Threats From The Past (MiniMi...

By M1ckyj789

1.5K 126 97

Gabrielle and his best friend Kylie are riding the high after both of their latest books have been released... More

Starting Fresh
One Day...
Just Because He's Gay
Just One Moment
Give It Time
He Said No
He'd Go Nuts
Please Don't
Not Happening
Get Off Him
Stay Away From Him
Help You Feel Better
Kicked Out
Blink And You Will Miss Them
Revealed Flatlines
I'm Going To Miss You
I don't want you to go
Does He Like Me?
Can You Be Honest With Me
Welcome Home
So Much Worse
Better Safe Than Sorry
Drunken plans
Heading Down Under
Let Go Of Me

Assault And Homicide

46 5 2
By M1ckyj789

(So I was going to go ahead and do something else. But I just thought of an idea that will extend this book by quite a bit. Get ready because this is where shit get's intense. Also while I myself did Legal studies for Two years in TAFE. I am in now way shape or form to be taken for absolute clarity on the topics, I know a lot about the subject matter but I may get something wrong. So just let me go to the best of my knowledge and we are golden.)

Kylie's POV

Once the boys had left the house, bags in toe and car gone from the drive way, Rob and I decided it would be better to walk over to the Sidemen house and visit them while our friends were gone. As far as we know everyone was still there. We walked over and knocked on the door to find Vik ready with the door already open.

Vik: "Tobi saw you guys walking over, thought I'd open the door for you."

Rob: "Thanks man."

Kylie: "Is everyone still here?"

Vik: "Hey Kylie. Yeah Ethan is up stairs at the moment with Josh but the others are scattered around, I think most of the boys are going to head home soon? Or we might all head out for dinner together, would you like to join us?"

Kylie: "Yeah sounds like fun. What do you guys normally tend to grab when Gabe isn't cooking?"

Vik: "Pizza, or we might just make something basic like a steak, I don't know sometimes we go out for Nando's as well."

Kylie: "Nando's sounds nice right now."

Vik: "Alright well we can wait until everyone's ready and then we can all head off and grab something to eat."

I walked around and said hello to everyone but Rob seemed a bit upset about something, and Lachlan looked depressed. I found the two of them talking quietly between each other with no one else near by, they must all be scattered somewhere else.

Kylie: "Hey guys."

Rob: "Hey."

Lachlan just nodded his head, he seemed really angry about something.

Rob: "Look Kylie I promise I'll make it up to you but right now can I talk to Lachlan alone please?"

Kylie: "Yeah no absolutely thanks for letting me know, if you guys need anything or a screaming match let me know and I'll give you the key to home."

Rob: "Sorry Kylie."

I walked off but not before giving Lachlan a sympathetic look. I headed over towards Josh's room to find him, Etahn, Tobi and Jerome all talking about stuff. When I walked in I noticed Ethan's face light up. An instant smile adorning his face.

Ethan: "Hello."

I heard Jerome make the sound of a whip cracking, so I flipped him off and walked over to sit down beside Ethan.

Kylie: "So what's going on here?"

Ethan: "Just talking about whether we are going to have time to do a massive collaboration video or whether to just gave a few people playing a game."

Kylie: "It would seem a bit strange if everyone is in a video without Simon and Harry wouldn't it?"

Jerome: "Plus Ryan isn't here either."

Tobi: "The man has a point but he hasn't really done a lot already with you guys. It's mainly just you Jerome."

Jerome: "He's a good guy."

Josh: "I'm not saying he isn't but isn't he more associated with you than with the pack. It would be a Sidemen vs Pack game."

Kylie: "I'd watch that, first of all seeing all of you guys together in one video would drive people mental, and then hearing the pack boys swear and play something other than Minecraft with a group of people would be pretty cool as well."

Jerome: "It's nice to hear you knowing about us."

Kylie: "Gabe never watched you guys. I at least kept up with what was popular. I mean he knew about you guys from Lachlan and our mates talking about you lot, but he never actually watched you."

Jerome: "I'm a little bit upset at that."

I smiled at him while Ethan put his arm around me, pulling me close to him. He was so adorably cute.


I got up and ran out of Josh's room at the sound of Rob screaming. As I made my way to see the front door I could see Vik standing behind Him. Rob had a hand on Vik's as if protecting him from something.

????: "That man is under arrest for manslaughter and fleeing the crime scene, he is under arrest and needs to come with us."

Rob: "He's not fucking going anywhere. And your not taking him."

????: "We will put you under arrest yourself for resisting, if you know what's good for you. You will let us take him down to the station for questioning."

Rob: "How can he be charged for Manslaughter when he has been here this whole time? His car hasn't even left the fucking drive way today. And if his car was going to crash into someone else. He himself would have a totalled car and wouldn't be able to fucking move because the crash would injure him as well. Now get off the property or I will call emergency services for trespassing and falsifying evidence against someone of a different race."

????: "Take them both in we don't have time for this."

I stood forward as the police officers grabbed Rob and Vik, forcing them through the door outside, when they did get outside, the officers threw them to the ground. It was at this point Josh and Jerome ran through and picked them up quickly. Bringing them back inside as I locked the door behind us. I looked back to see Tobi on the phone to someone.

Tobi: "Yeah well if you don't fucking mind when my friends are being threatened for a crime they can not physically commit I would like to know the procedures I need to take in order for you people to do your fucking jobs properly. It is not fucking possible for them to get there and back here within five seconds... No. I don't fucking care about your legal system and steps you need to take I'll se you fucking ass holes in court."

Kylie: "What the fuck is going on in her?"

I looked over to see Lachlan in tears on the ground. Preston trying to calm him down while Mitch just looked angry, his demeanour soothed itself out.




Kylie: "When my friends are getting harassed by someone for no legitimate reason then yes I will. Now back the fuck up before you lose your supposed "Job"

Josh: "Vik what the hell is going on?"

Vik: "I heard knocking on the door so I answered it, thinking it might have been the boys needing to get something they had forgotten, but when I opened the door I saw those two standing outside. Obviously I was confused as fuck so I asked why they were here and they asked if I was Vikram Barn, after assuring them I was they grabbed my arm and told me I was placed under arrest for the assault of Gabrielle at Minecon, that witnesses had named me as the culprit even though that's not possible because I was here at home but they wouldn't listen to me. Then they got a radio call in of something and tried to pin me with first degree homicide, which is the intention to kill someone with the car, but if I was able to do all that and get back home here without a single scratch, mind you hitting them hard enough to where they could be dead, and get back here within a few seconds. I can guarantee you that it can't have happened. It's not possible."

I won't lie. I might as well have been scratching my head at that point. I was so confused, ok the assault charge can hold up as "Witnesses saw him commit the crime." But that couldn't have happened because if anyone was going to assault someone in a room full of people the police would have been on him a lot sooner than that and would have tried to stop him at the convention. On the other hand. First degree homicide. How the fuck did they pull that one up... But, homicide means that the crash had occurred with the intention to kill. Meaning.

Kylie: "Holy shit. Did they say anything else?"

????: "Back off Greg you fucking pathetic man. Piss off and go do some paper work on the assault case from the other day."

It was a female voice this time, the knocking and the bashing on the door had stopped before a light knocking had occurred.

????: "Hello Vikram? My name is officer Nightingale, I'm Greg's superior and wish to ask if I may come in and talk to you about what has happened. We received a call from Tobi Lerone that you were being harassed by officers about a crime that is not possible. I would like to request to come in calmly and talk to you about what we know and write down anything you can tell us about today and what happened a few days back with the charges being pressed against you by Mr Gabrielle Harries."

Mitch: "Why the fuck would Gabrielle place charges on Vik?"

Kylie: "He wouldn't. Officer Nightingale my name is Kylie. Inside with me we have 10 people not including myself who can all assure you that not only does Vik have nothing to do with what happened. But that we didn't even know that our friends were involved in the accident. If I open this door and you come in arresting them with no evidence to back up your claim. And I mean physical evidence that we can see or even without the reports of said crime for us to read through, then I will not let you in this house."

Nightingale: "I can assure you Kylie that I have no intention of making tonight any more stressful and upsetting than it already is. I just wish to come in and inform you of what is going on. I understand it is not possible for this to occur but you must understand we have our own procedures we need to follow and I wish to not only satisfy my superiors. But also put your mind at ease."

I looked back towards the boys and trained my eyes to Josh who nodded once. I opened the door to see a young woman around our age with long blonde hair, she had a soft look upon her face Yet she also seemed pretty stressed out.

Nightingale: "Thank you Kylie. I assure you I am just as confused as to what's going on as you are. May I come in please?"

Kylie: "Sure, though remember there are 10 boys here and they won't leave each other alone, you question one. You question all of them as they very rarely leave each other alone."

Nightingale: "Very well."

As she stepped into the house, her walk brimming with confidence and authority. I assume being such a small young woman would require her to be confident as fuck.

Nightingale: "Oh I thought you were kidding."

As she stepped inside and notice all boys in the living room, either standing around or being close to Vik and Rob. She took a deep breathe in and seemed to prepare herself for what was about to happen.

Nightingale: "Let me start with introductions. My name is Officer Freya Nightingale and I have been assigned to the case of Gabrielle Harries and Vikram Barn for first being the person charged with Assault at the popular Minecon event that occurred recently, and only now being called about first degree Homicide with the intention to kill against Gabrielle Harries, Harry Lewis, Simon Minter and Ryan Phillips. I also understand that you and your friend Robert Latsky were harassed by two officers without any reason given to their hostility. Am I correct so far?"

I watched the boys start to nod.

Vik: "I didn't do anything."

Freya: "I believe you."

Josh: "What?"

Freya: "Call me Freya. Look I believe you Vik. You guys have been friends for over a month right? Why would all of a sudden assault a man who you would consider your friend. With that person being close to not only you but your friends here as well. With next to nothing being reported on it as it happened. It also occurred while you were in a public event, in a room filled with people. There is no possible way that nothing would have been said, we would have received a call instantly."

Mitch: "At least someone has their brains about them."

Freya: "And then you being charged with Homicide even though it is impossible to get from the crime scene which is a ten minute drive away, Back here without not only a single scratch, but also your car's bonnet and engine are both dead cold. There is not a single bump or scratch shown on the car, and we were told the car is in a bad condition as is the driver and passengers."

Preston: "What happened?"

Freya: "We received a call about a car crash that had occurred in the area, the scene had happened on the intersection on Davies and Ground road" (Made up names cos I'm smart but I'm also lazy af)

Ethan: "That's like... Literally 10 minutes away from home."

Preston: "Have you heard anything about the passengers?"

Freya: Not as of yet but when I do find out where they were transported I will be sure to let you all know immediately. Now if I may, I want you all to understand that working in my field means I still have to not only keep up appearances but also make sure that my superiors are happy with the work produced, this means that I must ask you some questions. Normally we would wait a few days or even till tomorrow for questions to be asked as people tend to grieve or take a moment to bring themselves up for the idea, I wish to request that information be given now as not only were you no where near both crimes, but also that each boy here, or at least some of you, would be able to instantly vouch for your innnocence. I also would not like to play the grief card as neither you all, nor myself have an idea on which hospital they are being taken too, I had sent a message to my partner at the station to page me as soon as they find out, until then. Is it alright for me to ask a few questions. It is highly likely we won't know which hospital they are being taken to for at least an hour until they are there and in surgery."

Kylie: "How does that work? Wouldn't they be taken to the nearest hospital?"

Freya: "Most of the time yes that is the case but as of right now we have no word on where they were taken. There are two hospitals in the area or close to where the crash occurred. They could be taken to either one or even split between two. Mr Barn I would like to ask if it is ok for me to start asking questions."

Vik: "I didn't do anything. I couldn't have done anything."

Freya: "Mr Barn I am simply doing my job, believe me when I say I trust you didn't do it. But until we can safely guarantee on both ends that nothing happened. I have to still do my job."

JJ: "You seem to know a lot about us and what we have done recently. If you had only received the call out about the crash today, and about the assault then how would you know he was innocent, or how can you be so sure that he has had nothing to do with it?"

Freya: "Because my sister had got me to watch one of Mr Bradley's videos about. A year ago. Since then I haven't missed one. But my professional and Casual lives will be kept separate."

Rob: "Can we please just get this over with? I need to know Gabe is alright."

Lachlan: "Simon..."

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