You Didn't Ask (Reader x Nea...

Autorstwa Uunouncium

24.3K 1.1K 137

How on earth can Billionaire Nea D. Campbell (older human form) and an odd jobs having teen named (F/n) (L/n)... Więcej

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40
chapter 41
chapter 42
chapter 43
chapter 44
chapter 45
chapter 46
chapter 47
chapter 48
chapter 49
chapter 50
chapter 51
Movin On

chapter 16

446 26 8
Autorstwa Uunouncium

three months later....

reader pov

"i....i dont know how you do it. i mean....its been what? like four months you guys been together. you must be a glutton for punishment," marie took a swig of his beer. "you see, it takes just one person. just one person willing to put in the time, put up with the devil incarnate for some time, just show enough interest to hopefully find that one little tiny minuscule thing about someone that will make it all worth it," i muttered, taking a sip of my beer. i only drink socially but....well at first i thought it was getting better. he hasn't been yelling at me as much. still blames me for everything but has reduced himself to only telling me off in private. he also still thinks im cheating. shit. at this point, i may as well. marie is pretty fucking sexy after all. same height but....more burly? more buff than i am. i dont know if he would go for me, especially since im a top. might be a little awkward. "tsk....i been working for him about five years now and ive yet to see something worth it in that man," he grunted. "what did you do before this?" i asked. he took another swig. he let out a deep breath. "i was pretty much a jack of all trades. took alot of houses and flipped them for a profit. freelance plumbing and electrical work. fixed alot of shit. even did some construction for a while," he said. "and that somehow translated into cello playing for that asshole?" i raised a brow. "it wasn't that bad a deal back then. pay was good and steady. raises every year. get to travel all over the world, meeting all types of people on our time off, which was very rare by the way. i....i thought i would have met someone in all this time but....well i dont know. i dont know what it is about me that scares em away," he muttered before taking another swig. "sure there is something good about ya. in the short time i knew you, id say you have some admirable features," i said. he chuckled. "like what? id love to hear how i could convince someone to go for a guy like me," he grunted. "lots of things. you are peaceful, strong, and really good with your hands. smart, tolerant, easy going. i mean look at us! no one else would be caught dead with me when my boyfriend is sheril, the big boss. you know how many times he's threatened to fire you?" i asked.

" this point i dont even know if i would care any more. its been soo long since i been home. spent the better part of the last five years moving hotels constantly. longest we would settle in one place is about three months. id get a little one bedroom apartment and a car only to have to leave them both and move on with the crew. i got plenty of money saved up but never have time or reason to spend it," he said. "you just need a reason to settle, marie. find you a nice girl who catches ya fancy and move to where she is at. if it dont work out, you can start a new life in that city. your skills will allow you to be all over the city probably every day meeting all types of people," i said. another chuckle. "that might be the problem right there. it might just be because im gay that i cant find a place to stay," he muttered, finishing off his beer. "i dont know why. maybe you arent looking in the right places. did you try the online dating thing?" i asked. "me? online dating? that, ian, was the worst mistake of my life. i tried all the usual spots like eHarmony and they dont do anything for me. i even tried grindr and guyspy, thinking that if im just looking for some good sex then i might stumble upon a person who wants a little more. every single one i met up with ran, ian. they would always say i was too.....big downstairs. i cant help that im a big guy. i dont wanna get fat from trying to drown my sorrows in food so i started working out. next thing i know, i can bench 325. now im solid with damn near no fat on my body. how can i get laid, ian? who is strong enough to take care of a big guy like me?" he grunted, downing a whole glass of beer.

i grinned. "well....we are heading back to my hometown tomorrow morning. you could.....stay in the city" i offered. he looked at me. i just continued to drink. a dark blush came over his face and he looked back at his empty glass. "sheril would fire me for even considering this," he grunted. "fuck sheril. im dumping him as soon as we touch down in my hometown. the question is.....are you willing to come with me?" i asked. he chuckled. "i think i have like 300k in my bank account right now," he thought aloud. "you wont need near that much, especially if its gonna be just you. i also know a place where you could get plenty of work as a handy man," i said. he looked at me again. "you....sure i can come with? i wont know anyone else but you," he said. "looks like ill have a reason to be around often. i could show you around. i got friends who i could intro you too. plenty of things we could do. you in or out? cause i need to get back to the hotel before he threaten to leave us here," i said. "ill.....ill come with you," he said. "great! lets head back to the hotel. i still need to get packed," i got up. he nodded and we headed out.

"why are you always coming in so late?" sheril grunted as i walked into our room. i closed the door. he was in his undies sprawled on the king sized bed watching tv in the dark. i looked at the clock, 9:45 pm. "its only a quarter till ten, sheril. you are susposed to say that if i were coming in at midnight or like two am," i grunted, shedding clothes on the way to the bed. i stripped to my undies and got in the bed with him, getting comfy under the covers. "well when you leave right after the show, ending at five, i have to wonder what you are doing all that time," he grunted. "well you should know by now that im not cheating, even though you are gonna accuse me of it in the morning," i said. "well...that's what it looks like too me. you leave without a text or call or even talking to me at all and dont come back for a long ass time. what am i susposed to think?" he flipped through the channels. "that i went out....because that's what i always do. you never go out, instead staying in the hotel room any time you arent at the theater. i swear the date we had way back when was the first time you been outside among people whom you didnt know," i said. "ouch. that's a low blow, ian. you know how busy i be," he grunted, pulling my arm around his waist and nestling up to me. i got comfy next to him.

"liar. you forget that i been with you about four months now. you work about three days a week. other than that, you are either rehearsing for maybe ten hours a day or yelling at me about something you know i didnt do nor had nothing to do with," i said. "the fuck you mean i blame you for something you didnt do or had nothing to do with? if you would listen to me more often and actually do what i say, everything would have worked out just fine. i swear you are the most naïve person i know, ian. you always think you know everything when you dont know shit. if you would just take a seat some damn where and let me do what i do, i wouldn't have to treat you like some child," he grunted. "yeah, yeah, you keep telling yourself that," i flipped off the light and tv and snuggled up to him. "now you are just acting like a kid, ian. i know you are only 19 you really have to act like a teenager? i swear i might have misjudged you before. i thought you were this younger guy who was much more mature for his age but over these few months, you really are showing your age. if only you would (blah, blah, blah)" he just kept rambling on and on about the things i should and shouldn't do. yeah, im tired of this. at first i thought he was just a mature older guy who knew where he was going but.....well he is one of those guys who thinks he knows you better than you do. whatever. i dont have to deal with this. we are taking off tomorrow.

the next day....

"hurry up! the plane leaves in an hour!" he yelled for the fifth time since we woke up this morning. i put the last of my clothes in my suitcase, giving zero fucks about him and his yelling for no reason, and zipped it up nice and tight. "im ready. lets go," i grunted as i walked out the door.

we got down to the lobby of the hotel to meet up with the rest of the 30 piece orchestra. they had put their instruments on a bus to be transported via boat over seas back to their storage facility. they all got in a tour bus with their luggage. i spotted marie putting his stuff in before climbing in the bus along with everyone else. i started walking towards the bus when sheril grabbed my arm. "where are you going? the limo is over here," he pointed to a waiting limo. i shrugged and followed him over to it. the driver put our things in the back while we got in. "take us to the airport," said sheril as he crossed his legs.

"why the limo?" i asked after a moment of silence. "i never ride with the orchestra. im better than being cramped in a buss with those loud ass motherfuckers," he grunted, texting away. about ten minutes on the road before an airport came into sights. or more like a series of hangars housing different planes. "private jet?" i asked. "tsk...commoner first class is still not worth the time," he grunted. the limo drove right into the gate, driving down the landing strip past several hangers. it stopped in front of one. it was a medium sized plane. not much bigger than some, not much smaller than some. we got out. the driver took our things and put them on the plane while we took a seat on the plush big chairs across from each other, a small coffee table between us. there was four chairs with a table between each pair on either side of the plane. i didnt do much exploring but it was luxurious from what i could see from my chair. we put on our seat belts as the plane readied for take off. "nice plane," i said. he just nodded. we headed out.

"so, whats gonna happen after this?" i asked, curious about what he was thinking. we were about thirty minutes from landing in my home town from what the pilot said. he actually seemed a bit nervous about something. "whats wrong?" i asked as he started tapping his foot. he had been texting the entire three hour trip. this plane was fast as fuck. the normal ETA was about 15 hours. poor marie. 12 hours till i would be able to see him. he put his phone down on the table and sat there looking at me. i just shrugged. we were getting closer to landing. "what are you so nervous about?" i asked. "its just.....i had been thinking about this for the last month and....well i know i cant be all that easy to deal with on a daily basis. for you to put up with me for that long, im sure it could mean only one thing," he said. "and what is that?" i asked, raising a brow. i called an uber. it should be here in about a half 20 minutes. perfect for me leaving right after we step off this plane. "well although you haven't confessed it to me, im pretty confident in my judge of the situation and i have to say......i do share the sentiment," he said. "im not sure what you are talking--" he waved a hand, cutting me off. "its fine, ian. no need to be embarrassed about it. you dont have to worry, i do share the same sentiment and....well i would like to act on such a sentiment. i know that we haven't talked for very long but...well im older and i know what i want and....well that is you, ian. i know that i say alot of things but those are just to make you better. to help you to grow as a person so that you may one day deserve someone like me. i want to say.....that im willing to go the distance with you. i think that you are a fine gem that just has some smudges on it willing to work as hard as i can for as long as i need too so that i can see you shine sooo....that brings me to this question...." he reached into his suit pocket and pulled out a little box. my eyes widened in surprise. not the kinda surprise he is thinking, but surprise none the less. "(f/n) 'ian' (l/n).....will you marry me?" he asked, presenting the box to me.

it was a nice ring. to bad its NEVER gonna happen. i reached out, purposefully leading him to believe that i was gonna say yes. "sheril, gonna have to say no," i closed the box and rolled his fingers around it, pushing his hands back towards him. his eyes widened. "WHAT!!" he screamed. i held up a hand, attempting to calm him down. "scratch that...." he seemed to calm down," gonna have to say fuck no," i said. "WHAT!! BUT WHY? I THOUGHT--" i just shook my head, cutting him off. i actually saw tears start to form in his eyes.

"you have seem to be gravely mistaken about our relationship, sheril. id like to take these last few minutes of our time together to clear things up as much as i can. (clears throat) i kept asking myself the entire time we were together why i was still here. why i put up with constant yelling and screaming, the tantrums, always having the finger pointed at me for something that not only was it clear i had nothing to do with, but you and everyone else in the orchestra also saw i had nothing to do with. dealing with your insane jealousy that has always been groundless, every time i tried being friends with any of the people on the orchestra, to the point that you would often threaten to fire them for even associating with me. how you demean not just me but everyone around you on the sole basis that you have convinced yourself that you superior in every single way. how you always treated me like i was beneath you. like you are the one who is settling for me when its very much the other way around. you have always been the one who needed me. if for nothing else, for sex since no one else would be willing to brave your personality long enough to see you without those clothes on. i had to keep asking and keep asking myself why. all of my friends asked me why and you know what i told them, sheril? i told them that everyone needed love. everyone needed the benefit of the doubt. everyone needed at least one person who would be willing to brave the storm and hell fire because there is something in there worth loving but do you know what i learned over these past few months? i had actually learned it about two weeks ago but stayed around to cash in on the free ride home. save myself about 6k, ya know? but what i learned is that there are some people out there that that are just terrible to the core. that instead of when you finally get through the storm, you find a treasure, with you, all i find is more hell fire, if that makes any sense., sheril, im not going to marry you. honestly, i dont even like you, let alone love you. im actually more so closer to hating you. you are a great looking guy but your beauty is less than skin deep. you would sooner talk down to someone as soon as you see them then actually holding a normal conversation that the plane has landed and my uber is outside, im gonna take off before you explode. PLEASE dont call, text, face time, or even attempt to contact me by any other means of communication because im very much content with never seeing you EVER again," i undid my seat belt and stood up. i straightened myself out before walking out.

i had loaded my things into the back of the uber and got in the passenger seat before the screaming began. "please drive now. id prefer he not catch up to us," i asked my uber driver. he just pulled off.

i grabbed my suit cases and got out the car. i paid the uber man and he took off. i took a deep breath. finally, at home at last. i have about 12 hours before marie gets here so i can get settled again. i walked up to the door and unlocked it, walking inside. no one was here from the looks of it. i walked through the house, not seeing reever any where. i peaked in his room. his stuff was still here. he must be at work with kanda. im gonna have to go job hunting again. i dont know if ill be able to get in where they are at. i can job search with marie so that should work itself out. i put up my clothes and stored my suitcases for the next time i have to take a long trip. i stripped to my undies and climbed in my familiar bed, alone for the first time in the past few months and a huge smile on my face for once.


nea pov


hey sheril! i was just about to call you. how is it going with the boyfriend? did you propose?

(hysterical sobbing)

*chuckling* im guessing it was a no.

(sobbing)....i dont know why though! this would have been such a good move for him!! i know he was in love with me. he didnt have to hide it like that! we were gonna get married and probably have some kids but he wouldn't be able to pick who we adopt cause im sure his taste was awful. i dont know what he was thinking not accepting my proposal sure i can guess what was going through his mind when he said no

(sobbing)...i just...i dont know what to do here, nea. i just dont know what to do. does he need time to get his feelings together? should i call him and we talk about this? does he just need space cause he was mega nervous about the whole thing? i mean its not every day that i fancy someone enough to propose

all i can say is move on. im sure you made it VERY clear that he is beneath you and isn't worth your time. just move on to someone else. let him miss out

(sobbing)...yeah. gonna do that. i....i can get someone else easy, right? i mean...i know a good looking gay guy in my orchestra. ill....ill talk to him. give him the opportunity to be with me

you do that, sheril. im sure he wont be dumb enough to pass up on a wonderful guy like you

thanks, uncle nea. i was really worried

anytime. take care of yourself. talk to you soon


***end call***

i knew it was gonna happen. i really did. its even funnier cause sheril was obviously in love with the guy. hmm....he never told me his name. tsk...whatever. probably figured i would try and take him from him, regardless of what he would say in denial. its it bad that i have a shit eating grin right now? i mean, it was well deserved. sheril is an awful person. he needed the heart break. i sighed. im sure i saved the guy he was dating the curse of having sheril as a stalker. hopefully the good karma i gained from this will aid in my pursuit of (F/n). its been a long time since ive seen him in person but im sure its coming. one day ill get the chance. for now, im just gonna masturbate to his picture. am i weird? fuck yeah and im not embarrassed about it cause im in the privacy of my own room. yeah, his face pic and me. gonna be a long night, i tell ya that.


*wipes sweat off brow*one arc out the way. time to move on to the next leg of the story.


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