My True Love

By BourgeoisKingdom

7.5K 531 276

Leilani Smith Moves To Paris After The Loss Of Her Mother. Coping With Her Death She Moves In Across From Two... More

Chapter 1.
Chapter 2.
Chapter 3.
Authors Note
Chapter 4.
I Was Tagged
Chapter 5.
Bruh !
Chapter 6.
Keep It Or Delete??
Chapter 7.
Happy Birthday To Me !!!
So Broken !!!
Chapter 8.
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11.
Chapter 12.
Chapter 13.
Author's Blocked
Updating Tomorrow
Chapter 14.
Chapter 15.
Chapter 16.
Chapter 17.
Chapter 18.
New Book!
Chapter 20.
Merry Christmas
Chapter 21.
Chapter 22.
Spread The Word

Chapter 19.

180 17 15
By BourgeoisKingdom

*Leilani's Postpartum Depression Part 1*

Lauren is two weeks old and giving Leilani and Laurent hell. Teddy, Mama B, Elo, And Larry been sharing nights on helping them but nothing seems to work. Teddy recently moved in with Larry and they was happy as ever. But for Leilani and Laurent, they was sleepless and agitated.

Right now it's 1 in the afternoon and Lauren is hollering. Leilani was on the verge of tears when Laurent came in with the bottle, taking Lauren from her arms and feeding her. She calmed down but Leilani was going through postpartum depression. After 10 minutes of feeding Lauren she was sound asleep and in her crib.

Laurent came back down stairs to see Leilani laying down crying. He immediately went to her rescue.

Laurent: Whats wrong baby?

Leilani: *crying* Babe I'm tired but I'm scared to fall asleep. Every time I close my eyes, she starts crying. Am I a bad mom?

Laurent: Of course not moma. You're a good mom. You're just new to this. Elo went through it and Larry baby woman went through it. Its natural.

Leilani: *crying dies down* I feel like a bad mom. I love my baby.

Laurent: I love her too. If your depression doesn't go away in two days we're going to the doctor. Okay.

Leilani: *smiles through tears* Okay. I love you so much and thank you baby.

Laurent: I love you too now. 

He lays down, pulls Leilani on top of him and pull the blanket over them.

Laurent: Rest your pretty little head. I got her when she wakes up.

Leilani: *yawns* Okay baby.

10 seconds later, Leilani was out like a light. Laurent carried her upatairs to lay her down. He kissed her forehead and left out the room. He checked on Lauren and she was still sleep. He walked down stairs and laid back on the couch.

Laurent was going through the change to but not as bad as Leilani. He was used to it. Babysitting his nieces through the night and day so it wasn't nothing to him. Leilani was a new mom and didnt have any experience with a baby. It was hard for her but he was always there for her.

Laurent laid back and rested his eyes for a good 30 minutes until there was a knock on the door. He went to answer it and Teddy and Larry walked in.

Teddy: *smiles* Hey Lau. You look dead.

Laurent: Hey Teddy and thanks.

Larry: *smiles* Sup frere.

Laurent: *smile a lil* Hey frere.

They all sat and talked.

Teddy: Where's Lani?

Laurent: *sigh* Upstairs sleep.

Teddy: *worried* Is she okay?

Laurent: Nah. She really tired and depressed. I just put the baby to sleep.

Larry: Damn. Lylah went through the same thing with booboo. New at everything but eventually she went to the doctor and got help.

Teddy: Maybe that's what Lani needs.

Laurent: She going to the doctor if her depression ain't gone in two days.

Teddy: *smile* That's good. She need it.

Larry: *smile* Yeah.

As they talk, Leilani comes down stairs with a tear streaked face holding a baby bottle. They all look her way and Leilani looked bad. She looked dead also but worser. Her hair was everywhere. Teddy spoke up.

Teddy: *worried* Hey Lani.

Leilani: ....

Larry: *worried also* Hey Lani.

Leilani continued to make the baby bottle but she would also mumble something.

Leilani: *mumbling* She always crying. I'm tired and I need sleep. I can't take this anymore.

Laurent walked up to her carefully and took the bottle from her. He sat the bottle down and hugged her. Leilani just let her tears go.

Laurent: Whats wrong babe?

Leilani: *crying* Lauren is crying. She's screaming. Do you hear her?

It was silent. Larry, Teddy and Laurent looked around. They was confused cause the house was quiet.

Laurent: Babe. The baby isn't crying.

Leilani: *crying* She is crying. Do you hear her?

Teddy looked at Larry confusingly and back at Leilani.

Teddy: *worried* Lani, the baby still napping.

Leilani: *crying* I hear her.

Laurent: Babe she's still sleep. Come on and lets sit down.

They walked to the couch while Teddy stayed with Leilani. Laurent and Larry walked to the kitchen.

Larry: Bro you okay?

Laurent: No. I'm finna make her an doctors appointment. I want her better. I hate seeing her like this. I mean I'm used to it. I have two nieces and I watched them since they was newborns. But she's a new mom so she gonna be like this. Elo and Lylah went through it and got help and that's what I'ma do for her.

Larry: I care about her too. Hurry and make her an doctor's appointment so she can get better.

Laurent: *smiles* Alright. Thank you frere.

Larry: *smiles* Anything frere.

Laurent proceeded with the call while Larry helped with Leilani. Teddy held her while Larry rubbed her leg. Laurent came back and took Teddy's place.

Laurent: She got an appointment tomorrow at 3.

Larry: *smile* Thats good.

Teddy: *smile* Yeah it is.

Leilani was sleep and Laurent took her upstairs. He kissed her lips this time and said 'I love you' and walked out.

He checked on Lauren and seen she was finna wake up. He checked her diaper and she was wet. She started crying so he quickly changed her diaper and took her downstairs before Leilani could wake up.

Teddy reached for Lauren while Laurent fixed her bottle. Teddy tried to calm her down but nothing worked. Larry grabbed her and walked around with her. She was down to little cries then. Larry smiled and played with his niece finger.

Laurent walked over and grabbed Lauren to feed her. He sat down and fed her the bottle. Larry and Teddy stood up to walk out.

Teddy: Lau we finna go. Please make sure she's okay. I want her better. I hate seeing my bestfriend like that.

Laurent: *smile* I got you Teddy. I want her better too.

Teddy smiles and walk over to hug Laurent. Laurent let a tear slip and Teddy wiped it.

Teddy: *smiles* She's gonna be okay. Keep praying.

Laurent: Thank you Teddy and Larry.

Larry: *smiles* Anything for my frere. I got your back.

They bro hug and Larry kiss Lauren head and says 'I love you' while Teddy do the same thing.

Teddy: *smiles* Bye Lau. Love you. And tell Leilani I love her too.

Larry: *smiles* Alright frere. Love you bro.

Laurent: *smiles* Love y'all too. And I will.

They left and Laurent continued to feed Lauren. She was finished with her bottle and he burped and rock her to sleep.

He went upstairs, laid her down and kissed her head as he said 'I love you booboo' and left out. He walked back in his room and took a quick shower. He got dressed and prayed. After praying, he got in the bed and cuddled Leilani.

Laurent: I love you baby and we're gonna get you some help. Don't worry. We got you.

He kissed her lips and feel into his own deep slumber.

*Sorry I Haven't Been Updating. But Here's Chapter 19.*

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