You Capture My Attention (GxG)

By AmyliasElden

399K 12.3K 2K

Valerie Christopher is an extremely talented fashion student. Winning multiple contests and awards for her wo... More

Chapter One:
Chapter Three:
Chapter Four:
Chapter Five:
Chapter Six:
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty:
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five:
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty

Chapter Two:

31K 570 78
By AmyliasElden

Lyndsey's Point Of View:

My focus these past few months have been anything but great. When it came to work, I've been scolded many times. In fact, I don't think I can even count how many times now. From staring off into space while on the runway, doing a live show and tripping people, to giving empty stares during interviews or photo shoots. I've felt like my head was dancing in the clouds and the strange thing about it is that I'm the complete opposite of this.

I'm the type of person who was well grounded, focused on that one task with all of my concentration until it was finished. I feel as if my mind had been stolen from me and I was just in the passenger seat sometimes. Another odd factor about it was where my mind drifted to; thoughts of someone I had seen in months. A shorter girl than myself, with jet black hair and just the easy going lifestyle that I missed and craved so much, but knew I would never have again. She intrigued from the moment I had laid eyes on her, the fact that her creativity was beyond her time had me stung with feelings. Her relaxed composure had me spinning with curiosity. But... I haven't seen her in months except in a few dreams I've had. So... with all my daydreaming about her, lead me to this situation:

"Wake up Ryan!" I could hear someone yell in front of me, causing me to jolt abruptly. My eyes focused on a very pissed off pair of eyes. Michelle roared as she slammed her clip board on the ground all while the photographer glared at me. "Yeah, hi? Remember me? The guy who needs to take pictures of you? The one that has a deadline to meet in less than a week?!" He yelled in my face. I didn't really react as I yawned in boredom, which just pissed him off even more.

"Calm down." I said as I moved away from the backdrop, "I'm going to get some water. Let me know when you want to finish." I turned away from a very looking gay man. As I walked over to the refreshment table I could hear him yelling at Michelle. Complaining how this was the fourth time this week that I was ruining the shoot and how Michelle needed to 'take care of me' before he lost his marbles. 'Can't lose something you never had in the first place...' I laughed to myself as I chugged on some lovely cold water, loving the feeling of it running down my throat and cooling me down.

However I was turned around to face an irritated woman. "My office, right now." She raged with her teeth clenched. I sighed as I followed her closely down the ridiculously dark hallway. I couldn't help the eerie feeling that crept into my being that made me want to run in the other direction. But thankfully Michelle turned on the light in her office, but not before I was shoved inside. I watched her walk across her office before she finally leaned against her desk, staring at me.

"What's the problem?" I asked, as if I didn't really know the answer. Might as well play innocent till proven guilty, right?

"My problem is one of my models is costing this agency money, Lyn." She said as she looked directly at me, causing me to feel slightly awkward and look elsewhere. I leaned against the wall with my arms crossed as I found my stilettos to be highly interesting at the moment in time. "Are you depressed again, Lyndsey?" I looked up at her to see her raise her brows at me, motioning me to answer.

"No?" I said as I sighed in annoyance. Michelle clicked her tongue as her patience with me was warring thin.

"Do you miss Australia or something?" She questioned as she used her hands in a way that made me feel five again.

"Look, I've just had a lot on my mind lately. It's no big deal." I said as I averted my eyes from hers again.

"Well what is it then? Are you thinking about your fam-." I casted my eyes up at her with a rather pissed off glare. "What?"

"That's none of your business, okay?" I basically yelled at her. She looked confused and startled for a moment.

"Well, actually, when you're costing this company thousands of dollars because your mind isn't in the right place, it kind of is my business." She sighed at me as she pinched the bridge of her nose. "Do you need to see your therapist-." I cut her off before she could even finish.

"No!" I shouted as I banged on the wall, forgetting I had a ring on my finger. I shook my hand in annoyance and pain for a moment. I closed my eyes as she gave me an odd look. "It's not about that, okay?"

"Then what is it?" She questioned, getting annoyed with me.

"Don't worry about it, I promise to get my head back on my shoulders. I'm fine, really so no more fretting over it, okay?" I gave her a fake smile to seal the deal. She shook her head, let out a breath, and stood up. What surprised me was that she gave me a very... awkward hug, with me standing there confused and well just surprised by it. Finally she let me go and opened the door.

"Well, let's go finish the photo shoot then, alright?" She beamed at me. I nodded as I followed her out the door and down the eerie hallway. The uneasiness crept back into my chest, making me feel as if I couldn't my breath as painful memories of that night flooded my mind.

"Lyn?" Michelle's voice rang in my ear once more. I snapped out it, giving her a smile as we walked into the well lit room where the photographer was waiting rather impatiently.

"Sorry, just a small headache from the lights. Are you ready?" I asked the guy who looked as if he wanted to cut off my face.

"Obviously, I've been waiting for you!" He yelled at me. I mentally scoffed at this ass hole while I offered him a smile and stepped into the manmade light.

---week later---

"Do we have the photo's ready or what?" A woman said who was sitting there at the head of the overly sized conference room table. I leaned back in the overpriced desk chair as I watched her glare at me while Michelle passed her the giant yellow envelope.  The bitch of a woman, who by the way was the owner of the Agency, anyway, opened it rather quickly. She spread the photos before her, going through each one.

"What do you think?" Michelle carefully asked. The woman didn't even bother to look up from the pictures as she rummaged through them. Michelle looked over to me then to man next to her who I didn't even recognize.

"They're boring." Was all she said as she pushed them away. I rolled my eyes as I pulled out my iPhone to play some angry birds.

"Michelle grabbed the photo's going through them quickly as she looked back up to the boss lady. "I don't understand..." She whined, "How are they boring? Hugo said that they were his best so far." Michelle took a glance at Hugo as he just sat there confused as to why the owner hated his worker, looking through some of the pictures as well.

"They're just boring." She went on, "They look all the same as any of his other pictures. The clothing is boring and plain, maybe look into finding a new clothing designer or consultant. Or find a new photographer..." She snorted as she took a look at Hugo. I looked over to the photo fag and almost burst into laughter as his jaw dropped.

"But you were the one that wanted us to use the designer in the first place?" The man said. I shifted my eyes to him. The boss lady just clicked her tongue as we all watched her personal slave whisper in her ear.

"I have other meetings to attend. I'm giving you one week Michelle to get this... problem solved or you're fired." She glared at all four of us as her and her little slave walked out of the room. I sat in silence, placing my phone back onto the table as I observed everyone in the room. Hugo, the photographer, looked like her had just witnessed a murder. The unknown guy just looked slightly uncomfortable and stressed out. Finally, my eyes fell on probably the most stressed one. Michelle was banging her head up and down on the table.

So, I did what I did best in situations like these; I stood up and headed for the door. "Where do you think you're going?" I turned to see Michelle eyes on me. Her hair was a mess from where her fingers dug in.

"Uhm... home? Maybe even the mall or somewhere to eat. Why?"  I responded. She stood up, signaling for Hugo to follow her.

"Nope. You have to stay late. Didn't you hear what Morgan said?" Michelle attempted. I raised my eyebrow at the name though. Michelle rolled her eyes at my lack of paying attention. "The bitch woman?"

"Ah, right. I'm not entirely sure what this has to do with me though." I uttered. She gave me a look before shoving the papers/pictures into the guys' arms before walking over to me. Before I could even react, her pointy finger was jabbing into my shoulder. "What the fuck?! Are you even allowed to do that?!" I bellowed out as I rubbed my shoulder in annoyance.

"I don't know if you realize this, but if I get fired your contract will go bye bye. You won't be able to find a new modeling agency to even think about taking you with how bad the economy is." She snapped as she glared at me with dark chocolate eyes. I took in her appearance. Michelle looked like someone had taken a bat to her. Okay, maybe not that bad but compared to me it was. Her hair looked like shit from her fingers constantly digging in it and she looked as if she had been sleeping in her office.

"What exactly do you want me to do about it? I'm not a business person Mitch, I'm just the pretty face." I added as I took a seat at the table. Michelle smiled as she looked over to the man I didn't know.

"Well, while Hugo and I set up new photography ideas, you and Brian need to get in contact with a designer that you modeled for a few months back. Brian will explain it more in detail. Hugo, let's go to my office." She said as she motioned for him to follow her. I raised my brow at her as took a glance at Brian. "Call me with any problems, alright?" Before I could even say a word of protest, they were gone.  Now, I was left with a very shy looking guy who was fumbling with papers in his binder.

So... I sat there, staring at this Brian guy. He was fairly attractive I suppose. He looked at me with a light blush on his face, averting his pale blue eyes from my own. From what I noticed, he seemed to be a nervous wreck. He was digging his fingers in his blonde hair as he looked through his binder. "So... who's this designer we're suppose to go see?" I brought up. I watched, with extreme amusement, him fumble even more with the papers.

"It's.... somewhere around.... Ah, here it is!" He exclaimed as he pulled out what seemed to be a portrait of a girl. He slid it across the table to me with his hand shaking. I lifted up the picture and was shocked to see who the woman was; Valerie. "Her name is Valerie. Michelle actually wanted to hire her as the new designer intern... She had won some-." I cut him off.

"High school design project, yes I'm aware of who she is." I finished for him as I looked at the photo, probably much longer than necessary.  "So," I started as I looked back up to him and placing Valerie's photo on the table, "Why don't you just call her then?" I curiously asked. Brian offered me a confused look, "Why do you and I," I pointed between the two of us, "need to go see her about this? Why not just call?" I almost peed myself as his eyes bulged out.

"Oh! I'm sorry... I've only been here for a week and I'm still catching up with things here." He laughed. "Well it turned out that the phone number that she listed for us was no good and we even mailed her a letter; no response." He said as he rummaged through some papers, sliding one across the table.

"So, how are we supposed to find her...? I asked trying to sound as un-amused as possible. Brian reached across the table as he pointed to another address she had written down.

"Well she has another address listed in.... Mission Viejo. There's no phone number listed..." He trailed off as he stared off into space. "Do you know where that is?" He asked me. I gave him a bored look.

"Do I sound and look as if I would?" I asked, using my strong accent to make a point.

"I suppose not... well we should probably go now huh?" He asked with uncertainty. I shrugged my shoulders as I picked up my purse and pulled out my sunglasses.

"I'm not driving."


"Uh..." I opened my eyes and took a glance at Brian. We had decided, well more like I decided, to take the company's limo.

"What?" I asked, ignoring if that sounded bitchy or not.

"Well... it's just... what's it like?" He randomly asked. I sat up properly while I gazed at him, hoping he'd catch on that I didn't understand what he was going on about; he didn't.

"What are you talking about?" I quipped, trying not to sound like a bitch again.

"Being from Australia? I've always wanted to go bu.-"I cut him off.

"It's hot, has an over abundance of poisonous creatures, and great whites." I said as I leaned my head on the dark tinted window, averting my eyes from his shy curious ones.

For the rest of the ride, I was silent. Brian probably thought I had fallen asleep as he didn't say another word to me. I was very much awake though. He, nothing against him though, had brought up a place my brain avoided of thinking about at all times; my home. If you haven't figured this out yet; I'm not from America, but Australia. I lived there up until I was sixteen years old. I haven't been back in years for what he did...I ground my teeth together tightly as painful memories ripped through me.

"Are you alright?" my eyes opened and my first instinct was to back up abruptly. I noted Brian had done the same, only causing him to smack his head on the roof of the limo.

"What the hell?!" I roared at him. I watched as he rubbed the back of his head. "Was that really necessary?!" I yelled in annoyance. He looked up at me then checked his hand to see if he were bleeding.

"I'm sorry; I just wanted to let you know that we've arrived." He said as he pointed out the window with his other hand. I turned my gaze to see where we were. It was a typical neighbour hood, probably average for middle class citizens of this country. It looked nice though, a lot better than what I grew up in... The driver all of sudden opened the door for us to step out, so I did. The strangest feeling of anxiety gave me goose-bumps, and I can't even explain why I had them in the first place. I could hear Brian mumble on his cell phone, the person most likely being Michelle. So, instead of standing there and feeling awkward, I walked up to the front door.

"Wait!" He called after me, hanging up the phone abruptly. I rolled my eyes as I rung the door bell. The first thing I noticed was a very large barked that echoed in the background. 'Oh god...' I thought as I began to scrunch my nose.

The person who I was expecting to open the door... well... let's just say they were much shorter than I anticipated. I raised my brows in amusement as I stared down at a young boy. He had paint everywhere; in his hair, his face, on his clothes, and just all over his body. When he smiled up at me he had a tooth missing. I couldn't help the smile that appeared on my lips as I bent down to be eye level with him. "Why, hello there."

"Hi! Who are you?" He asked excitedly, half out of breath. Before myself or Brian could answer a much older version of the boy came up behind him, his mouth agape as he looked at me. I smiled as I stood up properly.

"Uh... can I help you?" He asked finally. I smiled again as I watched him try and stand properly.

"Yes," Brian started as he stepped forward, "We were wondering if a Valerie Christopher lived here?" He asked as he closed his binder. All of sudden, the small boy grabbed a hold of my hand, pulling me into the house. I gave the older boy a look of confusion as I was being dragged down a hallway.

"Caleb! What the heck doing you think you're doing?!" I heard the older sibling yell behind us. All I could do was laugh with amusement.

"I knew it!" The boy exclaimed proudly,"You're the girl on Randy's wall!" Both my brows rose at what he had just said. The young one, who I guess was named Caleb, started to open what I assumed was a bedroom door.

"Jesus Christ Cal!" The older one ran past me in a hurry, slamming the door shut.  Caleb whined about it while this other one told him to hush. I stood there entertained none the less though. I looked over to see Brian hurrying up behind us. Randy cleared his throat, "So... who did you need to see again?"

"Valerie-." Brian repeated once more, but was interrupted.

"She isn't home right now, can I help you?" All four of us turned to see a rather attractive short hair brunette woman standing with a towel in her hand.

"Sorry about the intrusion," I offered, "your son just me pulled me inside and...well here we are." I smiled at the toothy boy.

"She's on Randy's wall mommy!" He cried as he ran over to her. I watched her eyes grow wider as she looked at him. Randy panicked as he held up his hands in defense.

"No! Mom, sheesh! I only have a poster on Lyndsey Ryan on my wall. He thinks this," He said as he pointed towards me, "is her." I looked over to Brian who looked as if he was about to burst into laughter. I smiled as I offered my hand to the mother. She eyed me suspiciously before taking it.

"Let me explain; my name is Lyndsey Ryan. I'm a model for Golden Glow Modeling Agency. Brian and I are just wondering when Valerie will be home." I asked as politely as possible. The mother looked confused. I looked at Randy, he looked completely star struck. The small one just had a smile that said 'I told you!'

"Not to sound... well rude... but what do you need with her?" The mother questioned. Brian seemed to finally wake up and took the lead.

"Your daughter won a school contest a few months ago, which of course you know already, "He laughed at his own lame joke, "with her stunning design talent. Well, our model agency was the one that volunteered to model her work." He explained as he handed the mother a picture of said work, "We, Golden Glow, wishes to hire Valerie as a design intern." He smiled, somewhat out of breath now. What interested me the most though, was what the woman said after.

"Well... that's lovely and all... but I'm not Valerie's mother." She frowned. Brian and I shared a small glance. Brian checked his binder again.

"But...this is second address she listed on her form?" He asked with confusion. Randy gave his mom a sad look.

"Well yeah... she lives here now..." Randy said as he sounded fairly uncomfortable. "She moved in with us about... five months ago now I guess. She-." Randy was cut off.

"Hey guys, I'm back from class," A feminine voice said down the hallway. "Does anyone know why there is a limo in my spot...?" Her voice paused as we all turned to face her, "Oh... well that explains it." I smiled as she arched a brow. "Oh wow, I haven't seen you in... months." She remembered as she walked closer.

"I'm guessing it's safe to assume you two know each other?" The woman said. Valerie eyes had a small glint in them, despite how insanely exhausted she looked.

"I suppose you could say that..." She sounded confused though. I heard a rather large bark, making everyone turn their heads towards the direction. However, what I was gazing my eyes upon looked everything but large. It was only a Beagle.

                "Sh, Brownie." Valerie whispered as the little dog made its way over to her. "So," She said as she yawned while petting the pet, "Why are you here?"

                "Well, why don't we sit in the dining room while you two explain everything to her? Randy, why don't you help me grab something to drink for our guests?" The mom instructed more than requested him. Randy was about to protest when his mother gave him a look that said it all. I smirked as he and Caleb followed her. I turned my attention back to the adorable girl. Valerie was on her knees as the small dog licked at her face. She stood back up, eyeing me up and down as if I wasn't really there and she was hallucinating.

"Uh... well... I have to go grab Oswald real quick. If you don't mind I'll be there a second?" She said as she started down the hallway and turned down a corner. I clicked my tongue as I looked over to Brian who just looked lost.

"Do you know where the dining room is...?" Brian asked me as he gave me a skeptical look. I pursed my lips as I arched my brow at such a stupid question. "No... I didn't think so." He laughed at his own stupidity. I smiled though as I started to walk. "Hey don't you... okay I guess not..."

It didn't take that long to find it anyway, so Brian and I sat on one side. As we apparently had the time, I looked around the open room. I was impressed, for a middle aged family they seemed to be doing pretty damn well. The walls were filled with pictures of Caleb and Randy, a man that must have been the father and just random family pictures. As I looked over from wall to wall my eyes fell on a small rat like creature on Valerie's shoulder. "Do you know you have a rat on your shoulder....?" I asked as I pulled my head back in shock. Valerie laughed as she took a seat across from us. She then placed the animal on the table as it walked over to me. I tilted my head down and smiled as I finally realized what it was.

"His name is Oswald the ferret. I've had him for a few years now." She said as I held my hand out to pet him. He lifted his hand into my hand and made a weird sound. "Oh wow... he likes you." She laughed. I looked up at her and smiled.

"Oh get him off my table, I just polished it..." I heard the mom say. Valerie reached across the table and held him in her arms.

"I suppose we should explain to you why we're here now that everyone is here?" Brian suggested as he took a sip of water that Randy had set down. I took a glance at him as he stared at me with a starry look in his eyes. I smirked at that. "Golden Glow would like to take you on as a designer intern." Brian smiled. I watched Valerie's face turn from amusement to a joyful surprise in a second flat. For reason's I couldn't explain... I got a lot of pleasure from it as well. "You'd work personally with Lyndsey and Michelle the first few weeks then eventually with other models. Plus, it's a paid internship. The Agency was very pleased with your work a few months ago and wishes to look for insight from you."

Valerie looked slightly confused though as he spoke. I raised my brow in interest as she continued to pet her adorable ferret. "Why me though?" She asked after a few moments of awkward silence, "Aren't there more talents college students to fill that intern? I just recently entered college and I'm nowhere near as good I'm sure." Brian kept opening and closing his mouth as he looked through his binder as if an answer would be there. I rolled my eyes as I flipped his bind closed and pulled it away from me.

"Look, you're probably one of the best and youngest designers I've ever come across." I said truthfully, earning a startled look from her, "Golden Glow needs the fresh styles and unique taste that you seem to have. This is a great opportunity for you and the Agency." I said as I gave her my attention only. "You'll get paid really well, and you'll get to go to all the shows, and let me tell you... they are all over the world."

"Does this sound like something you want to do dear? I mean... it sounds like an amazing opportunity." Randy's mother asked her after a moment of a silence. Valerie tore her eyes away from me as she looked down to her ferret that had fallen asleep in her arms. She then looked over to her friend and his mother. "You're eighteen now, you can make your own decision." The older woman smiled kindly as she spoke.

"It's a pretty far drive every day." Was all she had to say as she leaned back in the chair. Then, something completely out of my character flew out of my mouth.

"Why don't you stay with me then?" As I said this everyone turned their head with bewildered looks. Valerie had her brows raised with curiosity and small smile. "I don't know, it's an idea right? It would be like we're roommates."

"I thought I annoyed you?" She asked a sneaky grin. I scrunched up at my nose as I clicked my tongue.

"I never said that. Besides, I was probably just having a crappy day the day we met." I said with half honesty and I think she knew that as she raised a slender brow at me with a wide smile. "Okay, maybe I was just being a bit- I mean butt." I corrected myself as I heard the mother clear her throat quickly. "But, I do think you're amazing at what you do." I watched as she clenched her jaw tightly. "I'm sure your parents think so as well. I'm sure they'd want you to take the intern." I said with a smile. I was confused as I watched a very sad frown appear on her lips.

"Uh... what about school Valley?" I heard Randy butt in. I looked over to him then back to Valerie. He looked as if he was just trying to change the subject. I took a look at Brian who had a frown on his face as well.

"I was thinking about that..." She didn't sound happy at all right now. "I'm kind of tired though." She said as she avoided my eyes.

"Well, why don't you think about it alright?" I asked as I pulled a small notebook and pen from my purse, "You can call me when you make a decision." I suggested as I wrote down my phone number and address for her then slid it across the table with a smile. Brian eyed me with a mix of confusion and curiosity. Valerie looked at me finally with a tired look. "Come on Brian; let's go so they can enjoy the rest of their day." I said as I stood up and slung my purse over my shoulder. Brian gathered his things quickly as we said our farewells to the family.

Randy rushed up, almost knocking over his cup of water, to open the front door for us. "Have a safe drive.... Say... do you have a boyfriend? Bec-." A hand covered his face as it shoved him out of the way. My eyes widened as I watched Valerie slip out and slam the door shut. I smiled down at her as she gave me a sheepish grin.

I watched as her eyes shifted from left to right before looking up at me. I looked at Brian and motioned for him to wait in the limo. He nodded and walked towards it, of course not before giving me a strange look. I turned my gaze back to her all while noting Randy peeking at us through the blinds.

"Seriously, why are they choosing me?" She asked as she fixed her bangs, "You thought I was annoying when we first met and I know for a fact that they do not send models to do the business side of things."


"Duh?" She laughed slightly as she leaned against the door. I looked down at her with a sigh and a small smile.

"The Agency will fire Michelle, my agent, if we don't come up with new ideas. So, to save her job, her employees, and myself, she told me to help find you. She sent me with Brian because I had nothing better to do and Brian being new probably would have fucked it up somehow." I explained as I turned my head to look at the limo. "Plus," I added as I looked back to her, "I wanted to see you."

"Why? I'm not big shot designer or movie star." She said as she placed her hands behind her head as she eyed me. It was then that I noticed how exhausted she seriously looked.

"Why does that matter?" I smirked at her intrigued smile. "It is a great opportunity though."

"To sleep at your house? Yeah that's true actually. It'll give me tons of bragging right with Randy." She smirked.

"Hey, I was just offering. With how much money you'll make you'd be able to get an apartment easily more than likely." I said, trying not to seem awkward. She just nodded with me. "Well, I guess I'll get going now."

"Oh, right." She laughed as she smacked her hands together. "Sorry, sometimes I talk too much."

"Don't mention it, you capture my attention anyway." I said without realizing it. I chewed on the inside of my check as I closed my eyes. "ugh, bye." I laughed nervously.

"Haha, it's okay, you capture mine as well, Randy's too." She said as she noticed him peeking finally.

"Oh well, Do call though. It's kind of important that you answer by like... tomorrow." I frowned.

"I will." She smiled as she fumbled with her fingers. I smiled as I waved at Randy, who more than likely spazzed and ran from the blinds.

"See you later." I said as I walked to the Limo.

"Have a nice drive!" She yelled across the lawn to me then went back inside the house. I shook my head as I got in. Brian was eyeing me the whole time.


"She's a lot cuter in person." Was all he said as she texted away on his cell.

----------------------At Home-----------------------

I felt really strange right now, but in a good way? As I laid there in bed I couldn't help that childish grin that eased its way onto my cheeks. I was thinking about Valerie, and how I seemed to always get that strange but welcoming feeling of calmness when I thought or was around her. I know what you're probably thinking though; here's another girl who doesn't know what she wants and is confused about her sexual identity. Good thing for you to understand though is that I don't care for all that crap. Most people have no idea when they look at me they have no idea that I'm not as straight as they all like to think.

I rolled onto my side to view the clock; midnight and I still couldn't fall asleep. 'Blah... there is more than likely nothing good on t.v. either...' I yawned in boredom as I picked up my phone to play a game of poker. I nearly dropped it on my face when my ringtone blared in my face. I squinted my eyes as I attempted to read the bright screen. It was a number I didn't recognize. So I did what people do of course; answer it, duh.

"Hello?" I asked skeptically.

"Lyndsey...?" A feminine voice asked.

"Who's asking?"

"It's Valerie, I'm sorry I called so late... I thought you'd have it on silent or vibrate. I was just going to leave a message..." She sounded out of breath. I furrowed my brows as I sat up.

"It's no biggie, I was wide awake anyway. Are you alright?" I wondered curiously as I heard her sniffle lightly.

"Yeah, it's just really cold." She laughed. I looked at my phone and noted it was 73 degrees.

"Right.... Cold. So, what's up?" I asked as I propped a pillow behind my back.

"Oh you know, sitting in a tree in Randy's backyard, what about you?" I laughed at the picture of that.

"Why are you in a tree, let alone at such a strange time..." I questioned. Valerie laughed as I could hear her moving around.

"I'm not really sure. Habit I suppose." She answered.

"Ah, I can see why climbing a tree and chilling out in it would be a normal habit of yours. I'm sure you have all kinds of weird of rituals, huh?" I laughed when I heard her scoff.

"Pft... like you would know." She laughed along with me though as a smile spread across my lips.

"Yes... so... why did you call me so late anyway? Not that I don't mind the random call, but I don't think you'd call me just to chat about what it's like to be a tree hugger." I could hear her mumble something about an elderly woman. "...huh?"

"Sorry, Randy's neighbour is looking at me like I have fifty heads." She laughed, "And... uhm... well I just wanted to let you know that I wanted to take the internship." I basically was dancing in my bed when I heard her say that.

"Oh really?" I asked, trying not to sound too happy about that.

"No, I'm lying." She chuckled, making me feel stupid, "I'm just kidding."

"Har Har." I said as I closed my eyes, not liking the way my think accent made it sound. "So, you're going to take it?" I could hear more mumbling once again and then a loud thud. "Valerie?"

"Sorry, I jumped out of the tree. The old woman was waving a cane and yelling at me. You couldn't hear all of that?" She asked, out of breath again. I played with a lose thread on my sheet as I smiled.

"Nope." I laughed.

"Oh... well... what were you saying?"

"What made you want to take the intern?" I asked again.

"Being surrounded by hot models all day when my best friend Randy isn't. I guess bragging rights were appealing to me." I scrunched my face with humor.

                "Ah, how true. Not the career growing aspect of it at all. Or the money." She laughed at my sarcasm. I smiled as I leaned my head against the headboard, loving the fact that she laughed at my dry sense of humor.

"Why of course not," I basically could see a smile on her face as she spoke. I took a glance at the clock and frowned. How on earth was it almost one in the morning already? It didn't even feel like we had spoken that long at all... "So.... I don't want to sound like an ass for asking this, but... does your offer still stand?" For some reason, I felt a huge smile grow on my lips as I laid down fully now.

"Which offer would that be?" I asked, knowing full well what she meant. I heard her click her tongue against her teeth.

"You know what I'm talking about, I think." I couldn't really figure out her tone of voice, but I'm pretty sure she caught onto to my game. When I didn't say anything I heard her sigh. "Are you really going to make me ask?"

"No," I laughed as I laid my head down on my pillow, loving my goose-feather goodness. "Yes, it still stands. If that makes you uncomfortable I'm sure we can find you something, unless that is you just want to drive." I could picture her pacing across the grass as she bit on her nail. I'm not entirely sure why I pictured that though...

"It's a really long drive... I don't know. Maybe I can just see how it goes... with staying at your place for a week. I mean... you guys did say something about needing me in there... by like... tomorrow basically. Not much room for looking for a place to crash." She laughed at the truth of the situation.

"I suppose. What do you want to do?"

"I have no idea... there's still school I need to worry about." She groaned.

"Why don't you sleep on it?" I suggested as I felt a heavy sense of exhaustion cloud over me.

"Yeah, you're right. You sound really tired anyway. Thank you for talking to me, it relaxed it." I smiled a lazy grin as I dug my face into my pillow.

"No problem."

"Talk to you later, bye!" She said as she hung up, not really leaving me a chance to hang up. That was fine with me though, because the second I hit end call, I passed out.

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