
By QueenCocoa19

69.8K 3.7K 424

Sequel to Dysfunctional More

The Catch-Up
Ch. 14
Ch.20 Filler


2.4K 130 7
By QueenCocoa19

Tyrique Pov-
I pulled up at Kailyn house and knocked at the door. "Who is it" she yelled. I just stood there finally she opened the door. "Why didn't you just use your key?" She asked me letting me in. I pointed to her TV stand and there sat my key. She tucked her lips and nodded. I went to Leah's room to see her coloring. I knocked on the door and she looked up and screamed.

"Dadaaa" she screamed running to me. I smiled and scooped her up in the biggest hug. "You missed daddy?" I asked her. She nodded smiling showing all her teeth and giving me kisses. "Daddy sorry for leaving you yesterday. I was just angry" I told her rubbing her head. She just laughed and wiggled to get down. I let her down and she grabbed a blue marker and gave it to me.

We colored for about an hour and then she started to fall asleep. "Taleah get up. You have to eat and get in the tub" I said picking her up off the floor. She began to whine and I didn't feel like dealing with all that today. "Taleah get up" I said standing her on her own two feet. She kept lifting them up which caused me to have to pick her up again. "Taleah stand up!" I said with a lil more bass in my voice. She jumped out her sleep ad began crying.

"Are you fucking kidding me" Kailyn said coming into the room and grabbing Taleah from me. "Shh mamas baby its okay" she said rocking Taleah side to side and patting her back. Taleah's cries stopped and soon she was just laying there with her eyes open. I got up off the floor and went to grab Taleah again. Kailyn gone move my hands but I pushed hers off me and grabbed my baby.

"You wanna go eat eat" I asked her rocking her. She just laid there and looked up at me. I walked downstairs and made her a peanut butter & jelly sandwich with a side of cut up bananas. "Mnn duice" she said after I put her in her highchair. "Which one?" I asked holding up apple and grape juicy juice. She grabbed apple so that's the one I poured. She ate all her food and now it was time for a bath.

While I was cleaning the couple dishes I used Kailyn came downstairs. "You want me to put her in the tub or you gone do it?" I just finished rinsing off my dish and I grabbed Taleah. "So what you not talking to me or some?" She asked as I walked up the stairs. "Fucking childish man" she said walking off. I gave Taleah a nice warm bath with lavender soap so that it'll be easier for her to go to sleep and then I lotioned her up and baby lotion.

She fell asleep in the midst of me putting the lotion on so I didn't bother to put too many clothes on her. I just put a onesie and some socks on her and took her into her room. When I was going to her in her crib she grabbed my arm tightly and wouldn't let go. Every time I went to put her in the crib she would grab ahold of me. So I just grabbed her bean bag and we both laid down in it.

About 15 minutes into our nap Kailyn annoying ass came in the room. "That's why she's so spoiled now" she said rolling her eyes at me. I shrugged my shoulders and kept my eyes closed. "And your still ignoring me." I huffed and turned away from her. "If you want me to leave you alone say some" she gone say. I started to rub Leah's back and rock her body.

"Tyrique you're really being childish right now" she quietly yelled. I got irritated, put Taleah in the bean bag, and walked out the room. I already knew Kailyn was following me due to her footsteps getting closer to me. "Tyrique" she said grabbing me. I snatched my arm from her and proceeded to go downstairs. "Ty please talk to me. Your hurting my feelings" she said with a crackling voice.

I laughed and shook my head. I pulled my phone out and began scrolling down Facebook. She came and snatched my phone out my hands and placed it in her bra. "Now you have no choice but to talk to me" she said sitting across from me. I just laid back, closed my eyes, and placed my hands in my pockets. She sighed and we just sat in silence.

All of a sudden I felt her sit in my lap. "Tyrique" she said laying her head on my chest. I smacked my lips and ignored her. "Please talk to me Tyrique" she said sniffling; I just listened to her. "I'm sorry.. Is that what you want me to say. I'm sorry for rejecting you, I'm sorry for hurting you feelings, I'm sorry I don't want to fall in love again. Okay I admit it.. I'm scared. After our relationship ended I didn't wanna try again.

I was happy to have you back in my life but now that your shutting me out I'm hurting; it hurts Ty" she said crying. I took my hands out of my pockets and rubbed her back. She became less tense and snuggled into me more. "I'm sorry for hurting you but you hurt me too. Not only did you reject me, you rejected me after I put my pride to the side. Do you know how it feels for a girl.. A woman that you not only like but love to reject you? That shit hurts to the core Kai I didn't know what to do.

I went home angry and I ended up taking it out on Charli. We got in our first argument because of this. I get where you coming from; I do. So from now on I don't have nothing to say to you unless its regarding Taleah. I wanna keep rocking with Charli and I'm sorry if I lead you on.. I still love you though" I said still rubbing her back. She stopped crying but her tears were still rolling down her face.

She lifted her head up and we stared at each other. She kissed me with so much passion and I returned it. I could tell this was our goodbye kiss just by the feel of it. We broke the kiss she stood up, and walked off.

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