The Responders

By Chicago_PD_

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Ever since Blake was adopted by Benny Severide, and became inseparable with Kelly, she always wanted to be a... More

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13.4K 218 22
By Chicago_PD_


Staring at my reflection in the mirror, I nodded in approval of how I looked. Wearing a black tight fitting dress, a grey sweater and thigh high black boots.

Walking to my locker, my heels clicking on the ground, I grabbed the duffel bag before shutting the door. Double checking that I had everything, meandered into the common room where I knew everyone would be.

The sounds of my heels clicking against the floor echoed through the halls, notifying everyone of my presence. As I entered, I could tell everyone was speechless, especially Jay. Striding over go where I was, he took the bag from my hand before capturing my lips. Snaking an arm around my waist, the two of us smiled at the firefighters.

Leaving the common room, I waved at them as we left. Glancing up at the brunette, his eyes shot down before pulling me into another kiss. "You look absolutely ravishing tonight Ms. Severide"

Grinning at Jay as he opened his truck door for me, I slid inside. Once he was inside the truck, I grabbed his hand. "And you look devilishly handsome Mr. Halstead"

"Just for you"

Whipping out of the driveway, Jay and I fell into an easy conversation. Him telling me all about the cases he has been working on, forced to sit back on desk duty. "Well Jay, you got shot, but you should be clear now since you went to the doctors right"

Seeing the nod of his head, he reached across the console, intertwining our hands. "Yeah. Now that I am back on duty, I can go after punks who almost crash into fire trucks"

At first I was confused, until I remembered what happened. Squeezing his hand, glanced at me briefly before turning towards the road. "Please do, that one was just the closest one we have had in a while". Sitting quiet for a moment, I took a moment to process it, I was driving. It was my job to protect everyone in that truck, if I didn't spot that car when I did, I could of lost someone.

Noticing my deep thoughts, my boy gently tugged me back into reality. Smiling gently at him, he rubbed his thumb over the back of my hand. Parking the car on the side of the road, Jay quickly got out and opened the passenger side door. Holding out his hand to help me, I laughed lightly.

"What a gentleman". Paying the man with a kiss on the cheek, I laced our hands together. Walking towards wherever the man was taking me.

Opening the door to a tiny pizzeria, the homey atmosphere brought a sense of calmness over us. Sitting down at one of the booths, Jay and I stared at each other for a little. "I can't stop staring you"

Chuckling softly, I played with his hand that was still connected with mine. "I'm flattered".  The whole night was simple yet magical. The former soldier making my heart flutter and heartbeat to falter. His dazzling smile lighting up the room and igniting a fire inside me. He makes me feel special.

Walking through the night lights of Chicago, the two of us people watching without being super obvious. Stopping in front of the beautiful Chicago River, I looked up at Jay to see his gaze was already on me.

Grabbing my hand, Jay spun me around so I was facing him fully. Sending him a questioning gaze, I could sense the man was growing nervous. "Wow, this is harder than I thought". Chuckling softly, he looked down briefly before meeting my eyes once again.


Placing a hand on my cheek, the soldier took a deep breath before asking me question I have been dying to hear from him. "Will you be my girlfriend".

Beaming at him, I nodded enthusiastically before throwing my arms around his neck. Kissing the detective passionately, his muscular arms wrapped around my waist pulling me closer to him. "I was wondering when you were going to ask"  Laughing at me, we kissed each other once again, officially making us boyfriend and girlfriend.

As we pulled away from each other, a loud bang was heard nearby followed by screams.

Instantly jumping into action we both ran towards the noise seeing bystanders crying and screaming. Racing towards the scene, I nodded at Jay to call it in. Sprinting towards a woman who was on the ground holding her gunshot wound, I quickly glanced around to see strangers doing the same to many others.

"I got you ma'am, we got help on the way. Can you tell me what happened". Sliding off my sweater, I pressed it to the woman's wound, leaving me in my sleeveless dress.

Keeping the woman talking, Jay came to my side, telling me ambulances were on their way. Taking my place, I instantly went over to the other victims, helping people keep pressure on gunshot wounds.

Breathing heavily, I helped paramedics get victims onto Gurneys and into the ambos. Feeling something being placed over my shoulders, I tilted my head to see Jay. "Our jobs are never done"

Watching as an infamous SUV came to a halt, Voight got out. Making our way over to the sergeant, he gave us a look. "What are we looking at"

"From what we got, it looks like a drive by. One of the victims, Michelle Caldwell said a grey four door Sudan rolled down its windows and started firing."

Glancing around the scene, I leaned into Jay. It was brutal sight. Knowing Intelligence was going to take the case, I placed a kiss on his lips. "Call me if you need me, I can try to help as much as I can". Seeing both men nod, Jay placed his keys in my hand.

Walking away from the two, I made my way to Jay's truck. Opening the drivers side door and sliding in, I started the engine. Sending Jay one last look, and seeing him nod at me to go, I drove away from the crime scene.

Author Note
I freaking love Jay and Blake, this is one of my first couples I have ever written, and their love story has always been my favorite. In this updated version I hope you can see the love the two have for each other.


I created this btw. It took some effort but I think it came out well

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