Chapter 91

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"I'm home." I announce. The sound of the keys dropping onto the table near the door sounded.

I walked through into the living room as I searched for Louis. I found only Harry sitting and watching the Big Bang Theory.

He waves in acknowledgment, "Hey."

I set Brianna down on her feet and wave back. She goes running and tugs on his legs hung off the side. He picks her up and sets her on his lap without hesitation.

"Where's everyone?" I ask.

"Umm.. Liam and Zayn are downstairs shooting pool, and Niall and Louis are working on something, I don't know."

I nod as I then leave the room in search for them. I go to our bedroom first but it's empty so I continue to open and close doors upstairs. I find nothing so I go back downstairs to Harry's level and go through the left halls' doors. I'm about to head towards the right halls' doors when suddenly I hear the sound of light guitar strumming.

I freeze, listening to it and I smile, turning around and trudging back towards the music room.

I hear Louis began mumbling, "I'm walking around with just one shoe I'm half a hear.."

I open the door and both the words and strumming instantly cut off. Louis is sat on the couch in the middle of the room as Niall sits on the arm, guitar resting on his leg, ready to play. They both look at me wide-eyed as Louis quickly stands.

"What, why'd you stop? It sounded great!" I exclaim.

He chuckles nervously, "Hey sweetheart.. didn't know you were home."

"I just got here... was looking for you," I trail off as I notice him try to subtly put the object in his hand behind his back.

"Oh. Well I'm here," he nods, "And we need to talk."

I'm guessing that was Niall's cue to leave as he then set his guitar down and left the room.

"Talk about what?" I question, "And what's that you're trying to hide from me."

"Huh? What are you talking about?" He tilts his head.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about. Whatever it is that you're trying to hide behind your back." I take a step forward and he visibly shifts to take a small step backwards. I raise my eyebrow.

"I have no idea what you're accusing me of," he lies smoothly with a playful grin on his face.

"Okay.. come here then." I gesture.

He purses his lips, shaking his head.

"Fine, I'll come to you." Before he can protest, I'm taking steps toward him until I'm standing right in front of him.

The same time I reach for behind him he takes several steps away.

"Nope." he chuckles.

Everytime I reach my arms around him to grasp whatever or move my head to try to get a peak, he moves away from me or shifts his body in a different direction.

"I want to see!" I whine.

"It's a secret." He whispers teasingly.

I groan. I began to chase him around the room for a long time until I finally manage to grasp the back of his shirt in my hand. Not wasting precious time, I don't hesitate to jump on his back. He fails to make an effort to hold back his laughter at my desperatenss.

"Aha! It's a book." I announce as he doesn't even try to hide it anymore.

"Mhm." He chuckles as I then jump down as he faces me, a red notebook in his hand.

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