The Cheetahs Return. (Discont...

By TheWhovianHalfBlood

2.8K 101 14

Alexandria Bane was given a task, a task to find her friend, Mary's little sister. The last second before she... More

Chapter 1. Fish An Chips, And The Woman In The Shadows.
Chapter 2. The Bronze Raven, The Snake Woman & The Chandelier.
I got tagged, so I'm gonna do it!
Chapter 4. It's Not Much, But It's Home.
What The Characters Look Like.
Chapter 5. They've Found Us.
Chapter 6. I'll Find You! I'll Find You Both! I Swear It!
Happy Hanukkah!!💙💙
Merry Christmas!(A Little Late)🎅🎄⛄️
Chapter 7. A New Animagus And Josie's Back!
Chapter 8. Ginny Weasley Open The Door! And It's A Long, Long Story.
Chapter 9. She Was A Shadow And The Shadows Were Her.
Chapter 11. On The Run And The Whispering Snake.
Tag your it, tag, tag your it.
Chapter 12. We're Safe.
Chapter 13. The Cloaked Figure Strikes Again.
Chapter 14. Love That Was Thought To Have Been Long Lost, Is Found.
Chapter 15. Don't Cry For Me.
Chapter 16. Life Isn't Worth Living If You Don't Live At All.
Chapter 17. The Battle Of Hogwarts
Chapter 18. There's An "End" In Best Friend.

Chapter 3. Lucy's Life Story.

148 6 1
By TheWhovianHalfBlood

Ally's POV. ~*~*~Edited~*~*~

We all fell to the ground with a thud.
"You really need to work on your landing skills." Chris grumbled to me as he stood up and brushed himself off. He then turned to 'Lucy' and offered her a hand up, she took it with a smile and stood, then Chris turned to me as Lucy hid her face as it turned pink slightly. "Umm, how exactly did we get here?" She asked me, but Chris interrupted me before I could reply. "I am not helping you up, you're the reason why we were on the ground in the first place!" Chris exclaimed,

I glared at him and stuck my tongue out at him. "Well next time why don't you do it? Oh wait, you can't. 'Cause you aren't of age! So I suggest you shut it." I finished with a sweet and innocent smile. He stuck his tongue out at me and turned to 'Lucy'. "My name's Christopher Bane, this is my big sister Alexandria Bane. What's your name?" Chris said/asked. "Lucinda Black, but please call me Lucy. Everyone else does." She told us, so this was Mary's little sister, we found her after all this time (4 weeks). "Nice to meet you." Chris said and held out his hand, she reached forward and shook it.

"Let me see your arm please." I said moving toward her, she extended her arm and I looked at it. Bellatrix had carved the words Filthy Blood Traitor into her wrist. "W-what does it mean?" She asked me nervously, I looked up to see her biting her lip. "Never mind that right now, all you need to know is that it is a horrible word. Now, are you all right?" I asked her as I took my wand and healed her as much as I could, she had had a small cut on her lip and another one under her eye, the words on her arm were just scars now.

"Yeah, but I don't understand. What are you? That woman, she claimed she was a witch and yet she still used a knife. Why not something else?" Lucy asked, I looked at Chris who was confused then back to Lucy confused. "Lucy, you really don't know what I am?" I asked her unsure. "No." She replied. "I'm a witch and Chris over there is a wizard. But we're not at all like the one who did this to you, she's evil and we're not. You don't have anything to fear of Chris and I." I told her. "Really?" She asked me unsure. "Really." I told her with a small smile. "Okay, good." She let out a sigh of relief.

"So, tell us about yourself." I said. "You first." Lucy said looking at me. "She asked you first, and besides we need to know how much you know." Chris told her. "Fine." She sighed. "When I was 3 my mum died, along with my older sister, (I had never known my father) I was then placed into an orphanage. I lived there from the time I was 3 to the time I was 9, the kids there were awful. They used to call me names and say I would never get adopted, but they were proven wrong when a couple in their 30's came to the orphanage. They were talking to Miss Greenbeak who was in charge of us when they saw me peaking around the door, they asked Miss Greenbeak who I was and she told them. They then asked to meet me and Miss Greenbeak told me to come out and I did as I was told. The couple told me

their names were Thomas and Penelope Kingston. We talked a bit then Thomas asked for the adoption papers, they both signed and then they took me to their home. I lived happily with them until I was 10 3/4 then they went out to run some airings leavening me with Thomas's sister Linda Marsh for the day, it was that night that we received news from a policeman that my parents car had been hit by another car and they didn't make it.

My Aunt then took me in and treated me as her own, I went to school and made many friends. Some people have asked me why my last name is Black if my parents last names were Kingston and my Aunt's was Marsh, the reason I don't have the same name is because when I came to the orphanage whoever brought me there had told them my name was Lucinda Rosie Black. And I have kept it that way. Last week, I had been walking home to my Aunt's house, I had just been with my best friend and his two older sisters, when someone grabbed me from behind and then smoke was all I could see. And the house you saved me at,

I was locked in the basement there the whole time, it wasn't until about an hour before you got there that I had gotten taken out of that basement. And- oh god! I've just remembered! There were other people down there! We have to go back, we have to save them!" Lucy finished her life story then exclaimed. Chris looked at me worriedly, I looked to a panicking Lucy sadly. "We can't go back, they'll kill us if we do." I told her sadly.

"No! We have to help them! We must!" She sobbed, Chris walked over to her and gave her a hug, her sobs were muffled as she cried into his shoulder.  "Please, we have to help them." She said as they pulled apart. "We are helping them, by keeping you safe. W-what're their names?" I said/asked her after she had calmed a bit. "Olliavander (A/N: Did I spell his name right?) and Luna Lovegood." She answered. My blood ran cold, how could the Death Eaters take them? Why had they taken them? "I'm sure someone will come and rescue them, like we did for you." I said, but I wasn't sure if I was trying to convince her or me. "O-okay." Lucy said miserably. "Come on, we can't stay here. I know somewhere we can go." I told the two then began making my way through the thick forest with the two right behind me.


Word count: 1,60.

Yipppieeeeeeee another chapter's up!



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