
By Tophat

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Esme Dupont's easy and high-class life takes a drastic turn one summer. It begins with her aunt, the Grand Wi... More

Part One: Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Part Two: Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Part Three: Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Part Four: Chapter Fifty-Two
Chapter Fifty-Three
Chapter Fifty-Four
Chapter Fifty-Five
Chapter Fifty-Six
Chapter Fifty-Seven
Chapter Fifty-Eight
Chapter Fifty-Nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty-One
Chapter Sixty-Two
Chapter Sixty-Three
Chapter Sixty-Four
Chapter Sixty-Five
Chapter Sixty-Six
Chapter Sixty-Seven
Chapter Sixty-Eight
Chapter Sixty-Nine
Chapter Seventy

Chapter Sixteen

141 15 0
By Tophat

Two happy days passed for Fox. He had plenty of food, and good food at that, clean clothes, a cool place to sleep and no more stresses of being found by the Hunters and the Tower. He enjoyed his time in the highest floor of the Dusklight, hidden away in Elenore's rooms; safe and relaxed.

Fox had been in Elenore's bedroom many times. As far as he was aware, he was the only man she has ever let inside. All her clients were taken to the private rooms on the second floor where she would earn her ridiculous amounts of money and tease out valuable information for the Doe.

Her room was filled with various silk curtains, books and small expensive trinkets and a massive vanity table with various brands of expensive make-up. Beside her bed sat her knitting tools, a hobby she took up as a child to make herself warm jumpers and hats and never grew out of it. A large set of white doors hid away a huge walk in closet where her array of dresses, shawls, shoes and coats were neatly tucked away and another set led to her own private bathroom.

What was new however was the woman sitting on Elenore's massive bed, curled up in the corner and staring out the ornate window to watch the people below as she held Absolon to her chest. The sounds of laughter and flirting drifted in with the cool night air and smell of tobacco as the Dusklight was alive with activity in the late afternoon. With not a lot else to do in Elenore's room, people watching was the best past time.

Dupont didn't look too happy with the last two days of ease. In fact she was incredibly annoyed since she entered Elenore's room yesterday. She would sleep and watch the world go by with little words, always touching her new short blond hair with confusion. She had been grating on him worse than usual in their time together, despite how little they spoke to each other. It was the little things, the excitement for the fine muslin dress Elenore chucked at her and the food the servants brought. It truly showed how awful his bedsheets, clothes and food was to her during her short stay in his home and what she was used to; the best and the richest. It annoyed him.

He tried to ignore her and instead focus on the article of the Grand Wizard's murder. The more he knew what the police and the Tower, the better. It didn't tell him too much he already knew, only confirmed that the Tower's release of all twelve Squadron of Hunters was necessary after Dupont's apparent show of power. It also warned people to stay away from the Lake Tranquil and the River Oak as the Spirits are under Dupont's control and have become aggressive. Measures are put in place to track them and ward people away but the Tower will not disperse them until they've been reassessed again after Dupont's capture and her control released as they have not shown any aggression to civilians, just Tower Wizards. Apart from that tid-bit about Tranquil and Oak still being in play, there wasn't much else.

Fox readjusted himself in his makeshift bed of pillows and sat up, tossing aside the newspaper he was reading.

'So your Spirit friends are okay for now. Nothin's happened to them yet.'

Dupont turned her head and pulled her gaze from the window gradually, as if she was very slowly realising he was speaking to her. He clenched his jaw a little. 'They're not dispersed?'

'No, whatever that means. Take it you mean dead.'

'No, dispersed. They are reverted back into the earth to grow into a Sprite again.'

'That don't sound so bad.'

'The personality changes though. Who they once were, the memoires and connections, are gone. In a sense they die but are more reborn and reshaped.'

'Well nothin's happenin' to them yet. They're waitin' to catch you to see if they're a proper threat.' Fox said then teetered off into silence when she only nodded. Dupont made no effort to continue the subject and instead jiggled Absolon gently, making him laugh, before turning to gaze outside again.

Fox sighed irritably. Being around Dupont was so stressful. He was afraid she'd get mad and turn him into a frog or something or he was getting annoyed at her expressions of dislike and snobbish remarks. Normally hanging out in Elenore's room was a relaxing or pleasurable experience but Dupont was ruining it all with her presence. It was awkward trying to ignore her for hours at a time too, it just wasn't possible, but he also had no idea how to actually talk to her. She was stiff and formal and not forthcoming with actual conversation, that and they had nothing in common.

He was saved from the awkward silence and his desperate grasping for topics when the door unlocked and Elenore entered. She assessed the pair with scrutiny, still clearly not forgetting she had found Esme Dupont naked in his bed yet despite having seen Dupont as a fox for herself now. It had been a little big of a shock for Elenore but it made hiding Dupont a little easier during the night.

Seeing that they were both fully clothed and on opposite ends of the room, she relaxed and a smile touched her pink painted lips.

'Come with me Fox. Got some good news.'

Fox jumped to his feet with a grin, grateful at her timely rescue.

'Stay put Dupont.' Fox warned as he padded barefoot to Elenore.

Dupont nodded, briefly letting her newly blue eyes flicker to him, before focusing back on the window. Fox frowned and left with Elenore.

The pair swept down the extravagant hall of flowers, colours and incense, briefly stopping for some courtesans along the way who all waved and cooed, welcoming both Elenore and Fox as old friends with hugs, kisses and squeals of delight. Fox didn't breathe a word of Dupont until they reached the lift. Elenore pulled open the shutters and stepped inside, jamming a key in the lift itself and pressed the button for the lowest floor.

As the lift juddered into action, Fox finally spoke.

'Can't cope with her much longer.'

Elenore shrugged indifferently. 'Goin' to have to learn. You're travelin' with her for a while.'

Fox grimaced. He was going to have to do it alone too. Elenore won't be there anymore to give him a break from her.

Elenore smiled slyly. 'It's good you don't care for once. Your biggest problem is you care too much. You've been taken advantage of before because of that stupid nature of yours.' Elenore warned him. 'It'll be helpful when we hand her over so keep it up. Keep hatin' her.'

Fox's throat swelled into an awkward cough. Whenever he thought of the Tower and his plan to toss her to the wolves, he'd recall his run ins with Denver, how scary she was and how terrified Dupont reacted. It made him think a little more about Dupont's story and whether or not it was true.

Elenore noticed and scowled. 'No carin' Fox!' She hissed savagely and jabbed him in the chest. 'Play her game, use her, get the Eye, hand her in. That's the plan. Remember she is a killer and a Wizard. She could easily kill you just as she did the Grand Wizard. She is not this vulnerable woman in need of protectin' and help. Don't let her fool you while you're out there alone with her. Don't let your softness and your crotch get in the way.'

She scowled at him, waiting for him to nod, as the lift's screeching stopped. He knew that was his biggest flaw, his desire to protect and take care of people, especially women.

Fox nodded stiffly suddenly feeling insulted that Elenore had so little trust in him. 'I'm not goin' to go soft on her. She's annoying as hell. I can do this you know.'

'Sometimes I wonder. Such a sucker for pretty faces you are. That up there is a pretty face who can kill the Grand Wizard. Don't you go forgettin' that while you're gettin' her to the Granite Tower.' Elenore sniffed as she wrenched open the lift door and strode out, shutting down the subject instantly.

Fox hopped out and instantly shivered. The secondary basement was cold and sent a wave of goosebumps over his skin. It wasn't even pleasant after the hot summer days, just cold. He glanced about the empty hall, glancing at the unfamiliar wooden walls that were warped from the damp air and leaky pipes. The floor was bare, which was strange as everything in the Dusklight was covered in a very expensive red or white carpet, so his bare feet curled at the frigid stone.

He padded down the hall at Elenore's sharp insistent with his hands in his pockets, still annoyed she had so little trust in him to fulfil their plan. He ducked under cobwebs and avoided a rat that darted from a sodden box to a room slightly ajar. He had nosed through the room and found nothing of interest, just dirt, cobwebs and a few bits of furniture. He didn't quite know why this floor was abandoned but it was helpful for the Doe.

Elenore tore into the last room, the only room with life and hygiene. Inside was everything the Doe had once back in her own shop in the exact same places; her desk, files, map and the old telegraph. It was as if the whole room had been teleported.

The Doe sat at her desk, waiting patiently with her withered hands laced together.

'Fox. We're done.'

'Done what?' Fox asked as he slipped to a chair and perched himself on the edge.

The Doe pushed a small cotton bag towards him and gestured for him to take it. He did so, pulled open the strings and emptied out the contents. The Eye, or rather Tranquil's illusion, tumbled out of the bag and onto his palm, heavy and cold.

'You passed it?'

'Yes, it's real.'

Those few words send a wave of relief over Fox. He hadn't realised how tense and stressed he was about it until he felt his body relax. The Doe fell for Tranquil's trick. She still didn't know the real Eye was lost to him. Whatever god was watching over him, he thanked them endlessly.

'I've made the copy to be put back into Walliam's care to throw him off after your screw up.' The Doe said with a snarky tone. 'You now have leave. Go to this address,' She pushed a note across the table. 'And deliver the Eye and take the other half of the payment.'

Fox snatched up the paper, reading it quickly and inwardly groaning at how far he had to go. Then he remembered he had to go even further to deliver his side package, Dupont. He was going to be away from home for a while.

'By the time you're back, we should be safe again.' The Doe said. 'So come straight to my shop, you hear?'

'I hear.'

'Good. Now go. Don't get into trouble out there. Want no reports of you upsetting our competitors. We're in a good truce right now and I don't want to go sending money to levy you out of prison neither.'

'Got it Doe.' Fox said, rolling his eyes as her mother-hen nature began to slip out.

'Don't you go rolling your eyes at me Kit!' The Doe snapped, slapping the table light in annoyance. 'Now go get! And don't you screw it up this time!'

'Bye Doe.' Fox waved, laughing, and hopped out of the room with a relieved spring in his step. She also got so angry when he left. He knew she was trying to cover up her worries for him.

Elenore swept up beside him after shutting the door. 'She fell for it at least. This plan might work.' She paused. 'So you're finally goin'.' She sighed heavily.

'I won't be long.'

'If you don't get caught. Promise you won't get caught. You're dead if you are.'

'I won't.'

Elenore grunted with uncertainty. Fox didn't blame her. Even he wasn't overly confident he could make it to the Granite Tower with Dupont in tow and not be successfully hunted down.

'Well let's go get Dupont ready. Might as well go after dusk when she's a fox.' Elenore said.

'Told you she was cursed.' Fox mumbled as they stepped into the lift.

Elenore shot him a glare. 'Shut up.' She said sharply as she yanked the lift closed and pressed the button to spark some life into it.

Dupont didn't react when they entered Elenore's perfumed room. She remained where she was, hugging Absolon and toying with the hem of Elenore's dress in the corner of the bed.

'Dupont.' Fox said as Elenore locked the door behind herself. 'We're leavin'.'

That got her attention. She turned sharply with fire in her eyes. 'We are?'

'Yeah. The Doe has given me permission to leave the city.' Fox said.

Dupont nodded and she heaved a depressed sigh. By her frown and torn expression, she was obviously in some kind of inner turmoil. She breathed for a few seconds, closed her eyes then, when she opened them, they were filled with determination.


'Not now. We'll go when you're a fox.'

'I need to call a friend to drive you to the nearest sewer.' Elenore said.

Dupont instantly her gaze steeled with stubbornness. 'No. I told you. We are travelling by the Spirit Paths in Everwood.'

'You'll die in there.' Elenore snapped.

'We will not. The Everwood is my friend and the Grand Wizard's friend. He will help me pass and keep me safe from the Wizards.' Dupont said and she pulled herself straight and flashed her eyes angrily when Elenore said 'but'. 'We are doing this my way and following the Spirit Paths. After that, I will do whatever Fox wants.'

Fox wasn't going to hold her to that. He was doubtful she was going to do anything he said without questioning or dragging her feet but he decided it was better for him to say nothing.

Elenore folded her arms. 'Fine. But I'll hand you straight over to the Tower if Fox dies.' She snarled.

'He won't.' Dupont said firmly, unmoved by Elenore's threat. 'We will go when the curse is active, like you said.'

'Yeah.' Fox said, ruffling the back of his head. 'Just where do we go for the Spirit Paths?'

'There is an entrance to one near River Oak's main body. I'll guide you once we're in Lakeside's Oak District.'

'The place is crawling with Wizards. It's where you were last seen.' Elenore reminded her.

'It's the closest entrance and I have Absolon. He helped us get out before.'

'He's just a Sprite.'

'He's better than what Fox will have.'

Fox stiffened at the insult and wanted to point out he had his own tools of magic, his gloves, but couldn't get a word in sideways.

'I'll go with you until the entrance.'

'You'll give us away and probably get found by Hunters yourself.' Dupont said firmly.

'I am a decent mage you know.'

'Which is why you need to hide. They're your enemies too. No, we'll go alone. Is that clear?'

Fox was smiling stiffly while anger and insult swirled hotly in his chest at how she was taking charge. He knew Elenore felt the same. She was shaking beside him, red faced and filled with hate.

'Yes.' Fox said rigidly.

'Good. Then, as soon as I am a fox, we'll set off. Finally.'

Elenore huffed nosily, mumbled about gathering what was needed then wheeled about and stormed out her room in a flurry of frills and skirts, leaving him alone with Dupont. She held Absolon up and jiggled him gently.

'Absolon, go warn Tranquil and Oak of my return. We might need their help.' Absolon giggled and quickly vanished obediently. Her gaze instantly slipped to Fox. 'Don't you have things to prepare for as well?'

Fox's smile twitched in annoyance. Somehow he hated her more than he did that morning.

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