The Speedster and the Telekin...

By mabaronlovesbts

12.1K 155 2

After the events of the black hole in Central City, the Flash was considered the hero of the city. But over t... More

Book 3!!!


178 4 0
By mabaronlovesbts

I wish I could say that Barry and I were on time to meet Caitlin, Cisco, Oliver and the others at the farmhouse we chose team Arrow, Carter, and Kendra to hideout in, but I'd be lying if I did say that. By the time we got there, we see Cisco unload the van of his equipment. "You're both late." Cisco says putting the last of his equipment on the cart. "Yeah. It happens when you have a boyfriend who's always late. But we couldn't find the place" I say and Barry rolls his eyes as we head inside. "We need to find a way to neutralize Savage's advantage. Barry, Tori, you're late." Oliver says as we walk through the doors. "Don't yell at me." I say raising my arms innocently as I look over to my boyfriend helping Cisco. "Sorry. It turns out it's not easy finding the ass-end of nowhere." Barry says as he wraps his arm around my waist and I nod. "Yeah, for real. The roaming charges alone are going to bankrupt me." Cisco says typing away on his phone and I laugh. "We're discussing how to take away Savage's new-found power." Oliver says as we walk over to him and Felicity. "His magic stick thing." Felicity says and I chuckle at her comment. "Uh, Staff of Horus." Carter corrects her and she nods understandingly.

"Well, it's protected by some kind of energy field. Kind of like Tori's force field ability." Barry says and I nod.

"He couldn't lay a finger on him." I say crossing my arms.

"Maybe wear mittens next time." Felicity says.

"What if we made some sort of insulated gauntlets?" Caitlin asks.

"Ooh, yeah, yeah, yeah. The magnetic shielding could disrupt the..."

"Staff's magnetic polarity." Felicity finishes Cisco's sentence and I hardly understand the three apart from "insulated gauntlets".

"Ah, nerd talk. My favorite talk of being part of team Flash." I say sarcastically and Barry smiles at me.

"Well, while geek squad works..."

"Heard that honey" Felicity calls as she walks out with Caitlin and Cisco making me laugh.

"While they work to get the staff away from Savage, we need to know everything there is to know about him." Oliver says as he walks into the living room.

In the other room were Laurel and Thea, unpacking their bags. "I googled "reincarnated nutjobs" and came up with nothing." Thea says and I smile at her and shake my head. "Uh, Kendra and I would be the reincarnated nutjobs. Savage is merely immortal." Carter corrects her and I glare at him. "Yeah, that's not helping." I tell him and he shrugs at me. "Merely?" Laurel asks as she looks over to Oliver. "Welcome to the new normal." Thea says and I nod as she walks past her brother. "You have no idea." I say as Barry leans on the door frame and I lean on him and he wraps his arms around me. "Anyone who's been around for 4,000 years should leave a trail. I'll check with A.R.G.U.S. See if they have anything on him." Diggle says and he walks away. "Uh, Laurel and I can check police reports and stuff like that." Thea says to Oliver and he nods. "Good. We need to find and utilize your new ability." Oliver says as he walks over to Kendra. "My ability?" she asks seeming confused to what Oliver had said. "It might give us an advantage." Oliver says and I nod in agreement. "Yeah. Whatever you do, don't let him train you. I'm sorry, but when it rains, I can still feel where you shot me with those arrows." Barry says and I smile at him.

"My training with him went well." I say and Barry looks down at me.

"That's because you weren't shot with arrows." he say and I keep my smile as I look up at him.

"You have a super healing ability that lets you heal quick. I don't have that luxury." I say was we walk away from Oliver, Kendra, and Carter hand in hand.

"True. But you do have this luxury." he says and he crashes his lips on mine taking me by surprise, but I kiss him back.

I feel him grab my waist and pull me in close as I wrap my arms around his neck. We both pull away and he leans his forehead on mine and I open my eyes to look up at him. "I like that." I say and he laughs as he leans in to connect our lips once again. We had time in our hands to spare, and since everyone was working on something, Barry and I just sat on the couch hand in hand. "You know, I thought that fighting meta-humans were hard, but fighting an immortal with a magic staff seems to top all that." I say and Barry wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me in. "We'll stop him, Tori." he tells me and I look into his green eyes and nod. "Do you know what's going on with Oliver?" he asks me as I lean my head on his shoulder and I shrug. "Wish I could say that I did. He promised me that he'd explain everything, but I still haven't gotten that explanation." I say to him and he looks down at me as I look up at him lifting my head off his shoulder. "You're not still thinking about Zoom right now, right?" I ask him. "At the moment. No. But when this is all over, we have to go back to focus on him." he says and I nod. "It's just... He's a lot scarier and a lot tougher than Reverse-Flash. When he broke your back, I... I just felt broken." I say as I look down with tears at the brim of my eyes. Barry puts a hand under my chin and lifts my head so I could look at him. "I know it's scarier, but we'll stop him, too. I won't let Zoom hurt anyone. Especially you." he says wiping a stray tear that had rolled down my cheek and I give him a sad smile. He leans down and kisses my lips gently. I feel my phone buzz and I pull it out to see it was Oliver telling us to meet him and Malcom at a warehouse in the city.


Barry and I were dressed in our suits and Barry sped us to the warehouse. When we get to the warehouse, Barry puts me down and I turn to see him look a little dazed then I turn to face Oliver and Malcom. "Thank you for coming. I know this is more than a little crazy." Oliver says and I grab Barry's hand and we walk over to them. "Yeah. Well, your friend with the creepy ring asked so nicely." Barry says and I smile at him as I shake my head, then turn back to Oliver and Malcom. "Please tell me we're not going to negotiate with terrorist. Or, you know, 4,000-year-old bad guys." I tell Oliver as we stop in front of the two. "Just think of this more as a fact-finding mission. Maybe Savage slips up and gives us something that we can use to our advantage." Oliver says and Malcom laughs. "Thea said you were being a little bit more humorous lately." Malcom says and I glare at him. "I'm sorry. How do you know so much about Savage, anyway?" Barry asks him and I look at him in wonder as well. "I don't know anything about him, Mr. Allen. No one does. That is why I am afraid of him." Malcom says and I just roll my eyes.

"That's not the only reason to be afraid of me. I assure you." I hear a voice say.

I look behind Oliver to see Savage walk over to us and I just glare at him. "Thank you for joining me." he says as he stops a few feet away from us. "What do you want?" Oliver asks him. "What all living things want. Not to die." he says to us. "I thought that wasn't a problem for you." I say to him and he looks at me. "Only if I take the life force from Prince Khufu and Priestess Chay-Ara." he says to me. "Kendra and Carter." Barry corrects him. "The three of us are locked in a vicious circle played out over thousands of years. None of your concern." he says. "We've made it our concern." Oliver says and he pulls an arrow out, loads it into his bow, and shoots Savage. Savage grunts as he pulls out the arrow and I furrow my brows and widen my eyes as I stare at the bloody arrow. "Robin of Locksley. I taught him how to use a bow. He taught me how to not feel pain." Savage says as he walks over to us again. "I'm the enemy you can't defeat." he says to us as he still holds the arrow in his hand. "The only way for you and yours to live through this is to render unto me what is mine." he says and he looks over to Barry and I.

"Turn over Prince Khufu and Priestess Chay-Ara within 24-hours, or I will lay waste to this city, killing everyone that you both hold dear." he says to us as walks up close to me and holds up the bloody arrow.

I squeeze Barry's hand and he squeezes mine back as Savage walks over to Oliver. "And after that, I will go to your home and do the same thing there." he says to him. "Alright, I'm just curious, did you rehearse that speech in a mirror this morning or is this all just off the cuff?" Barry asks and I turn to him with narrow eyes and furrowed brows. "Really?" I ask him and he shrugs and I turn back to a laughing Savage. "Why would you risk the lives of your friends and family for two strangers?" Savage asks as he walks away, but stops. "Two hundred and six times I have killed them. What hubris possesses you that makes you think that you can prevent me from doing so again?" he asks again. "Not hubris. Hope." Barry responds and I nod. "I came to this meeting out of curiosity. It is now sated. Bring Khufu and Chay-Ara to Jurgens Industrial in 24 hours, or I will see you dead and buried under the bodies of your loved ones." Savage threatens and he walks away as he drops the arrow. I look over to Oliver wondering what he was gonna say to this. "We're not giving up Kendra and Carter." Oliver says as he turns to walk away. "That's not your decision to make. This is a cycle that has played out for the last 4,000 years." Malcom says and Barry and I follow the two.

"Savage may be immortal, but he isn't a god." Barry said.

"No. But he's the next best thing. Oliver." Malcom says.

"There's only one God that I believe in. Diosito mio ayuda nos." I pray looking up.

"What?" Oliver says to Malcom a bit harshly.

"You better be certain that your stubbornness does not get my daughter killed. Because if it happens, I will come for you, and in a way that will make you beg for the likes of Vandal Savage." Malcom threatens Oliver and walks away and I glare at him.


The next day, Barry and I headed over to the farmhouse and I couldn't help, but look over to Barry and see him a bit frantic. "Barry, what's the matter? After last night, you've been worried. Tell me what's wrong." I tell him as I stop walking and stand in front of him, grabbing his hand. He doesn't answer me, instead, he paces and mutters under his breath. "Where were you two?" Cisco asks as he walks into the shed. "Hey." Barry says as he walks into the shed following Cisco and I follow them. "You missed the whole save the city or turn my girlfriend over to an immortal psychopath briefing." Cisco says. "I'm sorry, Cisco." I say to him with a frown. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Um, dude, I... Last night, I, um, I ghosted." Barry says and I look at him with wide eyes. "No." Cisco says in amazement. "What?" I ask in shock as I stare at my boyfriend. "Yeah. I think I'm gonna..." Cisco stops Barry's sentence telling him not to say it. "I think I'm gonna time jump." Barry says to Cisco. "I just told you not to say it!" Cisco tells him and Barry apologizes.

"I don't know what else I'm supposed to do." Barry says as he walks to the other side of the work bench.

"Barry, the first rule of time travel is you don't talk about time travel! Because by having this conversation, we're screwing history." Cisco says.

"Look, I know that time travel has consequences. I mean, the last time you vibed..."

"Well, I'm not vibing anything right now. Okay, um, alright, look, don't panic. A, you don't know that you time-jumped for a bad reason. It could be for a good one, right? B, now that you know you time-jumped, you might not do it, right? So, knowing the future might change the present, which might change the future."

I look at Cisco in confusion and shake my head, "What?" Barry asks him as he rubs his hands. "I don't even understand that either, and it had no science terms." I say putting my hand on my hip. "My head hurts." Cisco says and I just pinch the bridge of my nose. "Ok, since we don't know anything, let's just let it go, alright?" I ask and the boys nod. "Great. We already have enough to deal with, with Savage wanting Kendra and Carter in twenty-four hours. I don't need the weight of thinking about my boyfriend traveling through time to think about." I say as I cross my arms. "Ok, ok. I need to go back to the precinct for work. Apparently, Oliver wants me to run a DNA test for Damien Darhk." Barry says and I look at him. "I'll go with you. I have nothing better to do." I say and Barry picks me up and speeds us out.

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