The Lioness

By ElectricTiger

2.2K 110 12

There is something coming to the small town of Andromeda. Leona can feel it and she knows that whatever it is... More

The Lioness
Chapter: 1
Chapter: 2
Chapter: 3
Chapter: 4
Chapter: 5
Chapter: 6
Chapter: 8
Chapter: 9
Chapter: 10
Chapter: 11
Chapter: 12

Chapter: 7

125 9 1
By ElectricTiger

Happy (or whatever the heck it is) Australia Day! Aussie, Aussie, Aussie! Oi, oi, oi!!

Phew, supposed to be 37 or something today. At least we get to go to the pool or hopefully, THE BEACH!! Where we can swim around and cool off and throw seaweed at each other.... Maybe not seaweed....... :3 Ew.. I just hope there's waves of some sort so we can use the boogieboards for something other than having Jasper, our dog, sit and float around on them. He's small and hates water. Apart from his baths which mum says he loves.....


Chapter: 7

One thing Leon hadn't been planning to do today was be shocked to his core.

The second he stepped into that classroom his senses were bombarded with the same scent from Saturday. Roses, honey and wildness. Although here it was mixed in with another scent, one of magic and temptation.

"Oh," the teacher stood up from her seat and brushed imaginary dust off her top. "You must be the new student. I was wondering when you'd get here." She motioned with her hand for Leon to come further into the room and turned to the rest of the class. "Everyone please make our new student feel welcome. Would you like to tell them a bit about yourself?" she directed the question at Leon. He shrugged and turned to the rest of them. His tense gaze traveled over each and every one of the kids in his new class, taking them in and sizing them up.

When his eyes passed got to a certain blonde girl near the back he froze. But it wasn't just that her hair was the exact shade of the girl's in the forest, no it was more her features that struck him they were somehow familiar and those eyes, where had he seem those before. He took all of this in in the space of a few seconds and quickly composed himself.

"A couple of things you need to know are one: don't ever touch me and two: don't cross me, you'll regret it." He looked directly at the blonde girl in the back who was staring back at him. "Oh and by the way, the name's Leon."

"Well Leon," the teacher spoke after a moment of silence. She raised her hands up as if to touch him but quickly brought them back down again. "We'll be sure to remember that. Now there's a seat over there next to Leona. Normally Jaime would be there but since she-" she paused and a look of sadness crossed her face before she composed herself. "anyway, you can sit here." with that said she turned away from him and went back to the front of the classroom. The kids were all too far away to be able to hear what the teacher, he had yet to find out her name, had said to him.

He sat down on the stool next to the blonde girl he now knew as Leona. A vioce from up front told him that this was a free lesson and that he could paint whatever he wanted. It took him a moment before he realised that he had no brushes or paint to use.

A hand brushed his arm but strangely he didn't flinch like he usually would. Leon turned to the girl next to him with a questioning look. She wasn't looking at him but instead wiggled her arm to get his attention. He looked down to see that she was holding a bunch of paint brushes out to him.

"They're for you idiot," a girls voice whispered. Leon looked up to see that Leona was looking at him with an amused expression. She wiggled her arm again. "Come on take them already, you're making me look like an idiot and arm is about to drop off. Besides you don't exactly have any and you kind of need them in this class." he raised an eyebrow.

"How do you know I don't have any?" he replied smoothly. Leona raised an eyebrow right back at him and pointed at the empty desk next to him with her free hand.

"Well you didn't exactly bring anything with you sooo...." she shrugged. She didn't lower her arm.

He sighed and took the brushes from her with a 'thanks'. Leona nodded and turned back to her work without another word.

By the time class finished, Leon had drawn up a faint sketch of what he was going to paint next lesson. A rough drawing of a photo he carried with him at all times.

The short, blonde wavy hair, luminous green eyes..... An exact replica of his own.

At some point during the class a quiet gasp sounded from next to him but Leon was so engrossed in his drawing that he didn't take any notice of it.


The new kid, Leon, was a fantastic artist. It was what he was actually drawing that had made her gasp in shock.

The style of the hair, the shape of her face the girl he was drawings features were exactly like- She hissed and clutched her hands to her head as a giant headache suddenly took over.

Black dots swarmed in front of her eyes, obscouring her vision. Her body began to sway as her hands and feet started tingling. She forced the black dots out of her vision and ran down the corridoor, knocking some poor kid to the ground. Ignoring his shouts of anger, Leona didn't break her pace as she burst through the locked back doors of the school and headed into the forest.

She made it as far as the middle of the oval before the black dots and tingling numbness over took her body and she fell to the ground. She was expecting the inability to move a muscle other than to breathe but what she wasn't expecting was the excruciating pain that tore through her body like wild fire.

Though Leona could neither see nor feel it, the intense pain caused her back to arch and her limbs to jerk about. She had no idea wether she had actually been lit on fire or not, she didn't know that her body was moving as if it were being electrocuted, she didn't know that an ear peircing scream had escaped her lips. All she knew was that she was in pain and she couldn't do a damn thing about it other than lay there and endure it.


Leon was casually walking down the hallway, his mind in the past when a familiar blonde came half stumbling, half sprinting in his direction. She didn't seen to be paying attention to her surroundings as her body slammed into his, almost knocking him over, something that was quite hard to do. The girl didn't even falter for a second and just kept on going at a stumbling sprint.

Wow, Leon thought as he rubbed his now sore shoulder, that girl has some serious strength. I wonder- his thought process was cut off by the sound a huge bang.

He ran in the direction the noise had come from, the same direction that the girl had run. An unfamiliar pang of worry shot through his system as he came across the double doors that led to the back of the school. They were wide open with a couple of dents in them and what looked to be the handles scattered on the ground along with the broken padlock.

Leon looked up just in time to see a figure running across the middle of the oval colapse in a heap. They were still for a moment until their body started to twitch and her back arched. A scream echoed suddenly across the field but not just any scream, a blood-curdling shreik of excruciating agony.

Leon stood there dumbly for a moment, shocked at what he just saw. Mentally slapping himself, he broke into a flat out sprint to where the figure lay.

She was on her back, her limbs thrashing about and the peircing screams still escaping her lips. He dropped to his knees beside her and, acting on a complete whim, drew her on to his lap. Her upper body draped over his left arm, her back still arched and her head somewhat resting on his shoulder.

After a few seconds, her screams began to subside and her almost violent thrashing reduced until she was almost completely still. The occasional twich here and there. The girl he now recognized as Leona from art class, seemed to snuggle into his body, her face buried in his neck and her warm breath fanning over his skin. Her fingers clutched at his shirt tightly. He stroked the blonde strands of hair out of her face and tucked them behind her ear, his thumb gliding across the smooth skin of her cheek.

He was amazed with himself. Usually the touch of another person made him cringe away as if they had burnt him. But with Leona, he suddenly realised that this girl had touched his hand and his shoulder when she'd almost knocked him over earlier and he hadn't minded one bit.

"What are you doing to me Leona?" Leon murmured. He brushed his fingers over her face gently once again, reveling in the feel of skin on skin contact.

He sat there just holding her for a while. Enjoying the touch of another person. It was strange but he would deal with it, it had been so long.

It was then that Leona whispered the words that would change his life forever.


It means no worries for the rest of your days!.....

It's a problem free...


Hakuna Matata..

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Bella <3

thankyou and GOODNIGHT!! or goodmorning. It's 4:15 so whichever way you wanna look at it.... ;)

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