Chapter 21 - Longish rant

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-15 minutes later-


"Jo get out already! Why do you always take so long?!" He shouts from the other side of the door.

"I'm not sorry for wanting to be clean!" I yell back in amusement.

"You should be! Our breakfast is probably cold now!"

"You didn't have to wait on me!" I say turning the shower off.

"Well I did. Like I always do. So hurry up," he says.

"Ok, ok give me a minute!" I exclaim, stepping out of the shower and drying myself "I just gotta get dressed, straighten my hair, put on a bit of makeup-"

"OHH MYYY GODDD!" He groans dramatically

"Oh hush, don't get your british boxer briefs in a twist!" I say stepping into my clothes. I don't really feel like doing anything with my hair so I leave it down to air dry.

"You act like you're going out to a fancy dinner. We're just eating breakfast!" He exclaims.

Well that gave me an idea.

I open the door and raise my eyebrows, "Well.. that would be nice for sometime," I hint with a small smile.

He stares at me blankly, as if he doesn't understand, for a long time. Until it finally hits him,

"OH! You want.. you want me to take you to dinner?" He asks

"I didn't say that," I smile and turn back to the mirror.

Louis grabs my hand and makes me face him. He has a grin on his face.

"I think you did"

I playfully shrug and he chuckles,

"Ok so Jo, would you like to go to dinner with me?" He asks with a hopeful look.

I smile, "What a great idea? I'd love to," I hug him.

I can feel him smile as he hugs me back tighter.

"I've always loved your shampoo, it smells like strawberries," he says into my hair.

I pull away and laugh, "I know, you've told me."

"You know, you look really beautiful right now," he says.

I scoff "I don't even have on my makeup," I began to look around for my makeup, not finding it.

"Actually. Where is my makeup box?" I mumble to myself, looking under the sink.

"You don't need it," I hear Louis's voice.

I instantly pop back up, "What did you do Lou?" I ask.

"I don't know what you're talking about," he lies.

"What'd you do with my make-up?" I exclaim.

"You're beautiful with it but you're even more beautiful without it. I got rid of it," he says.

"Oh my god, again?! This is the 6th time! I don't even put on that much! Tell me where you put it," I plead.


"It's not your place to take them from me! I need that makeup back or I'm not going out in public!" I yell.

"It is my place. I've noticed that ever since Gage happened, you were putting on more makeup than usual and that's fucking unacceptable. You don't need it. He made you insecure! Before him, you really couldn't give a fuck what people thought about how you looked. And now look where we are!" He exclaims.

The Accident // L.T.Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя