By banilobane

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[WARNING! RATED R! READ AT YOUR OWN RISK] A roller coaster ride of firsts, pains, lesson learned, what ifs, a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 15

100 3 0
By banilobane


I slowly opened my eyes and was welcomed by a bright sunrise.

I reached for the other side of the bed and frowned when I found it empty. I just shrugged it off and my mood escalated quickly when I remembered what happened last night.

Damn, it was by far the most wonderful night I've ever had. I can't seem to even wrap my head around the fact that Pierre Dmitry's my boyfriend now. For real! Dammit! I want to scream in glee but that would be a little overrated. But really, I've never been this happy as far as my memory could take me. My life has been a constant black and white until Pierre came. Now, everything is in vivid color.

I carefully stood up, feeling a little bit sore all over. Pierre took his time with me last night. I can't even remember what time we finished, all I know is that Pierre really has the stamina for it. Oh trust me.

I stood up and went to the en suit bathroom to take a quick bath. There was already a pair of sweatpants and shirt together with a pair of underwear waiting for me when I got inside the bathroom. After blowing dry my hair, I went downstairs, smelling the aroma of freshly brewed coffee and bacon, I have a hunch my boyfriend is there.

I bit my lip.

Oh jeez, I don't think I'll ever get use to calling him that.

He's my boyfriend. Mine.

As I expected, Pierre was by the electric stove, stirring some batter of pancake and frying the bacon. The toaster binged and bread jumped in ready. I grinned. Leaning on the door frame, I let my eyes take everything it could. Pierre's really good for the eyes.

As if I willed him, Pierre faced me, sensing my presence.

A wide grin spread across his face and I have to bite my lip because I think my smile is wider and that would look creepy.

"Hey, babe. Breakfast's almost down. Go take a seat." He grinned and damn if my heart didn't flutter just with him looking at me like that.

"Need a hand?" I offered but he just glanced at me and then winked.

I laughed out loud at how cute he could possibly get. I walk towards him and wrapped my arms around his waist. Burying my face on his back, I just can't help but feel so damn good right now. This is so surreal.

"Baby?" he called. I didn't answer and instead I even bit his naked back. He chuckled. I heard him turn off the stove and faced me.

"I'm happy." I said. I look up at him and grin widely. He didn't say anything but the way his olive eyes shine brightly at me I know he feels the same.

We ate breakfast together, and as if we never ran out of topic, we practically talked about anything.

"Pierre, do you know where is Miles?" I asked, not bothering to hide the concern in my voice. Pierre didn't speak immediately. He looked at me intently as if he's contemplating whether I could handle whatever news he has. That made me more worried.

"She hasn't called you yet?" he asked back. I fidgeted, playing with the remaining of the bacon and scrambled eggs on my plate before sighing.

"She did. But the school had just started. We're finally seniors. Soon enough we'll be graduating and out of all time, she chose now to take a vacation?" I sighed.

"She's safe, babe. She called our parents right after the gala and accepted their offer to study in this Ivy League in France. Dad has been suggesting her to study there but she's adamant on staying here." For Jae Rin, I thought. "I didn't know what pushed her to accept our father's offer but I'm at peace she's in good hands." Pierre explained reassuringly.

I gave him a small smile and didn't talk further. He diverted the topic into something else and I was glad he did it because I was starting to stress myself about why did Miles really left.

It was around afternoon when the weather was nice that we decided to enjoy the beach and take a deep. Since I didn't bring any swimwear, I wore my underwear while Pierre was just in his board shorts.

We had fun by the water and of course, since we had the beach all by ourselves, you really can't blame us if we can't get enough of each other. Pierre was teasing me the whole time, saying we blessed every part of the beach house with a mindblowing orgasm. That earned him a good hit by the arm and teases me again for hitting like a boxer. And damn if I'm not proud of that. At least my years of training judo paid off, at least he knew what's coming his way if he ever dare tease me again. But of course, knowing Pierre, he just doesn't stop.

This day felt like a dream.

I've pinched myself a couple of times; trying to wake myself up if ever these are all just my hopeful imagination. If ever this is, I wish not to wake up anymore. In here, Pierre is with me, my parents don't fight and I feel loved.

It was sunset when Pierre prepared a dinner for the both of us by the beach front. We were having the time of our life when my phone rang. And as if it was world's slapping it onto my face to wake me up from my dream, I received a call from Linda, one of our househelp. I already have this feeling that something is wrong.

"Linda? What's wrong?" I asked cautiously. Pierre and I exchanged knowing look as if we could that there's gotta be something wrong.

"Miss..." she trailed off. "I think it's better if you go home right now." She stammered anxiously. I felt like something inside me twisted painfully. My heart began to beat painfully inside my chest as the worse case scenarios pass through my mind.

"Your parents, Miss. Mr. Blaisdell left and your mom... Mrs. Blaisdell called for the family lawyer." I gasped. The horror in my face gave me away. My world felt like it had stopped spinning for a while and when it did again, it spun fast and unstoppable. It's overwhelming.

I didn't even notice Pierre talking to me. I was just staring blankly at particularly nothing when i finally found my voice.

"Baby? Are you okay? Veronica?" Pierre called for me over and over again.

"Pierre... I" I blinked at him. "I need to go home."

The drive back home was uncomfortably silent.

My head is reeling with so many questions and what ifs. Why did dad leave? Did they fight? Again? About what this time? Why did mom called for the lawyer? Is she filing divorce? Why? Can't they work out anymore? Don't they want a complete and normal family? Can't they do that for me? I've never really had a complete family before. And now that I'm finally with them, they're separating. Don't I deserve a complete family? Don't I deserve to be happy? EVERYTHING IS SO FUCKIN SCREWED UP.

The whole ride, Pierre didn't let go of my hand. He would constantly reassure me that everything would be okay and I couldn't be more grateful that he's here with me.

Maybe because of too much stress, I fell asleep in the middle of the ride back home.

I just felt Pierre calling my name while kissing my forehead over and over again just to wake me up.

We were already in front of our manor and I have to willed myself and summon all my guts to take a step closer to the house.

"I'll call you later, Pierre." I told him when I got out of his car. He frowned at me but there's still worry etched on his face.

"Baby, do you want me to come with you?" he volunteered and I fake a smile and shook my head dismissively.

"I can take it from here, Pierre. Thank you. I don't know what'll happen to me if you're not here." I bit my lip, keeping myself from crying. I feel like any time now, I'm going to break down.

He didn't say anything but reached for my face. He kissed my forehead and down to my lips carefully before leaning away.

"I'll always be here, baby." He smiled warmly. It almost reached my heart. Almost.

I gave him a tight smile. he waited for me to get inside the gate before I heard his car driving away.

The manor felt bigger and colder when I stepped inside.

The gnawing feeling at the pit of my stomach was back again, twisting my inside into a painful manner. And I wish it was just any stomachache but I know this will damage me real good if not resolved.

Linda was at the living room, waiting for me, when I got in. She immediately came up to me and her face gave her away. This must be real bad.

I wet my lips before asking what happened. She explained with my parents fighting since last night and my mom throwing a fit, to daddy packing his things in luggage and leaving mom... leaving us. In return, mom called for Attorney Marovski, our resident lawyer, and by the looks of it, she's filing for a divorce.

I shut my eyes tight as my head started to spin. I feel like barfing my guts out and I feel so damn exhausted all of a sudden.

I brushed off the discomfort and took my will to check on my mom.

Their room's door was closed but it wasn't locked.

Slowly, I turned the knob and was welcomed by a catastrophe. Everything is in jeopardy inside my parent's room. Shreds of broken glass were splattered everywhere. The yellow petals of daisies where murdered poorly at every corner, and even the big smart flat screen TV were broken as well as the bed sheets.

I found my mom sitting at the corner of their room. She's wearing her silky night gown while holding a glass of what seemed like rum. She's facing the window but by the looks of it, she looks as bad as their room had gotten.

My heart constricted.

This isn't my mom. My mom is a strong willed, independent and a very well composed woman. She's sophisticated and she handles every trouble with such finesse and grace. But right now... all I see is broken woman.

I slowly walk towards my mom, carefully not to get torn by those broken glass.

"Mom..." I croaked when I was right beside her.

She just threw me a quick glance.

Even her eyes were nothing but filled with void and empty emotions. There's practically nothing in those once intimidating eyes.

"Where have you been, Veronica?" her voice made me shiver. She's a hundred times colder than she used to before.

"I was with a friend, mom." I gulped. I didn't want to lie but I know for certain this isn't the right time for that.

"Your father left... us." She whispered and though there's a ghost of amusement and hurt in her eyes, I can't help but share her agony. "He left us for her again." my brows furrowed. All I can feel right now is pity towards my mom.

"He's with his woman again." her humorless laughed boomed the vast four corners of their once to be elegant room. "He left us before because of her; he left us again because of the same reason." She took a swig of her drink and downed it in one gulp. She refilled her glass with a bottle of alcohol by the nearby table.

"Mom..." I called again. A part of me wants to stop her from drowning herself with alcohol but a part of me wants to let her do this so she could let it all out.

"I should've known. She's his first love. What do I match to that?" she laughed again. "In their eyes I was only the villain who ruined their love story and forced him to marry just because I was pregnant." I froze.

Confusion was obviously written on my face but I doubt my mother could see it since she never bothered looking at me again.

"Mom, what's happening?" with that question, she finally faced me.

Slowly, she turned to me with her tearstained face. Her makeup's a mess and her hair is all over her face.

"He found out."

"Found out what, mom?"

She just stared at me.

"About your brother..." she breathes.

My eyes widen in shock and my jaw fell on the ground. What the hell, I have a brother?!

"Mom... what are you talking about?" I asked baffled.

She shook her head. I have this frightening feeling about something but I don't want to acknowledge it.

"He knew it all along. He knew he's his son... but he chose to keep it a secret... because he was planning to be still with her. And now that he'd finally had enough I'm sure they'd get back together." What does she mean? I have a stepbrother? Who? To whom? How old is he?

"Mom! Please!" I begged; I don't even know what for.

"Veronica..." my mother sobbed. "I'm sorry I can't give you a complete family, sweetheart." She sobbed. My mother... who's always been so proud and composed is sobbing in front of me right now. How could this pain get any worse?

Tears flow languidly down my cheek as I run up to my mom and hugged her tight. We both sob in pain for everything that has happened. I pity my mom. I may not be with them all my life but I know she's tried everything just to keep this family whole.

And I shouldn't feel this way but I'm starting to have this deep aching feeling inside my chest. Like either way I try to convince myself not to, it was written in the scriptures to feel this way.

I'm starting to hate my father.

The only man I've looked up to.

I shut my eyes as my vision become blurry. Another tight pain clutches my heart and it's scaring me.

Because I haven't met him yet... but I'm also loathing my half brother... wherever he is.

He ruined my family.


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