Jerrie One-Shots

By For_Legit

679K 15.3K 4.8K

Yeah...the title is pretty self-explanatory. These are requested Jerrie One-shots More

Jerrie One-Shots
In The Morning
Choose Me, Not Him
So Wrong, Yet So Right
Tutoring The Softball Captain
I Get What I Want
Don't Play
I Know You Want To
Texts To My Heart
I Never Said I Didn't Love You
Fun Under The Sun
Hate That I Want You
My Soldier, My Love
The Principal's Daughter
Save Me (Part 1)
Save Me (Part 2)
Save Me (Part 3)
If Only You Knew The Truth
Can't Live Without You
Winning Her Over
Ghost Hunting?
Ghost Hunting? (Part 2)
Somewhere Only We Know
A Soldiers' Love Is Forever
In The Office
Steal A Kiss
She Came To Give It To You (Warning: Not finished)
Let Me Explain
I Love You...And Your Eyes
Be My Captain
Ghost Hunting? 2.0
Ghost Hunting? 2.0 (Part 2)
Black Magic
Insane (Part 2)
Trojan Princess
Meant To Be
On The Sea
Take Care Of Me
It's You
Winning Her Over (Part 2)
An Old Flame
Don't Let Go
She Came To Give It To You
Don't Let Go (Part 2)
Jerrie Time
Benchwarmer & Varsity
The Sisters
Falling Again
It's You (Continuation)
The Sisters (Snippet)
Put A Ring On It
I See You
Random (Part 2)
Wrong Room
The Sisters (Announcement)
My Hero In Shining Glasses
Communication (Beginning?)
Random Part 3
The Door
Christmas List


7.7K 157 32
By For_Legit

A/N: so...i'm deciding to just throw a bunch of stuff at ya...cuz halloween. Why not? Some of them are actually related to halloween, and some just mention it (lol, this one, so you gotta squint). So..enjoy?


Jade waited patiently after knocking on the door a few times, shifting her weight from the balls of her feet to her heel as she continued to sway to and fro patiently.

She didn't seem to be the only one waiting outside a door in the hall, a lot of friends meeting up since tonight was a pretty big event. The campus administration decided to throw a nice little activity together for the students since Halloween was just a few days away. So, what better activity than a halloween themed carnival?

It had been a stressful week on campus, midterm season just finishing yesterday. Jade had pretty big aspirations for life after college, so she was taking quite a few courses, including some that were a bit more rigorous than most. Because of that, this week had been hell for her, studying non-stop and barely taking a break to sleep, eat, or even breath. Plus she had been putting off spending time with her lovely girlfriend, and she felt extremely terrible about it no matter how much the blonde said it was okay and that she understood.

So, since she had about an entire week to make up for, Jade had a plan to make this night all about Perrie Edwards, promising that she would do whatever it takes to make the girl feel like a princess.

"Lovergirl is here!" Jesy cheered as she opened the door, grabbing Jade's arm and pulling her inside, her other arm flying out in oder to help her keep balance, the rose she was trying to hide behind her back making itself known.

"Jadey, come here! I need help picking out an outfit," Leigh-Anne called, popping her head out of the bathroom. "I've narrowed it down to two choices, but these idiots can't help, so I need you."

"Uh, okay, but-" Jade started, shifting her attention down to the rose she was holding.

"I'll give it to her, you go!" Jesy grabbed the rose and shoved Jade towards the bathroom, the older girl grabbing her and eagerly lifting up the tops of her two outfit combinations.

"Aw, that's so nice," she heard Perrie say from outside, kicking herself for not being able to see the blonde's reaction. God, these girls didn't even let her say hi to her girlfriend before throwing her into the madness.

She continued to frown to herself once she left the bathroom so Leigh could change, stuffing her hands in the pockets of her jeans. Jesy was on her bed doing her makeup and Perrie was on Leigh-Anne's bed, smiling once she saw Jade reappear.

"Hi," she breathed, getting up off the bed to meet Jade halfway, wrapping her arms around her neck and fluttering her eyelashes flirtatiously. She was so happy that Jade was finally done stressing.

"Hey, babe," Jade replied, pecking the blonde's lips sweetly before simply resting their foreheads together. She was a bit disappointed that the blonde wasn't bringing up the rose at all, but she's just happy she could get it to her somehow and that she would have something to remind her of Jade's love. All that mattered was that Perrie felt loved. "Just so you know, tonight I'm going to treat y-"

"Jerrie! Let's go!"

"When the hell did you guys magically get ready? It's been tops 3 seconds since I left Leigh," Jade groaned, lifting her head away from Perrie's and looking at the other two, particularly Jesy who was at the door and ushering them to leave.

"Oi, for that sass you're gonna walk with me instead of Perrie." Jesy lunged forward and pulled Jade beside her, linking their arms against her will and forcing her out the door, Leigh-Anne and Perrie laughing as they followed.

'Well, my plan is going off to a great start' Jade thought to herself sarcastically.


Perrie and Jade led the way towards the ticket booth, the brunette letting the blonde go first so she could take the time to fish through her wallet and jump in to pay for her.

"That'll be twenty dollars, please," the worker said, smiling at Perrie politely while the blonde smiled back and brought out the bill to pay.

Jade grinned to herself in victory, grabbing her money first and getting ready to lunge in front of her girlfriend.

But then she heard a high pitched squeal behind her, causing her to jump in fright and drop her money. She whipped her head to the side in frustration, rolling her eyes when she saw Jesy laughing as Leigh-Anne pouted while frantically touching up her hair.

"Jes, why do you always have to mess it up?!" Leigh-Anne whined, still trying to fix the puff that Jesy had created when ruffling her hair.

"It's just easy to mess with you."

"You're a jerk, Nelson."

Jade shook her head, quickly bending down to pick up her money, but as she came back up she saw Perrie already being handed her tickets. The blonde smiled to herself, showing the little pieces of paper to Jade excitedly once she noticed her looking.

"Next," the worker called, signaling Jade to step forward.

Perrie already payed.

Jade was going to murder her other two friends.

Especially when they were in yet another line, this time for food. Leigh-Anne and Jesy were behind her again, and Jade was a bit skeptical about that since what happened the last time. But, Perrie was oblivious to it, and she demanded to cut in front of the older two while Jade obediently stayed by her side, because come on, how could she not? Perrie was her weakness, and she'd do anything the blonde wanted to.

After Perrie finished ordering and the worker disappeared for a few seconds to help get it started, Jade saw her digging into her bag to get more money out.

Uh uh, no way that was happening again.

"Oh my gosh, Jade look!" Leigh-Anne cheered, suddenly hitting Jade's shoulder repeatedly and pointing to something. Jade tried to ignore it and continue on with her mission, but the hitting was constant and starting to get a bit forceful.

"What, what, WHAT?!" She finally gave in and looked in the direction Leigh-Anne wanted her to.

"Oh, never mind, it's gone now."

Jade was literally going to strangle her.

"Leigh, come on, it's our turn," Jesy said, pushing Jade to the side ad nudging Leigh-Anne forward so they could order.

Jade grumbled to herself, kicking at the ground as she took the few steps towards Perrie, knowing she missed yet another opportunity. The blonde noticed her frown and pouted, moving herself closer and snuggling into Jade's side. The older girl immediately wrapped an arm around her waist, making Perrie smile happily and offer her a bit of her food. Jade denied the bite, but kissed the blonde's cheek to make up for it.


"That was awesome!" Jesy cheered, she and Leigh-Anne starting to jump around like 2 year olds.

Jade helped Perrie get off the ride, offering her a smile as they exited to join the other two. Jade squeezed the blonde's hand, trying to get her attention when Perrie didn't return the smile. The taller girl finally looked up and smiled, but it was a fake, little smile that didn't reach her eyes like the ones Jade's seen this night.

"You okay?" Jade asked, still ignoring the other girls as they animatedly discussed what ride they wanted to go on next.

"I just...kinda didn't like that one," Perrie admitted shyly. Jade grinned, seeing the perfect opportunity to actually get her plan in motion.

"Hey, you two," she called, getting the attention of Jesy and Leigh. "We're choosing the next ride."

"Fine," Jesy agreed.

Jade happily led them towards whatever weird named pendulum ride they had set up, Perrie's features brightening once she realized where her girlfriend was leading them. Perrie had always been a huge fan of any types of pendulum rides, liking the feeling of being on a gigantic swing (sort of).

"Nooooo," Leigh-Anne whined.

"This one's boring. We're not going on that," Jesy added.

"I don't care, we're going on it," Jade fought, extremely tired of the two messing up her plans. Of course, she could just tell them she wanted to treat Perrie special tonight, but then she'd have to deal with the continuous teasing, and she didn't want that.

"Well, we're not."

"Jes, you're such a child!"

"It's fine Jadey, we don't have to go on it," Perrie said quietly, not wanting them to fight.

"You two can just go on it yourselves," Leigh-Anne pointed out.

"Well then...yeah, we will," Jade announced, tugging a bit on the blonde's hand, but Perrie didn't budge. "Come on, babe."

"No, it's okay. We don't have to go on it."

" like this ride."

"Yeah, but Jesy and Leigh-Anne don't want to go on it. I'd rather just stick together as a group... Is that okay?"

"Are you sure you two jerks don't want to grow up and let us go on this?" Jade asked the other two, her tone clearly frustrated and heated.

"I quite enjoy being five years old, actually."

"So, no, we're not going to."

"Fine, fine, we'll go on your stupid rides!" Jade huffed, making a funny face in return to Jesy's when the older girl tried to tease and mock her.


"Jade, you're not gonna get it."

"Shut up!"

"I'm cutting you off after this try," Leigh continued, only making Jade groan again.

"Let the girl try, Leigh," Jesy said, already holding three stuffed animals herself. She felt a bit guilty for getting Jade riled up, but then again it was entertaining because she knew exactly why the girl was frustrated.

"I just want one freaking litte-UGH!" Jade tossed her last ring after that, slamming her hand on the table when it just bounced off the bottles and landed on the ground. "I'm a failure."

"Aw, baby, it's okay. You don't have to get me a prize. I'm okay just with your company," Perrie soothed, seeing as how Jade seemed absolutely gutted about not winning the silly carnival game.

"But I wanted to win you something," Jade mumbled, letting Perrie wrap her up in a hug and pull her into her chest.

"I don't need one of those silly things, love."

"Yeah, and hey, I can give Pez one of mine!" Jesy suggested, holding up one of the prizes she's won.

"She doesn't want yours," Jade growled, pushing away the older girl's hand when she tried to pass the stuffed bear to her Perrie.

"Down, Thirlwall," Leigh joked, Jade just growling again.

"Now, now, Jadey. That wasn't very nice," Jesy chastised.

"You're not very nice," Jade retorted.

"Just let the girl have the stinkin' bear," Jesy fired back in one of her accents, Leigh and Perrie chuckling as the blonde gently took it and tucked it under her arm.

"Thank you, Jes." Perrie looked down at her very pissed off looking girlfriend, and she decided to lean her head down and nuzzle into her neck to try and cheer her up, chuckling when she felt Jade reluctantly let a smile grow on her lips. "I love you."

"I love you too."

"Alright, lovebirds, let's go. We've got sights to see, things to do."


"Hey guys!"

The four of them stopped to smile at the pair walking towards them, Dinah and Ally sporting friendly looks as they approached.

"Well hello, Dinah," Jesy replied, "And Ally, nice to see you. We didn't know you guys would be here."

"I wanted to catch up on sleep tonight, but this one wouldn't shut up about coming," Ally said with a pout, making Leigh-Anne, Perrie, and Jesy 'aww' while Jade just continued to frown to herself, especially not liking the attention the blonde was giving her (oh, and just, ya know, everyone but her).

"It's a freaking halloween carnival on campus grounds! How could we not go?" Dinah exclaimed, Ally just giving the others a look saying 'see?'.

"Are the others here as well?" Leigh-Anne asked.

"Lauren and Camila are, but they went off somewhere-"

"Probably to make out," Dinah commented with a smirk, Jesy high-fiving her.

"And Normani went to hold our place in line for food while we got more tickets," Ally finished.

"Well hey, maybe we'll hang out with you guys later!" Jess suggested.

"Sounds awesome! We'll try to gather everyone up and find you guys later then!" Ally said, cheerfully, she and Dinah saying a quick round of goodbyes before going off on their way.

"Find you guys later then," Jade mocked under her breath, rolling her eyes and scoffing. More things for Perrie to be distracted by? Just perfect.

The four continued walking, Perrie nudging her hand against Jade's a few times in hopes to intertwine their fingers, but Jade didn't seem to be responding.

"Babe?" she asked, quietly, for Jade's ears only. The brunette immediately looked up at her, her eyes sad before they quickly started to shine with love as the milliseconds went by staring at her blonde beauty.

"Yes, love?"

Perrie gave her a toothy grin, shaking her head and grabbing Jade's hand herself, smiling when her girlfriend didn't waste any second lacing their fingers together this time.

"Nothing." She knew something was bothering her little Jadey, but she didn't want to bring it up if the other girl didn't want to.

Jade gave her a small smile in return, pressing a kiss to the blonde's cheek before looking forward again and keeping an eye on the older two in front of them.

They'd been walking for a while now, Jesy not finding any rides that she was particularly excited to go on, so of course that meant she insisted on them continuously walking around until some new ride just magically popped up out of nowhere or something. Leigh-Anne seemed to go along with it, though, and since Perrie wasn't quite sure how Jade was feeling, she decided it would be best to continue to stick with them.

The only problem was that since it was getting later, the cool chill of the night started to get stronger, Perrie being affected the most out of everyone since she had only worn a light cardigan for the night.

Jade picked up on the blonde's subtle shivering right off the bat, releasing her hand and quickly shrugging her shoulders back to take off her own jacket in preparation to give it to the other girl. It was the perfect cheesy romantic opportunity Jade's been looking for since the entire night had been going literally nothing according to plan.

"Here, Pez, you look-"

"Well hey there!"

"Hey Liam!" Perrie said, Jade freezing in her motions and just watching with her eyes wide (and almost twitching with how this had to have been the hundredth time she's been interrupted in her plans to woo her girlfriend).

"Hey, nice to see you guys," he said, looking ready to just continue walking and pass on by, so Jade continued to rip off her jacket so that nothing more could interrupt her, ready to just toss it onto the blonde. "Oh, hey, Perrie, you look cold there."

Jade threw her hands up in frustration, knowing that since she was standing slightly behind Perrie the blonde wouldn't be able to see her actions.

"Here, have my spare jacket! I always carry an extra one around," he said cheerfully, going into his backpack (who even brings a backpack to a carnival? Jade was seething) and pulling out a nice little hoodie that Perrie gratefully took and pulled over her head.

"Thanks Li!"

"Where did you even come from?" Jade asked under her breath, nobody hearing her as she just flailed her arms around wildly behind the blonde, wanting to just strangle the next person that walked passed her because nothing was going in her favor tonight. "Just freaking walks by and "oh, I have a spare jacket!". Unbelievable," she continued to herself, her jaw clenching.

"No problem. See you guys around!"

"That's a good kid right there," Leigh-Anne said, nodding in approval of their friend who had to be the nicest guy on campus.

"Yeah, such a sweetheart. See, Jade, why can't you be like that? You should've given Perrie your jacket," Jesy joked, she and Leigh-Anne chuckling as they turned back to focus on the couple, but they stopped once they saw Jade's blank expression.

Then they noticed that she wasn't wearing her jacket.

Perrie also seemed to notice, appreciation for her girlfriend flowing through her as she saw her stood there with her jacket in her hands, though the older two could see that she was clenching the fabric with fists, her brow starting to furrow as her face started to contort into one of anger and frustration instead of just being blank.

"Oh, sorry, Jade-"

"Just shut up, Jesy," Jade snapped, throwing her jacket to the ground and pushing Jesy and Leigh-Anne out of the way as she stormed off, so completely done with how much bad luck she was having.

"Now you've done it," Leigh-Anne muttered, hitting the back of Jesy's head (lightly...ish) and giving her a look that a parent would give their child when they've done something wrong.

Perrie, meanwhile, slowly bent over to pick up the jacket, a bit of an idea sparking in her head as to why Jade had started to seem a bit moody as the night went on.

She sighed to herself, shaking off the jacket a bit before taking off Liam's in favor for Jade's, switching them and immediately feeling slightly warmer just by having her girlfriend's scent surround her now.

"We'll be with Ally and the girls," Leigh-Anne said, sensing that Perrie had a mission. She pushed Jesy along off in some random direction, giving a thumbs up towards the blonde until they blended in with the rest of the crowd and seemingly disappeared.

Perrie found her girlfriend pretty easily, pretty much having a sixth sense for all of her whereabouts. There she was, being all cute and adorable at the cotton candy machine, waiting patiently and watching the worker make it with slight curiosity (her little nerd was probably going to be researching how these machines work once they got free time).

She made her way next to the brunette just as she'd been handed the colorful, sugary snack, her arm then holding it out for Perrie to take without even making eye contact with her. The blonde smiled to herself, happily taking the candy as they both naturally started to walk in time with each other to another random area.

"How'd you know it was me?" Perrie asked, figuring that might be the best way to start the conversation.

"I knew you'd follow me, and I figured I might as well make use of my tantrum. So, I got you that."

"You mean you stood in line to get it, only for me?"

"Well yeah, and even if you didn't follow me I would've found you and given it to you. I guess it's also kind of an apology."

"Baby," Perrie whispered, stopping them both since they seemed to have moved off to the side, away from most of the crowd. "You have nothing to apologize for."

"Yeah I do," Jade grumbled, but even though she was clearly upset, she still reached out for Perrie's free hand, playing with her fingers while the blonde just smiled, happy with any type of contact she got from Jade. "Tonight was supposed to be about you. I've been studying so much and barely giving you any attention, so I figured that tonight I could make up for that and treat you like a princess."

"Jadey, it's fine. I understand you were studying, and there's nothing wrong with that. You have a lot on your shoulders, and you have way harder classes than me. You don't have to make it up to me."

"But I wanted to," Jade whined, mentally punching herself for how childish she sounds. "I had this whole thing planned out where I was going to spoil you and pay for everything and be perfect...but...things have been getting in the way all night, I don't even know how, but they are, and it just frustrated me so much."

Perrie started to recall the entire night, a small 'oh' slipping past her lips as she realized what she'd missed. Jade was hovering right behind her in every line, trying so hard to win that stuffed animal, getting so heated when Jesy and Leigh-Anne would want to go on a different ride than the one she suggested, frowning when Ally and Dinah came by, and blowing up when Liam gave her the jacket instead of herself.

"Aw, baby, you're so good to me," she breathed out, tossing the cotton candy to the side and launching herself onto Jade, peppering kisses all over her face.

"Um, what?" Jade asked, still very upset but slightly (much) better with Perrie's affection being lavished onto her. "Did you not just hear me, babe? I didn't get to do anything for you."

"But you were trying so hard," Perrie said, pausing in her love attack. "And the fact that you were so willing to make me feel special tonight makes me feel so happy. I don't care if you didn't have the best luck tonight and didn't do everything you might have wanted. Just you thinking about me and wanting to love me is already so wonderful and I appreciate you so much."

"But I was supposed to pay," kiss "and I know which rides you wanted to go on, but Jesy and Leigh-" kiss "and then I was going to give you my jacket, but then stupid Liam-" Perrie finally seemed to shut her up with one last kiss, Jade giving in and letting all the tension leave her body as she wrapped her arms around Perrie and held her closer.

"I love you. You're already the best girlfriend ever, and somehow you became even better. I don't understand how you're so perfect," Perrie said, quietly, as they finally broke apart. She pushed some stray hairs out of Jade's face so carefully and lovingly that it made the brunette's heart almost burst, deciding to show her appreciation by nudging her nose against the blonde's, pressing a kiss against the corner of her mouth before backing away again and seeing the giddy smile on the other girl's lips.

"I just love you more than anything, and I want to treat you right because you deserve it. You're so important and precious to me."

That was it.

Perrie practically pounced on the older girl, kissing her fervently as all the love she felt for her girlfriend burned inside of her and fueled her to keep getting more and more, needing her closer to have as much contact with her as possible.

"I love you so much," she mumbled against Jade's lips, tugging on the belt loops of her jeans so their hips could press against each other.

"Aw man, not Jerrie too!"

The two broke apart reluctantly at the very familiar voice. Sure enough they saw Dinah standing there with her arms crossed, Ally popping out from behind her with her hands over her eyes.

"Is it safe?" she asked.

"Yeah, they stopped now," Dinah replied.

"Jesus girlies, you're going to get me pregnant just by watching you," Jesy added, she and Leigh-Anne coming into vision with Normani trailing behind them.

"They're still better at keeping under control than Camren, though," Normani said, all of them nodding in agreement, recalling memories of catching the other two in some very heated intimate moments.

"See? The universe just decided to punish me today with all this bad luck," Jade uttered after realizing she had been interrupted again, a frustrated sigh soon following, and Perrie just chuckled beside her and hugged her from behind, resting her chin atop the smaller girl's shoulder.

"Well how about we go back to your room and fix that?" Perrie purred, nibbling on Jade's earlobe.

"What?" Normani asked, confused (and also distracted because she had deep friend oreos in front of her).

"Jade's gonna get her luck back," Dinah replied, winking and trying to help her.


"Jade's getting lucky tonight," Perrie deadpanned, kissing Jade's neck before unwrapping herself from around her and grabbing her hand to lead her back to the dorms.

"Jade, how do you do that?!" Jess exclaimed. "You just always get your way, you loser!"

"Get it Jade!" Dinah added.

Jade just shook her head at their friends' antics, giving them the middle finger before going back to following her (very eager, if their pace was anything to go by) girlfriend.


"I love you," Jade whispered as Perrie pinned her up against the door after closing it behind them, giving them the privacy they've been very enthusiastic to get on the entire journey back.

"I love you," Perrie repeated, bringing her hands up to cup Jade's cheeks as she licked into her mouth, the older girl's hands starting to roam up the blonde's back, scratching slightly as she moved them back down to rest on her hips.

Jade smiled to herself as she realized that she's never felt more lucky than this.

A/N: so, like, defs not edited and I feel so bad... sorry y'all, but much love <3

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