When The Wolves Call | #NaNoW...

By Gotta_Luv_Nikkie

92 20 0

A beast lives inside of her, without her ever knowing. Once a month she wakes up in the middle of the woods t... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Playlist for When The Wolves Call

Chapter Five

6 1 0
By Gotta_Luv_Nikkie

The next day was filled with showing Allie the ropes of the pack house, I'd only been here a couple days and I was still learning myself, but I think she enjoyed knowing she wasn't the only one who was new here. We were sitting in the kitchen chatting over some breakfast when Kieran walked in with his beta. I'd met the man a couple of days ago, his name was Jonah. He was nice, and he'd grown up with Kieran which is I why he'd been picked to become beta.

Kieran was saying something to Jonah, but he stopped when he entered the threshold of the kitchen. His eyes were trained on Allie next to me, I watched his nostrils flare as he breathed in the air of the kitchen. It only took him three steps to come up behind Allie, who had frozen next to me when Jonah walked in. "Mine," Jonah breathed out as he grabbed Allie's arm and turned her around to face him.

I looked over at Kieran with a confusing look, and he smiled at me beckoning me over with a wave of his hand. I stood from my chair, but Allie and Jonah paid no mind to me, as I walked over to where Kieran was standing. He wrapped his arm around my waist and led me from the room.

"What was that all about?" I asked him as we walked into the living room. The pack house was empty everybody was either out training, at school, or at there jobs for the day. Kieran had decided I was still too weak to go to school quite yet. He'd set something up with the school though that allowed me to take my finals from the comfort of the pack house, it helped that the principle of my school was part of his pack, as were most of the my teachers.

"Jonah just found his mate," he said as he sat down on the couch and pulled me down next to him.

"You mean Allie right? Allie is Jonah's mate," Kieran nodded smiling at me. I looked at him for a moment before smiling at looking over to the entryway from the kitchen. I rested back against laying my head on his chest, and he rested his chin on top of my head. I heard him take a breath as he put his nose in my hair, I'd figured out that it meant he was taking in my scent. He enjoyed doing it any time I was in his arms. I think it comforted him to know that I was still there, and that I was okay after what my father had done to me.

I heard Allie laughing a moment later, and I looked up as Jonah led her into the living room. That sat on the couch across from Kieran and me. Jonah grabbed the remote to the TV from the table in front of him, he turned it on. Then his focus was on Allie. They were just talking, but you could see how happy there were to have found each other. There was a sparkle in there eyes. It almost made me wonder why Kieran and I weren't like they were. We were mates, but we didn't act like they did. I'd never seen Kieran act the way Jonah was towards me.

Kieran grabbed my hand leading me from the room, we stayed on the first floor but he led me into a room at the back of the house. I realized he'd taken me to a office, I'm guessing this was his office that he used. I looked around the room, there was a small bookshelf next to the door in the corner across from the desk. It had pictures resting on some of the shelves.

Most of them were as Kieran as a little boy with his parents, there was a couple with a little girl a couple of years younger than him, and then there was from his high school graduation. His was standing next to the girl again, she was older this time and had blonde hair instead of Kieran's dark brown hair. The two people from some of the older pictures were not standing next to them.

I picked up the frame, Kieran looked so serious in the picture, he wasn't even smiling. He looked like he had better places to be, but the girl next to him had her arm around his shoulder and she looked happy. She was smiling from ear-to-ear and there was pride in her eyes and then way she had her arm around his shoulder. "Who is this girl?" I asked with the picture in my hand as I turned around to face Kieran who was sitting at his desk.

"That's my sister, her name is Emily," he smiled as he looked at her in the picture before his eyes met mine.

"Why haven't I met her? Or your parents? Don't they live here too?" I asked him as set the picture down between some of the other ones.

"Emily doesn't live here, she found her mate a few years ago, it was actually a couple of months before that picture was taken. She moved to live with him in his pack's territory, he's another Alpha like me. Which makes sense my sister and I are related to an Alpha pair it would only make sense that she was paired off with another Alpha. As for my parents they died when I was sixteen. A group of rogues infiltrated our land and they died trying to protect the pack."


"There some of our kind, but instead they don't live in a pack like the people here. Most of time there banished from their packs for some reason, some type of crime they committed. Some choose to leave too, claiming that pack life just isn't for them. They leave pack territory and aren't allowed on another pack's territory without permission. There lone wolves, but some of them spend so much time in their wolf forms that they lose the human side of themselves. We call those rogues Ferals. A group of Ferals were the ones who attacked the pack and killed my parents."

"So if they spend too much time in their wolf form they lose their humanity, but what about me? I spent so much time in my human form shouldn't I have lost my wolf?"

"Your wolf still found ways to make herself known, you just never realized it. The dreams were one way, the one's you had about the runs. Those were a way of your wolf showing herself to you. It was different for you, you didn't choose to trap your wolf inside. Somebody chose it for you, rogues choose not to change to their human side. They choose to become Ferals, and it leads them to make bad decisions. Decisions that are more primal than actual human instinct. That in turn ends up getting them killed most of the time."

"What about the one's who aren't Ferals? Are they as bad as them?"

"I've never really heard of packs who have to many problems with normal rogues. Most of them choose to stay as far from packs as they can so as not to cause any trouble. They just make a lives for themselves, they don't shift as much as normal packs wolves would, but they still find the time to let there wolf side out without completely losing their humanity."

"Would Allie be considered a rogue? Considering she didn't come from a pack?"

"She said that whoever was keeping her captive took her from her family, I'm guessing whoever was holding her took her from pack life when she was little. They must of wanted her for something, maybe they wanted to use her, or train her to do something for them. I don't really know, and Allie's not really willing to talk about it. I don't blame her after everything that she's gone through, she'll need time to get over what happened. We need to start asking some questions though. I'm guessing that whoever was holding her are the same people that sealed your wolf."

"What makes you think that?"

"She said that they managed to inflict pain on her without ever touching her, I'm guessing they were using some type of magic, or spells to hurt her. Considering that she just so happened to end up here, I'm guessing they released her somewhere near her hoping that she'd find her way here. She told my men that she knew you, and she was asking for you by name. When you came into the room though she didn't recognize you, I'm guessing they told her to say that. They're making their move."

"You mean what I saw in my dream right? When they said they were coming for me?"

"Yes, and Allie's just the first step. They're just showing us that they know where you're at, and that they'll be able to find you no matter where you are. I'm guessing there next step is just actually send somebody for you. They're coming Jazmyn, and we need to be ready." 


Little cliffhanger there for you guys!

I'm hoping that you're enjoying the story. I'm sorry I've been kind of behind on my updates. I've been so busy with school, considering I missed pretty much all last week of school. I have two essays to write for one of my English classes, which means that's a lot of writing on top of this.

School work comes before my stories, so by the time I'm done working on my essay for the day I don't really have the energy to write something else. Both essays are due by the end of this week though. So hopefully by the time I'm done with those I won't be so drained of writing to actually chapters in this story. I'm starting to fall behind in NaNo and it's kind of worrying me. Even though it's only the seventh day. It still worries me. 

Song on the top is one of my favorite songs by Carrie Underwood. I've heard pretty much every single one of her songs, and this one will always most likely be my favorite song by her. No matter what else she writes, I'll probably always love this one the most, and I love Carrie Underwood.

Little Toy Guns by Carrie Underwood!! Go ahead and give it a listen too, you won't be disappointed. 







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