea okay" they brushed me off
"Guys I'm serious, I'm not even kidding at all"
"You said that the last time and you were just playing a prank on us. How are we supposed to believe you?" They all asked
"Fine I'll show you." I smiled and walked over to Lucas's lunch table.
"Let me guess they didn't believe you?" Lucas asked me
"Yep and now it's time for proof!!" I said laughing. We walked over to my table holding hands.
"Do you believe me now??" I asked
"You guys hold hands all the time why would it be different now? If you guys are really dating then kiss!" Noel said proudly.
"Okay" Lucas said then he turned my body towards him and pressed his lips against mine. I obviously kissed back because I was enjoying it very much and then we heard clapping and whistling. We then pulled away smiling at each other and I had to bite my lip to stop smiling. Everyone in the whole cafeteria was now looking at us and clapping. My lunch table was shocked and their mouths were wide open.
"How about how?" Lucas asked. They all nodded their heads because they couldn't speak.
"Okay then well that's done!" I said to Lucas
"Now i have to go explain to my table what just happened" he laughed and kissed me on the cheek as a goodbye.
I sat back down and just smiled and tried to eat my lunch as my best friends were interrogating me.


As I'm laying down I get a text from Lucas saying that he needs to FaceTime me so I call him.
"Well hello there beautiful girlfriend" Lucas greets me
"Well hello there boyfriend" I greet him back
"So today at lunch..." he starts laughing
"Yea that was some kiss" I finished his sentence
"I liked it very much" he smirked
"Yea me too" I bit my lip to hide my smile. I then started coughing
"Is my girl getting sick?" He asked concerned
"Yea I think so my throat is scratchy and I keep sneezing" I whined
"Do you want me to get you anything? I can get you soup or ice cream?" He offered
"No i just want food but it's late and my dad went to sleep" I said frowning
"I wish I had a car or money to get you food I'm sorry" he said sadly
"No don't worry about it I didn't expect you to get me anything" i said laughing
"I'm gonna go to bed I have a workout in the morning" he said flexing
"Aww i wanted to talk to you more but you gotta have good muscles" i said laughing
"Okay goodnight beautiful"
"Goodnight love you"
"I love you too you should probably get some rest too so you can get better"
"I'll try but I'm gonna watch Netflix for another hour"
"Okay goodnight" and then I ended the call and watched Netflix until someone texted me
Lucas: open the door
Okay I thought he said he was going to bed
I opened the door and there Lucas was with in and out and a milkshake.
"What are you doing here?" I asked
"Well you said you wanted food and my mom knows you're sick so she took me to get you some food"
"Aww you are the best boyfriend ever!!" I said hugging him tightly
"Where are your parents?" He asked
"Dad is asleep and my mom is working"
"Do you want me to stay with you?"
"Yes please" I say pouting
He went to talk to his mom and since she knows me very well she said he could stay then he came back and we went to my room. I knew that my dad wouldn't be okay with this but my mom would be so i just let him stay over. We weren't going to have sex or make out I mean I'm sick he just wants to take care of me. I had to take a snapchat to document how amazing he is and then we just sat down and ate.
"What are you watching?" He asked
"Hannah Montana: The movie" i responded
"You are such a child Maya" he laughed
"Hey! This is the best movie to ever exist!"
"What about HSM?"
"Okay you know what there are too many good ones to choose from" I said laughing
We continued to watch the movie until I felt my eyes finally close and I drifted off into a deep sleep.

Lucas's POV

As Maya was sleeping I just watched something else on Netflix and admired her while she slept. She looked so peaceful so I took a snapchat of her and said "goodnight streaks"  and then I heard the door open so I figured it was her mom. Her mom then came into Maya's room and saw me and she was very surprised.
"Lucas! What are you doing here? You scared me!"
"Well Maya wanted food so I brought her some and then I didn't want her to be alone so I stayed with her until she fell asleep"
"Aw you are so good to her I love it!"
"I'll leave in like 10 minutes" i said
"You can't leave now! It's dark and your mom won't wanna come get you so just stay the night"
"Thank you so much Mrs.Winters" i was truly shocked
"I swear if you try to do anything then you will never be welcomed back into this house"
I laughed and assured her that we would both be asleep so nothing could happen. Soon enough I fell asleep and both Maya and I cuddled into each other.

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