The Billionaire's New Assista...

由 BlackFlamboyant

1.3M 40.4K 3K

Jessica is- well used to be a model when she got fired. Then her best friend apply a job for her a Adam Moon'... 更多



32.8K 1K 44
由 BlackFlamboyant

"Jessica? Jessica babe where are you?"

I look up. Oh no. Oh my gosh. I can't believe it. How did he know where I was?


"Jess! Oh gosh!" Adam says as he came rushing towards me from the furnace heater?

What? How?

But I didn't care. I was ecstatic to see him. I ran up to him and hugged Adam tightly. He hugged back too and then I feel something wet on my shoulder and I knew that he was crying. I started crying too because I thought I would never see him again.

I pull away from Adam and look at him with teary eyes. "I though I was never going to see you again." I whispered.

He put his forehead on mine and said. "I didn't. I knew that I was going to find you. I would die if I ever lose you. Oh god I love you so much." He hug me again and started crying again. I hug him back tightly and said the words I think he has been dying to hear from me.

"I love you too."

"You do?"

"Yes I do. Very, very much."

He was about to kiss me when we heard sirens coming from outside. "I called the police on my way here. That bastard is going to jail." I nodded. "Let's go" He said as he takes my hand and intertwine our fingers.

"Where?" I ask him as we make our way to the furnace.


"Ok. Wait! What if Adam or his guards see us."

"I got here safe and sound didn't I?" He said with a smirk on his face. I nodded. "So trust me." I nodded again. I went in first and let myself down. I ended up being in a hallway. A very long one I might add. I look at Adam in disbelief. He gave me a tight smile.

"They're going to catch us."

"Stop being so negative baby. We're gonna make it." Adam states.

We started walking but then we heard some voices and footsteps. I recognize a voice and it belonged to Derek. I look at Adam in panic. He too was in panic.

"I can't believe the police are here. Did you call them?" He said in an angry voice.

"N-No I didn't sir." A voice shuttered and I think it was the chef's voice.

"Adam what are we going to do?" I whispered to him.

"Let's go into that room over there." he said and we fast walk to the door.

When we were in we saw that it was just a small tiny closet. Right after Adam close the door we heard Derek's voice nearby. And boy he sounded way angrier than before.

"Where is that bitch? I'm gonna kill her when I find her. I can't believe she ran away. Ugh. Search every room in the mansion you morons and when you find her bring her to me. I am going to kill her slowly and painfully."

I made a squeak sound and Adam quickly put his hand over my mouth. "What was that?"

"Sorry Master that was my phone." A deep vice said. I sigh in relief. "Hello?'

We heard a slap. "Don't you dare talk on the phone when I have business for you to do for me."


"Go and look for that bitch and someone get rid of these stupid cops."

They all walked away and after a few minutes Adam and I got out of the tiny closet. "We have to move fast Jess. Can you run? You're not hurt right?"

I look down at my feet and took my heels. "Sure."

"You sure?'


"Okay. Let's go." We started running toward the entrance when we saw one of Derek's guard.

"Hey! Get back here!" Then he started chasing us. Adam and I started running faster and when we were at the entrance I was so happy to be out of that mansion.

The cops started running toward us and went inside the building. The paramedic came to see if we were injured or anything.

"Jessica!" I turn around and see Keyla running toward me.

"Oh Keyla! I'm so happpy to see you."

"Me too! I missed you so much." We hugged and cried. I look over at Adam to see him looking at us with a genuine smile on his face.

Keyla and I pull away from each other and I walk toward Adam. I pull him by the neck and give him a long, steamy kiss.

"Let's go home woman and let me show you how much I love you." He said as he put his forehead on mine. I close my eyes and nodded


I sigh lightly as my eyes flutter open and the sun peeks up into the bedroom.

I glance at the man lying next to me, a sleepy smile covers my face.

I quickly lean down and place a sweet kiss on his lips, slipping out of bed and pulling on some spare clothes.

Then I make my way downstairs to the kitchen preparing to make breakfast while humming a small tone to myself with a smile the whole way.


Adam wakes up with a start, sweating and breathing heavily. He turns so he's facing Jessica's side of the bed, and nearly cries out when all he finds the empty bed sheets. His head swivels left to right as he looks for Jessica.

He thinks as he falls back on the bed with a dreamy sigh.

He at this time notices that he still needs his girlfriend back in bed, so he jumps up yawning and slips on his boxers while making his way downstairs.

He hears her before he sees her, and he takes a moment to just listen to her voice as she prances on her toes around the kitchen.

Then he quietly sneaks up to her, looping his arms around her waist.

"Mm..." He mumbles into her shoulder, and she instead of frightening or shying away she relaxes and sinks back into his touch.

She mumbles as she pulls him into a sloppy kiss.

He grins pulling away and taking a seat at one of the counter stools.

"Guess what I'm making for breakfast?"

"Hmm... Waffles?"

"Nope. Pancakes."


She laughs at him and put a plate of pancakes in front of him and another plate next to his for her.

She takes the syrup in the cabinet and gives it to him. He pours some on his pancakes and gave it to her.

"So how does it feel like to be back home?" He asks her. When he saw the look on her face he regreted asking the question. "I'm sorry Jess."

"It's okay." Then they went back to eating.

For some reason Jess starts to think about Ian. She hasn't seen him in forever.

A few moments later Jess said. "Adam?"


"Where's Ian?"

"Uh... He um he left." he says unsurely. he was avoiding looking at her.

Jessica look at him suspicisously. "Are you sure he just 'left'?"

"Yep I am sure."



Jess quickly puts her fork down and ran to the bathroom downstairs. She bends down in front of the toilet and threw her guts out. " Babe are you okay?'

"Of course not Adam I'm throwing up." She said rudely and then started throwing up again.

Then Adam eyes widened. Oh god. Is it what he think it is? Yes it is! Adam Moon is going to be a father. He's- he's gonna be a father! Well he's not really sure but could it be? Yes! He's gonna be a father!


"Yes?" He says snapping out of his thoughts.

"I think I'm gonna go buy some pregnancy tests at the pharmacy." Before he could hear Jess's esponse he ran upstairs and put some clothes on, took his keys and ran out of the house.

15 minutes later

"Babe, I'm back." Adam said as he walk back into his house.

Jess walks out of the living room. "Adam why do you need pregnacy tests?" She asks her boyfriend.

"I bought them for you." He answered with a smile on his face.

"For me?" Jess was confused. She's not pregnant.

"Yeah. That's what I said didn't I?"

"What makes you think I'm pregnant?"

"Well you were throwing up 15 minutes ago and you screamed at me when I asked you if you were okay."

"O-okay but what if I'm not pregnant?'

"It'll be alright. We we will - you know - try again." He winks.

She blushed and walk to the bathroom.

Five Minutes later

Jessica walks in the living room with a big smile on her face.

"Adam?" Adam looks up and look at Jessica and smile big when he saw the smile on her face. "We're pregnant!"

"You're pregnant?"

"No silly, we are"

"Whoohoo! We're pregnant Jess!" He cheers as he pick her up and spin her around. He put her down and kiss her passionately.

"Wow. You look really happy." Jess said.

"Why wouldn't I be? The love of my life is having my baby and I can't wait until he or she is born Babe." He said sincerely.

"Me too" And then she kissed him.


I was in Adam's room or should I say Adam and I's bedroom- gettin ready to go to a party his parents are having for the company at their house.

It has been a month a half since the whole Derek kidnapping me thing. And a month a half since and I found out that I'm pregnant. I am almost a month pregnant and I just can't wait till I start showing.

We found out that Derek was going to rehab. Adam was furious. He wanted Derek to go to jail for taking me.

Oh I almost forgot. I got my model job back. I didn't want it at first but Adam said I should take it because he cannot wait to see me wearing those 'sexy modeling clothes.'

"Babe you're ready?" Adam asks me.

I look at him and smile. "Yes I am."

I started walking toward him and he met me halfway. He bent down to kiss me and then my belly. I smile and kissed the top of his head as he did so.

"You look beautiful. I can't wait till you start showing." He said lovingly. I giggle and thanked him. "Man I love your giggle. Keyla is meeting us at my parent's house, correct?"


"Great now let's go. I have a big surprise for you."

"Adam you know I hate surprises." I pouted.

"Well, you're gonna love this one. I promise you."

"Okay. If you say so baby"


"Yeah it's my new pet name for you." He laughed and then kissed my head.


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