Like Mother, Like Daughter 1:...


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20 years after Fifth Harmony have dispersed by mutual agreement, They have families of their own, what will h... More

Prolouge part 1 - The Breakup
Prolouge part 2 - The Last Performance
Chapter 1 - Who has who
Chapter 2 - Meet the Cabellos
Chapter 3 - Meet the Gronks
Chapter 4 - Meet the Correas
Chapter 5 - Meet the Borthwick-Jacksons
Chapter 6 - Meet the Greens
Chapter 7 - Boot camp: Eastern zone
Chapter 8 - Boot Camp: Western Zone
Chapter 9 - Unification
Chapter 10 - The Decagon
Chapter 11 - Decisions Decisions
Chapter 12 - 1st base date
Chapter 13 - Judges Houses: Groups
Chapter 14 - Judges Houses: Girls
Chapter 15 - Live shows:Week 1
Chapter 16 - Live Shows:Week 2
Chapter 18 - Live shows: Week 7
Chapter 19 - Live Shows: Week 8
Chapter 20 - Live Shows:Week 10
Chapter 21 - Live shows:The Finals
Chapter 22 - The Sticks
Chapter 23 - Admission
Chapter 24 - X Factor 2041
Chapter 25 - Back to school
Chapter 26 - A glimpse into the near future

Chapter 17 - Live shows:Week 3

114 2 0

1st October 2040


BRI!!!!! I was almost sprinting towards her as I saw her return with her bags. I was ecstatic to say the least that she was cleared mentally to be able to perform with us this week. We were both there crying into each other at our happiness of her return and she probably missed us alot.

By the time we had separated the rest of the house had come except a few people were around us and we had heard the house clapping welcoming Brianna back into the Mansion after her week off.

She had just settled back down in her room where she used to be. Until we heard...

..."THIS IS THE POLICE!!!" I heard an officer shout from I'm guessing the entrance to the Mansion.

Woof woof, I hear the sound of a couple of Police dogs barking trying to find drugs, They were chained and they were going around the house.

The five of us went over to the officers where they searched us in person and they sent a couple of officers with dogs to the bedrooms.

Dinah POV

I was driving in LA and I passed an old American Diner called Dinah's. I have heard stories about this place and I have heard the food was good. I do agree with them as I have been here with the kids when the twins were little and I did forget to pack them snacks. Also I was pregnant with Aaron.

I had ordered and finished eating. When the bill came I paid it.

"May I see the Owner please?, if they are in."

"I'll check for you ma'am"


I had entered his office and he had introduced himself to me as Mr Kirkland.

"So Deenah, why did you request to see me?"

"I want to buy the franchise." I bluntly said He had burst in near hysterics when he heard my proposal.

"Are you serious, you don't even have enough money to buy me out." He had calmed down, but I just got angry.

"Firstly, It's Dinah. Secondly, I earned enough money to buy you out by the time I became an adult. I suggest you take this seriously, because I will easily be able to buy you out, WITHOUT a sugar Daddy. Infact I'm his Suga Mama."

"I will ask you again, how much will it cost to buy your franchise?"

"5 million dollars"

"2 and we have a deal."

Ring Ring

"Hello, Dinah. I have an emergency at the contestant Mansion, do you think you can come down?"

I put Justin on hold for a moment, before I walk out of the owners office saying:

"This isn't over, I'll be back."

I carry on the call with Justin, when I get back into the car.

"Sorry about that Justin, I had to deal with something."

"Okay Dinah, I need you to be the vocal coach for this season."

"But Amy is a contestant."

"I know, we can get away with not filming vocal coaching sessions, so that Amy and yourself won't be on camera together."

"I'll do it. I'm on my way now, so I'll coach whoever when I arrive."

"Dinah, I forgot to mention to you that, you can't interact with your daughter outside of sessions, plus you will be getting a raise."

"That's understandable, I get it from Amys perspective. Thanks for the raise. I'll warm up my voice and then get started on coaching."

"See you Dinah."

"Bye Justin"


"Karina will be kicked out of the competition and the vocal coach has already been fired. I have set a replacement, but with this replacement, your sessions will not be filmed. For now I'll take you four for a vocal coaching session for today, in the auditorium now", pointing at the four of us of 2012. The session went smoothly and Justin had asked me to stay behind for some reason.

Amy?" Justin asked hesitantly.

"Yes Justin, what is the problem?" She was quick to identify there was a problem Justin needed to solve.

"I hate to break professionalism but with the recent arrests, we lost the contestants vocal coach, and I only have one coach left, so we need a replacement, are you okay with working with your mom?"


"This does mean that vocal coaching sessions are not filmed and you can't call her mom when there are other people around who don't know who she is. Are you alright with that Amy?"

"It will be hard but I can do it, on one condition."

"Name it."

"I can call her mom in front of the girls and Isabella."

"As long as you know who is around you and who can hear you."

"Sure. Thanks Justin."

Isabella had come over to spend some time with Stephanie and we were all together as a five deciding on how we should move forward following the arrests that happened today.

"The group isn't the same without Karina, but I do think we will be more fluent as a quartet." Elizabeth said harshly in celebration.

"I definitely agree with you but I don't know if it will affect the four of you when you are there." I heard Isabella say before I made my presence known. The conversation around was about Karina being arrested no matter where you were or who you were talking to.

"Hi girls." Amy made her presence known as she just finished talking to Justin about something.

"Heyyyy." they all replied in sync.

"What happened?" Stephanie was quick to ask the question once they stopped. She could tell that I was nervous to tell them what I just found out.

"I've got news. I don't know if it is good or bad but ...

"What?" Elizabeth asked with sarcasm but with a genuine bit of concern.

... "My mom is going to be the new vocal coach."

The other four girls started screaming and they ran over to me and hugged me. We ended up falling to the ground bundling over me, in a massive hug.

Dinah POV

I had got back and I had to coach Isabella for my last assignment for today.

She had got in and closed all of the blinds in the room giving us privacy for some unknown reason.

She suddenly comes up to me and starts to hug me, like she was Amy. It did seem a bit weird to me but I did see a bit of my former bandmate in her. She literally took me into her stomach which felt skinny but well nutritioned.

"Hi Aunt Dinah" were the first thing she said. Am I related to her? Because we certainly don't look like it.

"Hi Isabella, before things get any weirder between the two of us, why did you call me aunt? You certainly am not one of my siblings or cousins children."

"No Dinah, I'm the last child of the famous five, the one you don't know about."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Look at how you got famous in the first place, you and four other girls in the same position as 2012. Look at the correlation between now and then." It took me some time to figure it out, then, ...

... "HOLY SHIT!!!" I had just realized that Isabella is Camilas Daughter. I knew she would have children but definitely not this tall.

"Sorry for the rude interruption and the swearing."

"It's okay aunt Dinah."

"Don't fret, I had just realized who your mother was. I definitely have to tell the others." I had pulled her in for a selfie, sharing it with the group chat of the other three moms.

As Isabella and Shawn couldn't agree on a song for this week's theme, we had used our session time to chat about how her mom and I as well as 2012.

"When I want to put Cameron's name on my phone it always auto corrects to Camren for some reason. No one has said anything about it yet, so I let the phone do it."

"Hahahahaha, oh my gosh, my mom would kill me if I mentioned Camren."

There was a short pause between us talking about my sunken ship and what came next.

"How are the twins when it comes to parenting?"

"Nicole is fine but sometimes I think that Vladamir doesn't appreciate the fact that he has a dad to dad things with him."

"He should be lucky, I don't have a dad or a fatherly figure to look up to right now. (AN: Sofia is gay and Alejandro is dead.) He's just a sperm donor to me and a class A dickhead." I lightly chuckled at her name calling because it was almost like her mothers when I first met her, but swearing included.

"Language Isabella, I'm guessing your mentor is your 'father'. " I said using air quotations.

"Unfortunately so, I had my chance to deal with the fact, which i did well. I gave him a black eye and giving him a temporary groin pain, so he had to waddle instead of walking. My mom was laughing her head off, seeing him waddle."

"Speak of the devil" I made her aware of who was behind her.

"Hello ladies."

"Hello Shawn". We replied as coldly as each other. It was warming to see this hate towards him from his own daughter, because he is a real idiot.

"Have you decided a song with each other?"

"No, too busy talking about how my mother is happy without you. She almost completely genuinely replied to him.

His face was getting more red and he didn't try to shout at her.

"This weeks theme is companionship, so I want to you to sing mi Padre."

"THAT IS IT, STRIKE THREE!" Holy shit, she can rage and hold a grudge. I thought I was bad with him, this is the next level.

"YOU ARE NOT MY FATHER!!!" I can probably guess the whole mansion heard that.


There was an awkward pause where Isabellas face had litteraly changed from a light red to her normal ivory like skin color. Before Shawn had tried to speak Isabella spoke again.

"Shawn, I'm going to be real with you." She had suddenly calmed down. I could never be that composed after shouting at someone.

"I'm really tired of your attempts to be in my life, just give up with dignity and I may think about talking to you in a civil manor about things that having nothing to do with biology or any form of the word parent."

"Also I will sing Papaoutai in English." She had paused between the two sentences before Shawn had walked out of the room making a phone call.

"THE_NERVE of him, I was really close to giving him a POLY-BEATDOWN, after what you had told me".

"Isabella, let me take you for a drive, we both need to calm down, after that."

We had got into the car and Dinah had started driving away from the mansion onto the main road, by the ocean. We had stopped beach side and sat on the sand for a while psychologically evaluating the situation and talking about Football and funny family moments, in attempt to calm her down.

"Shit! It's my mom. I have to take this."

"Hi mom."


"Wait Mom!"


"Shit" I could hear Camila breathe really heavily down the phone. We both said the same word at the same time.

"Justin told me that you left with the vocal coach, how do I know who they are?"

"Mom, you grounded me for mentioning Lauren, don't rage about the new vocal coach. She's here now, calming me down after 'I'm your daddy' attempt number three by the skinny Canadian crap."

"What do you mean by new?"

"The old vocal coach was in possession of cocaine and had a coke line on his shirt when he got arrested."

"Oh okay. Who is this person you are with, because I'm worried about you now."

"Don't worry i'm only with my aunt Dinah, you only spoke about her once or twice."

"Pass the phone to her now." I had received the phone from Isabella.

"Hi Camila, I didn't expect to be talking to you in this situation."

"Hi" She had calmed down sighing in a breath, almost in relief that her daughter wasn't with some random person.

"Thank god you are not some random person. I got worried as a mother."

"She's a great girl, you have raised her correctly. Better than I have with my children." I joked on the end.

"No way. Dinah, you have only heard a bit about me, I've basically failed in Parenting 101, especially with our promo we did. I should be ashamed of my actions and I definitely am."

"Don't tell me, if you are not comfortable with it."

"I'm not going to. I don't want to ruin this reunion over the phone. I can't thank you enough for being there for Isabella today."

"Don't worry about it, we both hate him as much as each other. Today just brought back the reason why I hate him and his guts."

"I understand. I'll speak to you another time, maybe in person, I do not know."

"I have a feeling that they are coming to look for us. I'll speak to you another time. Nice speaking to you. Bye"

"Bye" She had ended the call.

"Before we go back, why did you choose that song?"

"The song is originally about the artists dad leaving them and how he had to grow up without his father. Also it will be a challenge as the original is in French."

"Fair, I do suggest that you get back to the mansion before they send a search party. I'll drop you off just outside the gates."

"Thankyou aunt Dinah." She just pulled me into a hug crying over my shoulder, before I had set off, to return her back to the mansion.

I had dropped her off and then I checked my phone.

Ally: That's Camilas daughter?

Mani: I'm guessing that aswell.

Lo: It is, I met her at bootcamp and in Miami, her and Stephanie are close.

DJ: Shall I add her mom to the Group Chat?

Mani: Hell no!

Ally: Language Normani, but I do agree with her, a no from me.

DJ: I didn't know you were Simons apprentice.

Lo: LOL. I think she does deserve the shout out to her parenting as Isabella is a great girl, but I do agree and say keep the group chat to the four of us, no adding Husbands either DINAH!

DJ: Jeez Lo. I'm not 100% sure on the great parenting she did say something that correlated our work and Isabella. IDK, I didn't want to push her into saying it. However I do agree that Isabella is a great girl.

Lo: you should have pushed Camila into saying it.

Mani: Rude Lo, but I want to know now.

DJ: Leave it! She was worried sick about Isabella when I spoke to her, we had wondered away from the X Factor mansion and I just calmed her down after an incident in the auditorium.

Ally: Fair, I wouldn't have minded if she had done the same for my kids.

Mani: Sorry for pushing it.

Lo: Me too.

DJ: Dw. Just maternal instincts kicked in, getting a friends daughter away from a POS.

Lo: Who is the POS?

DJ: Shawn

Mani: Julian calls him Seam Menez.


DJ: Camren calls him that aswell.



Lo: Camren is DEAD! in all ways possible, right now.

DJ: Stupid auto-correct, my phone always does that when I type his name in. I can almost see you raging right now Lo, keep it calm.

I had dropped off Isabella to the X Factor mansion and I had driven home, being greeted by silence, so I check my phone again.

Lo: I am, the husbands group r talking abt ur blunder on text. Carlos stole Allys phone and sent a screenshot of r convo. Glenn was on the floor when he saw that.

Lo: I even sent Stephanie a video of him laughing on the floor to the chat.

Ally: Send it to us, pretty please. 'insert pouty face'.

Lo: Video attached.

Mani: OMG HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. This is far better than seeing the auto correct error.

Ally: I stole Carloses phone and sent the video to their group.

Lo: And now I have a tomato faced husband looking after our youngest child. It's hilarious, I dropped my phone.

Mani: If not much has changed from 20 years ago, then this is a damn funny event. Far better than one of Camilas terrible jokes.

Lo: I do admit now that they are horrendous but then it was funny.

Isabella POV

I had nervously returned to the auditorium, where I was before I left. No one was there, so I decided to go to my room, only to be met with worried Brown eyes of a pale brunette, I know to be Stephanie.

"What in the world were you thinking about when you decided to leave after an incident like that? You had me worried sick after an hour of no reply from you."

"I'm really sorry, basically he brought the issue up again, I rage at him, then I left with aunt Dinah, talked and then she dropped me back here."

We had layer on the bed with each other and Stephanie had slowly started to kiss me, it wasn't fast, it was a slow kiss, mainly of relief, calmness and security. I had just followed back her kiss at the same tempo, letting her control it. It was a nice strawberry taste with the taste transferring slowly.

I was on top of her and I think I felt something just below my stomach as we had parted, I don't know what it was but it had made me moan. I moaned and she had kissed my neck at the same time, making me think that nothing touched me down there.

Knock Knock "Isabella".

"Shit, get in the bathroom."

I had checked to see who it was and I saw that it was Justin. Stephanie had entered the bathroom and I had turned the fan off, forgetting that she was in there.

"Isabella, I'm guessing your mom shouted down the phone to you.

"You're right saying that. Dinah took me out of the premises."

"I'll have a word with her, next time let us know where you are."

"Okay, I do have a feeling we were calming each other down after the Shawn incident."

"Makes sense, that does bring me into the next point. I don't think you and Shawn should be working with each other if there is going to be commotion between the two of you each week."

"Thank god, I can't stand him. He brings up the issue every time." I sigh slash yelled in relief.

"He has come to me asking me about the situation, I have a child but I never had this problem of being a dad in distance like him."

"Tell him to stay out of my life, outside the competition."

"But why?"

"Honestly, at first I was curious at who would be my 'father' using that term lightly. Now I know the whole story, told in pictures. I don't want to know him. He just disappeared into the sunset, not one sign of him or any info. I did ask my mom aunt Sofia and my grandma but I hit dead ends multiple times. He knew about me, but he just didn't try to at least contact me or my mom."

"Your reason is good, for this week I say you do a solo interview saying what song and blah blah blah. Shawn will watch you rehearse this week, no input what so ever with him."

"Thank you Justin, I'll see you soon"


As soon as Justin had shut the door, Stephanie had come out of the bathroom, gasping for air as Justin and I spoke for quite a bit of time.

"Geez, you spoke for a long time. I was almost out of breath. "


Brianna POV

I am busy talking to Kirkas as 2012, NWNA and Isabella were getting ready to go out for dinner tonight.

"Hold on a second Kirkas, it's my friend from home."


"Hi, how are you?"

"I'm waiting for a special someone who is about 5'9 dark sinned girl who has beautiful black hair, on the beach, wanting to surprise her."

"Who are you talking about?"

"You, you goose. I'm in LA. Do you want to go out here?"

"How comes you are over here?"

"Aunts came down to see my uncles, and they are boring as hell."

"Sure, the group, NWNA and Isabella will join us."

"We'll make it look like a big group date, for publicity."

"So I'll see you, in about 20 mins?"

"Alright, see you soon."


I was off the phone with DeMarco and I had been with Kirkas to let him and everyone else know of the one addititon.

We all walked down to the beach unrecognized by people around but I know there are people.

I introduce everybody to DeMarco. Everyone had a beard date Me and Kirkas (eventhough it wasn't a beard), Amy and Jean, Ben and Isabella, Stephanie and DeMarco, Elizabeth and Daniel.


Lauren POV

I saw the gossip magazine to check on Stephanie and see if there was anything on any of my celebrity friends.

I find the latest article of 2012 on a group date with NWNA. I decided to call Stephanie to clear the situation.

"Who is the guy ur with?"

"DeMarco, Briannas friend."

"You need to be careful, you are seen holding his hand and then kissing Isabella on the cheek, what sort of image does that give off?"

"Not a good one."

"Correct. Please try to keep yourself out of trouble and especially away from the papers, do you get where I'm coming from?"

"Yes mom, please don't worry about me."

"I have to, especially when situations like these arise."

"Okay mom. How is Sam?"

"Behaving better than you, she is alright. You didn't see your father after he was on the floor laughing. I sent the video to your aunt ally and she sent it to the husbands group. He was like a tomato talking to Sam about boyfriends. It was hilarious."

"OMG Mom, do you have a picture of him, after the video was sent?"

"I'll send it to you.

"Ok mom, I have to go, bye."

"Love you."

I went onto the group chat and shared the hollywire magazine article about the girls to the group chat.

Mani: Really? Bri chose the famous guy and Stephanie has Briannas best friend?

Ally: Who is the famous one?

Mani: Arins son.

DJ: Is this X Factor, the next generation? Cos that sounds quite true.

Me: The contestants a pure coincidence, but the dating could all be fake, because Stephanie is as straight as I was in 2018. (She was a lesbian then for Lucy before they broke up the same year).

Dinah: Lol. Thanks for the info Lo, I actually got scared that I would have to give my own daughter a POLY-BEATDOWN .

Ally: you shouldn't beat your child over that, but I do think it is too early for all of them. Did they have to be as touchy with each other.

Me: IDK, but could Isabella at least be straight forward and not be with 2 people, like her mother was?


"Yes Glenn"

"You've been on your phone a lot lately, who are you talking to?"

"The girls."

"Which girls? You have many groups of girls, you are part of. Is it the college girls, the softball girls, college softball girls?, WAGs?, which group?"

"There is Cara who keeps on boasting about how she is the richest wife and Ben arguing as he was in the NBA. None of them know I'm the richest, there is no need to show off, just shut the fuck up. Then there there is the girl group girls who are talking abt our daughters. That chat makes me miss Stephanie."

"Same, the husbands chat does aswell."

"I looked back at the chat and I see loads of messages saying 'What do you mean?' I fended off the the question by saying."

Me: Oh. You wanna say yes, but you're gonna say no.

DJ: Don't reference my boss.

Me: Oh yeah, sorry DJ.

Ally has changed the name from 5H to 2012 Moms.

DJ: The name seems more fitting. Especially as the every member of 2012 mothers are in this chat.

Me: what are you saying?

DJ: Karina got arrested for underage possession of weed and possession of cocaine.

Mani: That is Diamonds daughter out of the group.

DJ: The old vocal coach got charged with the same thing, hence my job with the contestants.

Me: Isn't that a bit biased?

DJ: Nobody needs to know who my daughter is.

Mani: She's right.


Isabella POV

I had got up to the stage where there was a long microphone holder about 180 cm high and there was a microphone on there waiting for me to speak into it.

Tell me where he's from Then I'll finally be where I'm going Mother says that when we search well We'll always finish by finding She says he is never too far That he often leaves to go work Mother says that working is good Much better than being in bad company Not true!

Where is your father? Tell me where is your father? Without even having to speak with him He knows what's wrong Oh sacred father! Tell me where you're hiding It must Have been at least a thousand times that I've Counted on my fingers Hey!

Where are you? Father, where are you? Where are you? Father, where are you? Where are you? Father, where are you? Where are you, where are you, where are you father?

What, whether we believe or not There will come a day when we will believe no more One day or another we'll all be fathers And one day or another we'll have disappeared Will we be hateable? Will we be admirable? Janitors or artists? Tell us who gave birth to the irresponsible

Ah tell us who, then, Everyone knows how to make a baby But nobody knows how to make a father Mr I-know-everything Gets it from his dad, eh Tell me where you're hiding It must Have been at least a thousand times that I've Counted on my fingers Hey!

Where are you? Father, where are you? Where are you? Father, where are you? Where are you? Father, where are you? Where are you, where are you, where are you father?

Where is your father? Tell me where is your father? Without even having to speak with him He knows what's wrong Oh sacred father! Tell me where it's hidden It must Have been at least a thousand times that I've counted my fingers Hey!

Where is your father? Tell me where is your father? Without even having to speak with him He knows what's wrong Damn it, Dad! Tell me where you're hiding! It must Have been at least a thousand times that I've counted my fingers Hey!

Where are you? Father, where are you? Where are you? Father, where are you? Where are you? Father, where are you? Where are you, where are you, where are you father?

I don't know what came over me but I always started crying after translating the song into English after hearing it in French class. I think that was one of the first times I asked my mom about 'him', from what I remember of asking the question.

"Well, that was a powerful message to give out, and what a way to do that. It was a nice performance." Willow said being oblivious to what happened earlier in the week.

"Well, that is a change in style from you, that i don't like that much, the run could have been longer, otherwise it was a good performance, well done." Becky said, trying to find negatives, as she knew the overs were bad this week.

"I am not 100% sure on the song choice, did you choose that Shawn?" Justin questioned.

"Completely her own choice." Shawn answered

"I do say the vocal performances from everyone has improved this week, not as much you as the others, but I do agree that this was vocally near perfect, for me. Good job."

"Good performance this week, carry on like this." Shawn said bluntly, trying to get me off the stage as soon as possible.

Carly asks me why I chose this song. "My mom told me about who my father was and the reason why I only have been with her. This weeks theme had created the perfect opportunity to sing about the incident, and the song had hit me hard the first time I heard it, even though it was in French, so I decided to cover it in English."

Carly had finished her little monolouge to the camera, introducing the advert."

"Isabella". Carly had called me quickly.

We were by her dressing room so there was privacy, so I didn't mind a quick chat.

"Isabella, did you truly mean that offence to your biological father? I've spoken to your mother and she did say you didn't take the news well."

"The vocal coach would disagree with you, but I meant it, he's been harassing me since I've arrived to the live shows. You know who it is, as you know my mother. He is just a sperm donor who made my voice a bit too high pitched and overgrown for my age."

"Fair enough, you look at him like he is the anti-christ. From a PR point of view try to avoid looking at him and look at another judge or the audience. This is only something small, but when you get closer to the final, it will get picked up on."

"He probably is, to my moms former group, to everyone but her. Thanks for the advice Carly."

"Anytime Isabella." She said as I walked out taking in her advice, as the crew led me out of her room for them to do her makeup.


Their pre-performance interview.

This week hit us hard as we lost a member of our group for good, but on the plus side...

... "I'm back."

"Thanks Bri."

"I have sorted out the problem and I'm here to put my all into each performance. One at a time."

"So we have decide to sing a song by the Landmines, called into the woods, released earlier this year."

Skip performance.

Nice way to lighten up the dark song about the unknown in a relationship. I can tell Amy's vocals have significantly improved compared to any other contestant. Willow started off the comments.

The rest of the judges had said about how we were better as a four and it was a good performance.


Isabella POV

The results are in and they will be revealed in no particular order. The first act safe and going through to next week is...

... Jameson. The crowd had booed the decision as not many people liked him and I agree that he isn't a good singer.

Act after act had been called and I was still there, until there were only three artists left. Me, Penny and 2012

The last act safe from elimination is ...

...Penny. The crowd had been silenced as they did not expect the last two acts to be us. The Judges had waited for us to Sing our save me songs.

I had chosen treat you better by Shawn and I could tell that my choice of song didn't go well with him.

2012 had chosen the Beyonce song that featured Aunt Dinah. She must have been happy with that song as it was a good cover of the original.

Carly had finished saying whatever crap when I went to hug every member of 2012 before we had to wait for our fate to be decided.

Justin had started saying that I would be sent home because he had to support his group.

Shawn had said "As much as I didn't like either of the song choices, Isabellas less than 2012's. But I have to stick with my act and send 2012 home."

It was one and one where the ladies had to decide who was going home.

Willow had made a quick decision and saying that she was going to send me home.

Carly had forgot to roll the adverts so the cameras had automatically turned off for a second, the judges and the contestants, went backstage for a bit. Beck had called me in to talk to me.

"Hi Becky, why did you call me here?"

"I've got a make or break deal here for you, and only we will know about it, okay?"

"Alright. Go ahead."

Carly rose had started off by catching the audience up with what had happened before the sudden commercial break.

"I have had a longer time to think about my decision and the act I'm sending home is..."

The crowd were saying 2012 quite alot with some murmurs of my name could be heard in the background.


I had given a little speech on how I was thankful for this opportunity blablabla and I went back to the mansion to pack up my things before tomorrow.

Stephanie and the girls had decided to come back to my room after they had beaten me on the sing off. It baffled me but I'll see what they all want.

"Isabella, we have a proposition for you." Amy had started off.

"I, no I meant WE want you to join us" Stephanie had given me the proposition.

"I need to make a phone call before I can confirm what I'm doing" I told the, before they walked off.

Due to me being in a solo contract and being confused about the situation, I decided called Taylor Swift.

At this time it was about midnight on the 8th of October, before I made the phone call.

"Hello Isabella, how are you?"

"Not great after being eliminated but I need your help."

"What with?"

"Could you amend my recording contract to a group instead of me solo?"

"Who is the group you are joining?"


"I sense something fishy with them, they are too close for a group and I feel you will be left out."

"No, that won't happen, don't tell my mom but I'm seeing one of the group members and we all share one thing in common."

"I never thought it was true, all your mothers were in a girl group themselves. I don't think you would interrupt their flow. I think they need you now, thinking about it."

"Okay, please don't tell my mom who I'm seeing. I'm not too sure about what she would say."

"I'll amend your contract and sort their contacts when the group get eliminated."

"Thank you Ms Swift."

"Anytime Isabella, see you soon."


I hung up the phone going back to their rooms to tell them the good news.

"As you are all here, I want to confirm that I will join your group as of right now."

"Welcome to 2012 Isabella."

AN: Lucy's dad's singing voice is decent (Carlos Vives). If you were wondering, Kirkas is Finnish for light. Do you want to see more Carly Rose?

Really important issue: Lauren, I know marijuana is good, and you are a clever woman, who uses it in a good way (probably) . Please think about where you are going, and what you have with you. A quote that a teammate said to me "For someone who's smart, you are pretty stupid, at the same time." This applies to you aswell Lauren. Clever, because you are and stupid for this incident.

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