When The Wolves Call | #NaNoW...

By Gotta_Luv_Nikkie

92 20 0

A beast lives inside of her, without her ever knowing. Once a month she wakes up in the middle of the woods t... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Playlist for When The Wolves Call

Chapter Six

6 1 0
By Gotta_Luv_Nikkie

The next day after talking over everything, and trying to figure out when those people would come for me. Kieran decided to take me on a run in our wolf form, saying something about how it would be good for me to get use to my wolf form. It would be better for fighting off anybody who came for me, and also I was faster in my wolf form than I was in my human form. Which would make it easier for me to get away from the people that were suppose to be coming for me.

Kieran ended up taking me to the clearing that I'd see in my last dream before I'd actually shifted for the first time. We were alone in the clearing, I couldn't say the same for the forest. Kieran had said something about how there were always people in the forest in their wolf forms. He stood across from me and I just stared at him a moment, hoping he'd explain how exactly this was suppose to happen. I hadn't actually learned to change into my wolf form on my own yet.

"If you like that outfit I suggest you take it off," he said to me, a smirk on his face. I just glared at him and he laughed for a second before getting serious again.

"I'll take off my clothes once you tell me exactly how I'm suppose to do it," I said to him, this time I was the one smirking at the look on his face. His eyes turned a dark blue as he stared at me.

"Call your wolf to the front, let her take over. It might hurt a little bit but not as much as when you first turned. Just call to your wolf and then let her power run through you. She'll take care of the rest," I nodded before turning and walking to the edge of the clearing. "Where are you going?" He asked as I walked I away I heard him start taking a couple of steps towards me.

"To take my clothes off, I told you I would once you explained it to me. Never said I'd do it in front of you," I looked over my shoulder at the look at his face, and couldn't help the laugh that slipped past my lips. His eyes were dark and you could see the frustration in them at my words, he knew that he'd been tricked and he wasn't enjoying it at all.

"No fair little wolf," I heard him call out as I hid behind a tree and started taking off my clothes. I piled them up on the ground next to the tree. Making sure to fold them, and hoping that wouldn't get to dirty from laying on the ground. Then I did what Kieran had told me to do. I closed my eyes and called to my wolf inside of my head. I felt the burn in my veins a moment later, and some discomfort as my bones started changing form again. Making way for the wolf inside of me.

I fell to my hands and knees and a moment later I was standing on the legs of my wolf, panting with the exertion that shifting had taken on my body. When I'd finally caught my breath I walked around the tree to see Kieran standing there in his wolf form, waiting for me. I trotted over to stand in front of Kieran and gave him a wolfish grin. He jumped forward causing me to yelp in surprise as I hit the ground with his weight on my back.

He started licking my ears and the top of my head as I growled at him, not appreciating the surprise attack he'd pulled on me. He stepped off me a moment later, and laid down so his nose was just centimeters from. This time he was the one who had a wolfish grin on his face. I just glared at him, and let out a breath of air through my nose to let him know that I was not appreciative.

He turned and started trotting away from me, ignoring the look I was giving him, he stopped a few feet away and turned to look at me. Inclining his head to let me know that I was suppose to follow him. I stood to my feet and trotted after him as he continued into the woods. I was concocting a plan in my head as I watched him walking in front of me, his tailing hanging high in the air as he walked.

Jumping forward I grabbed on to his tail, making sure not to bite down to hard as my teeth clamped around his tail. Hair filled my mouth, and it wasn't the best taste in the world. It was worth though when I heard his yelp in surprised before I let go of his tail and he turned on me. His head low as he growled at me. I smirked at him as I stood there staring at him for a moment. I could tell he was laughing at my actions by the shine in his eyes as he looked at me.

Knowing that he was going to try and get me back I turned and ran into the woods. I could hear Kieran's paws hitting the ground behind me as he chasing after me. I continued running, dodging through threes, and jumping over branches and roots in the ground. My tongue was hanging out the side of my mouth as I ran, enjoying the feel of the wind running through my fur. I could feel something inside of me howling in joy as I ran, I figured it was the wolf inside me, letting my know that she was enjoying the run. Soon I felt something surging through me, I let it happen as I was pushed to the back of my mind.

My wolf took control of my body, pushing us faster through the forest. Her ears pricked as she listened to the sound of the forest around us. That's when she noticed that Kieran was no longer following behind. She slid to a stop as she looked around the forest, noticing how quiet the forest was. I tried to push my way back to the front of my mind but she fought me, making me stay in the back of my mind.

Then the wind started to pick up in the forest, words sounded on the wind. Whispers that made no sense seeing as how they weren't being spoken in English. My wolf crouched low to the ground, her head low, teeth bared, hair raising on the back of her neck as she looked around the forest. Waiting for something to come out of the trees around us. The wind picked up, as did the whispering, and then the footsteps started toward us.

My wolf whipped around to see a person standing behind us, the growl that ripped from her throat was pure animal. Letting the person know that if they came any closer they'd have her to deal with. The person paid no mind to the dangerous growls coming out of her mouth though, as they continued forward. An arm raised up pulling the hood off there head as they finally stopped just a few feet away from us. My wolf's muscles tensed even more, preparing for attack as they recognized the person under the hood.

The witch who had hidden her inside my body since I was little girl, she was prepared for a fight. She knew that she was powerful enough, but she was smart too. She knew the woman had magic on her side, magic that would make her weak if she didn't think over her actions before attacking.

"You're a foolish girl you know that?" The woman said as she stared at us, her dark eyes meeting the yellow ones of my wolf. "So the wolf has taken over. Why does that not surprise me? I knew it would only be so long before the wolf took over the human, she was just too strong for the human body she was put inside." Confused by what she was saying, I tried to push my way back up to the surface. My wolf fought me back down, making sure that she stayed in control.

Is this what the lady meant, that my wolf wasn't going allow me to take control over my own body again. Would I end up like the feral rogues because of it? If I stayed trapped inside my wolf would I lose my humanity. "It's not good to keep the girl trapped inside of her own body. You know what will happen wolf, she'll lose herself and then you'll lose anything that separates you from the rest of your foolish kind."

My wolf didn't take the insult lightly as she finally sprung forward, her jaw open as she aimed for anything on the woman's body that she could get too. We were just inches away from the woman's body when something collided into our side, knocking us to the ground. My wolf stood to her feet, shaking the leaves from her body. She made it look like the hit we'd taken hadn't hurt. I could feel it though, the pain that spread through my body from the force of our landing.

"My my you are powerful aren't you," then she turned to look at the other wolf that had arrived. I recognized the eyes of the other wolf, considering the human side was still in control. The human's eyes shone through, the same eyes I'd looked into earlier that morning. The eyes I'd seen so much pain in, and was trying to help her overcome. Lexi stood across from us. Her body low to the ground as she stood between us and the woman behind her.

My wolf growled preparing for a fight, she lowered herself closer to the ground. Her muscles bunching as she got ready to attack the wolf in front of us. I could tell she wouldn't offer mercy to the wolf in front of us, she saw her as another threat. Especially since the wolf was standing between us and our true target. I tried pushing her back, I tried as I hard as I could but before I knew what was happening we leaped into the air. We landed on top of the other wolf, rolling her into the ground. We stood over her as the wolf tried to get an hold that she could on our force, but with no look. I watched as my wolf's eyes latched onto the throat of the other wolf.

With one final surge I finally managed to take control over my wolf, pushing her to the back of my mind once again. I stumbled away from the other wolf, making sure to keep a close eye on her as I stepped away. A moment later I forced myself to change back. I could feel my energy draining, it had taken a lot to force my wolf to the back of my mind, and shifting back to my human form took the last of my energy away from me.

I sat on the ground. My knees folded underneath me, breathing hard before I turned to look at the woman standing a few feet away from me. She looked surprised to see me sitting there, before she masked it and a smirk filled her face once again. "You're stronger than I gave you credit girl, I never actually suspected you'd be able to control. Especially after she'd already taken over your mind, I wasn't expecting you to take control back."

"You should think twice before underestimating me," I said as I pushed myself to my feet. Standing in front of her, I met her eyes head on. Not minding that I didn't have any clothes on, all that mattered in that moment was the woman standing across from me.

"Yes I can see that. You'll do perfectly for what we have planned for you. Now that I've seen your strength I see now that you're absolutely perfect." She raised her hand in the air towards me, and said two quick words. I watched as a blue dust shot from her hand towards me. It washed over my face, and I fell to the ground with the force. "I'll be back girl. Tell your mate I said hello," she said before seemed to disappear into the forest again.

I tried fighting off whatever magic she'd used, but darkness started filling my vision as my name was shouted into the air. "Jazmyn," I recognized the voice, and heard the sound of feet running towards me. They'd get here to late. The spell had already taken effect. There was nothing to stop it from spreading.

"Kieran," I whispered as the darkness filled my vision, and the spell took control of my body.


I feel like I've really bad about these cliff hangers in this book. I normally don't write cliff hangers but for some reason they just keep popping up in this book. I promise that they weren't actually planned.

I'm sorry I haven't really written at all this week, well I have written I just haven't posted. I've been so busy, and I write late at night so by the time I'm done I don't really have the energy to post.

As you know I'm in High School, and I'm a senior this year. It's all State season for Football, and I'm cheerleader for my schools football team. Tomorrow we're going to the Dome, which means I've been so busy this weak preparing for that, I hardly have any time to do anything else. I'm hoping that after Saturday it won't be so busy, unless we make it to the finals which I'm hoping we do, that way I'll finally have some time to myself again.

Song at the top is one of my favorites. I have a lot of favorite songs so don't be surprised if I say that a lot. I'm literally just listening to a playlist of all my favorite songs.

Song at the top is Bumper Cars by Alex and Sierra. You should listen to it, it's a really good song. Plus these two are the perfect duet, I literally love them together as a couple and as singers. They're just too cute!







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