Secrets Hidden In The Dark

By harvardbound100

14.4K 317 23

"What has happened to you?!" I shouted. My voice got softer as I said, "You weren't like this." He looked... More

Chapter *1* (Homecoming)
Chaper *2* (Another Question)
Chapter *3* (Ditching)
Chapter *4* (The Dream)
Chaper *5*
Chapter *6* (Disaster and death)
Chapter *7*
Chaper *8* (the humorless joke)
Chapter *9* (The light at the end of the tunnel)
Chaper *10*
Chapter *11*
Chapter *12*
Chapter *13* ( VEGAS! ;)
Chapter *14* (Sin City revealed) Part One
Chapter 15 (Sin City revealed) Part Two
Chapter *16* (Love, Love, Love)
Chapter 17 (* Going home..... Married *)
Chapter 18 ~(* Afternoon with My Bestfriend, turns into a nightmare! *)~Part One
Chapter 19 (* Afternoon with my bestfriend, turns into a nightmare *) part two
Chapter 20 (* The Terrible Things *)
~Sneak Peak On Chapters to Come~
Chapter 21 (* Everything is going to be okay *)
Chapter 22 ( * Darkest Hour *)
Chapter 23 (* Home Sweet Home*)
Chapter 24 (* A Phone Call Away*)
Chapter 26 (* Four little Words *)
Chapter 27 (*Dancing Away with my Heart*)
Chapter 29 *Forever and Always*
Chapter 30 *Falling to Pieces*
Chapter 31 *Grow Old*

Chapter 27 (* Hello... Again. Friend of a Friend. *)

321 7 0
By harvardbound100

6 Months Later

I can't believe is the day. I spent many hours of the day and many days of the months preparing for this one day to be perfect. 

My breath was picking up every time I thought about it. My heart sped faster with every passing hour. The hours turned into minutes and minutes turned to seconds. It was just a matter of seconds away! I paced in the small empty dressing room. I sighed trying to get confidence but with every exhale, my confidence would go away with it. I had millions of questions in my head: Am I doing the right thing by begin here today?! Am I really ready for this, I mean i have done it before but that was different, I'm sober now. I felt my stomach turn with anxiousness and full of nerves. I mentally slapped my self and sat looking at the door for my signal. Not being able to stay still, I stand up again and pace. I look in the mirror at my reflection. I look okay, with everything in place.  

'There's still time to back out'  said a small voice in my head. I shook the thought out of my head and get mad at myself for even thinking about that. We had both agreed to this. And I'm ready for this next step with him. For some reason, Jace kept popping into my head. My heart ached at the thought of him and how this should have been us....But it isn't .  

I could feel the tears building up in my eyes caused by remembering Jace and being nervous but willed myself not to because my make up would smear. I look out the window and see the people arriving. I wanted it to be small but, the more the people came, the less confident I felt and believe me... People just kept coming and coming. A knock on the door made my stomach drop.

That was my cue.

I swallowed my fear back , made my way towards the door and opened it. I walked down the unfamiliar church stairs and see my dad waiting at the bottom of the stairs. I try to put a smile on but it kept falling as I descended.

My dad stuck his hand out for me to take, at the perfect time because I felt like I was going to faint of nervousness. Even though my dad was hardly around because of work, when he was around he was a great father.  

His same blue eyes as mine sparkled from tears forming.

" Daddy. I'm nervous." I whispered waiting for the music to begin for us to start walking down the aisle. He leaned in close to me and gave me kiss on the cheek.

"Don't be sweetie, It's the start of you long lasting life.Dylan is a great man, you picked him well." he said..

I was about to say something when the music started and my stomach dropped once again. I looked at my dad for reassurance and he gave my hand a little squeeze. The wooden doors opened and it reveals many pairs of eyes on me, which didn't help this black whole inside of me that seemed to want to devour me.

   We began walking down the long aisle. My legs shaking with anticipation as the aisle seemed everlasting now than I remembered it at the rehearsal dinner last night.

I tried to keep my focus on something that wouldn't make me want to run away so I looked straight forward. He always made me feel better. Since Jace had left, no one seemed to understand better than him. Everything about him made anything better. I blocked out all the stares and just focused on my husband-to-be. He was a great listener, a great talker, and most of all a great friend. He's my Dylan. That brought back some of my reassurance.

I looked straight at him and suddenly all my worries melted away. I could tell he was feeling the same way I was feeling. As I got closer to him I looked into his deep green eyes and all I could think about was one thing. I want to be with him, forever. 

My dad handed me over to Dylan and he gave me a reassuring smile before going to his seat.

This is it. The moment we've all been waiting for.  The moment that we will be tied legally together.

 The preacher began with his introduction and spoke of love and it's meaning.

'Song of Solomon 8:6-7  Set me as a seal upon your heart, as a seal upon your arm, for love is strong as death, jealousy is fierce as the grave. Its flashes are flashes of fire, the very flame of the LORD. Many waters cannot quench love, neither can floods drown it. If a man offered for love all the wealth of his house, he would be utterly despised.

    The love that God speaks of, it isn't temporary or replacable. It is forever.

1 Corinthians 13:4-8  Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth.  Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never ends. As for prophecies, they will pass away; as for tongues, they will cease; as for knowledge, it will pass away.

  And this folks, is what love really is." The pastor continued with many other topics until he go to the 'I Do's and then the golden words were spoken. ' I pronounce you, Husband and Wife. You may kiss the bride.' The pastor said and everything went silent. People stared at us, waiting for the kiss that ties the wedding together. Dylan, with a smile on his face, took me in his arms and gave me a  kiss. There was a flash of the camera that the photographer took and many screams and cheers from the crowd.  We inter-winded hands and walked down the aisle. My heart was frantically pounding in my chest. I can't believe it, I'm married. 

Everyone left the church and headed off to the venue we chose for the party.  But as a tradition, the bride had to ride in a limo with her brides maids and the groom with his grooms men in another limo. Before we parted Dylan gave me a kiss and told me, that from now on we will always be together.

"I love you Mrs. Jacobs." Dylan whispered as he kissed me goodbye.

"I love you too, Husband." Then my brides maids dragged me away into the limo. I didn't really have any girl-friends so most of my brides maids were cousins.

  During the half hour drive to my wedding party the girls went crazy and stopped at a liquor store and bought lots of alcohol.

" Everybody!" my cousin Cindy screamed over the loud music.

" Lets make a toast, to my beautiful cousin Anabelle who has found true love. May you live a long happy life! CHEERS!" she yelled as she put her shot of tequila into the air and chugged it like everyone else was doing.

The partying kept going as we sang at the top of our lungs,to the song good feeling ' Good Feeling '.

          Suddenly the limo came to a stop making the five of us in the car stumble forwards.

"Don't worry ladies, its just a tire, I'll fix it in five minutes and be done in no time." the drive announced through the loud speaker that cut off the music momentarily. They all began to talk again not minding this bump in the road, but I was worried we would get there late. I don't want Dylan waiting and worrying, so I grabbed on to my long poofy, princess wedding dress and excused myself to go outside. The front top cover was popped open but I couldn't see the limo driver. Maybe he was under the car or something.The road we were on was deserted with no cars or houses in sight. I moved to the sidewalk that led to the woods, I guess and called Dylan.

"Anabelle? Where are you?" He asked immediately.

"The limo driver pulled over to change a flat tire but don't worry, he said it wouldn't take long." I reassured him.

"Okay just hurry back. I miss you already, wife." he said with a sad tone.

"I'll be in your arms in no time, husband."   I giggled at his silliness. We said goodbye and I walked over to the limo again. I opened the black door and saw the girls were still talking. Just as I was ducking down to get inside, two firm hands wrapped around my waist and pulled me backwards.The girls all looked at me with fright as they saw the masked man taking me. But another man was with him that closed the car door so the wouldn't get out. I screamed as I saw the direction this man was dragging me to. A black sleek car.

"Just get her in man! I'm getting bored." The man guarding the limo door yelled. The man that was dragging me, turned me around to face him, just as I was going to yell and run he took his mask off. I was frozen, I couldn't move. This is not happening! No.No.No. I was hyperventilating just by looking at him.

"This can't be real." I gasped.  I reached out to touch his face and he closed his eyes as my hand caressed his cheek. I pulled my hand back and gasped again.

"Oh it's real." he laughed. His voice made me get the chills. It it the voice that I longed to hear. It was the voice that overpowered my sweet, sweet dreams.

"Jace." I said but then I quickly fainted.

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