We could be heroes (A pewdiec...

By quadglitter

2.7K 53 27

The infamous superhero Cryaotic or Cry for short, lives with the Avengers, he's also lives another life; just... More

~Chapter 2~
~Chapter 3~
~Chapter 4~
~Chapter 5~
~Chapter 6~
~Chapter 7~
~Chapter 8~
~Chapter 9~
~Chapter 10~
~Chapter 11~
~Chapter 12~
~Chapter 13~
~Chapter 14~
~Important AN please read~
~Chapter 15~
~Chapter 16~
~Chapter 17~
~Chapter 18~
~Chapter 19~
~Chapter 20~
~Chapter 21~
~Chapter 22~
~Chapter 23~
~Chapter 24~
~Chapter 25~
~Chapter 26~
~Chapter 27~
~Chapter 28~
~Chapter 29~
~Chapter 30~

~Chapter 1~

322 4 3
By quadglitter

Cry's POV

I wake up to the sound of someone screaming, I jump out of my bed and run into the living room,

"I heard screaming what's wrong?" I say panicked

"We are out of Poptarts!!" I hear Thor scream and I sigh,

"Dude seriously I thought something was wrong" he looked at me shocked

"There is something wrong THERE IS NO POPTARTS!" he shouts then Steve walks into the living room

"Thor inside voice please, hey Cry" I smile since I'm not wearing my mask

"Hi Steve" he looked at me confused

"Don't you have school in 10 minutes?" I look at the clock and see he was right

"Shit" I sprint into my room and get ready, I put on my green hoodie and a pair of blue jeans, I comb back my mess of a hair, and put my mask on, I grab my bag and slam my door shut and run to the elevator,

"See ya after school Cry!" Tony shouts after me and I wave goodbye, as soon as I get to the bottom floor I sprint to school.

Felix's POV

I walk into my new school, everyone stares at me but I don't really care I'm a quite confident person, I walk to the front desk and see a lady behind it she smiles at me,

"Hello how may I be off assistance?"

"Um I'm new here and I-"

"Oh you must be Felix Kjellberg here's your school schedule and here's your locker number" she says cutting me off, I nod and thank her and go to find my locker.

Cry's POV

I hear the bell ring just as I enter the school, 'thank god for super speed huh?' I think to my self and walk to my first class, I enter to see all my friends already sitting in their seats,

"Late again Mr. Terry" my maths teacher Mr. Mallan says,

"Sorry Sir I slept in" he sighs and nods

"This can't keep happening, I'm going to start giving you detentions, now go to your seat" I nod and sit beside my friend Russ, he smirks at me and I hit his arm playfully,

"So what's the excuse today huh?" I glare at him through my mask

"Peter and Wade forgot to wake me" I say and he chuckles

"Cry, Russ stop talking!" Sir shouts at us and I laugh to myself and pay attention to the lesson, suddenly the door burst open and a boy with sandy blonde hair and ocean blue eyes runs in,

"I'm sorry I'm late Sir I couldn't find the class" Sir smiles and nods

"It's ok, you must be our new student, class this is Felix Kjellberg he has moved here from Sweden" 'Sweden huh?' I think to myself

"You can sit beside Cry Mr Kjellberg, Cry raise your hand so he knows where you are" I sigh and slightly raise my hand, he looks at me confused probably cause of the mask, and he sits down beside me,

"HA, he has to sit beside the faggot" I hear the school Bully Justin say and I roll my eyes

"Justin no comments please" Sir says and he shuts up, and before you ask I'm pansexual, I've had girlfriends and boyfriends, through out the lesson I catch the Swede looking at me a few times, it's the mask everyone's always so curious about my mask, I only wear it when I'm out in public and I don't wear it when I'm crime fighting though, I mean it's a great identity concealer.........

~Time skip~

I sit down in front of a huge tree that my friends and I always sit around at lunch, I flick Peter and Wade's heads as I walk past them

"Dude what was that for?" Peter asks

"That's for not waking me this morning" I say and they look at me innocently

"Oops sorry Cry" Wade says

"So any villains on the lose lately?" Red asks

"Nah it's actually been quite for a while which is worrying" Peter answers

"Hey look it's the new kid" Jund says and we all look to see him awkwardly walking about

"I'm gonna invite him ta sit with us" Ken says and gets up

"Ken no"

"No ken"


"Ken" he ignores all the complaints and walks over to him

Felix's POV

I look around for a place to sit but there doesn't seem to be anywhere, suddenly a guy with a bear hat walks up to me,

"Hey there, ma name's Ken would you like ta sit with me and ma friends?" he asks with a smile, I smile and nod,

"Yeah thanks, I'm Felix by the way"

"It's great ta meet ya Felix" he says in a happy tone which makes me smile, we walk towards a tree and I see that boy with the mask again, I wonder why he wears that mask? is he that ugly? or does he just not want people to see his face?

"Guys this is Felix" Ken introduced me

"Hi I'm Red" a girl with red hair says smiling I smile back

"I'm Russ" says a guy with brown hair and glasses,

"I'm Scott but call me Jund"


"I'm Minx!"


"I'm Peter"

"Hi I'm Wade!"

"Sup?" the masked guy said

"That's Cry he doesn't talk much" I nod understanding

"It's nice to meet you guys" I say nicely and they all smile

"Hey Felix come sit next ta me" Ken said and I smile sitting next to him,

"So how you liking it here so far" Minx asked me

"Yeah it's great actually"

"How come you moved from Sweden to here?" asks Jund,

"Well my dad has always wanted to live here and when he got a job offer he just couldn't resist, he also loves the fact that the Avengers live here so it's a safe environment" suddenly I hear Cry scoff, I look at him confused

"Something wrong?" I ask and his head snaps towards me

"No why is there?" he asks in a deep voice which makes me shiver a bit,

"Not at all" he rolls his head meaning he must have rolled his eyes as well, well isn't he a character......

~Time skip~

Cry's POV

I walk into the living room of the tower with Wade and Peter and throw my bag on the couch and take off my mask,

"Hey guys, how was school?" Steve asks

"Yeah it was great there was a new guy today and he's from Sweden and wasn't too bad looking if I might add" Wade said and I slapped him up side the head, knowing that Peter has a crush on him,

"What was that for?" he asks glaring at me

"Just shut up Wade" he pouts and rubs where I hit him, Peter walks away into his room and I sigh,

"What's up with him?" Wade asks and I sigh in frustration

"Wade your so clueless" I say and walk into the kitchen to make pancakes with Nutella my favourite!

"What do you mean I'm clueless, no I'm not" I laugh and so does Steve

"Wade you really are" Steve says and Wade and I look at him, he looks at us confused

"Oh Steve, poor innocent stttuupiidd little Steve" Wade says, and he looks at us confused

"What? I'm not clueless!" I laugh at both of them,

"Come on guys, Steve we all know you have the hots for Tony and Wade we all know you have the hots for Peter" I say

"I DON'T!" I laugh again at the both of them

"Wade go talk to Peter and Steve go talk to Tony, I insure you guys will like the outcome" I say and they both looked at me confused, ......... I live with the most clueless people ever.......


Heyyy guysss, I was bored and decided to write this cause I love Cry and Pewdie, I don't even know if people still ship them but I know I dooo!! I know they both have girlfriends and I love both of them but this is just for fun, so don't take any offence to it, any way thanks for reading if you liked it please vote and let me know if I should continue this, see you dudes in the next chapter!!!:) :)

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