Who Is She?*On Hold*

By yourtruehighness

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IMPORTANT: I've made a new account brokeloser and that's probably where I'll rewrite 'Who is she?'-so sorry t... More



121 10 0
By yourtruehighness

Dedicated to fucking_devil. Thank you for the support!


Alexa wiped her sweaty hands on her shirt as she ran on the track, ahead of most of her class.

Out of all the periods, gym was her favourite. It was the only period where she didn't put much efforts but still did well in it.

Her day, today, surprisingly was going good. She didn't meet Natalie or her minions, no one annoyed her, no teacher till the moment gave homework and no one scolded her. For the first time, she could say that she enjoyed a Monday.

"Hey, you're really fit, you know." A voice burst Alexa out of her thoughts. She turned her head to look at Blaze who was jogging right beside her.

"Hey." Alexa smiled at Blaze. There was something that made her really comfortable with Blaze. "Yeah, I work out so that's the secret."

Blaze laughed a little, then ran a hand through her hair. "You should show it more."

"Nah, I feel more comfortable in my t-shirts and jeans."

They continue running, a comfortable silence settling between them. After a few moments, Blaze broke the silence.
"So, are you going to the homecoming dance?"

"Homecoming dance?!" Alexa abruptly halted causing Blaze to stop too. Both exchanged confused glances.

"You don't know about it?" Blaze asked.

They both started running again as coach yelled at them from behind to continue.

"No. When is it?" Alexa asked, curious now.

"This Friday. There is a game between Joseph and Franklin this Thursday." Blaze informed her, Blaze and Alexa walking away from the track as they completed a mile.

"Wow! The game is going to be epic." Alexa commented, showing a bit of excitement as she wiped her forehead from a towel passed on to her by Blaze.

"Yeah, they're both major rivals. One thing I know, it's going to be intense." Blaze thoughtfully said, frowning a little.

"So, who are you going to support?" Alexa asked quietly, sensing something off about Blaze.

"I don't know, I'm not even sure if I'm coming." Blaze laughed loudly trying to sound happy.

"Hey, you support whichever team you want to, it's your opinion, no one's judging." Alexa patted Blaze's shoulder understandingly. She could understand Blaze's problem. If she supported Joseph, Franklin students were going to hate on her and if she supported Franklin, Josephs students were going to see her as traitors.

"But people do judge, everyone I've met here except you are really hostile towards me and Ryder. And yeah, you haven't told anyone how I got expelled, right? They're going to hate on me more if they know." Blaze asked worriedly.

"No, I haven't." Alexa pressed Blaze's shoulder to calm her down. She looked around to make sure no one was around.

"Know that I'm proud of how you got expelled. Anyone would be." Alexa seriously said to Blaze, her hand still on her shoulder.

"But if they know that I'm Dave's ex-girlfri-"

"Nobodies telling them and what are you worried about? Remember that you punctured your ex-principals three car tires because he was taking his son's side who by the way was wrong and you gave bruises to your ex. You were really strong in Joseph. Don't let people in Franklin walk on you. You show them that who Blaze Bolton actually is!"

Blaze nodded her head. "I'm Blaze Bolton. I can do whatever legal thing I want to."

"Legal?" Alexa asked as she burst out laughing.

"Yeah, what I did to the principal's tire was kind of illegal." Blaze rubbed her neck, embarrassingly. "Oh, looks like everyone has completed. "

Blaze pointed at the last students who had finally completed running the mile.


"You still haven't told me if you're coming to the dance? Is the homecoming dance here any fun?" Blaze asked Alexa as they walked towards the cafeteria.

"I haven't attended any dance or prom since the past two years so no idea. These things aren't my cup of tea so I avoid going." Alexa visibly cringed, answering Blaze's question.

"There's Ryder! I should go!" Blaze suddenly pointed at Ryder who was standing against one locker. Blaze was about to leave when Alexa stopped her.
"Why don't you two sit with me?"


Any one could detect the awkward silence at the table. Nobody was talking, everyone was just staring at each other.

"So...how's life, yo?" James asked, grinning broadly at everyone.
"You two enjoying here?"

Ryder just glared at James but Blaze smiled back. "Yeah, the building's nice."

"Only the building? The people aren't good, huh?" James asked, spreading his arms, indirectly pointing at himself.

"Shut up, man." Drew rubbed his face then he looked at the new duo. "You two coming to the game on Thursday?"

"Yep, we're coming!" Blaze answered excitedly.

"We are?" Ryder asked.

"And we hear him talk!" Alicia yelled. Everyone stared at her, giving her curious, questioning glances.

Alicia groaned. "He never talks and now, he does." She explained briefly, pointing at Ryder who just rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, I made him talk." Blaze proudly stated then looked sternly at Ryder. "And yes, young man, we are going and we're supporting Franklin."

At her last sentence, everyone except Blaze and Ryder erupted into cheers, happy at the two for supporting their school. Everyone broke into talks, excited about the coming game.

"You really are? That's so awesome!" Drew cheerily said. "You're coming to the match?" Drew excitedly asked Alexa, pulling her hands to catch her attention.


"To the dance?"


"Why?" Drew whined.

"Because I don't want to?" Alexa answered more like a question.

"Come on, it's going to be fun!"

"I hate dances."

"I'll take you as my date." Drew wiggled his eye brows.

"No! No! Not again! I can't tolerate it anymore!" Alex jumped on the table between Drew and Alexa. He was now lying between them. "Please no dating my sister!" Everyone in the cafeteria was looking over at their table.

James smacked him on the head. "They look good together. Stop being the iceberg to my titanic." He whispered the last part to Alex. Then he looked over at everyone else who was looking over. "There is no show going on. Please concentrate on your food, not this drama queen."

"You two are going to the dance and together." James pointed at the both as he dragged Alex off the table and to the washrooms to talk to him.

"I'm still not going." Alexa said stubbornly.

"Come on! Wasn't Friday night fun?" Drew asked Alexa, still trying to convince her.

"Yeah, it was. I pretty sure Mrs. Trooper might still be pissed." They both exchanged knowing smiles.

"So, you coming with me?"

Alexa sighed then muttered a small 'yes'.

Then Drew, James, Cole and Blake started to argue who was going to steal the spotlight o Thursday's match, all four of them convinced that they were the going to be the 'one'.


Alexa sat in the crowd, her brothers, Alicia, Blaze and Ryder sitting next to her. She worriedly glanced at the field, her legs shaking. She was filled with hope at the beginning but as each moment passed by, she kept on losing hope. The last quarter had begun and none of the team had managed to score a single point. Both of the teams were at their best, both set on not losing their pride.

"What's going to happen?" Blaze whispered in Alexa's ear, worriedly.

"I have no idea." Alexa said in a hushed voice. Every single second mattered, any team could score and the other team might not have enough time to retaliate back.

No one was cheering anymore for their team. Everyone was silently observing the game which increased it's intensity.

"How can anybody not score?!" Alex asked, his patience running out. "I'm so worried."

"Five minutes are remaining." Alicia whispered.

The same thing continued to happen. Ball was passed, then snatched, then passed then snatched and it continued like this. Every player was really strong and anyway, they were rivals, they had to be on their best.

"3 minutes remaining." Alicia whispered again.

"Thanks, we weren't aware." Alex muttered sarcastically, annoyed at everything.

"That's rude." Alec hit Alex on the side.

"Sorry, Alicia." Alex angrily apologized to Alicia.

"It's okay. 2 minutes remaining." She whispered the time to herself now.

That's when number 13 from Franklin passed the ball to Drew and Drew started running towards the opposite teams in zone.

The whole audience errupted into cheers and jeers too. Franklin supporters cheering for him to go on and Josephs supporters cheering for their team to stop Drew, some even booing at Drew.

"He's going for the touchdown! Go Drew! Come on, Drew! You can do it! Bring us glory!" Alex was jumping excitedly with everyone else.

Drew ran past Josephs player who tried to stop him but Drew shot past him, determined to score. Some more players came in his way to stop him but right then, he jumped and landed across the line with the ball, scoring six balls for the team.

Franklin supporters jumped in cheers, their victory seemed inevitable now. Then, time was up, indicating the victory of Franklin.

All the winning teams supporters ran to the ground, congratulating and hugging the players who had made them proud.


"I really got worried that no one would be able to score but then it happened! I got so lucky!" Drew told them, still surprised that they had won the game because of him.

The whole group was standing in the corner of the stadium, talking and waiting for the rest of the players to get cleaned up so that they could go and celebrate the victory.

"Oh, look who we've got here." A nasty voice called from behind them, catching the whole groups attention.

They turned to look at a sneering Dave followed by the other players from Josephs team.

"Oh, look who we've got here. Losers." James smirked at the opponent group.

"Shut up, you freak. I was talking about my freaky ex-girlfriend and her jerk of a best friend." He smirked, as if he had said something really smart.

"Girlfriend?" Cole asked confused then stared at Blaze who had narrowed her eyes at Dave.

"The only jerk and freak I know is you." Blaze shot back, fire blazing in her eyes.

"Funny this wasn't your opinion when we were dating." Dave smirked at her taking out a pack of cigarette from his bag.

"You hadn't shown your other face at that time."

Dave spread his arms as if to show himself then took out a lighter. Alexa quickly moved to Dave, Drew and Alex tried to stop her but she was too fast for them.

"No smoking allowed." Alexa smiled sweetly at Dave as she swiftly snatched the lighter from him and lowered it, keeping the fire on.

"Who are you? The guard here?" Dave asked, rolling the cigarette in his mouth.

"I'm saving you from lung cancer so that your kids don't have to spend their money on someone as worthless as you." Alexa still kept on smiling.

"None of your concern." Dave held his hand out. "Give me the lighter."

They were really close. Perfect. Alexa thought.

"No." She stubbornly answered back.

"Just give it." Dave rolled his eyes.

"Dude, your ass is on fire." Someone from Josephs team called at him.

"Now is not the time to compliment my ass, Ash." Dave called back at the guy.

"No, it's really on fire." Alexa calmly told Dave who confusedly looked at it then started screaming loudly.

"Aah! My ass is on fire! Someone help!" He started running around when his team mates tried to calm him down but he was too scared to calm down, giving the fire a chance to spread.

One of the team mate pushed him on the ground and they started kicking Dave's ass. When he stood up, his pant was gone from behind, his chibi superman underwear showing.

"Got it all on my phone." Blaze showed her phone to Alexa. Everyone was staring shocked at the scene, smiles on some of the faces, even Ryder was trying to stifle a smile but most of them were still recovering from what had happened.

"I can't believe you just set someone's ass on fire." Drew commented which Alexa replied with a shrug, keeping the lighter in her pocket as memoir.


Hey, guys! What did you think about the chapter? Oh and I'm doing character's P.O.V from chapter 11, if you want someone's point of view, please comment!

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