An unlikely love: A scorose f...

By MayLilyPotter

327K 6.5K 3.4K

Rose was always told to stray away from the Malfoys, but when her first year rolls around and he sits alongsi... More

Family Rivalries
The Hogwarts Express
The Sorting
And so they're off!
The New Marauders
The Shrinking Potion
The Slug Party
The Room of Requirements
Christmas at the Burrow
The Parting of Ways
A Trip to Diagon Alley
Draco's Apology
Beach day
When wizards travel...
The Effeil Tower
Study Buddies
Wedding planners
The Wedding
A Visit to Hogsmeade
Quidditch trials
Winter suprises
Strange feelings
Christmas Sorrows
The Mourning of a Malfoy
Leaving the Burrow
Spin the bottle
James and the Cupboard
The Beggining of a New Year
McGonagall's Speech
The Arrivals
The Champions
The First Task
A Case of Jealousy
Will you go to the ball with me?
The Yule Ball
Winter in Hogsmeade
A Dangerous Acusation
The Third Task
Disaproval and Aproval
A Quarrel in the Train
The New Couple
With Love Comes Trouble
The Kiss
Juicy Gossip
Black Cloaks
Training Wheels
Baby Bells
Christmas kisses
Pillow fight
Scars that never fade away
A Light In The Darkness
The Baby is Coming!
The Arrival
Meeting the Twins
A little Chaos
The Trials of Love
Shattered Hearts
A Spark of Fury
Death, his old friend
An Embrace in the Darkness
Church Bells

A Family Gathering

3.6K 84 31
By MayLilyPotter

Hullo. So this art is from nymbre on Pinterest. Hope u enjoy!

Rose sighed as she waved goodbye to Hogwarts from their compartment's window. She was sad knowing that another wonderful year had passed by so fast, but that didn't stop her from feeling elated and giddy as the train quickened its pace.
She pressed her forehead against the window as Hogwarts disappeared and she saw Albus do the same.
"Ah. Another year..." He sighed dramatically, swinging his arm around Alice.
"Yeah" she said airily, her head pressed against Albus's arm.
"Well, what do you want to do?" Scorpious pipped up from the seat next to Rose.
"I don't know" she mumbled, her eyes meeting his.
He grinned smugly at her before stretching on his seat.
"No ideas then?" He asked at Alice and Albus with no response, for they had been to busy flirting with each other to notice.
Scorpious shrugged and rested his head on the seat, his eyes closed. Rose sighed melodramatically, knowing that there would be no entertainment and took out a lofty book.

Rose had been reading for the past hour, only pausing to laugh at Albus's flirts and Scorpious's snoring, when she felt something solid land on her shoulder. Thinking it was a bug, she turned to look at her shoulder and discovered that it hadn't been a bug at all. In fact, what had landed on her shoulder was Scorpious's head. He was fast asleep. She smiled to herself, warmth spreading throughout her body, before returning to her book.

Another two hours passed before the train came to a screeching halt and Scorpious jerked awake.
"What" he said, confused.
He started to rise from his position, when he noticed that he had been sleeping on Rose's shoulder and turned pink. Rose smiled at him, not bothered at all and raised an eyebrow.
"Waked up huh, sleepy head" she teased.
"Yeah...sorry" he mumbled, turning even pinker.
Rose gave a small shrug and diverted her attention towards Albus, who had been semi-cuddling with Alice in their seats and clapped loudly, making them both jump out of their little world.
"We're here lovey doves!" She smirked.
Alice turned red and stood up quickly, putting her hair behind her ear.
"Yes. Yeah" she mumbled as Albus stood up too.
They rushed to pick up their things and excited the compartment, entering a world of a chaotic corridor. Rose moaned as student pass student squished her as they tried to get out.
"Hey!" She complained as a tall boy nearly made her fall.
The boy turned on his heels, his face holding a smirk. It had been Collin.
"Sorry Ro" he said playfully, his hand ruffling his hair.
"Oh, Collin. It's okay. Just don't squish me next time!"
"Okay, I'll try"
He smiled brightly before exiting the train with a thump. Rose laughed, but stopped when she heard Scorpious grumbling behind her.
"Stupid git" he said under his breath.
"Not stupid!" Rose replied loudly, without turning to look at him.
Scorpious, thinking no one had heard him, opened his mouth in surprise as he followed Rose out of the train. Rose wheeled around to face him, a gleam in her eyes. She arched her eyebrows at him.
"Sorry" he mumbled.
"What? I couldn't hear"
"Sorry!" He said loudly with a goofy smile.
Rose smiled back, butterflies in her stomach as he leaned forward and gave her a peck in the check.
"See ya, Rosie" he said with a wink, disappearing from sight.
Rose's hand flew up to her cheek where he had kissed her and giggled madly, feeling like she was flying. 
"Ready to go Rosie?" Albus said from her side.
Rose nodded, too entranced to say a word. Albus started to pull her away when he was tapped on the shoulder by Alice.
"Aren't you going to say goodbye to me?" She said, smiling widely.
"Of course, my princess" Albus replied with a bow.
Rose rolled her eyes, she shipped it  too hard. Albus leaned forward, a strange look on his face and kissed her. Full on kissed her. As in, kissed her on the lips! Rose felt herself sway with joy as Albus pulled away from a thunder struck Alice and made a salute.
"Bye princess" he said smugly.
Alice barely managed to open her mouth in reply before Albus had pulled a giddy Rose away, running in a full sprint.
"Ha, ha!" He said gleefully.
"Agh-agh" Rose choked out, tears of joy threatening to leak out.

Two weeks later, after they had driven away from the station and settled into the beach cottage, Rose found herself peeking at the front window anxiously. She was waiting for Alice and Scorpious to arrive with their families. Rose had been preparing for this since the day she had arrived,  giving a speech to each and everyone in her family about how the Malfoys had changed. All of them had nodded and reminded her that they already knew the guy, but Rose still felt nervous, feeling as if it was more important than just 'the guy'. She peeked at the window one more time to no avail before slouching on the couch, fiddling with her bracelets. Albus looked at her from across the room and laughed.
"Chill Rosie. They'll arrive eventually" he said confidently.
Rose nodded, not fully convinced. Albus seemed to have changed a lot during the past few weeks, grooming his hair a lot more often, shutting himself in his room for hours and saying everything more confidently. Rose liked to think that it was because of Alice.
A few grueling minutes passed before she heard the doorbell ring. She jumped up from her seat to open the door and noticed that Albus was already making pace. They glared at each other, a silent dare passing between them before they both opened the door.
"Hello" they said at the same time.
"Hi" a familiar voice beamed at them from under her golden curls.
Albus, probably without thinking that her parents where here, pulled her into his arms and gave her a peck in the nose.
"Ooh, Albus! My parents are here!" Alice said with a nervous laugh.
Albus immediately let her go and turned to look at Neville like he was the devil. He turned scarlet red as Neville smiled at him.
"Be careful where you do that Mr. Potter" he said.
Rose laughed and gave him a hug while Albus remained pinned to the spot by Hannah Abbot who was bullying him about Alice excessively.
"Neville!" A voice said from behind, Ginny had just come into the room.
And just like that the three where left alone as the adults caught up in the kitchen table.

Half an hour later, Rose found herself so caught up in talking with everyone that she didn't notice when the doorbell rang or when her dad stood up to answer it. She only noticed that something had changed when she heard a forced laugh from the corridor and a "Rose!" Calling for her. Rose stood up from the table lighting fast, ready to face whatever was waiting for her and headed to the living room where Scorpious and Draco where standing in the door frame while Ron awkwardly tried to make conversation with them.
"Ah Rosie!" Ron said in relief as she spotted her.
Draco's icy eyes met hers and a smile formed on his lips, he then looked at Scorpious inquisitively.
"Rose" he said extending his hand.
Rose ignored it and gave him a tight hug. Draco looked taken aback for a second before returning it. Rose grinned up at him before pulling away. Ron raised an eyebrow as Scorpious pecked her in the cheek.
"Well come in" Ron said stiffly, eyeing Scorpious venomously.
Draco nodded and followed him to the kitchen, leaving the two quite alone.
"So how have you been?" He asked sheepishly.
"All right. You?"
"Me too"
Awkward silence passed between them before Rose steered him into the room where she had been talking with her cousins. When they entered Alice immediately stood up to say hello and James gave him a cold glare.
"Hi everyone" he said, earning a smile from everyone except the older boys.

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