Ours Baby

By outlash

53.6K 1.5K 178

"I'm so sorry you even met me, but what I'm not sorry for is, falling in love with you, Emily Baker." He spok... More



3K 78 2
By outlash

About 9 hours later we finally reached Los Angeles. I looked out the car window and noticed how pretty Los Angeles actually looked. I noticed how dark it was outisde. There were city lights hung up everywhere. I noticed a couple on a sidewalk walking hand in hand. I smiled to myself. I also noticed two little kids nagging about something. I laughed a little to myself. I saw a couple arguing. I frowned to myself and sighed. I grabbed my iphone and checked the time. '9:10' it read. I looked over to my mom to see her driving. I sighed. She looked at me and frowned then she looked back to the road.

"I know you don't want to be here Emily.." I raised my eyebrows and looked at her.

"It's that noticeable?" She looked at me and sighed.

"Very much." I looked down to my lap and started playing with my fingers. She was right, I don't want to be here. I obviously don't belong..

"I just.. don't belong here.." I frowned. I heard my mom laugh softly.

"I don't either but, I'll make it an effort if you will.." I looked at her. I could tell she was going to cry..

"I don't know.." I stated.

"Los Angeles will be good for us." She replied. I sighed deeply.


"Emily, wake up!" I felt someone tug on my shoulder. I opened my eyes to find my happy mother looking down at me. I rolled my eyes and groaned.

"What? I was obvoiously sleeping peacefully.." I said as I sat up in my seat looking at her.

"We're here." She said as she grabbed my chin and turned it towards our new house. My mouth completely dropped. The house was gorgeous. It looked like a two story house with a brown kind of paint to the outside of the house.

"Can we go inside?" I asked looking away from the breathtaking house. She laughed and nodded. I hopped out the car and looked at my iphone to check the time again. '10:09' it read. I heard my mom get out of the car and grabbed the key out of her pocket. She finally opened the door and stepped inside. I stepped inside aswell and gasped. Our fruniture had already arrived. I raised my eyebrows and noticed how big the house was. Hardwood floors, big livingroom, big kitchen, lots of stairs to the second floor, and lots of rooms. I smiled and then frowned again.

"Do you like it?" I heard my mom break me from my thoughts.

"Well, one quick question.. why is our fruniture already set up?" I said crossing my arms around my chest.

"The movers and I moved it while you were sleeping in the car." Wait, what?

"You left me in the car?" I asked frowning.

"I tried to get you up but goodness, you wouldnt get up!" She laughed. I gave her a half smile and laughed. My mom walked to the front door to go outside.

"Mom." I called for her. She turned around and raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah?" She asked.

"I love the new house." I said smiling. Her eyes shined bright like a child getting a gift on christmas.

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