What Lies Ahead [Mako Mermaid...

By TheyCallMeSpeedy

22.4K 522 81

Rey, Lucy and Ella were the three best pranksters in all of California only because they has a huge secret; t... More

Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
Day 8
Day 9
Day 10
Day 11 (& A HUGE A/N)
Day 12
Day Thirteen
Day 14
Day 15
Day 16
Day 17
Day 18
Day 19
Day 20
Day 21
Day 22
Day 24
Day 25
Day 27
Day 28
Day 29
Day 30
After The Storm

Day 26

353 11 1
By TheyCallMeSpeedy

Tia's POV

Last night was a blur to me. All I remember was hearing a glass break and walking out to see Lucy running away.

This morning I didn't even realize Adrienne had been spamming me with texts.

They read;

"Hey Tia! Ran into ur friend Lucy last night. she bought some froyo and seems really nice."

"She also told me your moving! No more maywood glen visits. I was going to ask more but I got nada as she walked away"

"Either way I must see you before you leave."


I groaned at the feeling of texting back but I knew Siri would screw it up.

"Sorry Adri. Fell asleep. Ill text you my address. Come by tmr evening. In prankwar. gotta run. C u later." I texted back flicking my phone into the square hole I hid behind my Once Upon a Time poster.

I don't even know if I fell back asleep. I just remember seeing Rey and Ella rush in my room. That was something new.

"It's lucy." Rey said in panick

"She's gone." Ella added.

I got up and dressed myself in a skirt and a teeshirt quickly.

"Let's go. You know where first." I said as we started to rush down stairs to be greeted by three of the five boys at the bottom. The other two at the top.

"Where is this 'You Know Where' you are always mentioning"

"You know where it is silly" I said

"Is it Mea?" Kyle questioned

"No. You know where it is. Sikowitz's class!" Rey said. It was actually kind of true but that was mostly during the school year.

"But it's summer." Max added

"His window is his mode of entrance that can never be locked" Ella said "so can we go."

"Only if we come." Luke said

"Yeah sure..." I agreed. We all knew we would ditch them and go to Mea then Sikowitz's class. Then check the spare electrical room above the blackbox.

"Okay. It's a deal!" Jacob said actually smiling for once.

"Okay well we are going to grab some breakfast and then we'll meet you there?" I said

"Nuh huh. We leave when you leave and we'll follow you every step of the way." Max bossed.

"Fine" We agreed.

"Oh no! I left my corn puffs upstairs. I'll go get them. Be right back." Rey winked at us.

As soon as she walked upstairs, I could see through her bedroom door crack she was digging through her spell book.

She took the box of corn puffs with her and focused really hard. She muttered a spell and then all the boys went unconscious. (Or nonconscious as Rey would say.)

She walked downstairs with a handful of cereal in her hand shoving it in her mouth as she left with us to go get Lucy back.

We looked everywhere including the really secret places of Mea while also cloaking so we could see if she was trying to avoid us. Nothing.

That's when we went to Sikowitz's class. Nothing

We finally checked the spare part of the electrical cabinet in the black box.

It took us a while to get up there but we opened the door to find a sleeping and crying Lucy. We knew she only cried in her sleep so we just waited for her to awake. She had a ratty blanket and a jacket for blankets and a towel for a pillow. We knew something was wrong.

She started to wake up yet seeing us frightened her.

"Oh my lord! What are you guys doing here?"

"We knew how much you liked the black box, how you like to hide in small spaces and that time you were really sad right before we met in this very closet so we made a guess." Rey spoke putting her arms around Lucy.

"Thanks guys. I just want to go to Rita's like today." She said wiping away the tears..

"Why? We still have a good four and a half days of pranking to do and you are one of the best evil masterminds behind this." I encouraged her.

"Yeah but Luke seen me in the water when I though I was clocked but I wasn't completely. He saw the end of my tail and questioned me about it last night. When I heard him tell te boys that he thought I was a mermaid! I dropped the glass I used and ran. Il really sorry about the mess by the way." she explained

"It's okay. We all make mistakes." Ella ensured her

"You guys are so kind, Why do you even allow me to be around you?" She asked

"Because as sisters by bloodlines, we share an unbreakable bond. Our secret. So what if the boys know. I say we tell them." I said

"Can we do it on the last day?"

"Of course! That sounds great. Besides if they told, no one would actually believe them" We laughed

I helped Lucy stand up and I checked my watch. The boys woke up about ten minutes ago.

"Uhh Lucy can you pretend to be sad again down in Sikowitz's class. We need to stage this for the boys. Are you good with that?" Rey asked

"Yup." she said her eyes gleaming with excitement.

"Great! We'll be in with the boys."

We left Lucy to go Sikowitz's room and we waited outside. Finally we seen the boys drive up, still half asleep.

"Guys? What took you all so long?" Rey complained.

"Umm... funny story actually, we don't know. We were getting our shoes on then next thing we know we're out. We woke up all with massive headaches and looked for you but since..." Max tried to explain.

"Yeah yeah enough with the yappin we know... We have to find Lucy." I ordered. The boys looked afraid which made me secretly happy on the inside.

We walked around as a big group until they found Sikowitz's class. Why make it easy for them.

As soon as they found it Luke was the first to run in and hug Lucy. Lucy was always the best at improv in our class so seeing we with actual tears in her eyes didn't surprise us.

"Oh my god Lucy are you okay? Don't do that to me again."

"Oh I don't think that will be a problem." She stood up, anger showing through her emotions. She pushed Luke back tow here a circle of five chairs lay. She nodded at us as we got the rest of them.

"Tape them up!" She yelled holding up four rolls of duct tape.

We each took a roll and taped them to the chairs.

"Now if you don't nude were going to turn Lucy's frown... Upside down." I smirked

We never taped their mouths closed so we could hear them talk.

Lucy processed to put an eye mask aroun the boys' eyes so they couldn't see us cast our anti gravity.

We used our powers mainly to cast the spell yet we had to chant
"I wish to see the world upside down, for we can see another side of our ways." in hawaiian.

We did so and made the boys and their chairs turn upside down.

"Who are you guys?" Luke asked in fear.

"You're worst nightmare." Ella said

"We" Rey added

"Are" Lucy followed

"Sisters" I concluded.

We waved goodbye as their eye masks had fallen off. Though the spell would wear off in about a half hour and we left a pair of scissors for them (were not that evil) we knew our job had been accomplished. So of course we celebrated at our favourite place, the Cheesecake Factory.

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