Waves {h.s.}

By K_arry

448K 19.8K 4.5K

BOOK 2 OF THE ANCHOR SERIES Waves makes for an unsteady sea, really. Depending on the wind and the pressure... More

one - crazy
two - addicted *
three - waiting
four - dirty *
five - heartbeat
six - awkwardness
seven - curiosity
eight - balance
nine - hint
ten - date
eleven - bite
twelve - fine
thirteen - 99 problems
fourteen - confession
fifteen - conversations
sixteen - deal
seventeen - story
eighteen - breathing *
nineteen - cereals
twenty - collide
twenty-one - qualified
twenty-two - fundamentally *
twenty-three - peace
twenty-four - pancakes *
twenty-five - accidentally
twenty-six - pressure
twenty-seven - circles
twenty-eight - countdown
twenty-nine - bump
thirty - shoulders *
thirty-one - anchor
thirty-two - drunk
thirty-four - tie
thirty-five - strangers
thirty-six - dance
thirty-seven - car *
thirty-eight - question

thirty-three - concealer

7.4K 402 60
By K_arry

Me when I update after a month.......
Remember when I said this chapter was going to be Gemma's wedding. Well, I lied. I wanted to, but I was already a month late and could take more time to update. So this isn't the wedding chapter, but it's still good (I think). Anyways, enjoy ! 


When I woke up a few hours later, I felt as if a truck had run over me. My whole body hurt, which was obviously because I hadn't gotten much sleep last night. I had a slight headache, my shoulders were tense and every movement I made sent an aching through my whole body. If I felt like this with only the lack of sleep, I couldn't imagine how Harry would feel when he would wake up.

It was hard night for him and somehow I feel like I got lucky, in the sense that Harry was drunk, but he didn't scream at me, he didn't say hurtful things, even though I kind of expected it. I had gotten to him at the perfect moment, or at least, as perfect as it could be. One thing that I knew for sure was that last night told me a lot about what was going to happen today.

Obviously, it was going to be hard for Harry, that meant that one way or another, it was going to be hard for me too. What Harry felt, I felt. I had tried to get ready for this day, get my head in the game and try to be as strong as possible for him today, but now I felt a little nervous too, more than I had been in the past few weeks.

I knew I couldn't think that way, it was selfish of me think about own insecurities when it was going to be much worst for Harry. So instead of dwelling on how stressed I was, I tried to stretch out my arms and legs as subtly as possible in the hopes that Harry wouldn't wake up quite yet. We still had a few hours before we had to leave, there was no rush and it gave me the time I needed so that I could face the day to come.

However, with every move I made, Harry grunted softly or would hold me a little tighter. I couldn't see how I could get out of bed without waking him up. Therefore, instead of getting out of bed, I softly ran my fingers through Harry's hair, enjoying this moment of peace and quiet and hoping that somehow, even in his slumber, he could feel how much I loved him.

I allowed myself to waste half an hour before I actually had to get up and get ready. I didn't want to wake him up just yet, knowing that he could get ready in under half an hour. I wanted to let him sleep as much as I could, but I, on the other hand, needed a little more time to get ready.

Getting out from under Harry was a little awkward. I wiggled out, stretched out and slide out, all of that while trying to avoid waking him up. Apparently it worked, because I was out of bed and Harry was still sound asleep. He did reach for my side of the bed, but to compensate I gave him my pillow to cuddle with and that seemed to do it. I bent down to kiss his forehead before heading into the bathroom to take a shower.

I had just gotten to rinsing the conditioner out of my hair when Harry joined me in the shower with sleepy eyes.

"Good morning," I greeted him, turning around and shaking my hair under the water.

He leaned in and took my face between his hands, only to press his lips against my left cheek. I smiled when he went ahead and kissed my right cheek. "Mornin'," he replied before kissing my lips.

My hands immediately went into his hair to pull him as close as possible. His arms went around my waist as he pulled me up so that I could wrap my legs around his waist. If I had known that this was how he wanted to start his morning, I would have woken him up earlier. Still, shower s.ex was a great option. Especially since we were both naked and horny, it didn't take us long to cut to the chase.

He had me against the shower wall, his neck hidden against my shoulder and was thrusting inside me somehow both roughly and passionately. Quickly, we were both on the edge, which only made the s.ex trickier. Doing it in the shower was dangerous, with the wet floor, I had to trust that Harry was solid enough not to trip.

That trust was quickly shaken when his left feet slightly slipped. A curse escaped Harry's lips, while I yelped, scared. We didn't fall, Harry was quick to settle us back, but it did scare me enough to momentarily lose the focus on what we were doing.

"You good?" he asked, I could see that he was holding back a laugh.

I bit my lower lip. "Yea, I'm good," I replied before leaning back in and kissing his lips.

After that little scare we were quick to finish before we had another incident, but it sure kick-started our morning.

After the shower, I sat down on the bench in front of the mirror to get ready. Meanwhile, Harry sat in his boxer next to me, straddling the bench. He leaned forward, held me by the waist and rested his forehead against my shoulder. I tilted my head to the side, making him turn his head to the side and he smiled at me through the mirror.

"Tell me when you'll start to get dress, I'll start to get ready then."

"Are you indirectly complaining that I take time to get ready?"

He shook his head and kissed my shoulder. "Not at all," he mumbled. "Take as long as you need, we're in no hurry. No hurry at all."

I smiled softly and caressed his cheek while giving him a side kiss on the top of his head. No matter how good the beginning of the morning had been, we couldn't really pretend that the wedding wasn't finally happening in a few hours.

So I started to get ready while Harry watched me. He looked fascinated by my routine, but there still seemed to be something off with him. It could be many things, the nervousness, the anger, the hangover, but I would say that it was the latter. Probably because he chose to focus on other things that weren't related to the wedding.

"Your head?" I simply asked. I didn't need to say more. He nodded. "Have you taken something for it?"

"Yeah, it's just now working," he explained. "The sex helped though," he added, making direct eye contact with me and winking.

"No can do. It'll ruin my makeup," I said reaching for concealer in my makeup bag. "This could help you though," I joked.

He frowned and grabbed it to look at it closely. "What is it?"

"It's concealer," I explained, amused that he took my joke seriously.

"Will it get rid of my hangover?"

I laughed. "On the outside. Doesn't do anything about the headache though."

"Then, no thanks," he chuckled before handing it back to me.

I took it back and continued to do my makeup. Once I was done with it, I dried my hair and curled it.

I was almost done with my waterfall braid when Harry straightened up. "Are you done now?"

Chuckling, I applied tied the end of the braid and clipped it with a few bobby pin before turning to face Harry, mirroring his position. "Almost."

He grunted. "Can we just take a minute," then, he reached forward to grab my thighs, pulling me closer to him. I adjusted my position so that I was straddling him and wrapped my arms around his shoulder. He held me tightly and hid his face in my chest.

I could hear him breathing in deeply and felt him nuzzling his nose against the curve of my breast. He held me so tightly that I had a hard time breathing. Still, I caressed his hair, until I felt that he was a little more settled.

"Are you good?"

He nodded. "Thank you for being here," he added looking at me with sad eyes. "I'm sorry if I said something that offended you last night."

I laughed softly which made Harry frown and look at me, intrigued. "You didn't offend me at all, you were super sweet. A little drunk, yes, but I have seen you in states much worse."

I smiled, but his statement made me wonder if anything that he had said the night before meant anything; if his mention of marriage meant anything at all or was it just empty drunken words. It was weird to feel a pinch of disappointment in my chest, because we were still so young and there was no rush, but I did anyway.

I couldn't stress on that too much, not when things much more important were happening in a just a few hours. So, I leaned in and kissed him, in the hopes that it would take my mind off of these thoughts, and stood up.

Harry tried to refrain me from walking away, but I was quick enough to avoid his hands and get to my suitcase, away from him.

He grunted and in return, I offered him my best smile. "It's time to get dressed," I said. "That includes you, too."

He threw is head back and sighed, in what seemed to be a little exaggerated, but he still got up and started to get ready. It barely took him thirty minutes to get ready, but that's how long it took for Harry to get into a grim mood. I could feel it the second he came to stand in front of me so that I could knot his tie.

I turned around so that he could zip up my dress, which he did but very slowly. His finger grazed the skin along my back and once he reached the end of the zipper, his hand went up to my shoulders and he leaned in to kiss the crook of my neck.

Quickly, I turned around, knowing exactly what he was trying to do, and did his tie before flattening it against his chest and standing on my toes to kiss him.

"You look so handsome," I noted, hoping that it would at least bring a smile to his face, and it did.

"Thank you," he replied, before reaching for a strand of hair that was out of place and putting where it belonged. "I had to look like I was worthy of you."

"You are, always," I corrected him. Then, before this conversation could take a wrong turn, I grabbed my handbag and enthusiastically grabbed his hand. "Now let's go, I have a bouquet to catch," I half-joked.

His reaction was priceless. His eyes widened so fast and his whole body froze, but he regained his composure quickly, playing it cool as always. I laughed softly and didn't read too much into his reaction, I had enough to think about for now.

On that note, we grabbed our things, went down to the car and headed to the wedding. 


Hi, remember me ? 

I know it's been a while since I updated, I have been so busy with school... I used to be able to write 500 words each day, now I can barely write 500 words a week. I'm trying, so hard I promise you, but I couldn't update earlier. 

Anyway, enough excuses. Did you enjoy this chapter ? Do you still enjoy this story? Obviously, you might not remember much of the story, as it's been so long. I, myself, want to re-read the whole thing to make sure that I am not forgetting anything. I am still very  excited for the next few chapters though hahaha

Please let me know in the comments if you're still reading/enjoying this story ! 

Now, technically the next chapter should truly be Gemma's wedding. I don't see how it couldn't be haha.

If you're still reading this, thank you so much ! It means the world to me <3 Is there a way that we could keep in touch even when I'm not on here ? I should go back on twitter a lot more now, so maybe follow me on there and we can have a chat ? My username is K_xrry !

Lots of love,
Karry xx.

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