The Accident // L.T.

By -disorders

3.1M 58K 20.8K

Just a love story... ♥ (this was my first fanfic... I wouldn't do it if I were you) More

The Accident
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11 - Filler
Sorry - not an update
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21 - Longish rant
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
New Story
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Ch 97 - Part 1
Ch 98 - Part 2
(Not an update sorry) Important question..

Chapter 86

16.6K 468 43
By -disorders

"Okay, are you ready?" I heard whispering.

Small giggles of reassurance followed after.

"Okay.. One.. two.." next thing I know, I felt weight drop onto the bed and somebody crawling towards me.

"Mama," she whispered, patting her tiny hand on my cheek, "mama."

"Give mama a kiss and tell mama to get up." he softly instructed.

She placed a tiny kiss on my cheek, "Mama, up! Up!" she continued to repeat and my eyes snapped open.

I screamed in excitement as I rolled over on top of her, supporting my weight though. She squeaked in surprise.

"Up! Up! Up!"

"Where did you learn that word from missy?" I tickle her and she giggles vigorously.

"Who taught you that?" I whisper, peeking over my shoulder to him, "Was it... dada?"

"Dada," she obliviously repeats with a grin.

"Maybe we need to go thank dada."

"Dada!" she cheers.

"Let's go!" I cheer back.

I roll off of her and stand up. I run and go to jump onto him. He chuckles and immediately catches me at ease.

"Well good morning," he grins.

"Woah," he laughs as he nearly falters whenever Brianna comes running, like I had previously done, and jumped to cluctch onto his leg.

I greet him back by placing a long kiss to his lips. He pulls away breathing heavily, "Well.. good morning to you too."

He begins to playfully lift his leg up and down and she squeals excitedly as she clutches on tighter.

"When did you teach her that?" I ask him as he slowly and carefully begins descending the stairs, Brianna giggling on each step.

"Been working on it for a while. I don't know.. I was trying to get a sentence but it didn't work quite well. It's a bit early, I suppose. So, I settled for up." he chuckled lightly.

"Well it was a great," I peck him on the cheek.

"It's only one word," he chuckles.

"So was dada. It still meant a lot to you though, didn't it?"

"Alright, Mrs. Know-it-all you've proved your point." he teases as we reach the bottom.

I giggle and lean in to kiss him once more.

"Wait a minute, do I hear what I think I hear? Mrs. Josilyn awake before 1:00?" Emily fake gasps as they come into the room.

"Well look who's awake, Mrs. fiancé!" Lex follows.

"Brianna, ah come here cutie!" Olivia pulls her off of Louis's leg. I smile as she instantly clings to her. Olivia was truly one of her favorite people.

Liam then walks into the room with Niall behind him. Harry and Zayn following close behind.

"Oh gosh guys, they're together again, does everyone have their blindfolds?" Liam teases as I get down from Lou's grip. I roll my eyes, shoving him playfully.

Louis then takes me by the chin and leans in and kisses me roughly just to spark him, I assume. And it works as he groans, throwing his hands up "Every time. Every time."

We all laugh.

"Liam you were basically asking for that one," Harry chuckles.

"You missy, have a big big day today!" Lex says excitedly.

"I do?" I tilt my head.

"Yes! What? How could you forget like the biggest day of your life," she exaggerates, "Ugh! We're going to have so much fun. Can we please just leave now?" she pleads eagerly, tugging on my arm.

"Well let me get dressed and rid of this morning hai.."

"Hey! Hey! Hey! Noo way. Lexi, we agreed you could have her at 12." Louis tugs me back his way.

"I can still have my way with her for about 2 more hours," he adds on with a cheeky smirk.

Niall abruptly clamps his hands over his ears.



"Ugh, fine!"

"Great! Now breakfast, my love." he grabs my hand and leads me into the dining room, where 3 steaming plates are sat.

He pulls the chair out for me and I thank him. Afterwards, he quickly leaves and fetches Brianna.

I know he has her when I hear her burst of giggles and Olivia's "Aw man."

When he comes back, he goes to set her down in her high chair, but she whines and fidgets, like everyday.

"Bri, you're going to sit in this chair." he tells her firmly.

"No!" she pouts.

"You say this everyday Lou," I chuckle, taking a bite out of my french toast.

"Yeah, but I mean it this time!" he defends.

"Okay," I roll my eyes.

"I'm serious."

"I guess we'll see, won't we?"


He sets her down in her high chair. She's instantly crying as her bum hits the bottom.

As expected, his whole demeanor changes as he watches.

"Brianna..." he frowns.

She begins to bang her fists onto her food tray.

"Maybe... Maybe I should just let her.." he trails off as he looks back over to me, "I mean, how's your food?" he quickly changes as he stuffs a piece into his mouth.

I shake my head, "It's good."

As much as he tries to ignore her, his head keeps ending up focusing back on her.

He groans, his head hitting the table when he sees tears.

"Brianna don't cry." he pleads.

"Dada!" she cries.

"And 5, 4, 3.." I silently count down to myself. My calculations are right, as right on time, he comes to a stand and walks over to her.

She stops crying as soon as she's lifted out of the high chair and sat down on her dad's lap.

She doesn't hate high chairs entirely, but she has her days. One day she wants to sit on the floor, the next on our laps, in the high chair, and just so on.

I struggle to hold back my laugh at him. He notices, as he slowly feeds her a small piece of the cut up banana.

"Shutup," he huffs.

"I didn't say anything," I say raising my hands in a surrendering gesture.

"Next time," he promises.

"Right," I giggle. "You got it, pushover."

I know he hates when I call him that so I wasn't very surprised when he set Brianna onto the floor and abruptly stood up and came my way.

I attempt to run away but he catches me by wrapping his arms around my stomach and pulling me back. I laugh uncontrollably as he pins me to the wall and begins kissing me all over.


"Is it warm enough?" he calls from the bedroom.

"Um.." I dip my toe into it. "Yeah," I announce as I then pull off my panties and unclip my bra, slipping inside the water full of bubbles.

I sigh in consent.

Seconds later, Louis walks in and sets a pile of clothes on the toilet, "Here's your outfit for today. It's a bit chilly today so I gave you my sweater." he tells me.

"Are you not joining me?" I frown as he sits on the side of the bathtub.

"No, I already got my shower. This is for you."

"Join me."

He shakes his head.

"Dare I move these bubbles, Mr. Tomlinson?" I tease.

"No, no. No need for that, love. Then I'd be in there for sure." he chuckles.

"I have to go make a few calls anyway. Since while you'll be looking at dresses all day, I'll be fitting for tuxes."

"Well come here, I need a kiss before you leave though," I pucker.

He leans in and kisses me. While he does, I grip his forearm and pull him into the tub. Water splashes everywhere onto the floor as his body falls in the long and deep bathtub.

I laugh when he comes back up and glares at me, "My clothes are soaking now. Nice."

"You know you wanted to get in anyways," I inch forward with a mischevious smile.

"How do you know?" he challenges, stripping off his soaking shirt and throwing it onto the ground. His hands go under the water and I assume he's pulling off his pants.

"Because... you can't resist me." I tease.

"Yes I can." he speaks as he drops his pants on the ground.

"Yeah?" I ask.

"Mhm," he nods as I sit down on top of him. I wrap my arms around his neck.

"Even when I'm hot.. sweaty.. wet.. and naked on top of you?" I question.

He chuckles, "No," he abruptly pulls me into a long, passionate, kiss.


"What time is it?" I question breathlessly as we both sit, trying to gain our breath back.

He doesn't stop rubbing my stomach as he twists his neck to look over at the digital clock on the wall.

"11:39," he mumbles and I lean my head back against him.

"Why are you not pregnant yet?" he sighs once we had both regained our normal breathing.

"I don't know.."

"Maybe I haven't been trying hard enough." I don't have to turn around to know there's a smirk on his sweaty face.

I shake my head at him, "You're crazy."

"Crazy for you."


"Cheesy for.."

"Shutup," I laugh tilting my head up and he meets me half-way with a soft kiss.

"You'll be done for by our honeymoon." he lightly kisses my neck.

"I'm going to miss you today." I mumble.

"It's only a couple hours," he assures me.

"No, you know how they are and you know how I am. I'm picky and will never find the perfect dress." I sigh.

"Yes you will," he says softly, "I can picture you in it right now." he tells me.

"You look absolutely beautiful." he adds and a small smile shows on my face.

"Loosen up some, love." he begins to massage my shoulders, "Today you'll be playing dress up and shopping all day with 4 girls. Even our little good luck charm will be going with you and trying on her own pretty little dresses. So if anything I'll be the one accidentally getting poked with needles and such."

I laugh.

"I want you to have fun today." he tells me firmly.



"I promise."


This chapter was boring, I know...


Wedding should be soon and then it's the end of the book.

Tysm for 1M! Votes and comments are appreciated! xo

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