Do you love me? ~ Smosh Fanfi...

By fullafluf

110K 2.3K 819

Misty Cooper is different to other girls. She likes gaming, comedy and anime. She has recently moved to Sacra... More

Chapter I ~ Goodnight
Chapter II ~ Misty ~ World at my fingertips
Chapter III ~ Ian ~ Keep on raining
Chapter IV ~ Misty ~ Time for a job
Chapter V ~ Ian ~ Horses and Giraffes
Chapter VI ~ Misty ~ A strange encounter
Chapter VII ~ Ian ~ Love is only a feeling
Chapter VIII ~ Misty ~ Strange Day
Chapter IX ~ Ian~ Emergency
Chapter X ~ Misty ~ Wake up
Chapter XI ~ Ian ~ Drift!
Chapter XII ~ Misty ~ What's a Smosh?
Chapter XIII ~ Ian ~ Lunchtime with Misty
Chapter XIV ~ Misty ~ Shoes are a girl's best friend
Chapter XV ~ Ian ~ Plans
Chapter XVI ~ Misty ~ Misty & Kristie
Chapter XVII ~ Ian ~ City of Angels
Chapter XVIII ~ Misty ~ A day to remember
Chapter XIX ~ Ian ~ I care
Chapter XX ~ Misty ~ It's laid in love
Chapter XXI ~ Ian ~ Happy
Chapter XXII ~ Misty ~ Deep breath
Chapter XXIII ~ Ian ~ Super Huggle Snuggle
Chapter XXIV ~ Misty ~ Hate
Chapter XXV ~ Ian ~ Wasting away
Chapter XXVI ~ Misty ~ A l o n e
Chapter XXVII ~ Ian ~ Reassurance
Chapter XXVIII ~ Misty ~ Forgiven
Chapter XXIX ~ Ian ~ Beautiful Freak
Chapter XXX ~ Misty ~ Preparation
Chapter XXXI ~ Ian ~ The Cooper Clan
Chapter XXXII ~ Misty ~ The explanation
Chapter XXXIII ~ Ian ~ Still half full
Chapter XXXIV ~ Misty ~ That damn text
Chapter XXXVI ~ Misty ~ A new way of serving coke
Chapter XXXVII ~ Ian ~ My worries < Her worries
Chapter XXXVIII ~ Misty ~ So it begins
Chapter XXXIX ~ Ian ~ Thursday
Chapter XXXX ~ Misty ~ Not-So-Sunny Friday
Chapter XXXXI ~ Ian ~ Party
Chapter XXXXII ~ Misty ~ Scrambled Thoughts, Scrambled Feelings
Chapter XXXXIII ~ Ian ~ Meltdown
Chapter XXXXIV ~ Misty ~ More Disaster
Chapter XXXXV ~ Ian ~ Her Secrets Revealed
Chapter XXXXVI ~ Misty ~ Terror
Chapter XXXXVI ~ Ian ~ Lost and Found
Chapter XXXXVIII ~ Misty ~ Reunited
Chapter XXXXIX ~ Ian ~ Confrontation
Chapter XXXXX ~ Misty ~ Goodbyes
Chapter XXXXXI ~ Ian ~ Webby Awards
Chapter XXXXXII ~ Misty ~ Vidcon, Year 3 {{End}}

Chapter XXXV ~ Ian ~ VidCon is ON

1.5K 31 6
By fullafluf


I'm so sorry! <3 I'm pathetic, haha.

It's been an unforgivably busy week and therefore this has come out 4 days late! There also won't be a chapter this Thursday because of Christmas and I'm going away on Boxing Day. I won't have time to write so hopefully I'll have one out by the 2nd (I think that's a Thursday.)

Excuse the boringness of this chapter. I hope it's slightly interesting! <3 <3 

Have a very Merry Christmas, everyone. I hope you get everything you want, and more!

Much love,

fluffie xox  

Chapter 35 ~ Ian Hecox

(No song)

As soon as I heard the news that there had been another article about me and Misty- and that it had been in the newspaper- I panicked.

The first meeting of the day had ended and I got her text. The first thing I did was, of course, to text her back. I advised her the best I could, and to be honest, there wasn't much else I could have done. It totally overtook the big news I had. That could wait until we were at home, anyway.

The rest of the day I spent worrying about Misty. I knew what she could be like when she was alone. She'd be feeling the loneliness and probably feeling as empty as I was. Even though my best friend was by my side, I still felt the effect of her not being with me either. It happened too often: but it was the way my life worked, and without being harsh, it was what she'd have to get used to. But if I felt empty, how did she feel? She didn't have her lifelong best friend by her side, apart from maybe Kristie at work. I had Anthony with me. She was probably checking twitter...seeing all the new hate tweets...and in the end, I couldn't help but look through my latest tweets directed at me too.

@SmoshIan why are you carrying on with this girl? Haven't you realised enough is enough?

@SmoshIan why are you dating her lol lily was hotter

@MisTee @SmoshIan I think you guys should break up. Seriously. You don't belong together! #LilianGetBackTogether

@SmoshIan did you cheat on Lily?!

There also were fans that were more protective of themselves than Lily:

What's that bitch doing? @Smoshian is MINE!

@Smoshian and me are gonna get married but she's getting in the way!! Ian don't you agree? We're gonna have babies!!1!!1!

That girl wasn't even being ironic.

Mine were nowhere near as bad as Misty was receiving, but each one felt like a punch in the stomach. I knew I wasn't getting comments like: '@Mistee GET THE FUCK OFF MY FUTURE HUSBAND! @SMOSHIAN IS MINE SHORT FAT GINGER HOBBIT', but they definitely had a negative effect on me.

 You'd think that a new article with a picture of us would confirm that we were together and that Lily was over, but apparently not. Sometimes I wondered if our fans were a little slow. I'm kidding- but they sure were protective when they wanted to be. They weren't at all like this when me and Lily first started dating. It's as if there's a third force acting upon this situation and they're manipulating everyone to feel as if me and Misty are bad people. Well, I'm not always perfect, but I wouldn't label myself as truly evil.

It was weird...almost unbelievable how badly the fanbase were reacting to this one. The 'girlfriend rush', as me and Anthony call it, usually lasts a few weeks as people get used to the news. Obviously, not everyone will always like them but after a couple of weeks they have accepted the new girlfriend and moved on with their anger. But this was crazy.

I couldn't stand the idea of Misty alone again, for a whole night. She was a much stronger person now, but this would be hard for her. I was glad she called, but when she realised that I was about to go into a meeting with our sort-of boss, she dismissed her problem and told me she'd be fine, as much I tried to reassure her. I longed to be with her, to stop her from looking at the awful tweets people would send, to snuggle her and to hold her tight. She needed a little bit of stability in her life.

The meeting was okay. It basically just went over what happened in the YouTube partners meeting thingy. On the way home in the taxi, later on that evening, I muttered to Anthony;

'Dude, how bad was Kalel's hate?'

'Went on for a couple of weeks when everyone was unsure on whether they liked her or not, then a lot of people changed their minds. She still has a pretty big wealth of fans that don't like her, but they don't tweet it to her as much anymore. I think she often receives some mean tweets but she's learnt to deal with them, she's done so well. She's been amazing and still is nice to the smoshers.'

'Good on her. Misty's just seems to not be getting any better. If anything, it's getting worse.'

'It's odd. That article's been out for almost 2 months and people are still not accepting the relationship.'

'I know,' I sighed. 'I feel so bad for her, in the end it's my fault she gets all this. Firstly because of my job, and second because I was so god damn stupid to kiss her in that lobby.'

Anthony looked at me straight in the eyes. 'Ian, it was inevitable. You chose this job, and she dated you knowing that it wasn't going to be easy. She knows it's not all going to be plain sailing. And there was no way people just wouldn't find out. They found out about me and Kalel through that parking lot photo, and then she gradually seeped into more and more of my photos and I mentioned her more on twitter. You just gotta act like nothing's wrong. Just include her in an instagram or something, and say something about how you love her...'

'I shouldn't be-'

'You should. Some people think you're cheating when that really isn't the case. You gotta prove that you guys are proudly together. Don't mention Lily.'

'Misty's had enough experience with her.'

'Kalel told me the whole story. I couldn't believe her, she's-'

'I don't need to be reminded on her flaws. It makes me further cringe at why I dated her.'

'Sorry, dude. We go back tomorrow, though. It's not long. We'll bring her back something to cheer her up.'

'Like what?'


The next morning, we finally headed home by plane. We arrived with plenty of time to spare, so I resulted with some time to get Misty some stuff. We resolved to arrive with pizza in our arms as well, for lunch. In the airport, I found some strange little gift shop which sold a few Japanese stationery bits as well as tons of plushies and weird odds and ends. I picked Misty up a Rilakumma makeup bag/ pencil case thing and some Totoro pens and eraser. I also found this little Eevee plush which I got all wrapped up at the till. Anthony picked Kalel up some little drawing doodle books with cute anime cats on the front, and a small pale pink quilt, embroidered with little kittens with yarn running up the sides. He decided that he needed to get her a little something if I was getting Misty a little cheer-up gift. We both picked up some small scented candles that we would give to both of the girls. It was lucky that the little shop did gift wrapping for an extra two dollars. Now we could give our girlfriends proper little presents.

Me and Anthony could only manage to get separate seats for the plane. I had to sit beside a couple that wouldn't stop getting unneccessarily gooey beside me. It was unbearable- five times worse than Kalel and Anthony ever were. I did better than Anthony, however, who ended up next to a mother and her bawling child that wouldn't shut up. I noticed him desperately trying to edit a video on his laptop without being distracted by them. I could tell his headphones were on full blast to try block out the noise. Meanwhile, I was completely unproductive and spent the whole plane ride on my 3DS and phone, playing dumb games. I could do some writing of scripts when I got back. I had a vision of me and Misty cosied up on the sofa side by side, me on my laptop typing away, and Misty on her Pikachu 3DS XL.

Before too long, after the horrific plane ride, we were in Anthony's car, pizza in my lap and approaching our garage. The curtains were drawn shut in every window. It looked as if no-one was home.

I whisked open the garage door, pizza in my arms. 'We're ho-ome!' I glanced over to the couch, to see Misty. She was on her laptop, with her cute glasses on and was scrolling through tumblr. She'd lost a lot more colour but still looked overjoyed to see me home.

'Ian, Anthony!' she squeaked, and rushed over to hug us both, then held me again to kiss me.

'Misty, I missed you so much,' I whispered.

'It really felt weird without you around,' Anthony added. 'I kept getting in the taxi and thinking we would be seeing you soon. You really have become part of the weird family we've got.'

'Aww,' Misty cooed. 'The house was so...empty. It felt sorta creepy on my own, but I was okay. I saw Kalel and Mari the day you guys left, Kalel in the day and Mari's in the evening. It was good to see them both, but I had this yearning the whole time just to be sat with you guys watching some dumb movie or something.'

'Same here,' I said. 'Agh, I missed you so much! You've kept the house really tidy too,' I added, looking around. The kitchen was white and pristine. There was no crumbs on the glass table, and the floor was fluffless and looked like it had just been hoovered.

'Let's mess it up a little with some pizza,' Anthony ordered, and I set them on the glass table.


'I knew you'd give in to some pizza,' I replied. 'We got some pepperoni, meat feast, and chicken and sweetcorn.'

'Sounds awesome,' Misty said, her eyes fixated on the boxes. I pulled out a chair and gestured for her to sit down, and sat next to her. She grinned, and I kissed her smiling lips. Anthony sat on her other side and opened up the boxes to reveal the glistening, glowing pizzas - right now they felt more desirable than any expensive fine dining. Misty was the first to tear herself a slice of pepperoni and we were off, eventually finishing all three pizzas without much difficulty. We were all brilliant when it came to eating. I was glad to have a girl who happily ate loads, not really caring about what it did to her body. She was perfect anyway- I'd seen it all!

After lunch, Anthony rang Kalel and spent some time talking to her, before deciding to head over to her flat.

'I'm off,' Anthony said, coming through the front room.

'To Kalel's?' he nodded. 'Have a good time. Oh, don't forget her gifts!'

'Shit, yeah!' Anthony ran back to his room. I heard the unzipping of his backpack. He came back through, gifts in hand. 'See you guys later!'

'Bye!' me and Misty chirped. 'Say hi,' Misty added.

'Will do, bye!' The door shut and me and T were alone.

'Gifts?' she questioned.

'Just stupid stuff we found at the airport, I got you stuff too,' I told her.

'What!?' she exclaimed. 'Ian, don't buy me stuff! Just having you is enough.'

'Don't say stuff like that, everyone likes gifts.'

'Yeah...but you don't need to, babe.'

'I'm doing it anyway!' I yelled, as I sprinted to my room, rustled through my hand luggage, brought out her wrapped gifts and slowed down as I entered the main room. 'Here you go!' I tossed them towards her.

'Oh my god!' Misty squealed, and began by ripping open the smaller one: the Rilakumma pencil case filled with Totoro pens and stationery. She loved it, and hugged me tightly, explaining inaudibly about how she'd needed stuff like this. She also adored the Eevee plush. She hugged it tightly and insisted it would live on her bed.

'I love you so much, Ian. You were just what I needed. Thank you.'

'Same here...'

'So what's the big news you wanted to tell me?'

I thought about whether I should tell her without Anthony there, then I figured he'd be telling Kalel anyway. He had already planned it out with her.

'Oh yeah! We've been nominated for a Webby Award!'

'Oh my gosh!' Misty clasped her hands over her mouth. 'I'm so proud of you, Ian. Well done! What's it for?'

'The best humour. It's for our website! Me and Anthony are so chuffed. But you know what the best part is?'

'What?' Misty asked.

'Guess where they're being hosted?'

'I don't know....Australia? Oh my it...'

'England!' I exclaimed.

'Oh my God!' Misty squealed and collapsed into my arms.

'And Misty, will you come to the awards? I know there will be fans watching us when we go in and stuff...but they won't be on the carpet. You can get a dress and I'll wear a suit...'

'Are you sure about this, Ian?'

'Of course! I'll look after you. Anthony will bring Kalel. We've discussed it all with our sorta bosses. They're all fine as long as we look after you guys. And it's about time I show off my gorgeous girlfriend.'

Misty bites her lip, looking nervous. 'I...I'm not even sure about VidCon, Ian. I don't want to upset any more fans.' She bowed her head.

'Babe, there's nothing you can do. It was inevitable, and I'm sure they'll realise how lovely you are.'

I held her hand. 'And to be totally honest, who really gives a shit anyway? The people who matter, love you. You've never met the people who don't. And we'll look after you, the whole way through. You can spend the whole day by my side if you want. And Kalel has her beauty guru friends, but she always ended up hanging with Mari or with us.'

'You don't have to be my bodyguard,' she sighed. 'But it would be good to have Kalel as well. Kristie and me will be together. Mari could too, but she'll want to spend it with Peter-'

'I don't think Peter's coming. Mari will need some buddies. Hell, form a little group! 4 girls, and we'll introduce you guys at the parties and backstage. Me and Anthony have almost completely written our Vidcon performance. We just gotta practice.'

'We'll be there to watch you and support you...that group sounds like such a good idea.'

'See how you go. I think it'll work. You always have me and Anthony. Whenever you need us and we're not there, just call. You're more important than any performance.'

'Aw, dude.' Misty smiled, looking a lot happier. 'Thanks. You're the best kinda-famous boyfriend any girl could have. And the best friend, too. I can't think of anyone better to spend my first VidCon with. We can have fun hotel times just like at Gaming Expo...'

'So is Vidcon on?'

'Hells yeah it is!'

'Thank you so much, Misty. You have no idea how much that means to me.'

'In the end, you're the one that puts me before yourself.'

'Hey, do you wanna go out and celebrate?'

'Celebrate what?'

'Everything. The nomination, you coming to VidCon...'

'Why not? Where do you wanna go?'

'Cinema, then meal?'

'Hell to the yeah, boyfriend.'

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