Chapter 71

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Liam was right when he said time would fly by.

It's zoomed.

These past few days we've been especial focused on getting Brianna to get the hang of walking.

Funny story actually.







"Come on baby, come on," I encouraged with my arms widely outstretched for her to come into.

Louis continued to hold onto her hands, walking her towards me as she giggled.

The boys loudly cheered her on from the couch.

Lou gently let go of one of her hands and slowly released the other after a few seconds.

She quickly noticed and fell back onto her bum.

She whined and held her arms back up, wanting to try again.

This same thing happened repeatedly over and over again.

A few times when he'd let go, she'd take about one step by herself before falling again.

I could tell she was getting frustrated by just the third try. was her 13th now.

"It's okay baby, just try again." I smile comfortingly once Lou helps her up again.

He sets her on-top of his feet this time and slowly began to walk towards me.

"Let's walks to mommy," he speaks.

"And we're walking.. and walking.. and.."

He slowly releases her tiny hands. But when she takes small steps off of his feet by herself is when my eyes widen.

She begins to take wobbly steps towards me and I nearly scream but manage to hold it back.

I can hear Liam hurriedly zooming in on her from the camera.

The bus got 10x times louder then as everyone began to cheer her on louder, making sure to get the message across that she's doing it right.

"That's right, that's right! Come to mommy, that's right." I eagerly fold my fingers back and forth gesturing for her to keep coming.

Lou's face matches mine as we both are wearing wide grins as she nearly made it into my arms. That was.. until Harry got a bit too excited and nearly screamed at her.

I guess by his strong tone, she took it the wrong way and instantly stopped, which resulted in her landing back onto her bum. She immediately began to burst into cries.

Liam then quickly shut off the camera.

"Harry!" I shouted. Louis rushed over and picked her up, assuring her it was okay but she continued to cry.

"I'm sorry!" He exclaims.

After she had calmed about 5 minutes later, we tried to get her to walk again but she just wasn't in the mood anymore and didn't even want to try.

Probably afraid her uncle would scream at her again.

Once afterwards Louis had put her to sleep, since she was so exhausted, he came and brought me into a hug, "Don't worry babe. It was an accident. She'll be back at it by the time she wakes."

*Flashback ended*

But she actually didn't.

Okay so 'funny' wasn't exactly the right word.

Yeah, I cried.

She didn't even want to try to stand for about 3 days.

In result, I didn't talk or even make eye contact with Harry for 5.

Even after she actually walked again on the 4th day.

I was pissed with him.

Anyways, so that was a good and bad week.

But the next was much better as she started trying to walk more.

And by the week after that, she was still wobbly of course but it was like she was walking like a pro and of course me and Lou, the proud parents, were so happy about this.

Though as the days went by of course walk eventually somehow turned into run. But in Brianna's case.. bounce.

With this new found ability, she started wanting to play more. To be more specific.. tag. Besides peek-a-boo, I believe it became her new favorite game. Having 6 people jokingly chase her down the tour bus was somewhat heaven for her as her giggles could be heard from a mile away.

Me and Lou could just be cuddled on the couch talking about something and then all of a sudden, we'll hear the sound of her running feet coming our way. And just as we look up she'll be right in our faces, clawing against the couch trying to pull herself up (which hopefully we won't have to worry about for a long while).

And with a wide grin on his face, Lou would happily lift her up and set her onto his lap.

As the days went by, I'd begin to see her crawl less and less.

Walk/run became her 24/7.

Even if a toy was like right in front of her. If she couldn't reach it from her sit position, instead of crawling to it, she'd instantly get onto her hands and knees, and lift her bum into the air as she brought herself to a standing position and walking over and grasping it successfully.

Though her mastering her standing and walking was a good thing, it was also more cautioning as she still loved to grab and take anything she could get her hands onto. And standing made her available to a lot more things that the boys would carelessly leave around.

This drove me crazy.


I was in the middle of straightening my hair in the bathroom when over my music playing, I could hear Brianna laughing loudly as she ran down the hallways.

"Niall get her!" Zayn exclaimed.

"Brianna, stop! Come here Brianna!" Niall chased her.

I chuckled.

"Niall another game of tag?" I jokingly question loud enough for him to hear.

"Uh.. um yeah." I heard him say unsurely as he continued to chase her "Brianna!"

I smiled and peaked my head out of the bathroom to look.

But my eyes widened and mouth dropped as I saw her running while laughing with scissors in her hands.

"Niall!" I scream and he jumps.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I don't even know where she got them!" He tries to defend. She turns directions and begins running my way and I instantly go up and stop her.

I go to take them from her but turns out she has a tight grip and somehow thinks I'm playing. Just like when she has my hair, once she's got a good grip on something, that grip is really hard to break free of. She's a strong little girl at times.

"Brianna let go!" I exclaim as we began snipping the air and she giggles.

Louis then walks in and his eyes go wide, "Who the hell gave her scissors?!" He yells looking towards the boys.

I look up to say something when I suddenly hear another snipping sound and the boys loudly gasp.

Brianna stops giggling.

"What?" I ask.

They just stare at me wide-eyed.

Niall slowly comes over and grabs Brianna before quickly taking a few steps back again.

"What? What?" I urge.

The boys all look towards Louis expectantly and Zayn bumps Louis forward in my direction.

Louis clears his throat before taking a small step towards me.

He leans over and whispers something in my ear.

I have to ask him to repeat it and it takes me a few seconds for it to sink in.

But when it does, I scream loudly as I instantly look down and sure enough.. I see a strand of red hair on the floor.


Yay playful chapter!

I'm suppose to be doing hw. This happens everytime.

HAPPYYY birthday to you! ;) You know who you are.

Hope you liked this chapter!!!!!

Gooodnight! Xox

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