Fix me (COMPLETED) #Wattys2016

By Ronymacaronni

506K 30.5K 4.1K

Highest ranking, #1 in spiritual ( 10/7/2016 ) until ( 5/ 9/ 2016 ). How can you fix something that's... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Fourty
(Not an update) Apology and clearifying!
Chapter Fourty One
Authors Note


13.1K 855 183
By Ronymacaronni

"Woman was made from the rib of man, she was not created from his head to top him, not from his feet to be stepped upon. She was made from his side to be close to him, from beneath his arm to be protected by him, near his heart to be loved by him"  -



* 4 years later *

| Adam's POV |

I open my eyes to a gentle kiss on my forehead and the feeling of a few chubby strong feet kicking my side. I stir and sit up as my eyes set on my beautiful wife sitting on our bed with a beautiful smile plastered on her face.

I can't help but smile back at her glowing face.
"Good morning" I rasp out.

"Morning handsome!" She says with a wink.

Four years later and she is just as beautiful if not more. The difference now is that her eyes have that shine back in them, the sadness and pain long gone, instead contentment and happiness taking their place.

I'm lost in her hazel eyes, every time I look into them I feel like I'm falling in love with her all over again, and I never want this feeling to stop.



Two identical voices interrupt my moment of appreciation. I set my eyes on our two boys rolling around on the bed, kicking me multiple times in the process. A small smile forms on my face as I watch their eyes light up with mischief and joy.

Yes, I'm a father to another two boys now. Layla got pregnant with our beautiful twin boys, Wessam and Younes about 4 months after we got married... or rather re-married and I couldn't be any happier. Deep down I've always wanted a family of my own, and now I have all of that and more all thanks to my gorgeous wife Layla.

Seeing Layla's stomach grow bigger every day with our two children in her stomach made me see her in a new light. It made me see every woman with a new found appreciation. My wife carried Melak in her womb through 9 months, she was broken and lost at that time but she still made it out alive with a healthy beautiful girl in her arms. She then had to carry our twin boys through another 9 months, and even though she was suffering from too high blood pressure she still made it, and delivered Wessam and Younes, the apples of my eyes all healthy.

That's not all, Layla surprised me once again on my birthday 5 months ago. She handed me a box filled new born neutral baby clothes and a positive pregnancy test. She is now 7 months pregnant with our baby girl, with no complications this time.

Alhamdullilah for everything.

I'm over the moon and I feel so blessed. Every time I think of where I was and where I got I feel like kneeling down in prostration in front of my one and only lord, the almighty.

Wessam suddenly takes hold of both of my cheeks and squeezes them. "Daddy can we eat ice cream for bwekfwast?" He asks as he gives me his innocent puppy eyes look.

"Yes daddy pweaseeeee!" Younes adds, looking adorable with his lips in a pout.

I chuckle at their antics and I can't help but gather them to my chest in what they call a "bear hug" as I tickle them until they say the magic words.

This is our game almost every morning.

"Daddy stawwwwp" Wessam squeals as his body is shaking with fits of laughter.

Younes on the other hand is busy trying to wiggle his way out of my arms.

"Nope, you have to say the magic words!" I say, as I blow some raspberries on their milky white chubby stomachs not stopping my hands from tickling them everywhere.

"Otay Otay!" Younes yells, still wiggling.

"You are the bestest daddy in the whole wide wowld and we wuv you vewy muwch!" They say simultaneously.

I stop tickling them and give them each a kiss on their head before ruffling their mop of brown curls.

"Come on boys, head on down and wake your big sister up." I tell them and watch them sprint out our bedroom door.

Through all of this, Layla is watching us with love shining in her eyes. I gaze into her eyes and watch as tears start to slowly form in the corner of her eyes. I sit up straight and bring her to my chest and wrap my arms around her body in a tight grip.

"What's wrong habibti?" I murmur into her hair.

I hear her sniff before she starts speaking. "I think this is the pregnancy hormones speaking but I feel so blessed. I can't imagine my life without you and our beautiful children. Thank you for coming into my life, and thank you for giving me a chance and letting me in to your world, thank you for accepting me when most would have turned away from me." She says as her grip tightens on my neck.

She rests her head between my neck and shoulder, snuggling closer to me.

"No Layla. Thank you. Thank you for giving me a family that any man in his right mind desires and thank you for giving me those 3 beautiful children and the 4th one coming on it's way. But most important of all thank you for giving me a second chance and believing in us when I didn't. Thank you for forgiving for all the bad things I've committed and all of the pain I've caused you. I don't deserve you, but I'll try my best to be worthy of you for the rest of our lives. I promise you habibti." I say feeling the emotions choking me.

Layla leans back, and looks me in the eyes.
"Hey! We decided to put that behind us. I've forgiven and forgotten! Besides we are all human and I believe everyone deserves a second chance."

I stare at the woman in my arms in wonder.

How did I ever get this lucky?

"You know I love you right?" I ask her as I lean closer to her.

Layla looks down, a slight crimson blush forming on her flawless face. "I love you too, Adam. So much." She says quietly, slightly biting her bottom lip.

That's all she has to say and do before I lose all control and lean down to capture her luscious lips with mine in a long embrace. I bite her bottom lip gently as I begin to move my lips against hers igniting a flame inside of me.

This woman has put a spell on me and I never want it to be broken. She makes me the happiest I've ever been, and life with her is never dull but rather filled with surprises and love.

"Mommy! Daddy! Come on wake up!" Melak's voice rings through the air all the way from downstairs, breaking our moment.

We break contact and stare into each other eyes before Layla leans forward and gives me a quick peck on the tip of my nose before getting up to get ready.

I shake my head, the smile never leaving my face. I watch as she walks around the room in her tight black yoga pants and her grey tank top which showcases her not so small yet fascinating baby bump while she tidies the room up before she gets ready to make breakfast.

I don't move from my place on the bed. I put my hands behind my head and get comfortable while I'm lost in the beauty that is my wife.

My Layla. My hayat.

I feel so content knowing that I have a wife and children whom love me and whom I love twice as much, if possible, that I can come home to everyday. I feel so blessed and lucky for everything around me.

Layla puts her hair up in a messy bun and slips on her fuzzy slippers, she's about to turn the knob before she turns around and looks at me with a serious expression.

"Oh and Adam, don't you dare think that you're not worthy of me. I love you and you're the only one for me." She says before turning around and descending the stairs.

This woman never ceases to amaze me.

I'm officially the luckiest man on the face of this earth and I wouldn't want to change a thing about my life.

With a smile still on my face, I get up to wash up before I leave to have breakfast with my loving family downstairs.

| Layla's POV |

I walk down the stairs and enter the kitchen only to find my angel trying to cook for us with the help of her little brothers. Keyword being trying.

Corn flakes are everywhere... literally. There are some on the floor, all over the counters and even in her untamed curls. I stifle a laugh as I catch my adorable boys sitting on the floor with flour all over them.

"What has the trouble trio done this time?" I ask teasingly with my eyes narrowed.

All three of them look from one to the other as if silently having a conversation.

"Mommy we were only trying to make you and daddy breakfast because we love you." Says Melak giving me her best innocent look she could master.

"And Wes and Yony only wanted to help make the pancakes so I said okay." She adds, looking adorable with her hair all over the place. I loved how she always found a new nickname for her younger brothers.

I could never get angry at my children. Ever. Annoyed and frustrated... yes. Angry? Never. These tiny humans are my everything, along with their breathtakingly handsome father upstairs. I would do anything for their happiness and safety. I'd gladly sell my heart and soul for them.

As if on queue, the love of my life entered the kitchen and walked straight towards me. Adam circled his arms around my enlarged belly and placed his hands on either side of my stomach where our daughter is growing safe and sound. I lean my head back on his shoulder as he places a soft kiss on my bare shoulder up to my neck.

He looks around with amusement shining in his eyes as he stares at each one of the kids faces and mess.

"Why am I not surprised?" He voiced out loud.

I chuckle, and remove his hand from my belly but not before kissing his knuckles lightly.

"Wanna help the trouble trio make some real breakfast?" I ask him as I start taking out the ingredients to our families all time favorite. Pancakes.

"Always and forever." He says before sending a wink my way.


Our life was never easy, it had its ups and downs every now and then but the mere fact that we all had each other at the end of day made everything all the more bearable and worth it. None of this would be possible without the will and help of Allah SWT, and I'll never forget that simple but important fact.

Now who would've known that two broken, and unfixable humans, complete strangers would find their way to each other and end up fixing each other?

I sure as hell didn't know that. I thought I was broken for good, but look at us now...

I needed someone to fix my broken heart, and Adam was the one for me as I was the one for him.



(tell me what you think honestly! I'd love to hear your thoughts and ideas!)

Please don't forget to comment, vote and share if you enjoyed it! x

I'll probably write an AN tomorrow or the day after tomorrow because I really need some sleep right now because I gotta wake up super early and study for my humongous physics exam. So much fun.

Love ya'all

- Rania

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