Shatter ✔ #TheWattys2017

By Wowchilee

25.7M 844K 430K

HIGHEST RANKING: #1 IN WEREWOLF [[*COMPLETED*]] Nova is the daughter of a Beta. And her mate? The Alphas firs... More

➸ 1. Shattered Soul
➸ 2. Sorry
➸ 3. The Pull
➸ 4. Selfish
5. Heart❤
6. Damage
7. Sorrow
8. Homecoming
9. Twisting Knives
10. Skin
11. Matter
12. Desire
13. Home
14. Rules
15. Attack
16. Last Time
17. A Gift
18. Brother, Oh Brother
19. Lying Games
20. Eden
21. Pain
22. Agony
23. Intoxicated Lust
24. Disgrace
25. Savage☠
26. Loophole
27. Thrash
28. Beware
29. Instincts
30. Gracie
31. Night of Terror
32. Discovery
33. Alpha Conrad
34. The Meeting
35. Bitch Fight (literally)
36. Secrets (part 1)
37. Secrets (part 2)
38. Secrets (part 3)
39. Alpha Blood
40. Two Roads Diverged
41. Insidious
42. Heat.
43. Regrets
44. Broken
45. Proposition
46. Fire
47. Loose Ends
48. Runaway
49. Monster
50. Gone
51. Unsteady
52. Down We Go
53. Strong
54. Pack
55. Warrior
56. Beast - part 1
57. Beast - part 2
58. Alpha
59. Running With Wolves
60. Realities (re-edit)
61. In - Dependence
62. Free As A Bird
63. An Alpha's Command
64. Coming Home
65. Tongue Teeth & Claws
66. Heart & Soul
67. Painful Memories
69. Vicious
70. Undiluted Pleasure (MA)
71. Hot and Cold
72. United Front
73. New Beginnings
74. Scent
75. The Moon's Will
76. Prepare
77. Packs of Wolves
78. WAR p.1. (edited)
79. WAR p.2 (edited)
80. Bloody Meadow (word edit)
81. Gemini Moon ♊
82. Alive
83. Blessings
84. Death
85. Funeral
86. Letters || 86.2 Mates (additon)
87. Fireworks
88. The Change
89. Powers
90. Dr. Jekyll / Mr. Hyde (edited / re-read new material)
91. Savior *[the finale]*
Epilogue I - "I Do"
Epilogue II. Birth-Daze
.:*Cover Contest Right Here!!!*:.
Epilogue III - Winning
Epilogue IV - All Grown Up

68. Strength

232K 7.9K 3.7K
By Wowchilee

Chapter Soundtrack:
Mumford & Sons - Dust Bowl Dance

Song selection by RosieToovey


Update #2 of double update sunday!

Happy birthday AdlynSmith !

*unedited bc i was typing like a mad woman to post on time*


The golden gimmer from the necklace i held in my palm seemed to shimmer beneath the light of my bedside lamp.

The necklace Zaryn had given me once upon a time. It held meaning.. u debated on wearing it but it was too soon for that. I would decide on that once i decided where we stood with each other. When i am more comfortable with him again.. if he has changed for the better and if i can find it in me to trust him again.

He is still going to have to earn my trust back, mate be damned. Just because our libidos were in full swing the other day, means nothing. If he wants me as his, truly his... he will have to prove it to me.

The hard way.

Sighing, i dropped the necklace back in its wooden hand carved box, absentmindedly tracing the carvings of the polished wood. Such a heart felt gift...

Deacon has been on my mind since my shower.. and now its Zaryn. Those brothers just wont stay out of my head..

I wonder what Zaryn thinks of Deacon and what he had done. I wonder if he had forgiven him..

Getting up from the bed, i padded over before placing the wooden box inside the large shoe box full of memories.. most of them of Deacon. I couldnt look at those yet. Not yet. I placed the box back in the top of my closet and proceeded to close the door.

It was time to visit my brother.. then go for a nice training session..

It was either now or never that i face the pack. See what sort of reactions i recieved from them. Zaryn would be there too im sure. He is the Alpha afterall.

Already dressed in my yoga pants and sports bra with a hoodie over top, i walked down stairs to find my mom and dad sitting on the couch in their pajamas, my dads arm around mom as she cuddled into them.

They were doing the most mundane thing..

Watching tv.

Something i never saw them do together.

"Mom? Dad?" Approaching them with a look of confusion, they both turned their heads giving me a huge grin.

"Hey baby." Mom smiled, patting the seat beside her. I took it, my dad grinning ear to ear. Ive never seen him do that.

"How are you this morning princess?"

"Good dad. I went and saw Deacon's grave this morning.." i kept the part about Blake out. I wasnt sure if dad was still sore about that subject.

His eyes softened. "Im sorry they put him there.. in your special place."

A small smile graced my lips. "Its okay dad. I think... i think it will be okay. It was our spot afterall. Im working on forgiving him .. trying."

Mom patted my hand. "I think that would benefit you more than you know, my little warrior. "

Returning her smile, stood.. seeing them so ... together.. warmed my heart. "I think im going to go check on Nic now."

"Good idea. I think having you around will help.." Dads brows furrowed slightly as he looked up into my eyes. "But i warn you.. hes.. not the same right now. Just.. be careful okay?"

My forehead creased.

How much had my brother really changed?

"Okay dad. I'll be safe."

A proud look appeared on his face along with a small smile. "I know you will Nova. Im proud of you, ya know? I wanted you to know that.. " his eyes shone with fondness that had my heart swelling. "You've made both of us proud. I think you'll make a wonderful Luna my daughter."

I felt my cheeks heat slightly..

Apparently my parents were sailing the Zova ship...

"Thanks dad. Love you guys. See you after training." I leaned down, hugging them both before pulling away with a puzzled expression.

"By the way.. since when do you two sit home on a saturday and watch tv together?" My brow rose with curiosity.

Mom and dad shared a look.. one that said that watching tv wasnt all that they did on saturdays.. ugh.

"Since Zaryn became Alpha." Dad grinned. "I give him a hard time usually.. but if im being honest, he is a very good Alpha, Nova. He gives his betas weekends off.. Blake never did that. Your mom and I have had a lot of time to ourself. Its been nice to bond with each other like we used to." Love in his eyes as he smiled down at mom, kissing her nose. She giggled at that.. looking at hime as if he were the only male in the world.

How sweet...

I was bursting with happiness.. so glad that Zaryn had given my dad and mom the opportunity to reunite as a couple.. dad was always so busy when Blake was the Alpha. His words surprised me.. they are fond of him now..

"Alright." I sighed, walking toward the front door. "You pups behave yourself. Ill be back in about five hours." I winked, letting them know exactly how much time they had to... spend together.. until i came back home.

Mom attempted to hide her smirk as she waved me off.

Closing the door behind me I shook my head and let out a chuckle. Those two were something else..

The walk to Doc's was pretty peaceful.. i always loved overcast days. The clouds in the sky.. dark. Rains would come tonight.. my wolf could sense them.

Rounding the curve, I shot off in a sprint, curious to see my brother and how he has faired. Could it really be as bad as Dad mentioned?

Bursting into the familiar sterility of the polished waiting room, i saw Doc behind the desk and sent him a smile. following my nose, i came to Nic's room but what i saw made my eyes widen in surprise.

Nic was lying on the bed, his wrists in silver cuffs.. holding him to the rails. Since Zaryn was the title holder now, the first born Alpha blood.. Nic.. with his first born power and extra dose of dominance, had to be strapped down. He would cause a disaster if he were simply lying here. Deaths would come.

"Nic?" I crept inside the darkened room.. the only light coming from his bedside lamp and the grey skies filterinf through the blinds.

His eyelids twitched open as i progressed slowly, not wanting to spook him.

He looked up at me.. confused. "Nova? Is that really you or am i seeing things again" his deep voice rasped.

With a smile i shook my head, setting myself on the seat by his bed and took his hand. "Its me big bubba. Ive missed you." It was whispered.

Nic managed to give me a smile, his wolf peeking out of his eyes to say hi. I let mine come forth .. greeting her brother as i leaned down and pressed my cheek to his. "I love you Nic. We love you and your wolf." I whispered in his ear, pecking him on the cheek before returning back to my chair.

He turned as much as he could, on his side. Eyes studying me. "You're different. You even smell more dominant. I can sense power in you, sister."

It sounded as if he needed water so i took the glass from the bedside and offered him the straw with a loving smile. He took the offer, gulping greedily before pulling away. "Thanks."

"No problem." I kept my grin without teeth just in case he was feeling ... not himself. His wolf would never attack me but with these feelings you never knew. It was better to be safe. He was still greiving over the loss of his pup.. and of his mate.. her running away. Or rather, kid napping.

"How have you been doing? Ive been so worried"

Desperation in those green mossy eyes as he gazed at me. "I feel like im dying inside. Without her."

"You mean Grace?"

Nodding, "yes. Please. Tell me how she has been?"

I gave him an apologetic smile. "Ive been at Dark Moon the past four months, Nic.. but when I was at Blue Moon... i can tell you, she was getting better. At first it was really hard on her.. but shes a good wolf Nic. She made me this.. its a friendship bracelet. I never take it off because it means a lot to me." I smiled, taking it off just for him and putting it in his cuffed and to study.

Surprise in his eyes, he looked at the leather braided bracelet with the silver engraved disc. "You became close with her?"

I didnt want to tell him that she had tried to kill herself and thats what initially brought us closer.. that this bracelet reminded me every day of how worse it could be for me.. that i had saved a life that night.. that i saved her.

"We are friends now." I offered him a smile to which he returned, seeming happy.

"Im glad Nova. I was... so worried you hated me for marking her as my mate.. but.. the mate bond.." he trailed.

"I know Nic. Its special. Sacred. I get it." My eyes drifted to his cuffs. "Have you been dangerous? What does your wold do to others?" I cocked me head, browd knitted in curiosity as he handed me back the bracelet.. his eyes never leaving it.

"My wolf is stronger.. somehow. Someway. Sometimes i can't control him and i attack those who anger me.. Zaryn went through the same thing. He wants to train me like Gabriel did him but.. i cant think of anything but Grace now.. and my pup that i lost." Sadness overcame him

"Nic." I sighed, "why can't you let go of the sadness over losing the pup? Eden was what? A few months pregnant? You never knew him and you can have pups with your actual mate. You couldn't have had them both. Grace would have resented you and him. Trust me.. i know. Grace is a beta blood and her wolf would have wanted blood like mine did." I tried to explain to him. "You have to think.. what do you want more. A pup with a female who cant mark you? Or pups with your mate who will be there forever with you..."

His green eyes studied me.. scrutinizing. "I never really thought that way.. its just.. its something my wolf cant control. Being Alpha.. he was paternal... he looks for a threat in everything now."

Its like a broken record. A cycle.. Hearing it from my brother made me feel different than hearing it from my mate once.

"Nic." My hand took his firmly, our eyes locking. "You need to make yourself stronger. For Grace's sake. If you want her.. go get her. When you are better.." my voice urged him to understand this. That he couldn't waste time. Not with Grace. For me it was different but im not Grace. She needs him.

"Grace is training now. Getting stronger. You should too.." i let go of his hand, a small smile lifting the corner of my mouth.

Something passed over his features as he peered up at me. "Is Eden there? Around Grace...."

I nodded. "They are friends now. Grace took her in while pregnant you know.."

His nostrils flared, pupils dilating. "Is that why I lost my pup? Did Grace do something?" His voice rose as his hand gripped the bed rail.

"No!" My eyes were wide as i shook my head. "No. Grace would never... shes different now.. being away from you helped calm her wolf. She wouldn't have hurt the pup. Grace has grown more than any of us, me included. The moon took the pup away, Nic. Not Grace." It were as if i was speaking to a child the way i soothed him with my words.

He calmed, relaxing his hold.. "how can she forgive Eden but not me?"

Good question. I forgave Grace before i forgave Zaryn and Grace did a whole lot to me that Eden never did to her.. but it was a misunderstanding.. of how she was raised..

"Nic, Grace has a one sided bond with you. It hurts her more than it does for you.. alpha or not. Her wolf is itching for the bond to be completed but she just cant forgive how you allowed her to be shacked up in that house. You could have done something Nic. Anything." I felt that too. I really could have done something. If i were him i would have.

"Im weak. Ive been weak for a while Nova." Sad words coming from once a strong wolf.

Standing, i clenched my fists as i stared down at him hard. Im tired of everyone saying they are weak! "So was I Nic! So was Zaryn! So was Gabriel. So was Blake!! Break the fuçkıng cycle like we all did! Change! But it wont happen until you decide to! Stop feeling sorry for yourself and get your ass to a secluded cabin. Hell, go stay with Blake for a while! Let him help train you!!! Dad won't care if it means you're getting better! Just stop moping. You are stronger than this!" I glared hard, pulling a Conrad on him.

Shock in his eyes was soon followed with anger.. his veins bulging under the skin as he jerked his arms, the cuffs stopping him. "Fine! I will Nova. But tell me dear sister. What did you actually accomplish when you "bettered" yourself hmm?" He was angry... condescending as he seethed the words.

Narrowing my eyes, i lifted my arm out of the sleeve of my hoodie and showed him my tattoo. His brows rose slowly.. realisation coming forth as his lips parted. "You can do this too. Just because Zaryn as the Alpha title now doesnt mean you arent wanted anymore. Grace needs you to get your shıt together. Her dad has a pack with no male to take over his place." I leaned into him.. noses almost touching. "So get it the fuçk together big brother. Im not gonna feel sorry for you like everyone else." I seethed out.. backing away, my eyes not leaving his as a smile tugged up on his lips slightly.. seeing that there is a place for him afterall.

"Savage" He shook his head, bemused.


On my way to the training field, i felt a surge rippile through me. My wolf needed to be let out.. i needed to break some things.. bones.

Nic and i left on a good note but it brought back bitter memories and I just needed to release myself..

I couldn't stop thinking about Grace.. how much i could relate to how she felt.. and Eden.. how im not the one there for her now..

Ive abandoned everyone in my own selfishness.

Pulling my new cellphone out of my pocket, i clicked through the contacts landing on Eden.

Yesterday, my mom had come upstairs to see me later on in the day and had given me a new cell phone. Said that dad asked her to give it to me.. that Zaryn had insisted I have one. He was the one who bought it. I hadnt refused it because it was simply just practical to have one now. Mom said that as Luna, because apparently i was one whether i wanted to be or not, that i needed to be able to communicate with the pack until i was ranked in by a ceremony and i could finally establish a mind link with the high ranking wolves.

Pressing call, the line rang three times before Eden picked up, her voice light and a bit confused. "Hello?"

I smiled to myself. It was good to hear her voice. "Eden? Its me.. Nova."

She gasped, "oh my gosh! Nova!" It sounded like she was covering the phone, her muffled voice hissing out, "stop! Leave my ass alone. Its Nova." "Nova its so good to hear from you!!! How are things?"

I wondered what poor soul Eden has managed to wrap around her finger over at blue moon. Surpressing a laugh, "Its.. its good. Different. But good. How are you? Are you okay?"

The line was silent for a moment. "Actually Nova? Im.. great. I really am. I love it here.. and.. i think i want to stay here."

This surprised the hell out of me. "Really?"


I chewed my lip, "how are you handling... everything." I didn't want to come right out and say, losing the pup.. afterall it's been a month so im a little late. "I only just heard.. im so sorry Eden. Sorry that i havent kept in touch much over the months.. "

"Novs. Its okay. Really. I understand.. and.. im actually doing better than i thought i would. I was lonely.. and i thought the pup was the moons way of fixing that.. but it wasnt. The moon wanted me pregnant so that i would come here.. to help Grace grow.. to help me grow.. to help.. help me find happiness and i have. I cant really go into detail right now but we are coming for a visit soon.. to transfer me out of Crescent Moon.. paperwork."

My heart clenched. "Are you sure Eden?" I didnt want her to stay gone.. not like this.

"Im sure." There was happiness in her voice that i hadnt heard in a while..

Then a did a rewind. "Wait.. you said we. Is Grace coming too???"

A silent pause.

"Uhm. No. Conrad is bringing me...."

I felt my lips quirk. "Really!? Goddess i cant wait to see you! And Conrad. I miss him. We became besties while i was there.. do me a favor? Tell him i say hi? And give Grace my love. I want to see her soon as well.. "

"I will Nova. I miss you.."

"I miss you too Eed. Have you.. met someone yet?"

The most girlish giggle erupted from her end of the phone, "i have. Ill tell you about it for another time though. Stop! I said im on the phone! Oh..oh!" There was a growl. A male growl. In the background. One of playfulness "Nova! I .. i have to go. Call you later?"

It sounded like she was in the middle of something... sexual. I laughed to myself, typical eden. "Sure. Love you. Bye."

"Bye!" The line clicked off, letting me know she had hung up.


I wonder who it could be? Half the males there are complete horn dogs so it could be anyone.. maybe even ..

Nah.. not Damon.

But maybe..

She is his type..



Grey skies, darker bodies of clouds rolled through the atmosphere as the air pushed, sending them scattering across the wide spanse of sky. Sweat trickled down my back, the wind cooling me down slowly as my chest heaved, catching my breath. I ignored clothing most of the time now, no matter the weather. Sweat pants were the only thing i wore besides my shoes. The way Gabriel and i had trained, i was more comfortable this way.

I watched as my warriors, females on one side, males on the other.. fought  and trained with the generals. A feild full of wolves ready.

But i wasnt on my A game today..

Today is the second day i havent seen Nova. I thought we had shared a moment together the other night. I poured myself out for her to see and had the first actual night of restful sleep ive had since before Grace happened. Then I wake up to a note on the pillow, encased in her scent.

Her words.. she said she didnt leave.. she wanted to save face and heal at her parents. I felt she was also not wanting to feel the awkward feeling when I would wake-up next to her. Wish she would have at least woken me so i could have helped carry her there.. theres no way she could have walked properly yesterday..

A smile tugged at my lips as i recalled our.. moment.

But sadness hung inside me. She said she would find me when she was healed. That would be today.. great impatience was something i hated and thats what i was feeling..

This impatience also made me want to train hard today. Agressive towards my competitors..

Wiping the sweat from my tattoo and scar littered chest, I threw my dirty shirt back on the ground before taking a swig of water.

"Alpha!" Came a feminine voice and i knew all too well who it would be. Turning, i held the roll my eyes wanted to do as Jazz came strutting toward me with a smile on her face.

Nodding down at her, "What is it Jazz." I kept my features hard... noticing how her smile slipped.

This female.. my old friend.. has developed a bit of a crush on me since my transformation.. always trying to flirt and posture herself toward me.

Something i didnt want or need.

Making her the lead female warrior was a bad idea now that I thought about it.. giving her too much power.. but frankly she was my best warrior and had already been trained before i took over. She was intermediate. Better than the rest of the females. We had no expert yet.

Until Nova showed up.

Jazz pulled a strand of loose curly hair behind her ear as she stared up at me with her big green eyes, skin the color of creamed coffee. Very pretty female but not for me. "I was thinking, Zaryn.. that maybe we should try something new with the females." She leaned into me, nostrils flaring as she inhaled my scent.

May sound crazy but the night before last.. once i showered and crawled in the bed with Nova, i rubbed against her, pressing her scent into me and upon awakening without her there, i decided to not shower yesterday. Or today. I wanted to keep her scent on me. Just for the time being. Jazz could scent her and her brows suddenly rose.

"Is Nova back?"

I frowned down at her, noting the slight bummed out look she had on her petite face.

With a curt nod, i answered her, my tone steely. "Your Luna is indeed back. Shes back where she belongs."

Scrutinizing her, i watched her jaw tense slightly.. pasting a fake smile on her lips. "Great!"

I had a feeling that Jazz was power hungry. I haven't come out and let her know i see what shes doing but she can see im marked. I dont know when she decided she had a crush on me but it could have been the night i made my debut. Jazz's father was a ruthless warrior but now its just her and her mom. I think she may have a daddy issue...

Something tickled my nose.. my skin buzzing with electric energy had me on alert, side stepping Jazz as i scanned the trees of the large clearing.. looking.

That's when i saw Nova come sprinting out of the thickets.. her tight curves outlined by the fabric she wore which stuck to her legs like a second skin.

I was all over that only a day ago..

I watched her.. looking as she stopped abruptly.. feeling my gaze on her skin as she peered around the field.. her eyes finding mind breifly. I could have sworn she blushed a moment before gazing down to the ground and walking over to the females.

Jazz brushed past me, heading her direction.. the scent of jealousy coming off her.

Groaning, i went forth as well. I didnt want this female to start anything with my mate. This was stupid. Jazz has no claim on me. Nic was always her best friend and Nova has been like her little sister. Surely she won't cause drama over this. If she did.. i would get very very angry.

No one liked me when i was angry .

I watched as Jazz wrapped her in a hug, Nova Flinching a little, still must be a bit sore. Jazz leaned away, grinning at her, guiding her toward the other females.

Pausing, i leaned against the climbing wall, watching, listening as females angled their necks to Nova willingly.. smelling her dominance as they called her their Luna. Pride surged through me and my chest was puffing out.

She seemed uncomfortable but her eyes alighted once they came to the fighting ring.. watching the current females inside square up.

She frowned a bit, he eyes shifting over to give me a questioning look before Jazz whispered something in her ear.. then calling out to the pack, asking them who wanted to practice with Nova.

Biting my lip, i absentmindedly rubbed my bare chest as i watched nova remove her hoodie, revealing a sports bra with neon colors that drew way too much attention from the males, a stony expression on that face of a goddess as she entered the ring.

No one entered with her.. every female shying away from her strength. They werent that strong yet. Eyes went to the symbol on her arm.. the other females gasping in surprise as Jazz looked at it with mild contempt.. sizing Nova up.

Nova caught this, the always very clevver girl she is.. she approached Jazz with furrowed brows, arching one as she asked her what her deal was.. a stance that said she would go at it wth her if she didn't calm down.

Jazz's lip flinched slightly, revealing a tooth only just for a second.. not able to control her reaction. That females emotions are too strong. I never thought Jazz of all people would react this way.. she always loved Nova.

Suddenly Nova snarled at her, not liking the tension Jazz was rubbing off. Jazz hissed something at her that I couldn't hear and the other females gaped, stepping back as Nova's eyes shifted to her wolf.

My ears perked as i came closer. My fists were clenching and my wolf wanted to be let out but i wouldn't intervene. Nova is skilled enough to take care of this. My interference would only make her look weak. That and i couldn't hurt a female that way no matter how badly i wanted to.

Hell, i nearly had a heart attack when i almost ripped Nova in half with my dıçk.

Nova's eyes flashed to me, a glare settling in those big Green eyes before glaring back at Jazz.

"Are you fůcķing kidding me, Jazz!? You're after my fuçķìng mate!?" Nova seethed out.

Jazz squared up to her, not backing down. Her own tattoo much lesser than Nova's. I've not seen her fight but if Maxim let her get the rest of that tattoo it was for a reason..

"You left your so called mate, Nova." She taunted her, not using her title as Luna.. her expression turned into an ugly one and i suddenly realised this female needed to go. She was a problem. "I challenge you for your title as Luna, Nova!" She screamed out.

Nova laughed dryly, her eyes dangerous. "You can't challenge a title as someone elses mate you snotty little bıtch."

Jaz glared. "Then i challenge you for your title as superior warrior." She bit out.

Nova stalked around with her.. a feral look to my mate now.. fluid movements as she glided across the worn grouns. "Then be prepared to meet the moon, pup." Her tone deadly and low.

My brow rose. I didnt know this female in front of me now.. this... this was a beautifully crafted beast.. a female with ferocity.. my wolf felt pride as did i.. i wanted her now more than ever...

Without a warning, a vicious roar erupted from Nova and her wolfs eyes flashed to silver and gold. She lunged at Jazz who was readying herself for her attack and all the males were now running over to see what was happening.

The circle quickly became surrounded by every warrior on the field.. 150 wolves easily. I could no longer see my mate..

I hope she taught that female a lesson she would never forget.

Running forward, wolves moved out of my way as i brought myself to the front of the circle, directly in front of the fight.

My eyes widened at what i was seeing.

Dun dun dun!

Sorry to leave you on a hanger but i literally jus finished this and to make it i need to post now! Its already 4.07!

7 mins late, i am!!!

What do you think is about to go down with Nova and Jazz!?!? Who will win?

Who do you think Eden is wth now??? Hm? Is it Damon!?!?!

How bout how nova busted her big bros chops??

We have more to go through!!!

I cant end it just yet.

Cant tell u how many chaps bc i just dont know but



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