Complicated People, Complicat...

By Ibebaebruh

127K 4.9K 971

Lucas and Maya are what you would call, complete opposites. One from Texas, one from New York. One friendly... More

My Nature
What happened
The girls
My Life
Something Wrong?
I Think It's True
New House
What up girl?
Window Talks
The Other One?
Thank You Instagram
Darn Dances
It's Okay Now
Almost perfect
He Can't Know
It's What!?
On The Curb
Safety Blanket
'Bout Time
Red Hoodie
Ground Rules
He's Dead Meat
By My Side
I Has Stealth
The Beeping
Girl Talk
Valentines Day
Back At It
Almost 17
Party: Pt 1
This Turned Dark
The Fish
Worst Thing
Head vs. Heart
So Close
The Invite
Older Now
Bad Party
No Boys Allowed
Empty New York


872 35 1
By Ibebaebruh


        It's been three weeks and I have never felt more depressed. All I ever want to do is talk to her. I try but she's really good at avoiding. I don't even see her at lunch which makes me worry that she's not eating. Riley calms me by telling me she gives her food, but then I feel guilty that she feels like she can't sit with her friends.

      I see Maya in the hallway that afternoon and run to her. "Hey," I say when I'm next to her. She looks panicked and turns her head, obviously looking for an escape, but it's too late. She smiles at me like she's not totally freaked out by my presence.

       "Hey," she says looking ahead and tightening her hold on her notebooks.

        "So, I'm gonna flat out tell you this. I'm not over you and will never be over you. I'll be waiting for you to realize that. Anyway, now that I've said that I don't want you to feel like you can't hang out with your friends so whenever you're ready, you can eat with us and you don't have to avoid me," I stop walking and Maya stops once she realizes. She looks skeptical of my announcement but I just keep smiling casually. She turns around and keeps walking.

       I wasn't even embarrassed about my announcement, I want her to know that I'm all in.

      The next day, she sits with us. She looks at her lap the whole time and doesn't say anything, but I figure it's a start.

        I'm walking down the hall when all of a sudden I get yanked into a classroom by the collar of my shirt. I get scared and then excited, thinking its Maya. I turn smiling only to have my hopes crushed.

        It's that darn Missy who's been eyeing me my entire time here. "Well hey there cowboy," she says walking slowly towards me.

        "Don't call me that, please," I say trying to be polite but only Maya can call me that. I back away slowly. The room is deserted and I keep tripping over empty chairs. I look towards the window on the door but people only pass by, not even looking at me to see my anguish. In the meantime, she's getting closer.

         "I heard that you're single," she's twirling her hair and walking in a way that I'm guessing is suppose to be seductive.

       "Not really single, nope." I say trying to get the point across but still be polite. She's backed me up so far that we've almost done a complete loop around the room.

        "Then, where's your little sweetheart?" I don't know how to answer that and I'm distracted by trying to think of a response. The back of my legs hit a desk and when I try to feel my way around it I can't find an edge. It's the teachers desk.

       Missy is a foot from me and I'm seriously considering doing a backflip off of this desk. I sit and scoot as far as my legs can go before the table hits the back of my knees. I'm about to swing my legs over when Missy grabs them.

         "I'm sorry Missy but I'm not ready to date again I need some time," luckily it looks like Missy touching my legs is as far as she's going to go.

           "I'm not looking for a boyfriend Lucas," and before I can stop her she's kissing me. I put my hands to her shoulders and try to push her off but it takes even me a second to, she must work out. She pulls away and smiles, licking her lips. I gasp for breath and cough, trying to get the Missy taste out.

         "I've waited a long time for that," she says as she walks out of the room casually, leaving me about to vomit on a teachers desk.

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