So cold ( creepy pasta x Read...

By Untitled_hearts

140K 2.5K 1.5K

You have never felt these feelings before, Not until you became part of a new family, In a place called Slend... More

Chapter : 1
Chapter : 2
Chapter : 3
Chapter : 4
Chapter : 5
Chapter : 6
Chapter : 7
Chapter : 8
Chapter : 9
Chapter : 11
Chapter : 12
Chapter : 13
Chapter : 14
Chapter : 15
Chapter : 16
Chapter : 17
Chapter : 18
Chapter : 19
Chapter : 20
Chapter 21
Chapter : 22
Chapter : 23
Chapter : 24
Chapter : 25
Chapter : 26
Chapter : 27
If your enjoying this book
Chapter : 28 END / FINAL
Special thx for over 700 views (altogether) (special chapter)
Should i change the ending?

Chapter : 10

4.5K 82 67
By Untitled_hearts

- Your p.o.v -

After I showered I prepared myself according to my clothes. Even though people wouldn't see my face I put on makeup, for fun I guess and people will see my lips when I eat. Then I did my hair. I put it up in a similar look to a pony tail, with the back clipped up and a braid along the side. Letting my bangs loose. (I will put a picture up top.) Then I slipped on the dress, shoes and gloves and draped the shawl over my shoulders, then I grabbed my mask and slipped it back on. I looked at myself in the mirror, I blushed redder then a tomato. This was so embarrassing, I felt so exposed. I walked out of my bathroom and sat on my bed.

A few minutes later I heard knocking on my door. I squeaked and flushed bright red again. The knocking continued so I slowly edged my way over to the door. I hope this isn't someone's cruel idea of a prank. I opened the door a crack, only to see Jane standing there, she looked so beautiful the way she was dressed up. I peeked my head out the door and saw the top of Ej and Lj's heads coming up the stairs. I quickly opened the door grabbed Jane's arm, hauled her in and shut it. Mind you this happened in a blink of an eye I was that fast. Jane looked at me funny, then I remembered how exposed I felt and tried to cover my body with my hands. She laughed upon seeing this. I kept blushing. "You look great!" She exclaimed. I looked at her, then breathed, "You look beautiful." She smiled and was very flattered. I saw a pink dusting on her cheeks, she really did look beautiful though in her white dress. "It will be starting soon," she said. "What is it?" I asked, "No one will tell me." "Welllll," she smiled, "It's this big party we have every year, most of the pastas are invited to it, so you will see some new faces." I looked at her, I wonder what parties are like here? Oh well I will know soon. "Okay since it's your first one, Slendy wants me to occupy you so we can make kind of like a surprise!" She grinned. Suddenly I felt very excited and I grinned, still self conscious and blushing but I still grinned. "Wanna game? I know it's not really your thing but Slender got me an Xbox and a few games so I was hoping you'd try it with me." I looked at her hopefully. She grinned and said, (NO jk jk jk) "sure!" So we sat down and started gaming.

An hour later we heard knocking on my door. Jane told me to stop being self conscious so I settled for hanging my head when she opened the door. Toby stood there, grinning like a dork. He wasn't wearing his usual attire, rather he looked much more formal and had even ditched the goggles and mouth guard. He bowed in a silly way before putting on that voice where you hold your nose and saying, "miladies we are ready for you to join the party." I giggled and Jane did to. Then Toby gave a yell and suddenly out of no where the lights turned off and bright colourful party lights lit up and loud music started blaring. A smile found its way upon my face and I started laughing silently. Jane joined in and soon we had found our way down stairs. Later that night I had found out Sally had been sent to Spendy's mansion so we could take out the alcohol. When I got down stairs a lot of the voices hushed, almost EVERYONE was staring at me. I blushed deeper then I thought was possible I might have even blushed purple! I felt so embarrassed and exposed. Then someone yelled, "you look beautiful!" Everybody else said, "yeah!" I smiled.

The party was really lively and after a few shots I found my confidence again. Then we started karaoke, Masky and I paired up and sung Closer by Halsey. (So baby hold me closer in the back seat of your rover. That one.) Our voices harmonised perfectly and everyone clapped. I smiled and grabbed another shot. Then I saw a bunch of gaming pastas and joined in, I rekt them all and they looked at me like I was a bloody miracle. Then I sat down to eat. I sat up at the bench with a bottle of beer and some (f/f). I looked around, Jane and Jeff were fighting, BEN was hacking the game and cheating, Hoodie was passed out on the couch, Masky was yelling at Toby, Some girl was making out with Slender's tentacle (he didn't even notice). Gold sat down next to me, grinning like an idiot. "Why don't we all play truth or dare since Sally and the lil ones are out?" He suggested. I grinned and finished my food before saying, "yeah let's ask Slendy!"

Soon Slendy had rounded everyone up and we were all sitting in a circle, except people who didn't want to play, were occupied or passed out *cough cough* Hoodie *cough cough*. Jane started, "BEN! Truth or dare!" She cried. BEN thought for a second, "why not truth, dare, double dare, kiss, love or torture? Except we put it in a hat and you pull out one?" Everyone seemed to nod. "Fine but we're using your hat!" Some girl I didn't know yelled. He shrugged and took off his hat, Slendy put pieces of paper in the hat and Jane held it out to BEN. He rummaged around and pulled one out, he turned a little pale. Jane yanked it off him, "Torture!" She yelled, "No gaming for 24 hours!" He fell to his knees, tears running out of his sockets and yelled, "Noooooooooooo!" We all laughed. After he was done with his, 'episode' he held the hat out to Ej who rummaged through it. His only response was, "oh," before BEN ripped it out of his hands. "Dare!" He yelled, "I dare you to..." He smirked, "Kiss Jeff!" We all laughed as Ej stumbled his way over to Jeff who was yelling for people to let him go, any sober person would have rejected the dare. I guess alcohol really takes you places. In a split second Ej pulled his mask to the side and kissed Jeff full on the lips. Then he went and sat back down. We all went "oooh," and laughed as Jeff gagged and wiped his mouth. Then Ej held the hat out to me, I rummaged through the hat and pulled out, 'double dare' (I know big let down right?). Ej yanked it off me and yelled, "Double dare! I dare you and Masky to prank Hoodie with the mattress in the middle of the pool prank!" I grinned, this was gonna be fun. Slender let us borrow a spare mattress and we slid the still sleeping Hoodie onto it, before putting it in the pond because we don't have a pool. Everyone watched and laughed as we snuck away, pretending to be ninjas.

Then when we made it back inside Jane yelled, "7 minutes in heaven!" The girls walked out of the room and they guys each put a thing in BEN's hat. Jane went first because she called it. She pulled out a piece of candy and almost cried when she got Lj, we shoved them in the cupboard while Toby snuck off to get a camera. All we heard was screaming and yelling from Jane and muffled, "GO AWAY!"'s and "DON'T TOUCH ME!"'s. We all laughed. Toby came back down with the camera and as we opened the door he snapped a shot. I peeked over his shoulder and looked at the camera. It was an image of Lj getting kicked in the face, falling out the door with Jane doing a full on ninja kick. I laughed. Next it was this nurse girl, she got dark link. All we heard was moaning and sexual noises, I got a nose bleed and quickly ran to get a tissue, Jane saw and laughed her pretty little ass off. Toby snapped another photo when we opened the door, it was dark link and the nurse girl kissing. Next this girl who I'd seen around with angel wings went. "Judge Angels," BEN told me, I simply nodded as she pulled out a knife. Gotta be Jeff and as if on call Jeff started trying to run away. They were both shoved in the cupboard. I didn't find out what happened because I went to the toilet, but Toby showed me a picture of a Jeff running out the door, covered in lipstick. Next they held the hat out to me, I sighed and reluctantly put my hand in the hat, I pulled out a note. Before I could register who I was gonna be shoved in the cupboard with some one literally threw me in there. I heard someone yell, "hey I didn't wanna play!" Then next minute Slendy was standing in the cupboard. It was reeeaalllyyy awkward. We just kinda stood there staring at each other. I smiled to be polite but then remembered that I wear a mask. Then someone opened the door and a flash went off. "Nothing happened!" A voice yelled and for some reason I was forced to put my hand back into the hat again. I pulled out a proxy key ring. Again I didn't register who I would be thrown in the cupboard with until Masky and I were standing there. "Umm," he said. I sighed and just hugged him, if I didn't I would be forced to do it again otherwise. I think he got the idea and hugged me back. If I wasn't drunk I wouldn't have done this and I would have been a lot more self conscious because of my dress and stuff. Finally the cupboard opened and a flash went off. It was just a picture of me and Masky hugging, glaring at the camera with a 'try me' look. Everyone seemed satisfied and a few more rounds of seven minutes in heaven went off while I drank another shot and a bottle of beer. Then we did more karaoke, I sung another Halsey song called Insane. And every one danced like robot ninjas. Then this creepy looking Slenderman guy, who probably raped the girl who had to do 7 minutes in heaven with, let's just say she came out crying, came up to me. Luckily Toby saw me trying to avoid him and pulled me away. I thanked him like 40 times, I was seriously scared for a moment. He told me that was Offenderman and to stay away because he does in fact rape people. Then he let me go after we found Jane, I thanked him again and continued partying.


1849 words!
Do you like long chapters? Hehe

Got a lil action in dere between Masky boi and readerchan shame Hoods couldn't join in, kinda hehe.

Peace out ~ Untitled_hearts

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