It's a Love Story, Baby Just...

By oliviasbaker

16.1K 390 18

This is the story of Lucas Crawford and Maya Winters. They weren't really friends when they first met each ot... More

How it all Started
Meet the Teacher
The First Few Weeks of School
November: The Month I Found Out
November: I Think She Found Out
Basketball Game #1
Pep Assembly
New Year, New Memories
Let's Have a Party
The Good Ole Days
"Non-official thing?"
What time is it? Summertime!
You Haven't Changed At All
What Happened Next
Goodbye Summer, You Were Great
Best Boyfriend Ever!
Friendship Problems
Best Weekend Ever! Part 1
Best Weekend Ever!...Almost Part 2
Emotional and Wild Day!
Spring Break! Part 1
Spring Break! Part 2
I Miss You.
Chill Day and Date Night
Talk To Me
Dinner With The Family
Let's Go Talk To Them
Stay Out Of My Life
Nine Months?! That's It?!
Time To Dance!
Are You Ready For This?

First Day Back

357 10 0
By oliviasbaker

Maya's POV
I can't believe I'm going back to school as an eighth grader! I really hope this year is good and I can't wait to see where things go this year. I'm really excited for eighth grade because things are supposed to be awesome and not suck like last year.


My first period is great because a ton of my friends are in that class and my friend Miley is in all my classes. The only thing I'm a little sad about is that I only had one class with Lucas and that's Spanish. I know that we'll be okay though or at least I hope so...


My first week was great! I think I'm really gonna like this year! Good news, I got moved up to advanced math so I have another class with Lucas now! He seemed very happy and proud of me for moving up and that made me happy. We haven't been talking that much in school because of our schedules but we text all the time, sometimes we even face time. I'm really happy that he has changed and after everything that happened this summer I hope that he doesn't change back.
L: hey Maya
M:hi Lucas
L: wyd
M: texting you. hbu
L: texting my favorite girl in the world
M: aw what does she look like?
L: well she has long blonde hair, she's kinda short, she's hella gorgeous, has the cutest laugh, and is the smartest person I know.
M: what does her name start with?
L: umm "M" can you guess who it is now?
M:is it mady?
L: nope
M: is it marissa?
L: nah
M: is it me?
L: yea you smarty pants ;)
M: haha i knew it was me the whole time
L: mhm I bet you did lol
M: so what's up why'd you'd text?
L: just wanted to tell you that I feel like we should talk more at school
M: me too. It's just hard because of our schedules.
L: I know but I miss talking to you so I will make the best effort to talk to you at school.
M: okie I guess I can handle that :)
L: alright I gotta go to football I'll see you tomorrow❤️
M: okie❤️

And Lucas really did try to talk to me more at school. He came up to me in the mornings and during class he tried to talk to me. I was happy he was making the effort because before it would've been me. No one has really noticed anything has been going on between us. I don't even know what is going on between us! Maybe this year he'll actually ask me out. Who am I kidding? No he won't. Hopefully we hang out more this year.

*ringtone of shawn mendes playing*
"UGH who is calling me?" I looked at my phone and saw it was Lucas trying to FaceTime me. So I pressed answer
"Hey beautiful" he said smoothly
"Hi" I said giggling
"What are you wearing?"
"Um why do you need to know?" I asked cautiously
"Not for that reason I just wanna know" he said laughing
"Okay...well I'm wearing Nike pros, socks and a big sweatshirt"
"You probably look so cute"
"That's where you're wrong I look disgusting. Do you see this hair?" I ask laughing and pointing to my messy bun
"You look so good and you never look disgusting" he said
"Yea right okay" I said laughing.
"Wait where are you?" I ask noticing his connection was bad
"I'm walking outside. Why?"
"Your connection is horrible. Why are you outside?"
"No reason." Once he says that i hear my doorbell ring.
"One sec. I have to go answer the door"
"Take your phone with you"
"Okie dokie" I walk to the door with my phone in my hand and when I open the door I see Lucas. Once I saw him I hung up the phone.
"What are you doing here?" I asked hugging him tightly
"I just wanna hang out"
"Who brought you here?"
"I did?" he asked confused
"You walked! All the way from your house?!"
"My house isn't even a mile away Maya"
"Wait did you move?"
"Yes I moved last week. And now I live very close to my favorite girl"
"Can we go to your house? I wanna see it!!"
"Sure go ask your mom"
"Come on she'd love to see you" I say taking his hand and walking inside.
"Hi mom! Can I walk to Lucas's house?" I ask nicely
"Oh hi Lucas! And yea honey you can go"
"Thanks love you!" I walk back to my room to change.
"Where are you going?" Lucas asks me
"I have to change. Duh" I say obviously
"No you look perfect!"
"Aw thanks."
"Let's go!" He grabs my hand and we walk out of my house hands intertwined.

When we get to his house he gives me a little tour and we stay in his room. His sister said we have to keep the door open so that we don't do anything but right now we are just laying on his bed.

Lucas POV
Right now Maya and i are laying on my bed and I'm just admiring how beautiful she is.
"Why do you keep looking at me?" She asks giggling and covering her face.
"Because" i say taking her hands away from her face "because you are the prettiest girl I know" I say pulling her into a hug
"Stop you're making me blush" she says laughing
"Lucas, what are we?"
"What do you mean?" I ask looking down at her
"Well we hang out, we cuddle, we kiss sometimes, and we hug. So are we dating?" She says
"Well i tried asking you out and this is what you said you wanted so..." I say confused
"Well I think I'm ready to date you now" she says biting her lip trying to hide her smile
"Wait! Are you serious?" I say in amazement
"Yea I'm being 100% serious!" She says laughing
I get up from my bed and pull her into the tightest hug and spin her around
"I think I have a pretty good idea!" She said while laughing
"What's going on in here?" My sister questioned
"We are finally dating now!" I said
"You weren't dating before? Oh well congratulations!!" She said before she left
"So when do you wanna tell people?" I asked her
"Okay so I had a great idea! We don't tell anyone but then in like a couple days I'll tell my friends and they probably won't believe me so then you'll come over to us and we will kiss and prove it to them! Isn't that great?" She said happily
"That's an awesome idea! My girlfriend is so smart!" We started laughing and then we just chilled in my room and watched tv and cuddled.
When my mom got home, I decided to walk her home so she wouldn't get hurt. Then when I got home I took a shower and went to bed with the biggest smile on my face.

Maya POV
That did not just happen! I'm finally dating the best guy ever! I really hope one of us doesn't screw it up because I really want this to work. When Lucas walked me home, I took a shower and went to bed with a huge smile on my face.

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