2. Five Men and a Baby (Trent)

By TCforever22

5.7K 255 74

23 year-old hottie of the boyband called The Collective named Trent Bell wakes up in the middle of the night... More

2. Five Men and a Baby (Trent)
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five: Last Chapter

Chapter Forty-One

47 3 0
By TCforever22


"I cannot wait anymore Alcazar! This is taking so long! Are you really going to help me regain my memories or what?!" Lana (Louise) said impatiently.

"Lana..." Alcazar said.

"I thought you're going to help me but I was wrong! You are just using me after all!" She said and then she turned around and tried to leave but Alcazar blocked her way. "Move out of the way Alcazar."

He didn't say anything and just continued to stand there. She sighed and tried to go the other way but he was so quick that he was in front of her just in a flash. "YOU ARE NOT GOING ANYWHERE!" Alcazar yelled as he pushed her and she flew off to the other side of the room.

Lana got her mirror and aimed it at him and a blue light came off of it towards him.

"You're not the one who's going to help me." She huffed and then left the injured Alcazar.


"I can't take it anymore!!!" Luke yelled in pain. "Aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh!!!!" Tiara tried to sustain the eye lasers on him but she, on the other hand, was feeling weak already. There had been no progress ever since she used her powers on him. Her hope is dying when suddenly she saw the tip of the meteor rock poking out of his chest.

A little bit more...Tiara thought to herself and after a few minutes, the meteor rock came out of his chest and exploded. The white light and the strong wind died down. Trent, Zach, Julian, Jayden, William, and Rebecca all stood up to see Luke sitting up on the bed, sweating. They released him and when Tiara had already confirmed that he's okay, she sighed in relief and collapsed on the floor with a smile on her face.

"Tiara!" Luke cried as he rushed to her side.

She smiled at him weakly, "Thank goodness... You're already okay." She said and then she poked his forehead with her forefinger and a warm surge of energy entered Luke's body. "I've transfered my powers to you for I know that you need them more than me."

"What are you saying?"

"Luke, we don't have much time left. You have to defeat your father. You have to kill him in order for Pluto and Earth to be safe."

A tear rolled down from Luke's left eye. "I'm so glad that I met you despite of such a short period of time." Tiara added and then she closed her eyes and from that moment, Luke knew that she was dead. Her body turned into ashes a few seconds later.

Just then, someone crashed into the window. It was the girl again in a red cloak. She lunged onto Luke and pinned him to the wall.

"You shall die!" She yelled and punched him strongly. Zach got the chair nearby and hit her with it but the chair broke. The girl turned to him and held him by his neck and threw him out of the window.

"ZACH!!!" Trent, Jayden, William, and Julian yelled.

"I swear I'll never hit girls but... in this case... I have to." Julian said and charged towards her with his fists closed. He tried to hit her but she still overpowered him that he flew onto the other side of the room when she punched him.

"Jayden, get Luke out of here!" William said and he nodded and helped Luke to get up and out of the room. William, on the other hand, got the lampshade but before he could hit her with it, she already aimed the mirror at him and it emitted a strong blue light that almost burned him.

"Rebecca, get out of here." Trent said.

"No! I am not leaving without you!" Rebecca said.

"Please, Bec. Just do what I tell you to do." He said. She rolled her eyes and removed her bracelet. "What are you doing?" he asked.

"I'm helping. I realized that it's time to use my powers to its extent."

"Rebecca, NO!"

Rebecca held his wrist and a sudden surge of pain went onto his skin. He winced as he pulled away from her. "STAY. OUT. OF. THIS. TRENT." She hissed and then turned to the girl and kicked her on her back.

The girl trapped Rebecca's legs and kicked her shin and that caused her to fall down. "Rebecca!!!" Trent cried.

"Go! NOW!!!" Rebecca said and then she elbowed her on her stomach and ripped off her cloak from her. Shock filled her body as for she recognized her long-lost sister. "L-Louise?!"

Louise (Lana) smirked and aimed the mirror at her. The mirror radiated a strong blue electrifying light towards Rebecca and she lost her consciousness. Trent saw what happened and pulled her away from Rebecca and slammed her to the wall.

"Rebecca, are you alright?" Trent asked as he tried to caressed her face but Rebecca backed away from him.

"No... Don't touch me. You'll die if you did." Rebecca said.

"I don't care!" He said and then he hugged her. When his skin touched hers, it burned. Like, he's hugging the fire itself. He felt as if his skin was going to pop in any minute.

"Trent..." She cried.

"I don't care if I bleed. What's important is that I can still hold you close to me."

"Luke, let's go." Jayden whispered to Luke as he pulled him out with him out of the room. Luke pushed him and he fell onto the ground.

"I'm not running away this time, Jayden." Luke said frimly then he went back into the room.

Louise stood up, "That's the only chance of me getting my memories back and you fuckheads ruined it for me!" She yelled and they both turned to her. "So now, I'm gonna kill all of you, right here right now!" And then she aimed the mirror to them but a pair of red lasers hit her hands and she dropped it.

She screamed in pain and glared at Luke. "You want my life, right?" Luke said. "Then it is me who you should hurt not the other innocent people!" And he ran towards her in the speed of a bullet and kicked her on the face. He got the mirror and slapped it against her chest and what happened next shocked everyone.

A combination of green, blue, and white lights came out of it and blasted towards her as she screamed in pain. Her body was covered in light until the mirror had cracks on it and was shattered finally. She collapsed on the floor.

"LOUISE!!!" Rebecca cried as she cradled her sister in her arms. Louise opened her eyes and smiled at her weakly, "Rebecca..." She said. "We're finally together, Bubbles." And then she slowly closed her eyes and eventually stopped breathing.

"NO! NO! NO!!! LOUISE!!!! LOUISE!!!" Rebecca cried hysterically as she hugged her dead sister's body closer to her. She knew that this is finally it. Louise is gone. She'll never come back into life again.

"Louise..." She sobbed. "Lou-Lou..."

"Rebecca..." Trent said.

Just then, William and Julian regained their consciousness. They were both surprised of what they saw.

"Leave me alone..." Rebecca said, her voice cracking and shaking.

"Bec..." Trent said.


"I'm going to check on Zach." William said and then he left. Julian and Trent followed too.

"Rebecca... I-I'm sorry." Luke said.

Rebecca looked at him and he saw anger in her eyes. "SORRY?! IS THAT ALL YOU COULD SAY?!" She yelled at him. "YOU FUCKIN' KILLED MY SISTER!!!" And without thinking, she held his shoulders and shook them repeatedly. "YOU FUCKIN' KILLED HER! YOU KILLED HER!"

Pain rushed into Luke's body instantly, "Rebecca! Stop it! You're hurting me!" Luke shouted in pain.

"You should feel the pain! Because you know what?! You deserve it! YOU DESERVE TO SUFFER!!!" She said and little by little, his shoulders are starting to stiffen.

"REBECCA!" He yelled and then he hit her with her eye lasers and that caused her to lose her grip on him and flew onto the wall.

"LUKE!" Trent yelled at him in anger.

"Trent... L-Let me explain." Luke stammered in anger.

"NO NEED!" He exclaimed and then he pushed him away and rushed towards Rebecca. "Baby, are you alright?" She just nodded and he helped her to stand up.

"Trent, I'm sorry." Luke said.

"I'm so disappointed with you Luke!" Trent said, his face red in anger and disappointment. Julian rushed into the room when he heard Trent yelling. "What did I tell you about using your powers?! I told you not to use them just to hurt people!"

"Trent, I didn't. I swear, I didn't! I just used it to defend myself!" Luke cried, hot tears streaming down his cheeks. "Please believe me Uncle Trent."

"You're a Plutonian. Why should I trust you? You're not different from your father! Both of you are monsters! Murderers!" He shouted.

"Trent, ENOUGH!!!" Julian said as he rushed towards Luke's side and put his arms around him protectively. "Luke is just a kid!"

"Excuses, excuses." He said then he rolled his eyes and walked off with Rebecca. Julian knelt down in front of Luke, "Are you alright?" he asked worriedly. Luke just nodded and hugged Julian while crying.

"Hush now... Everything's gonna be alright Luke." Julian whispered to him.

They rushed Zach to the hospital after that. Meanwhile, Trent was interrogated by the police about what happened at their house and he tweaked the story a little bit so that they wouldn't suspect anything weird.

"Thank you Mr. Bell." Said the police and then he walked off. Meanwhile, Trent went back to Rebecca to make sure she's okay.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

"Yeah. A little bit." Rebecca replied and then she put on her silver wristband.

"I'm sorry about what Luke did to you and about your sister..." He trailed off.

"It's alright Trent and besides, Luke was telling you the truth. He just defended himself from me." She responded as she tucked her hair behind her ears. "I was mad because he killed my sister... But I know... I know he didn't mean to. I know he just wanted to help. And because I was blinded by my anger a while ago, I nearly killed him with my powers."

Then she looked up at him as tears flowed down from her eyes, "I know how much you love Luke and I know as well how you want him to grow up as a good citizen... I'm sorry Trent. I'm sorry that nearly killed him." He didn't say a word and pulled her close to him.


"It's okay Luke. He's not mad at you. He was just... shocked." Julian said, trying to calm Luke down.

"What are you talking about?! He's freakin' mad at me! Did you see the look in his eyes a while ago?! They were full of anger!" Luke sobbed and Julian fell silent because he knew to himself that he had seen that 'look' in Trent's eyes too.


Luke turned around and saw Trent and Rebecca standing behind him. Trent held out his arms to him and he gladly hugged him. Rebecca smiled at both of them and hugged them too. Julian smiled and then turned around to walk away.

"Jules, I know you want to join." Trent said and Julian turned around with a smile. "Come here mate!" And he too joined in.


They went to the hospital where Zach was rushed into. Fans were all gathered outside the hospital building and once they all saw Trent, Rebecca, Luke, and Julian, they went up to them asking to give their gifts and messages for Zach. They took as much as they can and hurriedly went inside with the help of their bodyguards.

"Phew! That was one hell of a crowd you got out there Zach!" Julian said as soon as they went into Zach's room.

"See? Told you I've got more swag than Trent." Zach said as he sat on the bed. His head was wrapped in a bandage and he had his left arm hung in an arm sling.

Will laughed, "I'm surprised that you still have the energy to act cool." He said.

"Look at what the Collectors have got you." Trent said as he laid the letters, hand-made posters, cards, flowers, and chocolates on the bed-side table.

Sadness and pain filled Luke's heart. He couldn't bear to look at what his uncles are going through right now just because of him. "I'm going to my father." Luke blurted out and everyone looked at him.

"Say what?" Jayden asked.

"I'm going to my father." Luke repeated and this time, louder.

Trent stepped forward, "What are you talking about?!" he said. "Luke, he's just going to kill you!"

"I would rather have myself killed than to see you all get hurt because of me!" Luke cried.

"Luke, don't say that!"

"It's my entire fault why you guys go through this! Whenever I am with you guys, you always get hurt and I don't want that! You guys should be doing concerts in different parts of Australia, not staying here in Sydney and babysitting a kid like me!"

"Luke, you're tired. You should go home." Rebecca said as she held his hand but he pushed her strongly that she bounced onto Trent's chest.

"Thank you for everything guys. I love you." Luke said and then he ran as fast as the speed of a bullet.

"Luke!!!" Trent cried as he ran out of his room and to the hallway. He tried calling out again his name but he didn't come back. Tears started to stream down on his cheeks as he ran his hand through his hair and collapsed on the floor. And from that moment, he knew that his nephew is gone. Luke will never come back to him, again. Rebecca hugged him from behind and she too, cried.


After that day, they held a three-day wake for Louise and then the day after that, they already buried her. Rebecca, of course, was deeply grieving for the loss of her sister but she knew that she'll be able to move on with Trent by her side. However, that doesn't seem to be the case. After Luke left, Trent changed. He started drinking. He even started to grow cold of her. He felt like everything was falling apart and that's how Rebecca was feeling too.

"Maybe we can go out this Saturday." Rebecca said while sitting beside Trent. Trent, on the other hand, was gulping his third bottle of beer. He didn't respond and just turned his focus onto the t.v. show.

She rolled her eyes and stood up, "Okay. Cut the crap Trent." She said then she crossed her arms. "Luke is gone. He already went to his father. And besides, he's not your nephew in the first place so why should you be so worried like this?!"

Trent smashed the bottle on the floor and stood up, "Why should I be worried?! Are you stupid or just insensitive?! Rebecca, his father is a murderer! And he is hunting Luke! He wants him dead!!! Celine entrusted him to me and if anything bad happens to him, it would be my fault!" He yelled then he gripped on her shoulders tightly. "DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME!?"

"LET ME GO TRENT!!! YOU'RE HURTING ME!" Rebecca yelled and with that, Jayden, William, Zach, and Julian all rushed downstairs and pulled Trent away from her.

"Luke's gone for God knows how long! And he will never come back! You are not really related to him by blood and you have to face that!" She yelled while hot tears are coming out from her eyes. "Trent... You are not the only one who's hurt because he's gone! Even the boys and I as well!" And then she got her purse from the couch and walked out of the house.

When Rebecca got home, she suddenly felt sick so she went to the toilet and vomited. She suddenly checked the calendar and her eyes widened in shock.

"Shit!" She cursed for she remembered that she's one month delayed. Checking her wristwatch, she immediately went to the nearest drugstore and bought the pregnancy test. She tried it and thinking that the result was some kind of a mistake, she went to the doctor but they just basically told her the same thing.

She's one month pregnant.

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