Babel's Magic-Khadgar FanFic

By threeandthirteen

5.7K 87 1

A very rare find indeed, a Khadgar fan fic. Based a year after the movie a nightmare has plagued our poor mag... More

Throne Room Torrents
Behind Barrack Doors
Drunken Distraction
Night's Babel
King's Command
Fledglings First Flight
Cliffside Arrival
Big Mouth
Blood Letting
Up In Smoke
World's Apart
Demons in Stormwind
Pretty Soap?
Girl Talk
Trust Effigies
Torn Between
Lock Tears Blood
Crushing Magic
A Magi's Virginity
Lothar's Solution
Go To Bed
Good Night My Magi
Startled Before Noon
Old Gods, Find Me
Our Misunderstanding
Spring Night Nightmare
Voodoo Magic
Fel Gore
No Potions, Only Swabs
Little Talks
The Prince and Princess
Lost In Thoughts and Apprehension
Don't Leave Before Dawn
Surpassed Calling
Equilibrium Amongst Factions
Growing Together

Nightmare Journal

606 8 0
By threeandthirteen


Wake up, he scrunched his face in his slumber and brushed the imaginary flutter he felt before his nose. The dark behind his eyes only growing.

Wake up, tossing over to one side the man unconsciously rubbed his face into the wool blanket stirring. Grumbling in distain as the clouds rolled in on his mind.


"Wha-!?" Jolting out of the prone position, he through a couple pillows on the ground and looked around frantic for the voice echoing in his head or the fading face he saw stand out in the gloom of his dreams, "W-Where are-" Reaching up and rubbing his brown eyes, the man shook his head and recognized the dream occurrence hadn't taken place tangibly.

Blinking twice, quickly the young man scrambled to the bed side table in his room and fished out the leather bound journal he'd adopted to keeping his dreams in after the stranger ones became more pertinent and he could recall features and tid bits. This time though he knew he had it though, the outline, more than just the faint features, even the shade of her eyes.

"Her!" Exclaiming out loud at the fluttering thought, he began sketching out a females features on an entirely fresh page. The one before it done over and over again in scribbles and marks from rough erasing and even more grooves from a tired and over zealous author, "It was a her...I could tell I saw her slender shoulders..." Tracing out the features as he mumbled under his breath, surely reeking of the late meal he ate last evening for the celebration held to honor the solid year that had passed since the late King Lane's death, " not long...gah no what wasn't, maybe, no..." scribing out one idea then erasing it, the long hair didn't fit. She was female but the hair, what was it?

Pausing his energetic sketching, he tapped the pencil to his gruff upper lip thinking, "Blue"

"Sir Khadgar!" A sharp rap on his rooms heavy wooden door, "Sir Khadgar you are requested by King Lothar within the hour!"

"Uh-" the man looked up at the interruption, "Oh! Lothar! Yes! Yes I received the message tell him I will be there momentarily!" Khadgar replied back hopefully loudly enough the squire heard him through the closed door.

"Sir Khadgar my King insisted I tell you to leave the book here" The squire further addressed the second part of his job.

"Book?" Khadgar furrowed his thick brows scoffing at the audacity but then looked down at his lap covered in pencil lead dust and bits of eraser, "Book...." Khadgar pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed, "Yes, tell him yes messaged received!"

"Thank you Sir-"

"Stop calling me that!" He turned and hollered at the young guard, he reached up and ran his fingers through the mess of thick coils and waves of dark brown hair, trying best to push it off of his forehead and groaning as he laid back to the head board of the bed.

"Y-Yes S- Khadgar," Toe to toe with the still closed door, the squire bowed and dismissed himself in a hurry.

Waking up in such a huff made the young individual realize the hammering headache he had pounding at his temples. Yanking a pillow off the ground he quickly shielded his eyes from the days light and groaned loudly into the feather pillow.

"These headaches are going to kill me before any arcane or fel can..." Khadgar kept the pillow over his face but lowered his hand, laying them down on the book, he carefully ran his fingers over the indents of the page he'd just freshly strewn what he could recall from his dream on. Reluctant to take the pillow off, he did only to look down at what he'd complied from another restless nightmare.

"It's a her..." after months of this same dreading feeling, he was able to match the voice thrumming through his head to a face. Or at least the details of a face. Tracing his index and middle finger over the outline of the expression, Khadgar didn't recognize her.

Not of the royal court. Certainly human. Though not of Stormwind of any neighboring garrisons. Female, but powerful, Queen's Guard, no he knew the barracks newest even and couldn't recall seeing any of the veterans or squires that could fit this description.

"Perhaps a hand maid I've seen in passing?" He purposed to himself aloud, sitting up and laying the book open in front of him, "No." Tossing that idea away he knew there was no way one of the cooks could have such striking features and he not realize it in his past year residing in Stormwind at Lothar's request.

Throwing out a loud groan, he clasped the book shut and tossed it with a plop on the bed side table. Reluctantly moving his body to the edge of the bed, Khadgar dangled his legs over the side for a moment then to sitting back up right but on the edge now.

"I don't understand...why can't I conjure up even a dream spell to recall this," grinding his palms into his face, the tired Khadgar attempted to rub the sleepiness away knowing the groggy was heavier this morning after his nightmare than in weeks passed. Morning after morning this past few days he'd noticed how much the figure in his dreams lingered. Not until but two weeks ago was he able to tell it was of human features. Now though he'd gotten close enough to it in the swamp of darkness he spent his dreams muddled in that he could make out so much as the details of even her iridescent grey-ish eyes reflecting him back.

"Shoot! The meeting!" Flashing back to the current situation, Khadgar flew out of bed and in a flurry grabbing his robe and cloak.

In a whirlwind he stuffed and clasped and covered up quickly in his attire. Taking a moment to look at the closed book on his bed stand. Closing his deep brown eyes, a sharp inhale passed his full lips and he knew she shouldn't but grabbed the journal and stuffed it in his robes inner pocket before clasping it padding down his frame so it was clear he held nothing to the naked eye or so more important Lothar's critical eagle eyes.

Whisking himself out the heavy door, Khadgar stopped in the door frame and padded his abdomen until he felt the book under his cloak. A sense of security flowing over him as the newly named Guardian of Azeroth felt the hard cover under the thickness of his dreary robes.  

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