
By xXMade2LoveXx

3.7K 256 130

**I can't shake the feeling. It invades me. The terror of being pulled back into that place. Maybe this time... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Chapter 9

156 11 6
By xXMade2LoveXx

**Annalise's POV**

Fred and George leave school the first Monday after Easter. Although there's only a couple of months left until I leave too, all of a sudden it feels like I'll never see them again. Laura tells me not to worry, it'll pass in a flash, focus on study... It doesn't help, but she's not wrong. Before I know what's happening the NEWTs are over and done with. The whole of seventh grade takes a few days to recover but then the papers confirming You-Know-Who is back come out.

"Well, shit," Laura says, looking at the front page, "I hoped it wasn't true."

"Yeah, this puts a dampener on things," I say quietly. Laura folds the newspaper up and puts it on the floor.

"In other news," she says, looking over at me, "you'll have to face Mrs Weasley with her knowing about you and Fred for the first time tomorrow."

"Don't remind me," I groan, "I'm really scared."

Laura gives my hand a squeeze.

"You'll be fine," she says.

Despite Laura's constant reassurances, the closer we get to London, the more tempted I am just to vomit and disapparate. I know, however, that eventually I'll have to face Mrs Weasley, and if we're in public there's less of a chance she'll kill me on sight. This thought does not make it any easier, though. Laura practically has to shove me through the barrier. The platform is so crowded that I can't see any of the Weasleys and for a moment I feel relieved, thinking maybe I can sneak away-


Fred's arms snake around my waist and he pulls me close to him. I turn in his arms, hugging him tightly, then pull back and look at him.

"What are you wearing?" I ask, running my fingers over his jacket.

"Dragon," he says, "do you like it?"


My voice disappears as I see Mrs Weasley. A shiver of pure terror runs through me and I instinctively pull away from Fred, putting some distance between us. Fred, however, doesn't seem to be about to let me go and steps close to me, putting his arm firmly around my waist.

"She'll adjust," he says, "especially as you're going to be living with George and I."

"I'm what?"

"Yeah," Fred says, "I mean, you said you don't want to go home, right? So, come and live with us! We have room and we're getting better at cleaning spells. You can even work in the shop, if you like."

Ignoring Mrs Weasley, I pull Fred close and kiss him, tears sliding down my cheeks. He holds me tightly until I have to pull away as I start to sob. He rests his chin on the top of my head and waits until I gain control again.

"Thank you," I say, wiping my eyes, "that's- that's really thoughtful."

"I just want you to be happy," he says quietly. I tear up again and nod, unable to speak.

"Fred, come on!" George calls, waving to us. I glance at Fred, unsure. He picks up my bag in one hand and takes my hand in his other, leading me over to his family.

"Mad-Eye, Tonks, this is Annalise," he says, "Anna, this is Tonks and the real Mad-Eye Moody."

"Nice to meet you," I say, feeling shy and taking comfort in the steady warmth of Fred's hand. Mrs Weasley is over saying goodbye to Harry, but now comes over. I can't look her in the eye and instead determinedly study Fred's left shoe. I'm surprised to feel her pull me into a tight hug.

"If it had to be anyone, I'm glad it's you," she says softly. I burst into choking sobs, clutching her tightly. After a few minutes I regain control again and begin feeling rather embarrassed.

"Sorry," I mutter, pulling away and scrubbing at my eyes, "I'm a mess."

"Let's get you home," Fred says softly. Mrs Weasley purses her lips, but doesn't comment. We say goodbye to the others and Fred, George and I head off to Diagon Alley. As we walk, I begin feeling excited. I can't wait to see their shop.

"Oh my god!"

"It's pretty cool, right?" George grins as we walk up to it.

"It's amazing!" I gasp, following them inside. I immediately run around, looking at everything, running up and down the stairs.

"Oh, this is unbelievable!" I exclaim, finally standing in the centre of the shop and turning, trying to take it all in, "this is amazing!"

"I'm glad you approve," Fred laughs, "come upstairs, the apartment isn't as exciting."

I follow Fred behind the counter where he unlocks a door. It leads to a set of outside stairs that we climb up to a red door. George opens it from the inside and bows deeply.

"Welcome," he says, "to our humble abode."

The apartment is small, but clean and cosy. There are three small bedrooms, just big enough for a bed and set of draws, then a kitchen/dining room and a small bathroom.

"It's not much," Fred says uncertainly.

"It's brilliant," I say, slipping my arms around his waist. George clears his throat loudly.

"You two will, obviously, be sharing separate rooms until we can figure out the sound proofing," he says, "and clothes are mandatory outside of the bedroom or bathroom."

I laugh and hug him too.

"Thanks, George," I say as he hugs me back, "it means a lot."

"Nah, it's nothing," he says, ruffling my hair, "just don't leave your makeup all over the place, okay?"

"No promises," I tease. I suddenly feel overwhelmed and shaky.

"Uh, can I take a shower?" I ask, "I smell like train."

"Yeah, I'll grab a towel," Fred says. I drag my trunk into my room and open it up, searching for some comfortable clothes. Fred hands me a towel and I slip into the bathroom, locking the door behind me. I turn the shower on, then sink to the floor and cry.

After a little while I undress and drag myself into the shower, curling up and letting the hot water beat down on me. Once my skin is stinging and flushed, I reach up and turn the water off. The room plunges into silence and I exhale hard, pushing the air from my lungs with force. My hair is plastered to my head, hanging in dropping clumps down my back. I clamber out and wrap it in a towel before drying myself off and pulling on some tights and an old shirt. I shuffle out into the corridor and down to my room. Fred is reclining on the bed, looking up at the ceiling, but he sits up as I come in.

"Are you okay?" he asks, pulling me onto the bed between his legs and leaning back, cradling me against his chest. I nod, relaxing into him.

"Just overwhelmed, I think," I answer quietly, closing my eyes, "I'll be alright."

He traces gentle circles on my back, sending soft goosebumps down my back and relaxing me even more. We lie there as the sun sets, content and warm. I vaguely wonder where George is, but couldn't be bothered asking; I don't want this moment to end. Eventually, however, it has to.

"Are you hungry?" Fred asks, breaking the silence. I'm about to say no, when I realise I am.

"Starving," I say, sitting up. The towel tumbles off my head, leaving my hair in damp tendrils. Fred catches one between his fingers and tugs it softly.

"What do you feel like eating?" he asks, his voice soft, full of care. I lean down and kiss him, a soft, brief kiss.

"Let me cook you something," I say, "it's the least I can-"

"Nope," Fred's hand covers my mouth, "none of that, I want you here. Let's go out to eat somewhere."

I glance down at what I'm wearing, then at Fred, making him grin.

"Or, I could go out and get pizza," he laughs.

"What's pizza?"

"Oh, Anna," he cups my face, "you haven't lived until you've had pizza!"

"What is it?" I ask.

"It's a muggle thing," Fred says, heading out into the kitchen and rifling through a jar, pulling out a few bits of paper with people's faces on them, "it's delicious, trust me."

"What is?" George asks, coming out of his room, his robes smoking slightly.

"She's never had pizza," Fred says, nodding at me.

"Oh, Anna!" George gasps, "you haven't lived until you've had pizza!"

"I still don't know what it is," I point out as Fred pulls on a jacket and some shoes.

"I won't be long," he says, "you settle in, when I get back, your life will change forever."

He and George disappear, leaving me alone in the apartment. I go back into my room and brush my hair out, pulling it into a ponytail. With it out of my face, I can think more clearly. I pull out my wand and tap the bedroom walls, magically expanding the room, then the bed. I flick my wand at my trunk and watch as my clothes sort themselves into the chest of drawers. Quietly praying I don't set anything on fire, I murmur a spell, turning to cover all the walls. They turn a deep, comforting green. I change the drapes and carpet to black and sit down on the bed. Better. Much better. A few pictures, some knick knacks, and I can see this being home.

I hear the door open and a delicious aroma greets me. I step out of my room, my stomach growling.

"Oh, no, absolutely not," George says, stopping dead. I'm momentarily distracted by the two flat boxes he's holding.

"What?" Fred asks from behind George.

"She's Slytherine-ised her room," George says, his lip curling back in disgust. I blush and pull my door closed.

"I find it comforting," I say.

"It's fine," Fred says, pushing George forward, "come on, let's eat."

We sit down at the table while Fred fishes out plates. George opens one of the boxes, revealing what looks like a circle of bread with meat and vegetables on top.

"Go on," he says. I pick a piece up, struggling to keep the toppings on, and take a bite.

"Oh my god," I gasp.

"Right!" Fred laughs, "it's so good!"

"This is better than sex," I say, taking another bite. George snorts into his pizza and Fred hits him.

"You know what I mean," I say thickly, my mouth full.

"Yeah, I do," George laughs, "Fred isn't goo- OUCH!"

Fred smirks at his brother.

After dinner the boys go downstairs to get the shop ready for the next day. I curl up in bed to read, feeling warm, safe and happy for the first time since last summer. I hear the boys come back in and bid each other goodnight. There's a light tap on my door. I put my book aside and sit up.


Fred steps into the room, closing the door behind him. He walks over to the bed and climbs on, leaning over me. He dips his head down, grazing his lips against my throat.

"So," he murmurs, his voice husky, "better than sex? We'll see about that."

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