Chapter 67

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For the next weeks, it was the same routine over and over.

I slowly wake up by the sun shining in my face.

Louis purposely leaves the curtains open, I just know it.

He denies it when I question him about it but I'm 100% that the curtains are closed when we go to sleep. So what I think is he opens them to wake me so that I can call him sooner.

I stand up and stretch and the first thing that hits me is the smell of food.

My eyes fall on the steaming plate of eggs, french toasts, and bacon and I shake my head. Of course he ordered room service again, he never listens to me.

I walk over to the plate and see his daily note on top of it:

Good morning love! Enjoy your breakfast. Don't forget to feed Bri, I made a bottle of formula and it's in the fridge if you decided on that instead of rice cereal. I love youuu! Call me. -Lou <3

I smile.

I grab a strip of bacon and bite off the end of it as I go and grab my phone off the nightstand hitting speed dial. I instantly hear ringing as I put it to my ear.

Seconds later I'm met with his voice, "Morning babe."

"Hey, how's rehearsal?" I clear my throat.

"Rehearsal is rehearsal." He sighs.

"Fun," I laugh.

"Not without you here. Are you coming or what?"

"No I don't think so, not today.."

"Whyyy?" He groans.

"Cause Lex should.."

I'm stopped at the sound of a loud knock on the hotel room door.

"Is that Lex?" He asks as I stand.

"I'm not sure, probably." I say as I pull open the door.

I'm immediately attacked into a bear hug, making me drop my phone, as she screams in my face, "Josie!"

I laugh, "Lex!"

I hear rustling come from Bri's crib and then next thing I know, I see her little head tiredly popping up.

"Great, first you make me drop my phone and then you wake my baby. Nice."

She shrugs and laughs before running off over to Brianna, lifting her up excitedly "How's my little niece doing?"

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