I Love to Hate You (Jian AU)

By AlwaysLarryxxJian

10.7K 633 292

Kian hates Jc. Jc hates Kian. That's how it's supposed to be. But sometimes things don't turn out the way we... More

Authors Note and Warning


350 33 14
By AlwaysLarryxxJian

A/N: thank you to everyone who comments and votes on this story , ilysm <3 i suck for not updating.

"Oh and these'll have to go," Kian said holding up the crutches Jc had handed him.

Jc's mouth widened in shock, "What do you mean 'these'll have to go!' I literally can't walk without them!" Jc exclaimed with disbelief.

Kian just stood there with his arms crossed, amused. "You won't be doing any walking for the time being so it's kind of pointless to just carry them around," Kian pointed out.

Jc took a deep breath, if Kian was going to give him a 'ride' he couldn't disagree with the boy.

"Fine, then where do you suggest we put them?" Jc questioned, it was his turn to cross his arms.

Kian just laughed, taking the crutches and throwing them into the bushes. If Jc wasn't shocked before he definitly was now.

"What the heck is wrong with you!" Jc turned in Kian's direction.

"So much," Kian simply said, urging Jc to get on his back.

Jc was hesitant, but now that he didn't even have his crutches, his only option was to go with Kian.

Jc put his arms around Kian's neck loosely and put his legs around his waist. Kian quickly caught them.

It was weird to say the least.

Kian shifted around a little, making sure the position was comfortable since this would be a long walk.

He started toward the direction of Jc's house, not saying anything for the first few minutes of their walk.

"You know... you never really answered my question on why you're helping me," Jc mumbled, still finding Kian's act of kindness (if that's what you could call it) suspicious.

"Oh so Kian Lawley just can't do something nice out of the kindness of his heart without being accused of bad intentions?" Kian shook his head, pretending to be offended.

Jc narrowed his eyes at him, and even if Kian couldn't see him doing it, he knew he was.

Kian tilted his head up toward Jc which left only a tense gap between them.

Kian gave him his famous smirk to which Jc just rolled his eyes and pulled his head back up, away from Kian's face.

"So who gave you the uptight genes?" Kian spoke unexpectedly.

Jc was getting used to Kian's random stupid questions.

"I'm not uptight for the last time, and my whole family just knows the proper time to have what you would call 'fun'."

Kian snorted, "I'm pretty sure you and I have very different definitions of fun," Kian said.

"Okay, what's your definition of fun?" Jc asked him with wonder. He already figured what Kian would say, but for some reason he just wanted a description of what he could never have.

"Well I'd say going out to parties, totally fucking your mind up and getting laid are all pretty fun things to do," Kian said, not even thinking twice about it.

"That's it ?" Jc was expecting a little more.

Kian lifted his eyebrows, not realizing he was expected to give a detailed description.

"I actually-" he started again, but stopped what he was going to say.
Jc quickly caught onto the hesitation, hoping he would finish his thoughts.

"You actually what?.." Jc urged him on.

It seemed as if Kian was having a small argument with himself on whether to tell Jc what he was about to say or not.

"Never mind," Kian decided, hoping Jc would drop the subject, which he did.

"Well I like to read and spend time with Lia on my free time," Jc declared proudly.

Kian rolled his eyes at Jc's answer.

"Of course you'd say that," Kian snorted, shaking his head disapprovingly.

"Um excuse me for not wanted to accidentally contract an STD just because I was having a little bit of fun ?" Jc retorted.

"Well that's why you use protection darling," Kian said back, just as sassily.

Jc had to use his entire willpower to not fight back.

After awhile of Jc not responding, Kian figured he had won this one. His lips formed into a smug grin.

"Condoms can rip," Jc ended up saying. He never really had the skilled talent to hold back.

Kian opened his mouth to speak, but was interrupted by the sound of footsteps walking in their direction.

He turned around to see it was just a boy and girl, a couple around their age, he assumed.

The girl took her boyfriend's hand and scanned Kian and Jc with what looked like jealousy.

"Why don't you ever hold me like that?" She asked her boyfriend quietly.

But Kian had heard it.

The boyfriend glanced in the direction of Jc and Kian with a look of disgust.

"We're not following the example of two fags, now c'mon," he pulled her forward, attempting to walk in front of Kian and Jc.

But Kian had heard that too and similar to Jc he was not good at holding back.

Kian came to an abrupt stop, his jaw clenched. He definitely was not happy right now.

"Hold on tighter," Kian whispered to Jc quickly.

Jc didn't know what was going on, but he did as asked and hoped Kian wouldn't get them killed.

"What the fuck did you just call me?" Kian turned around completely to face the guy, who was now a little pale in the face as Jc observed.

"You heard me, fag," he let go of his girlfriends hand and balled up his own fist, ready for a fight.

Jc kind of wanted to warn this guy that he shouldn't be messing with Kian, but he also figured he better shut his mouth.

Kian gave this guy a wide grin before punching him straight across the face  that would for sure leave a visible bruise.

The girl let out a scream, running toward Kian to push him, but the guy quickly held her back. One hand holding his bloody nose and the other keeping his girl behind him.

"Jonathan you can't just let him get away with that!" The girl screamed into her boyfriends face.

Kian just stood there, awaiting this guy's response to him throwing the first punch.

Jc had never been more frightened in his life, he was literally in the war zone. He was not risking getting more injured then he already was.

"Yeah your girlfriends right, come at me man," Kian ushered him forward.

Jonathan growled and charged toward Kian, but Kian easily gave him another blow to the face, this time he had successfully knocked him down.

"You're a fucking faggot and you and your bullshit boyfriend should go kill yourselves!" He spit out, glaring at him with blood smeared across both cheeks.

Jc felt Kian's muscles tighten against him, and before he could suggest to Kian that they should just leave Kian was kicking Jonathan repeatedly in the stomach.

The sounds of the boys choked grunting and the girls crying and attempts  to push Kian away from her boyfriend were completely blurred out of Kian's mind.

Jc screamed for Kian to stop, since the boy was coughing up blood now, but it seemed as if Kian wasn't even there, his eyes were empty and now it seemed as as if he was on a broken loop.

It wasn't until Jc jumped off Kian's back and forgetting the shooting pain in his ankle he got in front of Kian.

He took his hands that were covered in blood and forced Kian to look straight into his eyes.

"Kian! Stop! You're going to kill him!" He shouted, shaking him awake.

It seemed that Kian was growing conscious of his surroundings again.

His eyes began to be filled with pain and the emptiness that was once in them faded into an overwhelming mix of emotions, his usual eyes.

Kian noticed that Jc was still holding his hands so he pulled them away, coughing awkward and avoiding Jc's disapproving eyes.

"Let's just go..." Kian mumbled to Jc, awaiting for him to hop on his back again , but he didn't.

"I'm not going with you," Jc said, pushing past Kian annoyed, he was practically dragging his bad leg.

He was ignoring the pain, that screamed at him to stop walking.

Kian glanced back at the guy still on the ground and glared at the girl leaning over him, trying to stop the bleeding.

"He deserved it," Kian mumbled under his breath.

"Only fags get offended- by being called fags!" The guy shouted over to him, getting into a coughing fit afterward because he had strained his voice with just saying half of that.

Kian ignored the comment, jogging over to Jc who was struggling to even take another step.

"Don't get anywhere near me," Jc warned. He was completely sure Kian was insane now.

Usually he would completely follow by with that request because why would he want to be anywhere near Jc, but he couldn't just bring himself to leave Jc right now, especially with his ankle in this condition.

"C'mon, you're being a little overdramatic," Kian tried to reason.

"Me?? You're the one who almost killed someone for calling us a derogatory term and assuming we were a couple!" Jc exclaimed.

"He was a douche-"

"So are you, but you don't see me attacking you until you cough up blood!" Jc waved his hands around like a mad man.

He was still in shock from what had just happened. He had never seen this intense of a fight up close.

"Well actually you did punch me that one time..." Kian laughed.

"That was an accident!" Jc defended.

"I know I know, but you totally enjoyed it," Kian pointed out.

"No comment," Jc glanced away, with a small smile at the memory.

Kian noticed and was relieved Jc wasn't completely mad at him anymore ... Not that he would care if he was ..

"So do you still need that ride?.." Kian wondered, scratching his head awkwardly and leaving traces of dried blood in his hair.

"Whatever," Jc shrugged, what else could he do.

The rest of the way home was a silent one, even if Jc wasn't angry enough to not take this ride, he was still mad enough to not willingly talk to him.

"We're here," Jc pointed to his house, Kian walked up the front porch steps and let Jc down from his back.

"Bye," Was all Jc said, slamming the door in Kian's face.

"No thank you?" Kian shouted after him, smirking. He knew Jc heard him.

Kian shrugged and started to walk down the porch steps.

The sound of an opening door creaking caught Kian's attention and he looked back up toward the front door.

"...thanks..i guess.." Jc mumble through the crack of the door, just audible enough for Kian to hear it.

He then quickly shut the door again and this time it was for real.

Kian couldn't help the smile that formed on his lips.

"He's a Caylen, of course he's got to keep common courtesy," Kian rolled his eyes and laughed, jogging away in the opposite direction of Jc's house.

A/N: so disappointed in myself ,, i can't even say im gonna try to write more on this book because i apparently suck at keeping promises .

Kisses xoxo -A

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