What Lies Ahead [Mako Mermaid...

By TheyCallMeSpeedy

22.4K 522 81

Rey, Lucy and Ella were the three best pranksters in all of California only because they has a huge secret; t... More

Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
Day 8
Day 9
Day 10
Day 11 (& A HUGE A/N)
Day 12
Day Thirteen
Day 14
Day 15
Day 16
Day 17
Day 18
Day 20
Day 21
Day 22
Day 24
Day 25
Day 26
Day 27
Day 28
Day 29
Day 30
After The Storm

Day 19

386 12 7
By TheyCallMeSpeedy

Rey's POV

The girls and I had nothing planned for today besides going out to Mea to discuss tomorrow prank and avoiding water when with the boys.

I smelt Ella downstairs making us some of her crêpes which she learned to cook. It was one of our favourites on summer mornings.

"Morning E!" I said walking downstairs.

"Morning Reyli!" she shouted

"Urge I hate that name Elladorna" I said back. We changed our names when we left the pod to adjust more to human life and it just works.

"Oh shut your crêpe hole" she said handing me a crêpe.

"Buenos Diaz!" Lucy and Tia said as we walked into the dining room. We all ate breakfast together.

"Hey since nothing is planned you mind if I go visit my parents. I need to tell them about the you know what and that I am a you know what".

"Attina are you really going to take that risk?" I asked,

"Only if they say yes to going you know where"

"Wait I'm confused. Someone explain please!" Lucy shouted

"Tia' going home to see her family and asking if she can come worn us when the war has settled. If they agree, then she will spill our bonded secret." Ella explained

"Ohh thanks Ella"

"What's this about a bonded secret I hear?" Max said walking into the room. All the boys trailed in behind them.

"EXITS BOYS!" Max shouted and they ran to cover the door and window.

"Now we've all been discussing how interesting and complicated your pranks have been. They are impossible to do without some kind if advantage which has to be in your little bonded secret." Max said.

"I'm sorry but nothing is impossible in this world. We always test our limits making the world such an advanced planet." Ella said.

"I agree but we've seen some of the scary stuff you've pulled off. For example, Day thirteen, why was Weilan flying from the ceiling?"

"Oh easy. We set up a bunch of wires and a remote control track so that when she took the flaming broom, she could 'fly' over you crisping your hair whilst doing so. And one question, is this an interrogation?"

"Of course and until you tell us your little bonded secret, no one is going anywhere! And we also have little video cameras set up so anything you try will be sent to my laptop upstairs" Luke added. They all laughed at how clueless we were. But then again we had many more advantages.

"Guys! What are we going to do?" Tia mind panicked

"I know, cut the feed to the video cameras like we did back in our bathrooms then we have one thing out of the way." Lucy said. We nodded

"Not this again!" Max said.

"Oh Maxie boo, where are these so called video cameras" I said sucking up and flirting with him.

"Four top corners of the room why?"

"No reason just wanted to be able to record something cute when you aren't looking." I said with a smile on my face

I winked at each of the girls. We found a camera and then faked being angry.

"Oh my god I can't stand being held in some kind of prison where the guards are stupid little boys" I complained

There was a murmur of "I know"s and "ughs".

We all stood with our backs towards each other and then started frying. In two minutes we were pretty sure the cameras were fried based on the amount of steam slowly escaping.

"Guys should we just tell them." Lucy said. "I've got a fake secret" she mindmessaged us afterwards.

"I guess you've got us." I said

"Okay here it is. We dabble in magic" Lucy said making them come into a huddle. When she up they just laughed. It was kinda true but not entirely.

"Ha! Like you guys are magicians" Jacob said. Ella gave him a glare and he shut up immediately.

"Let's show them girls!" I said and they sat down.

We then conducted our hands in different ways. Mine at the door, Lucy's at the curtains, Tia's at the vase and Ella made the lights flicker.

When it all moved, they were in shock. "Habe fun trying to prove to yourselves that magic is real. Things may have gotten a little overheated again!" I said and we all shut the lights, cloaked, ran out then locked the doors on them.

"Kidding were just really good at tech stuff!" We all yelled through the door.

"Tia go. Your parents haven't seen you since you left. Go!" We prompted her. She waved goodbye and left for her parents' house

Tia's POV

I got to my parents' house and was suddenly really nervous. What would happen if they didn't let me go if they seen me as a mermaid.

I walked up to the door, took a breath and knocked three times.

It turns out Quinn was on door duty.

"TIA!" She screamed as I bent down to lift her and hug her.

"Hi Quinn! Have you grown?" I said closing the door behind me

"Yup! Two whole cms according to mom!"

"Speaking of where's Bry, Mom, Dad and Luca?"

"In the basement watching Harry Potter. I was too scared so I turned on Linda and Heather up here."

"Of course you did! Smart move!" I said giving her a high five.

"Why Tia?"

"I just have some good bad and I'm not even sure what kind of news. Back in a sec!" I said running downstairs.

"Mom, Dad, Luca, Bry, I need you all upstairs." I said. They followed me up.

We all sat down on the couch.

"Okay let's say I got accepted into a really great boarding school but its in australia... See it would be only people like me and my new friends who are going because we're different from... well I guess regular people."

"How honey?" Mom asked

"Well that's the thing. Unless I can go, I can't tell you. I was sworn to secrecy."

"Well how much are we talking?"

Oh no! I didn't see this as a part of what I rehearsed outside.

"I... uh... got a scholarship..."

"Oh my god honey! That's great"

"Perfect! I'll tell Rita!" I said pulling out my phone.

"Now about this secret..."my dad started

"Promise you won't change your minds..." I begged.

Bry and Luca didn't care about this but as soon as 'secret' was mentioned they joined Quinn in the silent yet intrigued party

"What's to loose..." Mom said

"Okay well... follow me..." I said. "Wait here..." . I looked at the dock then back at my families. I can't believe this is happening. I took the hose and wet my hand.

I counted down from ten aloud while jumping off just as before I transformed.

They ran over to the dock. I didn't resurface for a while waiting for the bubbles to settle and then I came up.

"I'm a mermaid." I said.

Quinn and Bry were by far the most intrigued. Luca and Dad were shocked and then my mom looked really upset.

"Look I really wanted to tell you but I couldn't. I was a freak, and its been just over a year. I'm so so sorry!" I begged. "I guess if I'm not wanted then I should leave. Quinn and Bry I will bring you each a special letter before I leave. Open it when you turn 16 for me please. Luca I can bring one for you if you want too." I said turning to leave.

"No Attina! Wait please." my mom said. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"I was scared"

"Come get out of that water and please go back to normal." She begged. I pulled myself up on the bank and dried my tail.

After a long discussion, my parents and I were good. I even showed them a few powers I owned. I couldn't believe they said yes for Aunt Rita to teach me!

I left through the waves giving them each a hug. Soon my sisters could share the same bond I have with Rey, Lucy and Ella.

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