Boarding School

By lovely4days

161 0 0

Annabelle Manchester's wealthy parents only want the best for her. Annabelle is sent to a boarding school cal... More

Chapter One
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Two

27 0 0
By lovely4days

I step inside the lobby. Me and a woman suddenly meet eyes. She walks over and then she says, "welcome to RosePetal Academy! We are known for our glorious roses! Do you need help finding your room?" I respond with, "yes! I'm Annabelle Manchester. Do I have any roommates?" "Oh yes! Annabelle! We've always wanted someone from the Manchester family! You have Allison and Kate!" The woman cheerfully replies, "okay where is it?" I ask, "your room is on the third floor and it's room two O seven!" She says, "okay thanks!" I say.

I walk up the long flight of stairs! Oh my gosh it's so tiring! Imagine carrying your luggage up three flights of long stairs! Finally I'm at floor three and I see my room! Then I and see an elevator. this is gonna be a long year.

I walk into my room and see three white beds. I put down all of my bags next to the bed in the middle of the other two beds. I take Sniffles out of her cage and place her down onto the mattress as she starts to sneeze, then I put down my bed spread and pillows and junk.

A girl walks in. Her hair is a short platinum blonde with bangs and her eyes are bright green color with some long eyelashes. She suddenly greets me, "hi! I'm Kate." "Oh hi! I'm Annabelle." I say to her, "I guess we're roommates!" She cheers, suddenly her smile lights up the room. She puts down her luggage and puts some of her stuff on her desk and then she makes her bed. She puts up a photo of her, a woman, and an elephant posing. "I like that photo! Do you like animals?" I ask her, "yeah. Me and my mom love to take care of them too! I spend a lot of time with my mother and the animals we take care of. At my old school I didn't make any friends in fact... I actually got bullied a lot." She sighs, "I spend lots of time with my mom. But I usually hang out with my friend Jessie. My parents don't really have any exciting jobs, I can hardly remember them. They only want the best for me in education so they sent me here." I tell her, "cool!" She says, "you didn't listen at all did you?" I say, "nope!" She happily chirps. Suddenly the door opens.

"Oh hi." A girl says in a monotone voice, the girl's hair is dirty brown with purple and blue and red highlights and her hairs straight but she doesn't look too emo. She has a plaid jacket around her waist and a black shirt with ripped jeans with some navy high tops.

"Hi! I'm Kate and this is... Annabella!" Kate says, "no... actually it's Annabelle... I sort of hate it when people call me that..." I stutter, "oh so your gonna be the feisty roommate?" The girl ask, "what's your name?" I ask, "Allison." She says.

Out of nowhere, the loud speaker turns on "ALL STUDENTS MUST GO TO THE AUDITORIUM. I REPEAT. ALL STUDENTS MUST GO TO THE AUDITORIUM." "We should go." Kate says. We all run to the auditorium and sit down in the first row. Allison sits in the fourth or fifth row.

"Hello students! I'm your principle Mrs. Johansson. Welcome to RosePetal Academy. We are known for our glorious roses!" Our principle announces, the boys groan. "Today we will relax but next week we will start on the hard work! We will have a festival tomorrow with many different food delicacies and festivities! It's the perfect chance to make new friends. It starts at one O' clock and it ends at five O' clock! We also have a lake for you guys too so maybe take a dip in and relax a bit!" Mrs. Johansson chirps, "return to your rooms and have a good day!" Me and Kate walk back to our room as Allison follows behind us.

Once we get to our rooms me and Kate are playing Poker (not with real money) on my bed. "I'm going out... bye." Allison says, "shouldn't you make your bed and tidy up your part of the room?" Kate ask, "nah. I'm just gonna hang out by the lake." Allison inquires, she opens the door and leaves.

"Who's that?" Kate ask as she points to the photo of me and Jessie, "oh! That's Jessie. Remember? I told you about her. We hang out together all the time... well we used to..." I tell her, "cool! I've always wondered what it's like to have a good friend to hang out with, you know?" She says with wonder in her voice, "yeah... Jessie was wonderful! She made amazing food and she was funny and she was always there for me whenever a boy breaks my heart." My voice trails off, "you had a boyfriend huh?" She asks, "several... but they all broke my heart..." I say, "I've never had a boyfriend before." Kate tells me, "I wish I could though! They sound like so much fun! Dates, gifts, hugs, twinning, chocolate, cards, pick-up-lines, I could go on forever!" She cheers.

"Yeah, and once I even dated this one guy named Josh and he was such an idiot! One day I told him 'Josh you love chocolate so much you could eat a million chocolate bars!' And one day I walk into his house to hear and his face is covered in chocolate and he was halfway through twenty chocolate bars!" I chuckle. My phone rings.

"Hello? is this Annabelle Manchester?"


"I'm Dr. Chandler. Your friends with Jessica Burkman correct?"

She hates being called that... but yes?

"Yes, I am."

"Jessica just got into a car accident. Don't worry she's not severely injured! It's only her leg... it broke."

"What happened?!"

"She was speeding. Very much over the speed limit... she crashed into another car... the rest is very disturbing... would you like to talk to her?"

"Very much."

"Okay. Here she is."


"Oh... hey Anna... I'm so glad to hear your voice."

"Me too... are you okay?"

"Not really I'm in lots of discomfort. I've never broken a bone before! Will I be okay? Anna I'm scared! I wish I could hug you right now! I'm scared!"

Please... don't cry Jessie...

"Your going to be okay. I promise"


"I promise."

"I trust you."

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